morley-1.19.0: Developer tools for the Michelson Language
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Module, containing data types for Michelson value.



data Instr (inp :: [T]) (out :: [T]) where Source #

Representation of Michelson instruction or sequence of instructions.

Each Michelson instruction is represented by exactly one constructor of this data type. Sequence of instructions is represented with use of Seq constructor in following way: SWAP; DROP ; DUP; -> SWAP `Seq` DROP `Seq` DUP. Special case where there are no instructions is represented by constructor Nop, e.g. IF_NONE {} { SWAP; DROP; } -> IF_NONE Nop (SWAP `Seq` DROP).

Type parameter inp states for input stack type. That is, type of the stack that is required for operation to execute.

Type parameter out states for output stack type or type of stack that will be left after instruction's execution.

Each constructor here corresponding to an instruction that can have annotations is represented as AnnX, where X is the name of the instruction. These constructors accept a typed heterogenous list of annotations as the first argument. Pattern synonyms without the Ann prefix are provided, those ignore annotations entirely.

We need this AnnX constructors to carry annotations for PACK.

When typechecking a sequence of instructions, we'll attach annotations from the "untyped" instruction to the typed one. Note that if an instruction has a type argument, e.g. `PUSH (int :t) 2` we'll attach typed Notes for this type instead; other annotations are used as-is.

The interpreter mostly ignores annotations, with the exception of those used for entrypoint resolution.

The serializer (Morley.Michelson.Interpret.Pack) can restore the original "untyped" instruction from annotations on the "typed" one.

AnnSELF and AnnCONTRACT are a special case: field annotations on these instructions carry semantic meaning (specify the entrypoint), hence those are stored separately from other annotations, to simplify checking for invariants in "typed" contracts.


WithLoc :: ErrorSrcPos -> Instr a b -> Instr a b

A wrapper carrying original source location of the instruction.

TODO [#283]: replace this wrapper with something more clever and abstract.

Meta :: SomeMeta -> Instr a b -> Instr a b

A wrapper allowing arbitrary user metadata to be stored by some instruction. TODO [#689]: Use this instead of DOC_ITEM.

FrameInstr :: forall a b s. KnownList a => Proxy s -> Instr a b -> Instr (a ++ s) (b ++ s)

Execute given instruction on truncated stack.

This can wrap only instructions with at least one non-failing execution branch.

Morley has no such instruction, it is used solely in eDSLs. This instruction is sound because for all Michelson instructions the following property holds: if some code accepts stack i and produces stack o, when it can also be run on stack i + s producing stack o + s; and also because Michelson never makes implicit assumptions on types, rather you have to express all "yet ambiguous" type information in code. We could make this not an instruction but rather a function which modifies an instruction (this would also automatically prove soundness of used transformation), but it occurred to be tricky (in particular for TestAssert and DipN and family), so let's leave this for future work.

Seq :: Instr a b -> Instr b c -> Instr a c 
Nop :: Instr s s

Nop operation. Missing in Michelson spec, added to parse construction like `IF {} { SWAP; DROP; }`.

Ext :: ExtInstr s -> Instr s s 
Nested :: Instr inp out -> Instr inp out

Nested wrapper is going to wrap a sequence of instructions with { }. It is crucial because serialisation of a contract depends on precise structure of its code.

DocGroup :: DocGrouping -> Instr inp out -> Instr inp out

Places documentation generated for given instruction under some group. This is not part of ExtInstr because it does not behave like Nop; instead, it inherits the behaviour of the instruction put within it.

AnnCAR :: Anns '[VarAnn, FieldAnn] -> Instr ('TPair a b ': s) (a ': s) 
AnnCDR :: Anns '[VarAnn, FieldAnn] -> Instr ('TPair a b ': s) (b ': s) 
DROP :: Instr (a ': s) s 
DROPN :: forall (n :: Peano) s. RequireLongerOrSameLength s n => PeanoNatural n -> Instr s (Drop n s) 
AnnDUP :: DupableScope a => AnnVar -> Instr (a ': s) (a ': (a ': s)) 
AnnDUPN :: forall (n :: Peano) inp out a. (ConstraintDUPN n inp out a, DupableScope a) => AnnVar -> PeanoNatural n -> Instr inp out 
SWAP :: Instr (a ': (b ': s)) (b ': (a ': s)) 
DIG :: forall (n :: Peano) inp out a. ConstraintDIG n inp out a => PeanoNatural n -> Instr inp out 
DUG :: forall (n :: Peano) inp out a. ConstraintDUG n inp out a => PeanoNatural n -> Instr inp out 
AnnPUSH :: forall t s. ConstantScope t => Anns '[VarAnn, Notes t] -> Value' Instr t -> Instr s (t ': s) 
AnnSOME :: Anns '[TypeAnn, VarAnn] -> Instr (a ': s) ('TOption a ': s) 
AnnNONE :: forall a s. SingI a => Anns '[TypeAnn, VarAnn, Notes a] -> Instr s ('TOption a ': s) 
AnnUNIT :: Anns '[TypeAnn, VarAnn] -> Instr s ('TUnit ': s) 
IF_NONE :: Instr s s' -> Instr (a ': s) s' -> Instr ('TOption a ': s) s' 
AnnPAIR :: Anns '[TypeAnn, VarAnn, FieldAnn, FieldAnn] -> Instr (a ': (b ': s)) ('TPair a b ': s) 
AnnUNPAIR :: Anns '[VarAnn, VarAnn, FieldAnn, FieldAnn] -> Instr ('TPair a b ': s) (a ': (b ': s)) 
AnnPAIRN :: forall n inp. ConstraintPairN n inp => AnnVar -> PeanoNatural n -> Instr inp (PairN n inp)
>>> :t PAIRN (toPeanoNatural' @3) :: Instr '[ 'TInt, 'TUnit, 'TString ] _
...:: Instr
...    '[ 'TInt, 'TUnit, 'TString]
...    '[ 'TPair 'TInt ('TPair 'TUnit 'TString)]
>>> PAIRN (toPeanoNatural' @1) :: Instr '[ 'TInt, 'TInt ] _
... 'PAIR n' expects n ≥ 2
>>> PAIRN (toPeanoNatural' @3) :: Instr '[ 'TInt, 'TInt ] _
... Expected stack with length >= 3
... Current stack has size of only 2:
UNPAIRN :: forall (n :: Peano) (pair :: T) (s :: [T]). ConstraintUnpairN n pair => PeanoNatural n -> Instr (pair ': s) (UnpairN n pair ++ s)
>>> :t UNPAIRN (toPeanoNatural' @3) :: Instr '[ 'TPair 'TInt ('TPair 'TUnit 'TString) ] _
...:: Instr
...   '[ 'TPair 'TInt ('TPair 'TUnit 'TString)]
...   '[ 'TInt, 'TUnit, 'TString]
>>> :t UNPAIRN (toPeanoNatural' @3) :: Instr '[ 'TPair 'TInt ('TPair 'TUnit ('TPair 'TString 'TNat)) ] _
...:: Instr
...   '[ 'TPair 'TInt ('TPair 'TUnit ('TPair 'TString 'TNat))]
...   '[ 'TInt, 'TUnit, 'TPair 'TString 'TNat]
>>> UNPAIRN (toPeanoNatural' @1) :: Instr '[ 'TPair 'TInt 'TUnit ] _
...'UNPAIR n' expects n ≥ 2
>>> UNPAIRN (toPeanoNatural' @2) :: Instr '[ 'TInt, 'TUnit, 'TString ] _
...Expected a pair at the top of the stack, but found: 'TInt
>>> UNPAIRN (toPeanoNatural' @3) :: Instr '[ 'TPair 'TInt 'TUnit ] _
...'UNPAIR 3' expects a right-combed pair with at least 3 elements at the top of the stack,
...but the pair only contains 2 elements.
AnnLEFT :: SingI b => Anns '[TypeAnn, VarAnn, FieldAnn, FieldAnn, Notes b] -> Instr (a ': s) ('TOr a b ': s) 
AnnRIGHT :: SingI a => Anns '[TypeAnn, VarAnn, FieldAnn, FieldAnn, Notes a] -> Instr (b ': s) ('TOr a b ': s) 
IF_LEFT :: Instr (a ': s) s' -> Instr (b ': s) s' -> Instr ('TOr a b ': s) s' 
AnnNIL :: SingI p => Anns '[TypeAnn, VarAnn, Notes p] -> Instr s ('TList p ': s) 
AnnCONS :: AnnVar -> Instr (a ': ('TList a ': s)) ('TList a ': s) 
IF_CONS :: Instr (a ': ('TList a ': s)) s' -> Instr s s' -> Instr ('TList a ': s) s' 
AnnSIZE :: SizeOp c => AnnVar -> Instr (c ': s) ('TNat ': s) 
AnnEMPTY_SET :: (SingI e, Comparable e) => Anns '[TypeAnn, VarAnn, Notes e] -> Instr s ('TSet e ': s) 
AnnEMPTY_MAP :: (SingI a, SingI b, Comparable a) => Anns '[TypeAnn, VarAnn, Notes a, Notes b] -> Instr s ('TMap a b ': s) 
AnnEMPTY_BIG_MAP :: (SingI a, SingI b, Comparable a, HasNoBigMap b) => Anns '[TypeAnn, VarAnn, Notes a, Notes b] -> Instr s ('TBigMap a b ': s) 
AnnMAP :: (MapOp c, SingI b) => AnnVar -> Instr (MapOpInp c ': s) (b ': s) -> Instr (c ': s) (MapOpRes c b ': s) 
ITER :: IterOp c => Instr (IterOpEl c ': s) s -> Instr (c ': s) s 
AnnMEM :: MemOp c => AnnVar -> Instr (MemOpKey c ': (c ': s)) ('TBool ': s) 
AnnGET :: (GetOp c, SingI (GetOpVal c)) => AnnVar -> Instr (GetOpKey c ': (c ': s)) ('TOption (GetOpVal c) ': s) 
AnnGETN :: forall (ix :: Peano) (pair :: T) (s :: [T]). ConstraintGetN ix pair => AnnVar -> PeanoNatural ix -> Instr (pair ': s) (GetN ix pair ': s)

