Name: multifocal Version: 0.0.1 License: BSD3 License-file: LICENSE Author: Hugo Pacheco , Alcino Cunha Maintainer: Hugo Pacheco Synopsis: Bidirectional Two-level Transformation of XML Schemas Description: Library that implements a two-level transformation () for creating bidirectional views of XML Schemas based on bidirectional lenses. It supports the specialization of generic queries as two-level transformation steps and the optimization of the generated lens data transformations. Homepage: Category: Generics extra-source-files: README, src/Language/TLT/TltLexer.x, src/Language/TLT/TltParser.y , examples/company.xsd, examples/company.xml, examples/imdb.xsd, examples/imdb.xml, examples/imdb2mod.xml , examples/company.2lt, examples/imdb.2lt Build-type: Simple Cabal-Version: >= 1.4 Library hs-source-dirs: src Build-Depends: mtl >= 1, base >= 4 && < 5, pointless-haskell >= 0.0.8, pointless-lenses >= 0.0.9, pointless-rewrite >= 0.0.3, process, containers, haskell-src-exts >= 1.11.1, syb >= 0.3, hxt >= 9.1.5, hxt-xpath >= 9.1.1, parsec >= 3.1.2, array, pretty >=, HaXml >= 1.22.5 exposed-modules: Data.Transform.TwoLevel Language.TLT.Tlt2Strat Language.TLT.TltLexer Language.TLT.TltParser Language.TLT.TltSyntax Language.XML.HaXmlAliases Language.XML.Type2Xml Language.XML.Type2Xsd Language.XML.Xml2Type Language.XML.Xsd2Type Language.XPath.HXTAliases Language.XPath.XPath2Pf UI.GenHaskell UI.Menu UI.LensMenu extensions: DeriveDataTypeable, TypeOperators, ImpredicativeTypes, FlexibleContexts, RankNTypes, ViewPatterns, ScopedTypeVariables, GADTs, TypeFamilies, ViewPatterns, DoAndIfThenElse Executable multifocal hs-source-dirs: src Main-is: UI/CmdLine.hs Build-Depends: mtl >= 1, base >= 4 && < 5, pointless-haskell >= 0.0.6, pointless-lenses >= 0.0.8, pointless-rewrite >= 0.0.3, process, containers, haskell-src-exts >= 1.11.1, syb >= 0.3, hxt >= 9.1.5, hxt-xpath >= 9.1.1, parsec >= 3.1.2, array, pretty >=, HaXml >= 1.22.5 extensions: DeriveDataTypeable, TypeOperators, ImpredicativeTypes, FlexibleContexts, RankNTypes, ViewPatterns, ScopedTypeVariables, GADTs, TypeFamilies, ViewPatterns, DoAndIfThenElse