Name: mp3decoder Version: 0.0.1 Synopsis: MP3 decoder for teaching. Description: This is an MP3 decoder written (almost) completely in Haskell. The current version is experimental software, written for teaching purposes, and is currently too slow to be usable in practice. For the accompanying article, se Copyright: Bjorn Edstrom, 2008 Author: Bjorn Edstrom Maintainer: Homepage: License: OtherLicense License-file: LICENSE Category: Codec Stability: experimental Build-type: Simple Cabal-version: >= 1.2 Extra-source-files: README, Codec/Audio/MP3/c_synth.h, Codec/Audio/MP3/c_imdct.h -- Comment out for library. --Library -- Build-depends: base, bytestring, mtl, binary-strict -- Exposed-modules: Codec.Audio.MP3.Decoder -- Other-modules: Codec.Audio.MP3.Types, -- Codec.Audio.MP3.Huffman, -- Codec.Audio.MP3.SynthesisFilterBank, -- Codec.Audio.MP3.Tables, -- Codec.Audio.MP3.Unpack, -- Codec.Audio.MP3.IMDCT, -- Codec.Audio.MP3.HybridFilterBank -- -- hs-source-dirs: . -- c-sources: Codec/Audio/MP3/c_synth.c, -- Codec/Audio/MP3/c_imdct.c -- cc-options: -O2 -- ghc-options: -O2 Executable mp3driver build-depends: base, bytestring, mtl, binary-strict, haskell98 Main-Is: Driver.hs hs-source-dirs: example, . Other-Modules: Codec.Audio.MP3.Decoder Codec.Audio.MP3.Types, Codec.Audio.MP3.Huffman, Codec.Audio.MP3.SynthesisFilterBank, Codec.Audio.MP3.Tables, Codec.Audio.MP3.Unpack, Codec.Audio.MP3.IMDCT, Codec.Audio.MP3.HybridFilterBank PCMWriter c-sources: Codec/Audio/MP3/c_synth.c, Codec/Audio/MP3/c_imdct.c cc-options: -O2 ghc-options: -O2