Get the node at index ix of a right-combed pair. Nodes are 0-indexed, and are numbered in a breadth-first, left-to-right fashion.

For example, a pair with 3 elements pair a b c will be represented as a tree with 5 nodes:

   /   \
 a     pair
       /   \
     b       c

Where the nodes are numbered as follows:

   /   \
 1       2
       /   \
     3       4
>>> :t GETN (toPeanoNatural' @1) :: Instr '[ 'TPair 'TInt 'TUnit] _
...:: Instr '[ 'TPair 'TInt 'TUnit] '[ 'TInt]
>>> GETN (toPeanoNatural' @1) :: Instr '[ 'TUnit ] _
...Expected a pair at the top of the stack, but found: 'TUnit
>>> GETN (toPeanoNatural' @3) :: Instr '[ 'TPair 'TInt 'TUnit ] _
...'GET 3' expects a right-combed pair with at least 4 nodes at the top of the stack,
...but the pair only contains 3 nodes.

Note that GET 0 is just the identity function and works for all types (not just pairs).

>>> :t GETN (toPeanoNatural' @0) :: Instr '[ 'TInt ] _
...:: Instr '[ 'TInt] '[ 'TInt]
AnnUPDATE :: UpdOp c => AnnVar -> Instr (UpdOpKey c ': (UpdOpParams c ': (c ': s))) (c ': s) 
AnnUPDATEN :: forall (ix :: Peano) (val :: T) (pair :: T) (s :: [T]). ConstraintUpdateN ix pair => AnnVar -> PeanoNatural ix -> Instr (val ': (pair ': s)) (UpdateN ix val pair ': s)

Update the node at index ix of a right-combed pair.

>>> :t UPDATEN (toPeanoNatural' @1) :: Instr '[ 'TString, 'TPair 'TInt 'TUnit] _
...:: Instr
...     '[ 'TString, 'TPair 'TInt 'TUnit] '[ 'TPair 'TString 'TUnit]
>>> UPDATEN (toPeanoNatural' @1) :: Instr '[ 'TUnit, 'TInt ] _
...Expected the 2nd element of the stack to be a pair, but found: 'TInt
>>> UPDATEN (toPeanoNatural' @3) :: Instr '[ 'TString, 'TPair 'TInt 'TUnit ] _
...'UPDATE 3' expects the 2nd element of the stack to be a right-combed pair with at least 4 nodes,
...but the pair only contains 3 nodes.

Note that UPDATE 0 is equivalent to DIP { DROP }.

