{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns               #-}

-- |
-- Copyright   : (c) Hans Hoglund 2012-2014
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : hans@hanshoglund.se
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable (TF,GNTD)

module Music.Time.Types (

        -- * Basic types
        -- ** Time points

        -- ** Duration

        -- ** Convert between time and duration
        -- $convert

        -- * Time spans
        -- *** Creating spans
        -- *** Accessing spans

        -- ** Properties
        -- $forwardBackWardEmpty

        -- ** Transformations
        -- ** Delay and stretch component

        -- ** Points in spans

        -- ** Partial orders
        -- union
        -- intersection (alt name 'overlap')
        -- difference (would actually become a split)

        -- ** Read/Show
  ) where

import           Control.Lens           hiding (Indexable, Level, above, below,
                                         index, inside, parts, reversed,
                                         transform, (<|), (|>))
import           Control.Applicative.Backwards
import           Control.Monad.State.Lazy
import           Data.Aeson (ToJSON(..))
import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON

import           Data.AffineSpace
import           Data.AffineSpace.Point
import           Data.Semigroup
import           Data.Typeable
import           Data.VectorSpace
import           Data.List (mapAccumL, mapAccumR)
import           Data.Ratio

import           Music.Time.Internal.Util (showRatio)
-- import           Data.Fixed

-- $convert
-- Note that you should use '.-.' and '.+^' to convert between time and
-- duration. To refer to time zero (the beginning of the music), use
-- 'origin'.

-- |
-- Internal time representation. Can be anything with instances
-- for 'Fractional' and 'RealFrac'.
type TimeBase = Rational
-- type TimeBase = Fixed E12
type TimeBase = Fixed E12

instance HasResolution a => AdditiveGroup (Fixed a) where
  zeroV = 0
  negateV = negate
  (^+^) = (+)

-- Can be enabled for experimental time representation
instance Floating TimeBase where
deriving instance Floating Time
deriving instance Floating Duration

-- |
-- Duration, corresponding to note values in standard notation.
-- The standard names can be used: @1\/2@ for half note @1\/4@ for a quarter note and so on.
-- Duration is a one-dimensional 'VectorSpace', and is the associated vector space of time points.
-- It is a also an 'AdditiveGroup' (and hence also 'Monoid' and 'Semigroup') under addition.
-- 'Duration' is invariant under translation so 'delay' has no effect on it.
newtype Duration = Duration { getDuration :: TimeBase }
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Num, Enum, Fractional, Real, RealFrac, Typeable)

-- $semantics Duration
-- type Duration = R

instance Show Duration where
  show = showRatio . realToFrac

instance ToJSON Duration where
  toJSON = JSON.Number . realToFrac

instance InnerSpace Duration where
  (<.>) = (*)

instance AdditiveGroup Duration where
  zeroV = 0
  (^+^) = (+)
  negateV = negate

instance VectorSpace Duration where
  type Scalar Duration = Duration
  (*^) = (*)

instance Semigroup Duration where
  (<>) = (*^)

instance Monoid Duration where
  mempty  = 1
  mappend = (*^)
 -- TODO use some notion of norm rather than 1

-- |
-- Convert a value to a duration.
toDuration :: Real a => a -> Duration
toDuration = realToFrac

-- |
-- Convert a value to a duration.
fromDuration :: Fractional a => Duration -> a
fromDuration = realToFrac

-- |
-- Time points, representing duration since some known reference time, typically the start
-- of the music. Note that time can be negative, representing values occuring before the
-- reference time.
-- Time forms an affine space with durations as the underlying vector space, that is, we
-- can add a time to a duration to get a new time using '.+^', take the difference of two
-- times to get a duration using '.-.'. 'Time' forms an 'AffineSpace' with 'Duration' as
-- difference space.
newtype Time = Time { getTime :: TimeBase }
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Num, Enum, Fractional, Real, RealFrac, Typeable)

