{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns               #-}

-- |
-- Copyright   : (c) Hans Hoglund 2012
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : hans@hanshoglund.se
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable (TF,GNTD)
-- Provides a representation for chords.

module Music.Score.Chord (
        -- * Chord representation

        -- * Voice separation

        -- * Chord transformations
  ) where

import           Prelude                 hiding (any, mapM_)

import           Control.Lens            hiding (perform)
import           Control.Monad.Plus      hiding (mapM_)
import           Data.Foldable
import qualified Data.List               as List
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty      as NonEmpty
import           Data.Ord
import           Data.Semigroup
import           Data.Typeable

import           Music.Score.Combinators
import           Music.Score.Convert
import           Music.Score.Note
import           Music.Score.Part
import           Music.Score.Score
import           Music.Score.Voice
import           Music.Score.Meta
import           Music.Time

class HasChord a where
    type ChordNote a :: *
    -- TODO use NonEmpty
    getChord :: a -> [ChordNote a]

instance HasChord [a] where
    type ChordNote [a] = a
    getChord = id

instance HasChord (ChordT a) where
    type ChordNote (ChordT a) = a
    getChord (ChordT as)      = as

-- TODO Use NonEmpty
newtype ChordT a = ChordT { getChordT :: [a] }
    deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Monad, Functor, Monoid, Semigroup, Foldable, Typeable)

overlaps :: (HasOnset a, HasOffset a, HasOnset b, HasOffset b) => a -> b -> Bool
overlaps t u = not $ offset t <= onset u || offset u <= onset t

overlapsAny :: (Foldable t, HasOnset a, HasOffset a, HasOnset b, HasOffset b) => a -> t b -> Bool
overlapsAny x = any (overlaps x)

notOverlaps :: (HasOnset a, HasOnset b, HasOffset a, HasOffset b) => a -> b -> Bool
x `notOverlaps` y = not (x `overlaps` y)

hasOverlapping :: Score a -> Bool
hasOverlapping x = let ns = (^. notes) x in not $ null [(x,y) | x <- ns, y <- ns, x `overlaps` y, era x /= era y]

-- | Heuristically merge voices if possible
mergePossible :: [Score a] -> [Score a]
mergePossible []  = []
mergePossible (x:xs) = let
    pick = x
    (res, rest) = List.foldr mergeMaybe' (x, []) xs
    in res : mergePossible rest

mergeMaybe' x (y,rest) = if hasOverlapping (x <> y) then (x, y:rest) else (x <> y, rest)

mergeMaybe x y = if hasOverlapping (x <> y) then (x, Just y) else (x <> y, Nothing)

notOverlapsHead :: (HasOnset a, HasOnset b, HasOffset a, HasOffset b) => a -> [b] -> Bool
x `notOverlapsHead` [] = True
x `notOverlapsHead` xs = x `notOverlaps` head xs

class Null a where
    isNull :: a -> Bool
-- > isNull mempty
instance Null [a] where
    isNull = null
nonNull = not . isNull
class Divisible a where
    divide :: a -> (a, a)

data Tower a = Tower [a] a [a]
    deriving (Functor, Eq, Show)

tower x = Tower (repeat mempty) x (repeat mempty)
moveUp   (Tower (a:as) x (b:bs)) = Tower (x:a:as) b bs
moveDown (Tower (a:as) x (b:bs)) = Tower as a (x:b:bs)

top :: (Monoid a, Null a) => Tower a -> [a]
top (Tower as x sa) = List.takeWhile nonNull sa

middle :: Tower a -> a
middle (Tower as x sa) = x

bottom :: (Monoid a, Null a) => Tower a -> [a]
bottom (Tower as x sa) = reverse (List.takeWhile nonNull as)

-- semantic function
floors :: (Monoid a, Null a) => Tower a -> ([a], a, [a])
floors t = (bottom t, middle t, top t)

compareHead x []    = EQ
compareHead x (y:_) = x `compare` y
comparingHead p x y = compareHead (p x) (fmap p y)
compareHeadVal = comparingHead getNoteValue

pushNote :: Ord a => Note a -> Tower [Note a] -> Tower [Note a]
pushNote n t = if n `notOverlapsHead` middle t then pushMiddle n t else
        case n `compareHeadVal` middle t of
            GT -> moveUp   $ pushNote n (moveDown t)
            _  -> moveDown $ pushNote n (moveUp t)

pushMiddle :: a -> Tower [a] -> Tower [a]
pushMiddle x (Tower as a sa) = Tower as (x:a) sa

separateVoices :: Ord a => Score a -> [Score ( a)]
separateVoices = fmap (^. from notes) . f . (^. notes)
        f = (\(as,x,bs) -> as++[x]++bs) . floors . List.foldr pushNote (tower [])  . List.sortBy (comparing getNoteSpan)

-- Note:
-- The HasChord instance (for other transformer types) takes care to transform strucuture *above* the chord representation
--      In particular, getChord will extract the chord from below and transform each note (or only the first etc)
--      as appropriate for the given type.
-- The ChordT instances (of other transformer classes) transforms structure *below* the chord representation
--      For example, it allow us to use functions such as up, down, legato etc on chords.

-- TODO rewrite, generalize?

takeNotesInChord n = mapSimultaneous (fmap $ take n)
dropNotesInChord n = mapSimultaneous (fmap $ drop n)

takeNoteInChord n = mapSimultaneous $ (fmap $ take 1) . (fmap $ drop (n - 1))
dropNoteInChord n = mapSimultaneous $ (fmap $ drop1 n)

drop1 n xs = take (n - 1) xs <> drop n xs

-- |
-- Process all simultaneous events.
-- Two events /a/ and /b/ are considered simultaneous if and only if they have the same
-- era, that is if @`era` a == `era` b@
mapSimultaneous :: (Score [a] -> Score [b]) -> Score a -> Score b
mapSimultaneous f = mscatter . f . simultaneous'

-- |
-- Merge all simultaneous events using their 'Semigroup' instance.
-- Two events /a/ and /b/ are considered simultaneous if and only if they have the same
-- era, that is if @`era` a == `era` b@
simultaneous :: Semigroup a => Score a -> Score a
simultaneous = fmap (sconcat . NonEmpty.fromList) . simultaneous'

-- |
-- Group simultaneous events as lists.
-- Two events /a/ and /b/ are considered simultaneous if and only if they have the same
-- era, that is if @`era` a == `era` b@
-- Note that 'simultaneous' is identical to 'simultaneous' @.@ 'fmap' 'return'
simultaneous' :: Score a -> Score [a]
simultaneous' sc = (meta .~) m $ (^. from events) vs
        m = (view meta) sc
        -- es :: [Era]
        -- evs :: [[a]]
        -- vs :: [(Time, Duration, [a])]
        es  = List.nub $ eras sc
        evs = fmap (`chordEvents` sc) es
        vs  = zipWith (\(view delta -> (t,d)) a -> (t,d,a)) es evs

-- TODO (re)move these

eras :: Score a -> [Span]
eras sc = fmap getSpan . (^. events) $ sc

chordEvents :: Span -> Score a -> [a]
chordEvents era sc = fmap getValue . filter (\ev -> getSpan ev == era) . (^. events) $ sc

getValue :: (Time, Duration, a) -> a
getValue (t,d,a) = a

getSpan :: (Time, Duration, a) -> Span
getSpan (t,d,a) = t >-> d