>>> :t UPDATEN (toPeanoNatural' @0) :: Instr '[ 'TInt, 'TString ] _
...:: Instr '[ 'TInt, 'TString] '[ 'TInt]
AnnGET_AND_UPDATE :: (GetOp c, UpdOp c, SingI (GetOpVal c), UpdOpKey c ~ GetOpKey c) => AnnVar -> Instr (UpdOpKey c ': (UpdOpParams c ': (c ': s))) ('TOption (GetOpVal c) ': (c ': s)) 
IF :: Instr s s' -> Instr s s' -> Instr ('TBool ': s) s' 
LOOP :: Instr s ('TBool ': s) -> Instr ('TBool ': s) s 
LOOP_LEFT :: Instr (a ': s) ('TOr a b ': s) -> Instr ('TOr a b ': s) (b ': s) 
AnnLAMBDA :: forall i o s. (SingI i, SingI o) => Anns '[VarAnn, Notes i, Notes o] -> RemFail Instr '[i] '[o] -> Instr s ('TLambda i o ': s) 
AnnLAMBDA_REC :: forall i o s. (SingI i, SingI o) => Anns '[VarAnn, Notes i, Notes o] -> RemFail Instr '[i, 'TLambda i o] '[o] -> Instr s ('TLambda i o ': s) 
AnnEXEC :: AnnVar -> Instr (t1 ': ('TLambda t1 t2 ': s)) (t2 ': s) 
AnnAPPLY :: forall a b c s. (ConstantScope a, SingI b) => AnnVar -> Instr (a ': ('TLambda ('TPair a b) c ': s)) ('TLambda b c ': s) 
DIP :: Instr a c -> Instr (b ': a) (b ': c) 
DIPN :: forall (n :: Peano) inp out s s'. ConstraintDIPN n inp out s s' => PeanoNatural n -> Instr s s' -> Instr inp out 
FAILWITH :: (SingI a, ConstantScope a) => Instr (a ': s) t 
AnnCAST :: forall a s. SingI a => Anns '[VarAnn, Notes a] -> Instr (a ': s) (a ': s) 
AnnRENAME :: AnnVar -> Instr (a ': s) (a ': s) 
AnnPACK :: PackedValScope a => AnnVar -> Instr (a ': s) ('TBytes ': s) 
AnnUNPACK :: (UnpackedValScope a, SingI a) => Anns '[TypeAnn, VarAnn, Notes a] -> Instr ('TBytes ': s) ('TOption a ': s) 
AnnCONCAT :: ConcatOp c => AnnVar -> Instr (c ': (c ': s)) (c ': s) 
AnnCONCAT' :: ConcatOp c => AnnVar -> Instr ('TList c ': s) (c ': s) 
AnnSLICE :: (SliceOp c, SingI c) => AnnVar -> Instr ('TNat ': ('TNat ': (c ': s))) ('TOption c ': s) 
AnnISNAT :: AnnVar -> Instr ('TInt ': s) ('TOption 'TNat ': s) 
AnnADD :: ArithOp Add n m => AnnVar -> Instr (n ': (m ': s)) (ArithRes Add n m ': s) 
AnnSUB :: ArithOp Sub n m => AnnVar -> Instr (n ': (m ': s)) (ArithRes Sub n m ': s) 
AnnSUB_MUTEZ :: AnnVar -> Instr ('TMutez ': ('TMutez ': s)) ('TOption 'TMutez ': s) 
AnnMUL :: ArithOp Mul n m => AnnVar -> Instr (n ': (m ': s)) (ArithRes Mul n m ': s) 
AnnEDIV :: ArithOp EDiv n m => AnnVar -> Instr (n ': (m ': s)) (ArithRes EDiv n m ': s) 
AnnABS :: UnaryArithOp Abs n => AnnVar -> Instr (n ': s) (UnaryArithRes Abs n ': s) 
AnnNEG :: UnaryArithOp Neg n => AnnVar -> Instr (n ': s) (UnaryArithRes Neg n ': s) 
AnnLSL :: ArithOp Lsl n m => AnnVar -> Instr (n ': (m ': s)) (ArithRes Lsl n m ': s) 
AnnLSR :: ArithOp Lsr n m => AnnVar -> Instr (n ': (m ': s)) (ArithRes Lsr n m ': s) 
AnnOR :: ArithOp Or n m => AnnVar -> Instr (n ': (m ': s)) (ArithRes Or n m ': s) 
AnnAND :: ArithOp And n m => AnnVar -> Instr (n ': (m ': s)) (ArithRes And n m ': s) 
AnnXOR :: ArithOp Xor n m => AnnVar -> Instr (n ': (m ': s)) (ArithRes Xor n m ': s) 
AnnNOT :: UnaryArithOp Not n => AnnVar -> Instr (n ': s) (UnaryArithRes Not n ': s) 
AnnCOMPARE :: (Comparable n, SingI n) => AnnVar -> Instr (n ': (n ': s)) ('TInt ': s) 
AnnEQ :: UnaryArithOp Eq' n => AnnVar -> Instr (n ': s) (UnaryArithRes Eq' n ': s) 
AnnNEQ :: UnaryArithOp Neq n => AnnVar -> Instr (n ': s) (UnaryArithRes Neq n ': s) 
AnnLT :: UnaryArithOp Lt n => AnnVar -> Instr (n ': s) (UnaryArithRes Lt n ': s) 
AnnGT :: UnaryArithOp Gt n => AnnVar -> Instr (n ': s) (UnaryArithRes Gt n ': s) 
AnnLE :: UnaryArithOp Le n => AnnVar -> Instr (n ': s) (UnaryArithRes Le n ': s) 
AnnGE :: UnaryArithOp Ge n => AnnVar -> Instr (n ': s) (UnaryArithRes Ge n ': s) 
AnnINT :: ToIntArithOp n => AnnVar -> Instr (n ': s) ('TInt ': s) 
AnnVIEW :: (SingI arg, ViewableScope ret) => Anns '[VarAnn, Notes ret] -> ViewName -> Instr (arg ': ('TAddress ': s)) ('TOption ret ': s) 
AnnSELF :: forall (arg :: T) s. (ParameterScope arg, IsNotInView) => AnnVar -> SomeEntrypointCallT arg -> Instr s ('TContract arg ': s)

Note that the field annotation on SELF is stored as the second parameter to AnnSELF, because it's not as much an annotation as an entrypoint specification.

AnnCONTRACT :: ParameterScope p => Anns '[VarAnn, Notes p] -> EpName -> Instr ('TAddress ': s) ('TOption ('TContract p) ': s)

Note that the field annotation on CONTRACT is stored as the second parameter to AnnCONTRACT, because it's not as much an annotation as an entrypoint specification.

