{-# Language DeriveDataTypeable #-}

-- |
-- Module    : Network.MessagePackRpc.Client
-- Copyright : (c) Hideyuki Tanaka, 2010
-- License   : BSD3
-- Maintainer:  tanaka.hideyuki@gmail.com
-- Stability :  experimental
-- Portability: portable
-- This module is client library of MessagePack-RPC.
-- The specification of MessagePack-RPC is at <http://redmine.msgpack.org/projects/msgpack/wiki/RPCProtocolSpec>.
-- A simple example:
-- >import Network.MessagePackRpc.Client
-- >
-- >add :: RpcMethod (Int -> Int -> IO Int)
-- >add = method "add"
-- >
-- >main = do
-- >  conn <- connect "" 1234
-- >  print =<< add conn 123 456

module Network.MessagePackRpc.Client (
  -- * RPC connection
  -- * RPC error
  -- * Call RPC method
  ) where

import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Data.Attoparsec.Enumerator
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import Data.Enumerator
import Data.Enumerator.Binary
import Data.Functor
import Data.MessagePack
import Data.Typeable
import Network
import System.IO
import System.Random

bufferSize :: Integer
bufferSize = 4096

-- | RPC connection type
data Connection
  = Connection
    { connHandle :: MVar Handle }

-- | Connect to RPC server
connect :: String -- ^ Host name
           -> Int -- ^ Port number
           -> IO Connection -- ^ Connection
connect addr port = withSocketsDo $ do
  h <- connectTo addr (PortNumber $ fromIntegral port)
  mh <- newMVar h
  return $ Connection
    { connHandle = mh

-- | Disconnect a connection
disconnect :: Connection -> IO ()
disconnect Connection { connHandle = mh } =
  hClose =<< takeMVar mh

-- | RPC error type
data RpcError
  = ServerError Object -- ^ Server error
  | ResultTypeError String -- ^ Result type mismatch
  | ProtocolError String -- ^ Protocol error
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable)

instance Exception RpcError

instance Show RpcError where
  show (ServerError err) =
    "server error: " ++ show err
  show (ResultTypeError err) =
    "result type error: " ++ err
  show (ProtocolError err) =
    "protocol error: " ++ err

class RpcType r where
  rpcc :: Connection -> String -> [Object] -> r

fromObject' :: OBJECT o => Object -> o
fromObject' o =
  case tryFromObject o of
    Left err -> throw $ ResultTypeError err
    Right r -> r

instance OBJECT o => RpcType (IO o) where
  rpcc c m args = return . fromObject' =<< rpcCall c m (reverse args)

instance (OBJECT o, RpcType r) => RpcType (o -> r) where
  rpcc c m args arg = rpcc c m (toObject arg:args)

rpcCall :: Connection -> String -> [Object] -> IO Object
rpcCall Connection{ connHandle = mh } m args = withMVar mh $ \h -> do
  msgid <- (`mod`2^(30::Int)) <$> randomIO :: IO Int
  BL.hPutStr h $ pack (0 ::Int, msgid, m, args)
  hFlush h
  run_ $ enumHandle bufferSize h $$ do
    (rtype, rmsgid, rerror, rresult) <- iterParser get
    when (rtype /= (1 :: Int)) $
      throw $ ProtocolError $ "response type is not 1 (got " ++ show rtype ++ ")"
    when (rmsgid /= msgid) $
      throw $ ProtocolError $ "message id mismatch: expect " ++ show msgid ++ ", but got " ++ show rmsgid
    case tryFromObject rerror of
      Left _ ->
        throw $ ServerError rerror
      Right () ->
        return rresult


-- | Call an RPC Method
call :: RpcType a =>
        Connection -- ^ Connection
        -> String -- ^ Method name
        -> a
call c m = rpcc c m []

-- | Create an RPC Method (call c m == method m c)
method :: RpcType a => String -> RpcMethod a
method c m = call m c

type RpcMethod a = Connection -> a