cabal-version: 3.0 name: multicurryable version: x-revision: 1 synopsis: Uncurry functions with multiple arguments. description: This library provides a version of "uncurry" which takes a function of multiple arguments and stores the arguments into an n-ary product from "sop-core". The first non-function type encountered in the signature is considered the "end of the function". This library also provides a way of reassociating a sequence of nested Eithers, so that the innermost Rigth value floats to the top-level Right branch. license: BSD-3-Clause license-file: LICENSE author: Daniel Díaz maintainer: -- copyright: category: Data build-type: Simple extra-doc-files: -- extra-source-files: source-repository head type: git location: common warnings ghc-options: -Wall library import: warnings exposed-modules: Multicurryable -- other-modules: -- other-extensions: build-depends: base >= 4.16 && < 5, sop-core ^>=, hs-source-dirs: lib default-language: GHC2021 test-suite multicurryable-test import: warnings default-language: GHC2021 -- other-modules: -- other-extensions: type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 hs-source-dirs: test main-is: Main.hs build-depends: base >= 4.16 && < 5, sop-core ^>=, multicurryable -- test-suite doctests -- import: warnings -- type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 -- hs-source-dirs: doctest -- main-is: Main.hs -- build-depends: -- base >= 4.16 && < 5, -- sop-core ^>=, -- doctest, -- multicurryable, -- default-language: GHC2021