-- TODO: Currently we usually exit successfully even when there was a -- problem. Need to sort out the exit code business. -- Need to add user switching. Perhaps using seteuid and setegid? See -- & -- module Main (main) where import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, killThread, myThreadId, threadDelay, throwTo, yield, ThreadId) import Control.Concurrent.MVar (newEmptyMVar, putMVar, takeMVar, MVar) import Control.Exception (catchDyn, Exception(ErrorCall)) import System.Environment (getArgs) import System.IO (hSetBuffering, stdout, BufferMode(NoBuffering)) import System.Posix.Signals (sigXCPU, installHandler, Handler(CatchOnce)) import qualified Mueval.Context (cleanModules, unsafed) import Mueval.Interpreter import Mueval.ParseArgs main :: IO () main = do input <- getArgs (opts,_) <- interpreterOpts input if (Mueval.Context.cleanModules $ modules opts) then do if (not $ Mueval.Context.unsafed $ expression opts) then do mvar <- newEmptyMVar myThreadId >>= watchDog (timeLimit opts) forkIO $ forkedMain (mvar) opts takeMVar mvar -- block until a ErrorCall or the forkedMain succeeds return () else error "Unsafe functions to use mentioned." else error "Unknown or untrusted module supplied! Aborting." -- Set a watchdog, and then evaluate. forkedMain :: MVar [Char] -> Options -> IO () forkedMain mvar opts = do -- This *should* be redundant with the previous watchDog, -- but maybe not. myThreadId >>= watchDog tout hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering -- Our modules and expression are set up. Let's do stuff. interpreterSession typeprint mdls expr `catchDyn` (printInterpreterError) putMVar mvar "Done." where mdls = modules opts expr = expression opts tout = timeLimit opts typeprint = printType opts -- | Fork off a thread which will sleep and kill off another thread at some point. watchDog :: Int -> ThreadId -> IO () watchDog tout tid = do installHandler sigXCPU (CatchOnce $ throwTo tid $ ErrorCall "Time limit exceeded.") Nothing forkIO $ do threadDelay (tout * 1000000) -- Time's up. It's a good day to die. throwTo tid (ErrorCall "Time limit exceeded") yield -- give the other thread a chance killThread tid -- Die now, srsly. return ()