-- $semantics Time
-- type Time = R

instance Show Time where
  show = showRatio . realToFrac

instance ToJSON Time where
  toJSON = JSON.Number . realToFrac

deriving instance AdditiveGroup Time

instance VectorSpace Time where
  type Scalar Time = Duration
  Duration x *^ Time y = Time (x * y)

instance AffineSpace Time where
  type Diff Time = Duration
  Time x .-. Time y   = Duration (x - y)
  Time x .+^ Duration y = Time   (x + y)

instance Semigroup Time where
  (<>) = (^+^)

instance Monoid Time where
  mempty  = zeroV
  mappend = (^+^)
  mconcat = sumV

-- |
-- Convert a value to a duration.
toTime :: Real a => a -> Time
toTime = realToFrac

-- |
-- Convert a value to a duration.
fromTime :: Fractional a => Time -> a
fromTime = realToFrac

-- TODO terminology
-- Return the "accumulative sum" of the given vecors

-- |
-- @length (offsetPoints x xs) = length xs + 1@
-- >>> offsetPoints (0 ::Double) [1,2,1]
-- [0.0,1.0,3.0,4.0]
-- @
-- offsetPoints :: 'AffineSpace' a => 'Time' -> ['Duration'] -> ['Time']
-- @
offsetPoints :: AffineSpace a => a -> [Diff a] -> [a]
offsetPoints = scanl (.+^)

-- | Convert to delta (time to wait before this note)
toRelativeTime :: [Time] -> [Duration]
toRelativeTime = snd . mapAccumL g 0 where g prev t = (t, t .-. prev)
-- toRelativeTime xs = fst $ mapAccumL2 g xs 0 where g t prev = (t .-. prev, t)

-- | Convert to delta (time to wait before next note)
toRelativeTimeN :: [Time] -> [Duration]
toRelativeTimeN [] = []
toRelativeTimeN xs = toRelativeTimeN' (last xs) xs

-- | Convert to delta (time to wait before next note)
toRelativeTimeN' :: Time -> [Time] -> [Duration]
toRelativeTimeN' end xs = snd $ mapAccumR g end xs where g prev t = (t, prev .-. t)

TODO consolidate with this beat (used in Midi export)

toRelative = snd . List.mapAccumL g 0
        g now (t,d,x) = (t, (0 .+^ (t .-. now),d,x))

-- 0 x,1 x,1 x,1 x
  -- x 1,x 1,x 1,x 0

-- | Convert from delta (time to wait before this note)
toAbsoluteTime :: [Duration] -> [Time]
toAbsoluteTime = tail . offsetPoints 0

-- TODO use State instead

-- mapAccumL                 ::                   (s -> a -> (s, b)) -> s -> [a] -> (s, [b])
-- \f -> mapM (runState . f) :: MonadState s m => (a -> s -> (b, s)) -> [a] -> s -> ([b], s)

-- mapAccumL :: (s -> a -> (s, b)) -> s -> [a] -> (s, [b])
mapAccumL2   :: (a -> s -> (b, s)) -> [a] -> s -> ([b], s)
mapAccumL2 f = runState . mapM (state . f)

-- |
-- A 'Span' represents an onset and offset in time (or equivalently: an onset and a
-- duration, /or/ a duration and an offset, /or/ a duration and a middle point).
-- Pattern matching over span is possible (with @ViewPatterns@):
-- @
-- foo ('view' 'range'   -> (t1, t2)) = ...
-- foo ('view' 'delta'   -> (t1, d))  = ...
-- foo ('view' 'codelta' -> (d,  t2)) = ...
-- @
-- Another way of looking at 'Span' is that it represents a time transformation where
-- onset is translation and duration is scaling.
-- TODO How to use with 'transform', 'whilst' etc.
-- @
-- a '<->' b = (a, b)^.'from' 'range'
-- a '>->' b = (a, b)^.'from' 'delta'
-- a '<-<' b = (a, b)^.'from' 'codelta'
-- @
newtype Span = Delta { _delta :: (Time, Duration) }
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Typeable)

-- $semantics
-- type Span = Time x Time

-- You can create a span using the constructors '<->', '<-<' and '>->'. Note that:
-- > a >-> b = a         <-> (a .+^ b)
-- > a <-< b = (b .-^ a) <-> b
-- > a <-> b = a         >-> (b .-. a)
-- To create and destruct a span (in any of its incarnations), use the provided isomorphisms:
-- 'Span' is a 'Semigroup', 'Monoid' and 'AdditiveGroup':
-- - To convert a span to a pair, use @s^.'range'@.
-- - To construct a span from a pair, use @(t, u)^.'from' 'range'@.