AnnTRANSFER_TOKENS :: (ParameterScope p, IsNotInView) => AnnVar -> Instr (p ': ('TMutez ': ('TContract p ': s))) ('TOperation ': s) 
AnnSET_DELEGATE :: IsNotInView => AnnVar -> Instr ('TOption 'TKeyHash ': s) ('TOperation ': s) 
AnnCREATE_CONTRACT :: (ParameterScope p, StorageScope g, IsNotInView) => Anns '[VarAnn, VarAnn] -> Contract' Instr p g -> Instr ('TOption 'TKeyHash ': ('TMutez ': (g ': s))) ('TOperation ': ('TAddress ': s)) 
AnnIMPLICIT_ACCOUNT :: AnnVar -> Instr ('TKeyHash ': s) ('TContract 'TUnit ': s) 
AnnNOW :: AnnVar -> Instr s ('TTimestamp ': s) 
AnnAMOUNT :: AnnVar -> Instr s ('TMutez ': s) 
AnnBALANCE :: AnnVar -> Instr s ('TMutez ': s) 
AnnVOTING_POWER :: AnnVar -> Instr ('TKeyHash ': s) ('TNat ': s) 
AnnTOTAL_VOTING_POWER :: AnnVar -> Instr s ('TNat ': s) 
AnnCHECK_SIGNATURE :: AnnVar -> Instr ('TKey ': ('TSignature ': ('TBytes ': s))) ('TBool ': s) 
AnnSHA256 :: AnnVar -> Instr ('TBytes ': s) ('TBytes ': s) 
AnnSHA512 :: AnnVar -> Instr ('TBytes ': s) ('TBytes ': s) 
AnnBLAKE2B :: AnnVar -> Instr ('TBytes ': s) ('TBytes ': s) 
AnnSHA3 :: AnnVar -> Instr ('TBytes ': s) ('TBytes ': s) 
AnnKECCAK :: AnnVar -> Instr ('TBytes ': s) ('TBytes ': s) 
AnnHASH_KEY :: AnnVar -> Instr ('TKey ': s) ('TKeyHash ': s) 
AnnPAIRING_CHECK :: AnnVar -> Instr ('TList ('TPair 'TBls12381G1 'TBls12381G2) ': s) ('TBool ': s) 
AnnSOURCE :: AnnVar -> Instr s ('TAddress ': s) 
AnnSENDER :: AnnVar -> Instr s ('TAddress ': s) 
AnnADDRESS :: AnnVar -> Instr ('TContract a ': s) ('TAddress ': s) 
AnnCHAIN_ID :: AnnVar -> Instr s ('TChainId ': s) 
AnnLEVEL :: AnnVar -> Instr s ('TNat ': s) 
AnnSELF_ADDRESS :: AnnVar -> Instr s ('TAddress ': s) 
NEVER :: Instr ('TNever ': s) t 
AnnTICKET_DEPRECATED :: Comparable a => AnnVar -> Instr (a ': ('TNat ': s)) ('TTicket a ': s) 
AnnTICKET :: Comparable a => AnnVar -> Instr (a ': ('TNat ': s)) ('TOption ('TTicket a) ': s) 
AnnREAD_TICKET :: AnnVar -> Instr ('TTicket a ': s) (RightComb ['TAddress, a, 'TNat] ': ('TTicket a ': s)) 
AnnSPLIT_TICKET :: AnnVar -> Instr ('TTicket a ': ('TPair 'TNat 'TNat ': s)) ('TOption ('TPair ('TTicket a) ('TTicket a)) ': s) 
AnnJOIN_TICKETS :: AnnVar -> Instr ('TPair ('TTicket a) ('TTicket a) ': s) ('TOption ('TTicket a) ': s) 
AnnOPEN_CHEST :: AnnVar -> Instr ('TChestKey ': ('TChest ': ('TNat ': s))) ('TOr 'TBytes 'TBool ': s) 
AnnSAPLING_EMPTY_STATE :: AnnVar -> Sing n -> Instr s ('TSaplingState n ': s) 
AnnSAPLING_VERIFY_UPDATE :: AnnVar -> Instr ('TSaplingTransaction n ': ('TSaplingState n ': s)) ('TOption ('TPair 'TBytes ('TPair 'TInt ('TSaplingState n))) ': s) 
AnnMIN_BLOCK_TIME :: [AnyAnn] -> Instr s ('TNat ': s) 
AnnEMIT :: PackedValScope t => AnnVar -> FieldAnn -> Maybe (Notes t) -> Instr (t ': s) ('TOperation ': s) 

