module Mueval.Parallel where import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, killThread, myThreadId, threadDelay, throwTo, ThreadId) import System.Posix.Signals (sigXCPU, installHandler, Handler(CatchOnce)) import Control.Exception.Extensible as E (ErrorCall(..),SomeException,catch) import Control.Concurrent.MVar (newEmptyMVar, putMVar, takeMVar, MVar) import System.IO (hSetBuffering, stdout, BufferMode(NoBuffering)) import Mueval.Interpreter import Mueval.ArgsParse -- | Fork off a thread which will sleep and then kill off the specified thread. watchDog :: Int -> ThreadId -> IO () watchDog tout tid = do _ <- installHandler sigXCPU (CatchOnce $ throwTo tid $ ErrorCall "Time limit exceeded.") Nothing _ <- forkIO $ do threadDelay (tout * 700000) -- Time's up. It's a good day to die. throwTo tid (ErrorCall "Time limit exceeded") killThread tid -- Die now, srsly. error "Time expired" return () -- Never reached. Either we error out here -- or the evaluation thread finishes. -- | A basic blocking operation. block :: (t -> MVar a -> IO t1) -> t -> IO a block f opts = do mvar <- newEmptyMVar _ <- f opts mvar takeMVar mvar -- block until ErrorCall, or forkedMain succeeds -- | Using MVars, block on forkedMain' until it finishes. forkedMain :: Options -> IO () forkedMain opts = block forkedMain' opts >> return () -- | Set a 'watchDog' on this thread, and then continue on with whatever. forkedMain' :: Options -> MVar String -> IO ThreadId forkedMain' opts mvar = do mainId <- myThreadId watchDog (timeLimit opts) mainId hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering -- Our modules and expression are set up. Let's do stuff. forkIO $ (interpreterSession (checkImport opts) >> putMVar mvar "Done.") `E.catch` \e -> throwTo mainId (e::SomeException) -- bounce exceptions to the main thread, -- so they are reliably printed out where checkImport x = if noImports x then x{modules=Nothing} else x