# mssql-simple: SQL Server client library implemented in Haskell This is a Haskell implementation of client library for Microsoft SQL Server. ## Usage Example https://github.com/mitsuji/mssql-simple-example/blob/master/app/Main.hs ## Related projects * [mssql-simple-example](https://github.com/mitsuji/mssql-simple-example) : Usage example of mssql-simple https://github.com/mitsuji/mssql-simple-example * [ms-tds](https://github.com/mitsuji/ms-tds) : TDS Protocol implemented in Haskell https://github.com/mitsuji/ms-tds ## Advantage * ODBC independent * Implemented only with Haskell (Independent of other languages ​​and environments) * Supports encryption at login * Supports simultaneous acquisition of multiple record sets * Supports stored procedure RPC * 7.1 Revision 1 (SQL Server 2000 SP1 and later) * Tested with SQL Server 2008 R2 ## Todo * Write tests * Write general tests * Transaction support * ETC * Encrypt entire connection support * Mars support * SSPI support * FedAuth support * TDS protocol versions other than 7.1 * Bulk Load https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/windows_protocols/ms-tds/88176081-df75-4b24-bcfb-4c16ff03cbfa * Distributed Transaction https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/windows_protocols/ms-tds/b4b78564-5440-4fc0-b5ef-c9e1925aaefe