Bundled Patterns

pattern CAR :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (a :: T) (b :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) ('TPair a b) s, out ~ '(:) a s) => Instr inp out 
pattern CDR :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (a :: T) (b :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) ('TPair a b) s, out ~ '(:) b s) => Instr inp out 
pattern DUP :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (a :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) a s, out ~ '(:) a ('(:) a s), DupableScope a) => Instr inp out 
pattern DUPN :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (n :: Peano) (inp :: [T]) (out :: [T]) (a :: T). (inp ~ inp, out ~ out, ConstraintDUPN n inp out a, DupableScope a) => PeanoNatural n -> Instr inp out 
pattern PUSH :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (t :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ s, out ~ '(:) t s, ConstantScope t) => Value' Instr t -> Instr inp out 
pattern SOME :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (a :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) a s, out ~ '(:) ('TOption a) s) => Instr inp out 
pattern NONE :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (a :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ s, out ~ '(:) ('TOption a) s, SingI a) => Instr inp out 
pattern UNIT :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (s :: [T]). (inp ~ s, out ~ '(:) 'TUnit s) => Instr inp out 
pattern PAIR :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (a :: T) (b :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) a ('(:) b s), out ~ '(:) ('TPair a b) s) => Instr inp out 
pattern UNPAIR :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (a :: T) (b :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) ('TPair a b) s, out ~ '(:) a ('(:) b s)) => Instr inp out 
pattern PAIRN :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (n :: Peano) (inp :: [T]). (inp ~ inp, out ~ PairN n inp, ConstraintPairN n inp) => PeanoNatural n -> Instr inp out 
pattern LEFT :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (b :: T) (a :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) a s, out ~ '(:) ('TOr a b) s, SingI b) => Instr inp out 
pattern RIGHT :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (a :: T) (b :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) b s, out ~ '(:) ('TOr a b) s, SingI a) => Instr inp out 
pattern NIL :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (p :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ s, out ~ '(:) ('TList p) s, SingI p) => Instr inp out 
pattern CONS :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (a :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) a ('(:) ('TList a) s), out ~ '(:) ('TList a) s) => Instr inp out 
pattern SIZE :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (c :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) c s, out ~ '(:) 'TNat s, SizeOp c) => Instr inp out 
pattern EMPTY_SET :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (e :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ s, out ~ '(:) ('TSet e) s, SingI e, Comparable e) => Instr inp out 
pattern EMPTY_MAP :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (a :: T) (b :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ s, out ~ '(:) ('TMap a b) s, SingI a, SingI b, Comparable a) => Instr inp out 
pattern EMPTY_BIG_MAP :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (a :: T) (b :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ s, out ~ '(:) ('TBigMap a b) s, SingI a, SingI b, Comparable a, HasNoBigMap b) => Instr inp out 
pattern MAP :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (c :: T) (b :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) c s, out ~ '(:) (MapOpRes c b) s, MapOp c, SingI b) => Instr ('(:) (MapOpInp c) s) ('(:) b s) -> Instr inp out 
pattern MEM :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (c :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) (MemOpKey c) ('(:) c s), out ~ '(:) 'TBool s, MemOp c) => Instr inp out 
pattern GET :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (c :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) (GetOpKey c) ('(:) c s), out ~ '(:) ('TOption (GetOpVal c)) s, GetOp c, SingI (GetOpVal c)) => Instr inp out 
pattern GETN :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (ix :: Peano) (pair :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) pair s, out ~ '(:) (GetN ix pair) s, ConstraintGetN ix pair) => PeanoNatural ix -> Instr inp out 
pattern UPDATE :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (c :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) (UpdOpKey c) ('(:) (UpdOpParams c) ('(:) c s)), out ~ '(:) c s, UpdOp c) => Instr inp out 
pattern UPDATEN :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (ix :: Peano) (val :: T) (pair :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) val ('(:) pair s), out ~ '(:) (UpdateN ix val pair) s, ConstraintUpdateN ix pair) => PeanoNatural ix -> Instr inp out 
pattern GET_AND_UPDATE :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (c :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) (UpdOpKey c) ('(:) (UpdOpParams c) ('(:) c s)), out ~ '(:) ('TOption (GetOpVal c)) ('(:) c s), GetOp c, UpdOp c, SingI (GetOpVal c), (~) (UpdOpKey c) (GetOpKey c)) => Instr inp out 
pattern LAMBDA :: forall s r. () => forall i o. (SingI i, SingI o, r ~ ('TLambda i o ': s)) => (IsNotInView => RemFail Instr '[i] '[o]) -> Instr s r 
pattern LAMBDA_REC :: forall s r. () => forall i o. (SingI i, SingI o, r ~ ('TLambda i o ': s)) => (IsNotInView => RemFail Instr '[i, 'TLambda i o] '[o]) -> Instr s r 
pattern EXEC :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (t1 :: T) (t2 :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) t1 ('(:) ('TLambda t1 t2) s), out ~ '(:) t2 s) => Instr inp out 
pattern APPLY :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (a :: T) (b :: T) (c :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) a ('(:) ('TLambda ('TPair a b) c) s), out ~ '(:) ('TLambda b c) s, ConstantScope a, SingI b) => Instr inp out 
pattern CAST :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (a :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) a s, out ~ '(:) a s, SingI a) => Instr inp out 
pattern RENAME :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (a :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) a s, out ~ '(:) a s) => Instr inp out 
pattern PACK :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (a :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) a s, out ~ '(:) 'TBytes s, PackedValScope a) => Instr inp out 
pattern UNPACK :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (a :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) 'TBytes s, out ~ '(:) ('TOption a) s, UnpackedValScope a, SingI a) => Instr inp out 
pattern CONCAT :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (c :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) c ('(:) c s), out ~ '(:) c s, ConcatOp c) => Instr inp out 
pattern CONCAT' :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (c :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) ('TList c) s, out ~ '(:) c s, ConcatOp c) => Instr inp out 
pattern SLICE :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (c :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) 'TNat ('(:) 'TNat ('(:) c s)), out ~ '(:) ('TOption c) s, SliceOp c, SingI c) => Instr inp out 
pattern ISNAT :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) 'TInt s, out ~ '(:) ('TOption 'TNat) s) => Instr inp out 
pattern ADD :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (n :: T) (m :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) n ('(:) m s), out ~ '(:) (ArithRes Add n m) s, ArithOp Add n m) => Instr inp out 
pattern SUB :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (n :: T) (m :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) n ('(:) m s), out ~ '(:) (ArithRes Sub n m) s, ArithOp Sub n m) => Instr inp out 
pattern SUB_MUTEZ :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) 'TMutez ('(:) 'TMutez s), out ~ '(:) ('TOption 'TMutez) s) => Instr inp out 
pattern MUL :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (n :: T) (m :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) n ('(:) m s), out ~ '(:) (ArithRes Mul n m) s, ArithOp Mul n m) => Instr inp out 
pattern EDIV :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (n :: T) (m :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) n ('(:) m s), out ~ '(:) (ArithRes EDiv n m) s, ArithOp EDiv n m) => Instr inp out 
pattern ABS :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (n :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) n s, out ~ '(:) (UnaryArithRes Abs n) s, UnaryArithOp Abs n) => Instr inp out 
pattern NEG :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (n :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) n s, out ~ '(:) (UnaryArithRes Neg n) s, UnaryArithOp Neg n) => Instr inp out 
pattern LSL :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (n :: T) (m :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) n ('(:) m s), out ~ '(:) (ArithRes Lsl n m) s, ArithOp Lsl n m) => Instr inp out 
pattern LSR :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (n :: T) (m :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) n ('(:) m s), out ~ '(:) (ArithRes Lsr n m) s, ArithOp Lsr n m) => Instr inp out 
pattern OR :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (n :: T) (m :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) n ('(:) m s), out ~ '(:) (ArithRes Or n m) s, ArithOp Or n m) => Instr inp out 
pattern AND :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (n :: T) (m :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) n ('(:) m s), out ~ '(:) (ArithRes And n m) s, ArithOp And n m) => Instr inp out 
pattern XOR :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (n :: T) (m :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) n ('(:) m s), out ~ '(:) (ArithRes Xor n m) s, ArithOp Xor n m) => Instr inp out 
pattern NOT :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (n :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) n s, out ~ '(:) (UnaryArithRes Not n) s, UnaryArithOp Not n) => Instr inp out 
pattern COMPARE :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (n :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) n ('(:) n s), out ~ '(:) 'TInt s, Comparable n, SingI n) => Instr inp out 
pattern EQ :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (n :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) n s, out ~ '(:) (UnaryArithRes Eq' n) s, UnaryArithOp Eq' n) => Instr inp out 
pattern NEQ :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (n :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) n s, out ~ '(:) (UnaryArithRes Neq n) s, UnaryArithOp Neq n) => Instr inp out 
pattern LT :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (n :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) n s, out ~ '(:) (UnaryArithRes Lt n) s, UnaryArithOp Lt n) => Instr inp out 
pattern GT :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (n :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) n s, out ~ '(:) (UnaryArithRes Gt n) s, UnaryArithOp Gt n) => Instr inp out 
pattern LE :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (n :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) n s, out ~ '(:) (UnaryArithRes Le n) s, UnaryArithOp Le n) => Instr inp out 
pattern GE :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (n :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) n s, out ~ '(:) (UnaryArithRes Ge n) s, UnaryArithOp Ge n) => Instr inp out 
pattern INT :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (n :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) n s, out ~ '(:) 'TInt s, ToIntArithOp n) => Instr inp out 
pattern VIEW :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (arg :: T) (ret :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) arg ('(:) 'TAddress s), out ~ '(:) ('TOption ret) s, SingI arg, ViewableScope ret) => ViewName -> Instr inp out 
pattern SELF :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (arg :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ s, out ~ '(:) ('TContract arg) s, ParameterScope arg, IsNotInView) => SomeEntrypointCallT arg -> Instr inp out 
pattern CONTRACT :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (p :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) 'TAddress s, out ~ '(:) ('TOption ('TContract p)) s, ParameterScope p) => EpName -> Instr inp out 
pattern TRANSFER_TOKENS :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (p :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) p ('(:) 'TMutez ('(:) ('TContract p) s)), out ~ '(:) 'TOperation s, ParameterScope p, IsNotInView) => Instr inp out 
pattern SET_DELEGATE :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) ('TOption 'TKeyHash) s, out ~ '(:) 'TOperation s, IsNotInView) => Instr inp out 
pattern CREATE_CONTRACT :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (p :: T) (g :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) ('TOption 'TKeyHash) ('(:) 'TMutez ('(:) g s)), out ~ '(:) 'TOperation ('(:) 'TAddress s), ParameterScope p, StorageScope g, IsNotInView) => Contract' Instr p g -> Instr inp out 
pattern IMPLICIT_ACCOUNT :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) 'TKeyHash s, out ~ '(:) ('TContract 'TUnit) s) => Instr inp out 
pattern NOW :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (s :: [T]). (inp ~ s, out ~ '(:) 'TTimestamp s) => Instr inp out 
pattern AMOUNT :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (s :: [T]). (inp ~ s, out ~ '(:) 'TMutez s) => Instr inp out 
pattern BALANCE :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (s :: [T]). (inp ~ s, out ~ '(:) 'TMutez s) => Instr inp out 
pattern VOTING_POWER :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) 'TKeyHash s, out ~ '(:) 'TNat s) => Instr inp out 
pattern TOTAL_VOTING_POWER :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (s :: [T]). (inp ~ s, out ~ '(:) 'TNat s) => Instr inp out 
pattern CHECK_SIGNATURE :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) 'TKey ('(:) 'TSignature ('(:) 'TBytes s)), out ~ '(:) 'TBool s) => Instr inp out 
pattern SHA256 :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) 'TBytes s, out ~ '(:) 'TBytes s) => Instr inp out 
pattern SHA512 :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) 'TBytes s, out ~ '(:) 'TBytes s) => Instr inp out 
pattern BLAKE2B :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) 'TBytes s, out ~ '(:) 'TBytes s) => Instr inp out 
pattern SHA3 :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) 'TBytes s, out ~ '(:) 'TBytes s) => Instr inp out 
pattern KECCAK :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) 'TBytes s, out ~ '(:) 'TBytes s) => Instr inp out 
pattern HASH_KEY :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) 'TKey s, out ~ '(:) 'TKeyHash s) => Instr inp out 
pattern PAIRING_CHECK :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) ('TList ('TPair 'TBls12381G1 'TBls12381G2)) s, out ~ '(:) 'TBool s) => Instr inp out 
pattern SOURCE :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (s :: [T]). (inp ~ s, out ~ '(:) 'TAddress s) => Instr inp out 
pattern SENDER :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (s :: [T]). (inp ~ s, out ~ '(:) 'TAddress s) => Instr inp out 
pattern ADDRESS :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (a :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) ('TContract a) s, out ~ '(:) 'TAddress s) => Instr inp out 
pattern CHAIN_ID :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (s :: [T]). (inp ~ s, out ~ '(:) 'TChainId s) => Instr inp out 
pattern LEVEL :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (s :: [T]). (inp ~ s, out ~ '(:) 'TNat s) => Instr inp out 
pattern SELF_ADDRESS :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (s :: [T]). (inp ~ s, out ~ '(:) 'TAddress s) => Instr inp out 
pattern TICKET :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (a :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) a ('(:) 'TNat s), out ~ '(:) ('TOption ('TTicket a)) s, Comparable a) => Instr inp out 
pattern TICKET_DEPRECATED :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (a :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) a ('(:) 'TNat s), out ~ '(:) ('TTicket a) s, Comparable a) => Instr inp out 
pattern READ_TICKET :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (a :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) ('TTicket a) s, out ~ '(:) (RightComb ('(:) 'TAddress ('(:) a ('(:) 'TNat ('[] :: [T]))))) ('(:) ('TTicket a) s)) => Instr inp out 
pattern SPLIT_TICKET :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (a :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) ('TTicket a) ('(:) ('TPair 'TNat 'TNat) s), out ~ '(:) ('TOption ('TPair ('TTicket a) ('TTicket a))) s) => Instr inp out 
pattern JOIN_TICKETS :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (a :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) ('TPair ('TTicket a) ('TTicket a)) s, out ~ '(:) ('TOption ('TTicket a)) s) => Instr inp out 
pattern OPEN_CHEST :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) 'TChestKey ('(:) 'TChest ('(:) 'TNat s)), out ~ '(:) ('TOr 'TBytes 'TBool) s) => Instr inp out