-- $musicTimeSpanIsos
-- >>> (2 <-> 3)^.range
-- (2,3)
-- >>> (2 <-> 3)^.delta
-- (2,1)
-- >>> (10 >-> 5)^.range
-- (10,15)
-- >>> (10 >-> 5)^.delta
-- (10,5)

instance Show Span where
  -- show = showDelta
  show = showRange
  -- Which form should we use?

instance ToJSON Span where
  toJSON (view range -> (a,b)) = JSON.object [ ("onset", toJSON a), ("offset", toJSON b) ]

-- |
-- 'zeroV' or 'mempty' represents the /unit interval/ @0 \<-\> 1@, which also happens to
-- be the identity transformation.
instance Semigroup Span where
  (<>) = (^+^)

-- |
-- '<>' or '^+^' composes transformations, i.e. both time and duration is stretched,
-- and then time is added.
instance Monoid Span where
  mempty  = zeroV
  mappend = (^+^)

-- |
-- 'negateV' returns the inverse of a given transformation.
instance AdditiveGroup Span where
  zeroV   = 0 <-> 1
  Delta (t1, d1) ^+^ Delta (t2, d2) = Delta (t1 ^+^ d1 *^ t2, d1*d2)
  negateV (Delta (t, d)) = Delta (-t ^/ d, recip d)

-- a >-> b = a         <-> (a .+^ b)
-- a <-< b = (b .-^ a) <-> b
-- a <-> b = a         >-> (b .-. a)
-- (b .-^ a) <-> b = a <-< b

infixl 6 <->
infixl 6 >->
infixl 6 <-<

-- |
-- @t \<-\> u@ represents the span between @t@ and @u@.
(<->) :: Time -> Time -> Span
t <-> u = t >-> (u .-. t)

-- |
-- @t >-> d@ represents the span between @t@ and @t .+^ d@.
(>->) :: Time -> Duration -> Span
(>->) = curry Delta

-- |
-- @d \<-\> t@ represents the span between @t .-^ d@ and @t@.
(<-<) :: Duration -> Time -> Span
a <-< b = (b .-^ a) <-> b

-- |
-- View a span as pair of onset and offset.
range :: Iso' Span (Time, Time)
range = iso _range $ uncurry (<->)
    _range x = let (t, d) = _delta x in (t, t .+^ d)

-- |
-- View a span as a pair of onset and duration.
delta :: Iso' Span (Time, Duration)
delta = iso _delta Delta

-- |
-- View a span as a pair of duration and offset.
codelta :: Iso' Span (Duration, Time)
codelta = iso _codelta $ uncurry (<-<)
    _codelta x = let (t, d) = _delta x in (d, t .+^ d)

-- |
-- Show a span in range notation, i.e. @t1 \<-\> t2@.
showRange :: Span -> String
showRange (view range -> (t,u)) = show t ++ " <-> " ++ show u

-- |
-- Show a span in delta notation, i.e. @t >-> d@.
showDelta :: Span -> String
showDelta (view delta -> (t,d)) = show t ++ " >-> " ++ show d

-- |
-- Show a span in codelta notation, i.e. @t <-< d@.
showCodelta :: Span -> String
showCodelta (view codelta -> (d,u)) = show d ++ " <-< " ++ show u

-- |
-- Access the delay component in a span.
delayComponent :: Span -> Time
delayComponent x = x ^. delta . _1

-- |
-- Access the stretch component in a span.
stretchComponent :: Span -> Duration
stretchComponent x = x ^. delta . _2

