0.5.3 ===== * [!1352](https://gitlab.com/morley-framework/morley/-/merge_requests/1352) Clean-up Buildable ExecutorOp implementation + New convenience combinators, for `Buildable`: `quoteF` and `quoteF'` * [!1360](https://gitlab.com/morley-framework/morley/-/merge_requests/1360) Add generic-deriving default Buildable implementation + We already had `GenericBuildable` which could be used with `DerivingVia`, this just adds an option to use `Buildable` with `DeriveAnyClass` for the same effect, which is a bit more DRY. * [!1351](https://gitlab.com/morley-framework/morley/-/merge_requests/1351) Fix and improve `Buildable MichelsonFailureWithStack` + Slightly tweak reflowing braces (`++|`, `|++`) for smarter line breaks + Add a couple more useful formatters, `flatAltF` and its particularly useful specialization, `quoteOrIndentF` * [!1346](https://gitlab.com/morley-framework/morley/-/merge_requests/1346) Use proper datatype for Micheline primitives, refactor some FromExp instances + Add `toEnumSafe`, a total version of `toEnum` for `Bounded` types + Add `punctuateF` formatter to `Fmt` * [!1348](https://gitlab.com/morley-framework/morley/-/merge_requests/1348) Make `length` polymorphic in its return value * [!1342](https://gitlab.com/morley-framework/morley/-/merge_requests/1342) Implement `prettyprinter`-compatible replacement for `fmt` + New modules, `Fmt`, `Fmt.Buildable`, `Fmt.Operators`, `Fmt.Utils` (the latter three are reexported by the former) + `Fmt.Buildable` implements `fmt`-like API on top of `prettyprinter` + `Fmt.Operators` implements Wadler-Leijen operators missing from `prettyprinter`. Additionally, these operators have smart `mempty` handling + `Fmt.Utils` has some handy type synonyms and helper functions + **Important**: `Buildable` operates on `Doc` instead of `Builder`; having a synonym would be more confusing than helpful, so there isn't one; update your code accordingly 0.5.2 ===== * [!1290](https://gitlab.com/morley-framework/morley/-/merge_requests/1290) Add `or`, `and`, `or1`, `and1`, `not` functions for overloaded booleans + Add `BooleanMonoid` type class for boolean-like things that can define `true` and `false`. 0.5.1 ===== * [!1080](https://gitlab.com/morley-framework/morley/-/merge_requests/1080) Add more `PrettyShow` type instances + For lists + Add instances that forbid defining `PrettyShow` for `String`, `Text`, and `ByteString` * [!1075](https://gitlab.com/morley-framework/morley/-/merge_requests/1075) Add suitable types for oddly-sized unsigned integers + Add a dependency on `OddWord`. + Re-export `Word62`, `Word63` types representing unsigned integer word types with odd sizes in `Prelude`. * [!1025](https://gitlab.com/morley-framework/morley/-/merge_requests/1025) Reduce the number of unsafe functions at the call site + Add `unsafe`, which is primarily needed for making unsafe counter-parts of safe functions, to `Unsafe`. + Add `unsafeM`, which is similar to `unsafe`, but throws monadic exceptions. * [!978](https://gitlab.com/morley-framework/morley/-/merge_requests/978) Make it difficult to misuse 'Show' + `show` exported from `morley-prelude` now requires the type to be an instance of an open type family `PrettyShow` of kind `Constraint`. This is intended to discourage the use of `show` for user-facing output (use `Buildable` instead). + The original `show` is exported from `Debug` module, which is intended to be imported qualified. * [!1035](https://gitlab.com/morley-framework/morley/-/merge_requests/1035) Better type errors on invalid int casts 0.5.0 ===== * [!1001](https://gitlab.com/morley-framework/morley/-/merge_requests/1001) Make fromIntegralNoOverflow safe(r) + `fromIntegralNoOverflow` now doesn't throw `ArithException` `Underflow` + Moved `fromIntegralNoOverflow` from `Unsafe` to `Prelude` * [!936](https://gitlab.com/morley-framework/morley/-/merge_requests/936) + Hide `Universum`'s `fromIntegral` and redefine it as `intCast` in `Prelude`. + Re-export `intCastMaybe` as `fromIntegralMaybe` in `Prelude`. + Add `fromIntegralToRealFrac` to `Prelude`. + Add `fromIntegralOverflowing` to `Prelude`. + Add `fromIntegralNoOverflow` to `Unsafe`. + Add `Unsafe.fromIntegral` which is like `Universum`'s `fromIntegral` but raises exception on overflow/underflow. * [!945](https://gitlab.com/morley-framework/morley/-/merge_requests/945) + Bump Stackage LTS version from 17.9 to 18.10. 0.4.2 ===== * [!867](https://gitlab.com/morley-framework/morley/-/merge_requests/867) + Hid Prelude's `&&` and `||` operators + Exported `Boolean` typeclass and polymorphic `&&` and `||` operators. 0.4.1 ===== * [!861](https://gitlab.com/morley-framework/morley/-/merge_requests/861) + Removed the re-export of some basic `microlens` operators from `universum` in favor of the ones from `lens` with the same name. * [!779](https://gitlab.com/morley-framework/morley/-/merge_requests/779) + Export `for`. 0.4.0 ===== * [!814](https://gitlab.com/morley-framework/morley/-/merge_requests/814) + Reverted hiding `Type` from export list. * [!781](https://gitlab.com/morley-framework/morley/-/merge_requests/781) + Replaced mixins and dependency on `base` with `base-noprelude`. * Change the license to MIT. 0.3.0 ===== * Hide `Nat` export. ======= * Update maintainer. 0.2.0 ====== * Hide `readFile` and `writeFile`. * Add `Unsafe` module which re-exports `Universum.Unsafe`. ===== Initial release. Re-exports `universum`.