Deprecated: Due to a vulnerability discovered in time-lock protocol, OPEN_CHEST is temporarily deprecated since Lima

pattern SAPLING_EMPTY_STATE :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (n :: Peano) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ s, out ~ '(:) ('TSaplingState n) s) => Sing n -> Instr inp out 
pattern SAPLING_VERIFY_UPDATE :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (n :: Peano) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) ('TSaplingTransaction n) ('(:) ('TSaplingState n) s), out ~ '(:) ('TOption ('TPair 'TBytes ('TPair 'TInt ('TSaplingState n)))) s) => Instr inp out 
pattern MIN_BLOCK_TIME :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (s :: [T]). (inp ~ s, out ~ '(:) 'TNat s) => Instr inp out 
pattern EMIT :: forall {inp} {out}. () => forall (t :: T) (s :: [T]). (inp ~ '(:) t s, out ~ '(:) 'TOperation s, PackedValScope t) => FieldAnn -> Maybe (Notes t) -> Instr inp out 


Instances details
HasRPCRepr Operation Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.AsRPC

Associated Types

type AsRPC Operation Source #

WithClassifiedInstr Instr Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Michelson.Typed.ClassifiedInstr.Internal.WithClassifiedInstr

Associated Types

type WCIConstraint Instr cls' Source #


withClassifiedInstr :: forall t (inp :: [T]) (out :: [T]) r. ClassifyInstr t => (forall (cls :: InstrClass). (SingI cls, WCIConstraint Instr cls) => Sing (GetClassified cls) -> ClassifiedInstr cls inp out -> r) -> Instr inp out -> r Source #

TypeHasDoc Operation Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Michelson.Typed.Haskell.Doc

IsoValue Operation Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Michelson.Typed.Haskell.Value

Associated Types

type ToT Operation :: T Source #

(FromExp x Value, SingI t) => FromExp x (Value t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Micheline.Class


fromExp :: Exp x -> Either (FromExpError x) (Value t) Source #

(SingI inp, SingI out) => FromExp RegularExp (Instr '[inp] '[out]) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Micheline.Class

HasRPCRepr (Value t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.AsRPC

Associated Types

type AsRPC (Value t) Source #

HasNoOp t => ToExpression (Value t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Micheline.Class

(forall (t :: T). cs t => HasNoOp t) => RenderDoc (SomeConstrainedValue cs) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Michelson.Typed.Existential

WellTyped t => IsoValue (Value t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Michelson.Typed.Haskell.Value