-- |
-- A prism to the subset of 'Span' that performs a delay but no stretch.
fixedDurationSpan :: Prism' Span Time
fixedDurationSpan = prism' (\t -> view (from delta) (t, 1)) $ \x -> case view delta x of
  (t, 1) -> Just t
  _      -> Nothing

-- |
-- A prism to the subset of 'Span' that performs a stretch but no delay.
fixedOnsetSpan :: Prism' Span Duration
fixedOnsetSpan = prism' (\d -> view (from delta) (0, d)) $ \x -> case view delta x of
  (0, d) -> Just d
  _      -> Nothing

-- $forwardBackWardEmpty
-- A span is either /forward/, /backward/ or /empty/.
-- @any id [isForwardSpan x, isBackwardSpan x, isEmptySpan x] == True@
-- @all not [isForwardSpan x, isBackwardSpan x, isEmptySpan x] == False@

-- |
-- Whether the given span has a positive duration, i.e. whether its 'onset' is before its 'offset'.
isForwardSpan :: Span -> Bool
isForwardSpan = (> 0) . signum . _durationS

-- |
-- Whether the given span has a negative duration, i.e. whether its 'offset' is before its 'onset'.
isBackwardSpan :: Span -> Bool
isBackwardSpan = (< 0) . signum . _durationS

-- |
-- Whether the given span is empty, i.e. whether its 'onset' and 'offset' are equivalent.
isEmptySpan :: Span -> Bool
isEmptySpan = (== 0) . signum . _durationS

-- |
-- Reflect a span through its midpoint.
reverseSpan :: Span -> Span
reverseSpan s = reflectSpan (_midpointS s) s

-- |
-- Reflect a span through an arbitrary point.
reflectSpan :: Time -> Span -> Span
reflectSpan p = over (range . both) (reflectThrough p)

-- |
-- Normalize a span, i.e. reverse it if negative, and do nothing otherwise.
-- @
-- _duration s = _duration (normalizeSpan s)
-- _midpoint s = _midpoint (normalizeSpan s)
-- @
normalizeSpan :: Span -> Span
normalizeSpan s = if isForwardSpan s then s else reverseSpan s
-- TODO Duplicate as normalizeNoteSpan

-- |
-- Whether this is a proper span, i.e. whether @'_onset' x '<' '_offset' x@.
isProper :: Span -> Bool
isProper (view range -> (t, u)) = t < u
{-# DEPRECATED isProper "Use 'isForwardSpan'" #-}

infixl 5 `inside`
infixl 5 `encloses`
infixl 5 `properlyEncloses`
infixl 5 `overlaps`
-- infixl 5 `encloses`
-- infixl 5 `encloses`
-- infixl 5 `encloses`

-- |
-- Whether the given point falls inside the given span (inclusively).
-- Designed to be used infix, for example
-- >>> 0.5 `inside` 1 <-> 2
-- False
-- >>> 1.5 `inside` 1 <-> 2
-- True
-- >>> 1 `inside` 1 <-> 2
-- True
inside :: Time -> Span -> Bool
inside x (view range -> (t, u)) = t <= x && x <= u

-- |
-- Whether the first given span encloses the second span.
-- >>> 0 <-> 3 `encloses` 1 <-> 2
-- True
-- >>> 0 <-> 2 `encloses` 1 <-> 2
-- True
-- >>> 1 <-> 3 `encloses` 1 <-> 2
-- True
-- >>> 1 <-> 2 `encloses` 1 <-> 2
-- True
encloses :: Span -> Span -> Bool
a `encloses` b = _onsetS b `inside` a && _offsetS b `inside` a

-- |
-- Whether the first given span encloses the second span.
-- >>> 0 <-> 3 `properlyEncloses` 1 <-> 2
-- True
-- >>> 0 <-> 2 `properlyEncloses` 1 <-> 2
-- True
-- >>> 1 <-> 3 `properlyEncloses` 1 <-> 2
-- True
-- >>> 1 <-> 2 `properlyEncloses` 1 <-> 2
-- False
properlyEncloses :: Span -> Span -> Bool
a `properlyEncloses` b = a `encloses` b && a /= b