Associated Types

type ToT (Value t) :: T Source #


toVal :: Value t -> Value (ToT (Value t)) Source #

fromVal :: Value (ToT (Value t)) -> Value t Source #

Monoid (Instr s s) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Michelson.Typed.Instr


mempty :: Instr s s #

mappend :: Instr s s -> Instr s s -> Instr s s #

mconcat :: [Instr s s] -> Instr s s #

Semigroup (Instr s s) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Michelson.Typed.Instr


(<>) :: Instr s s -> Instr s s -> Instr s s #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Instr s s) -> Instr s s #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Instr s s -> Instr s s #

Show (Instr inp out) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Michelson.Typed.Instr


showsPrec :: Int -> Instr inp out -> ShowS #

show :: Instr inp out -> String #

showList :: [Instr inp out] -> ShowS #

NFData (Instr inp out) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Michelson.Typed.Instr


rnf :: Instr inp out -> () #

Buildable (Instr inp out) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Michelson.Typed.Convert


build :: Instr inp out -> Builder #

Buildable (Value' Instr t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Michelson.Typed.Convert


build :: Value' Instr t -> Builder #

Eq (Instr inp out) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Michelson.Typed.Convert


(==) :: Instr inp out -> Instr inp out -> Bool #

(/=) :: Instr inp out -> Instr inp out -> Bool #

ToExpression (Contract cp st) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Micheline.Class

ToExpression (Instr inp out) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Micheline.Class


toExpression :: Instr inp out -> Expression Source #

ContainsDoc (Contract cp st) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Michelson.Typed.Doc

ContainsDoc (ContractCode inp out) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Michelson.Typed.Doc

ContainsDoc (Instr inp out) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Michelson.Typed.Doc

ContainsUpdateableDoc (Contract cp st) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Michelson.Typed.Doc

ContainsUpdateableDoc (ContractCode inp out) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Michelson.Typed.Doc

ContainsUpdateableDoc (Instr inp out) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Michelson.Typed.Doc


modifyDocEntirely :: (SomeDocItem -> SomeDocItem) -> Instr inp out -> Instr inp out Source #

RenderDoc (Instr inp out) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Michelson.Typed.Convert


renderDoc :: RenderContext -> Instr inp out -> Doc Source #

isRenderable :: Instr inp out -> Bool Source #

HasNoOp t => RenderDoc (Value' Instr t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Michelson.Typed.Convert

type AsRPC Operation Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.AsRPC

type TypeDocFieldDescriptions Operation Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Michelson.Typed.Haskell.Doc

type ToT Operation Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Michelson.Typed.Haskell.Value

type WCIConstraint Instr _1 Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Michelson.Typed.ClassifiedInstr.Internal.WithClassifiedInstr

type WCIConstraint Instr _1 = ()
type AsRPC (Value t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.AsRPC

type AsRPC (Value t) = Value (TAsRPC t)
type ToT (Value t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Michelson.Typed.Haskell.Value

type ToT (Value t) = t

castInstr :: forall inp1 out1 inp2 out2. (SingI inp1, SingI out1, SingI inp2, SingI out2) => Instr inp1 out1 -> Maybe (Instr inp2 out2) Source #

pattern (:#) :: Instr a b -> Instr b c -> Instr a c infixr 8 Source #

Right-associative operator for Seq.

>>> (DROP :# UNIT :# Nop) == (DROP :# (UNIT :# Nop))

data ExtInstr s Source #


Instances details
Generic (ExtInstr s) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Michelson.Typed.Instr

Associated Types

type Rep (ExtInstr s) :: Type -> Type #


from :: ExtInstr s -> Rep (ExtInstr s) x #

to :: Rep (ExtInstr s) x -> ExtInstr s #

Show (ExtInstr s) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Michelson.Typed.Instr


showsPrec :: Int -> ExtInstr s -> ShowS #

show :: ExtInstr s -> String #

showList :: [ExtInstr s] -> ShowS #

NFData (ExtInstr s) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Michelson.Typed.Instr


rnf :: ExtInstr s -> () #

type Rep (ExtInstr s) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Michelson.Typed.Instr

data CommentType Source #


Instances details
IsString CommentType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Michelson.Typed.Instr

Generic CommentType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Michelson.Typed.Instr

Associated Types

type Rep CommentType :: Type -> Type #

Show CommentType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Michelson.Typed.Instr

NFData CommentType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Michelson.Typed.Instr


rnf :: CommentType -> () #

type Rep CommentType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Michelson.Typed.Instr

data StackRef (st :: [T]) where Source #

A reference into the stack of a given type.


StackRef :: RequireLongerThan st idx => PeanoNatural idx -> StackRef st

Keeps 0-based index to a stack element counting from the top.


Instances details
Show (StackRef st) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Michelson.Typed.Instr


showsPrec :: Int -> StackRef st -> ShowS #

show :: StackRef st -> String #

showList :: [StackRef st] -> ShowS #

NFData (StackRef st) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Michelson.Typed.Instr


rnf :: StackRef st -> () #

Buildable (StackRef st) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Michelson.Typed.Instr


build :: StackRef st -> Builder #

Eq (StackRef st) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Michelson.Typed.Instr


(==) :: StackRef st -> StackRef st -> Bool #

(/=) :: StackRef st -> StackRef st -> Bool #

mkStackRef :: forall (gn :: Nat) st n. (n ~ ToPeano gn, SingIPeano gn, RequireLongerThan st n) => StackRef st Source #

Create a stack reference, performing checks at compile time.

newtype PrintComment (st :: [T]) Source #

A print format with references into the stack




Instances details
IsString (PrintComment st) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Michelson.Typed.Instr

Monoid (PrintComment st) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Michelson.Typed.Instr

Semigroup (PrintComment st) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Michelson.Typed.Instr

Generic (PrintComment st) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Michelson.Typed.Instr

Associated Types

type Rep (PrintComment st) :: Type -> Type #


from :: PrintComment st -> Rep (PrintComment st) x #

to :: Rep (PrintComment st) x -> PrintComment st #

Show (PrintComment st) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Michelson.Typed.Instr

NFData (PrintComment st) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Michelson.Typed.Instr


rnf :: PrintComment st -> () #

Eq (PrintComment st) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Michelson.Typed.Instr


(==) :: PrintComment st -> PrintComment st -> Bool #

(/=) :: PrintComment st -> PrintComment st -> Bool #

type Rep (PrintComment st) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Michelson.Typed.Instr

type Rep (PrintComment st) = D1 ('MetaData "PrintComment" "Morley.Michelson.Typed.Instr" "morley-1.19.0-inplace" 'True) (C1 ('MetaCons "PrintComment" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "unPrintComment") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 [Either Text (StackRef st)])))

data TestAssert (s :: [T]) where Source #


TestAssert :: Text -> PrintComment inp -> Instr inp ('TBool ': out) -> TestAssert inp 


Instances details
Show (TestAssert s) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Michelson.Typed.Instr

NFData (TestAssert s) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Michelson.Typed.Instr


rnf :: TestAssert s -> () #

SingI s => Eq (TestAssert s) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Michelson.Typed.Convert


(==) :: TestAssert s -> TestAssert s -> Bool #

(/=) :: TestAssert s -> TestAssert s -> Bool #

data SomeMeta where Source #


SomeMeta :: forall meta. With [NFData, Show, Typeable] meta => meta -> SomeMeta 


Instances details
Show SomeMeta Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Michelson.Typed.Instr

NFData SomeMeta Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Morley.Michelson.Typed.Instr


rnf :: SomeMeta -> () #

pattern ConcreteMeta :: Typeable meta => meta -> Instr i o -> Instr i o Source #

A convenience pattern synonym for Meta, matching on a concrete given type wrapped by SomeMeta, e.g.

\case { ContreteMeta (x :: Word) -> ... }

type ConstraintDUPN n inp out a = ConstraintDUPN' T n inp out a Source #

type ConstraintDUPN' kind (n :: Peano) (inp :: [kind]) (out :: [kind]) (a :: kind) = (RequireLongerOrSameLength inp n, (n > 'Z) ~ 'True, inp ~ (LazyTake (Decrement n) inp ++ (a ': Drop n inp)), out ~ (a ': inp)) Source #

Constraint that is used in DUPN, we want to share it with typechecking code and eDSL code.

type ConstraintDIPN n inp out s s' = ConstraintDIPN' T n inp out s s' Source #

type ConstraintDIPN' kind (n :: Peano) (inp :: [kind]) (out :: [kind]) (s :: [kind]) (s' :: [kind]) = (RequireLongerOrSameLength inp n, (LazyTake n inp ++ s) ~ inp, (LazyTake n inp ++ s') ~ out, s ~ Drop n inp, s' ~ Drop n out) Source #

Constraint that is used in DIPN, we want to share it with typechecking code and eDSL code.

type ConstraintDIG n inp out a = ConstraintDIG' T n inp out a Source #

type ConstraintDIG' kind (n :: Peano) (inp :: [kind]) (out :: [kind]) (a :: kind) = (RequireLongerThan inp n, out ~ (a ': (LazyTake n inp ++ Drop ('S n) inp)), inp ~ (LazyTake n (Drop ('S 'Z) out) ++ (a ': Drop ('S n) out))) Source #

Constraint that is used in DIG, we want to share it with typechecking code and eDSL code.

type ConstraintDUG n inp out a = ConstraintDUG' T n inp out a Source #

type ConstraintDUG' kind (n :: Peano) (inp :: [kind]) (out :: [kind]) (a :: kind) = ConstraintDIG' kind n out inp a Source #

Constraint that is used in DUG, we want to share it with typechecking code and eDSL code.

type ConstraintPairN (n :: Peano) (inp :: [T]) = (RequireLongerOrSameLength inp n, FailUnless (n >= ToPeano 2) ('Text "'PAIR n' expects n \8805 2")) Source #

type PairN (n :: Peano) (s :: [T]) = RightComb (LazyTake n s) ': Drop n s Source #

type family RightComb (s :: [T]) :: T where ... Source #

Folds a stack into a right-combed pair.

RightComb '[ 'TInt,  'TString, 'TUnit ]
'TPair 'TInt ('TPair 'TString 'TUnit)


RightComb '[x, y] = 'TPair x y 
RightComb (x ': xs) = 'TPair x (RightComb xs) 

type ConstraintUnpairN (n :: Peano) (pair :: T) = (FailUnless (n >= ToPeano 2) ('Text "'UNPAIR n' expects n \8805 2"), FailUnless (CombedPairLeafCountIsAtLeast n pair) (If (IsPair pair) ((((('Text "'UNPAIR " :<>: 'ShowType (FromPeano n)) :<>: 'Text "' expects a right-combed pair with at least ") :<>: 'ShowType (FromPeano n)) :<>: 'Text " elements at the top of the stack,") :$$: (('Text "but the pair only contains " :<>: 'ShowType (FromPeano (CombedPairLeafCount pair))) :<>: 'Text " elements.")) ('Text "Expected a pair at the top of the stack, but found: " :<>: 'ShowType pair))) Source #

type family UnpairN (n :: Peano) (s :: T) :: [T] where ... Source #

Splits a right-combed pair into n elements.

UnpairN (ToPeano 3) ('TPair 'TInt ('TPair 'TString 'TUnit))
'[ 'TInt, 'TString, 'TUnit]
UnpairN (ToPeano 3) ('TPair 'TInt ('TPair 'TString ('TPair 'TUnit 'TInt)))
'[ 'TInt, 'TString, 'TPair 'TUnit 'TInt]


UnpairN ('S ('S 'Z)) ('TPair x y) = [x, y] 
UnpairN ('S n) ('TPair x y) = x ': UnpairN n y 

type ConstraintGetN (ix :: Peano) (pair :: T) = FailUnless (CombedPairNodeIndexIsValid ix pair) (If (IsPair pair) ((((('Text "'GET " :<>: 'ShowType (FromPeano ix)) :<>: 'Text "' expects a right-combed pair with at least ") :<>: 'ShowType (FromPeano ix + 1)) :<>: 'Text " nodes at the top of the stack,") :$$: (('Text "but the pair only contains " :<>: 'ShowType (FromPeano (CombedPairNodeCount pair))) :<>: 'Text " nodes.")) ('Text "Expected a pair at the top of the stack, but found: " :<>: 'ShowType pair)) Source #

type family GetN (ix :: Peano) (pair :: T) :: T where ... Source #

Get the node at index ix of a right-combed pair.


GetN 'Z val = val 
GetN ('S 'Z) ('TPair left _) = left 
GetN ('S ('S n)) ('TPair _ right) = GetN n right 

type ConstraintUpdateN (ix :: Peano) (pair :: T) = FailUnless (CombedPairNodeIndexIsValid ix pair) (If (IsPair pair) ((((('Text "'UPDATE " :<>: 'ShowType (FromPeano ix)) :<>: 'Text "' expects the 2nd element of the stack to be a right-combed pair with at least ") :<>: 'ShowType (FromPeano ix + 1)) :<>: 'Text " nodes,") :$$: (('Text "but the pair only contains " :<>: 'ShowType (FromPeano (CombedPairNodeCount pair))) :<>: 'Text " nodes.")) ('Text "Expected the 2nd element of the stack to be a pair, but found: " :<>: 'ShowType pair)) Source #

type family UpdateN (ix :: Peano) (val :: T) (pair :: T) :: T where ... Source #

Update the node at index ix of a right-combed pair.


UpdateN 'Z val _ = val 
UpdateN ('S 'Z) val ('TPair _ right) = 'TPair val right 
UpdateN ('S ('S n)) val ('TPair left right) = 'TPair left (UpdateN n val right)