-- TODO more intuitive param order

afterOnset :: Time -> Span -> Bool
t `afterOnset` s = t >= _onsetS s

strictlyAfterOnset :: Time -> Span -> Bool
t `strictlyAfterOnset` s = t > _onsetS s

beforeOnset :: Time -> Span -> Bool
t `beforeOnset` s = t <= _onsetS s

strictlyBeforeOnset :: Time -> Span -> Bool
t `strictlyBeforeOnset` s = t < _onsetS s

afterOffset :: Time -> Span -> Bool
t `afterOffset` s = t >= _offsetS s

strictlyAfterOffset :: Time -> Span -> Bool
t `strictlyAfterOffset` s = t > _offsetS s

beforeOffset :: Time -> Span -> Bool
t `beforeOffset` s = t <= _offsetS s

strictlyBeforeOffset :: Time -> Span -> Bool
t `strictlyBeforeOffset` s = t < _offsetS s

-- Param order OK

-- Name?
startsWhenStarts :: Span -> Span -> Bool
a `startsWhenStarts` b = _onsetS a == _onsetS b

-- Name?
startsWhenStops :: Span -> Span -> Bool
a `startsWhenStops` b = _onsetS a == _offsetS b

-- Name?
stopsWhenStops :: Span -> Span -> Bool
a `stopsWhenStops` b = _offsetS a == _offsetS b

-- Name?
stopsWhenStarts :: Span -> Span -> Bool
a `stopsWhenStarts` b = _offsetS a == _onsetS b

startsBefore :: Span -> Span -> Bool
a `startsBefore` b = _onsetS a < _onsetS b

startsLater :: Span -> Span -> Bool
a `startsLater` b = _onsetS a > _onsetS b

stopsAtTheSameTime :: Span -> Span -> Bool
a `stopsAtTheSameTime` b = _offsetS a == _offsetS b

stopsBefore :: Span -> Span -> Bool
a `stopsBefore` b = _offsetS a < _offsetS b

stopsLater :: Span -> Span -> Bool
a `stopsLater` b = _offsetS a > _offsetS b



-- timespantools.timespan_2_starts_during_timespan_1
-- timespantools.timespan_2_starts_when_timespan_1_starts
-- timespantools.timespan_2_starts_when_timespan_1_stops
-- timespantools.timespan_2_stops_after_timespan_1_starts
-- timespantools.timespan_2_stops_after_timespan_1_stops
-- timespantools.timespan_2_stops_before_timespan_1_starts
-- timespantools.timespan_2_stops_before_timespan_1_stops
-- timespantools.timespan_2_stops_during_timespan_1
-- timespantools.timespan_2_stops_when_timespan_1_starts
-- timespantools.timespan_2_stops_when_timespan_1_stops
-- timespantools.timespan_2_trisects_timespan_1     

-- |
-- Whether the given span overlaps.
overlaps :: Span -> Span -> Bool
a `overlaps` b = not (a `isBefore` b) && not (b `isBefore` a)

-- |
-- Whether the first given span occurs before the second span.
isBefore :: Span -> Span -> Bool
a `isBefore` b = (_onsetS a `max` _offsetS a) <= (_onsetS b `min` _offsetS b)

-- TODO resolve this so we can use actual onset/offset etc in the above definitions
-- Same as (onset, offset), defined here for bootstrapping reasons
_onsetS    (view range -> (t1, t2)) = t1
_offsetS   (view range -> (t1, t2)) = t2
_midpointS  s = _onsetS s .+^ _durationS s / 2
_durationS s = _offsetS s .-. _onsetS s

Two alternative definitions for midpoint:

midpoint x = onset x + duration x / 2
midpoint x = (onset x + offset x) / 2

Both equivalent. Proof:

  let d = b - a
  (a + b)/2 = a + d/2
  (a + b)/2 = a + (b - a)/2
  a + b     = 2a + (b - a)
  a + b     = a + b

-- TODO move
fraction :: (RealFrac a, Integral b) => Iso' a (b, b) 
fraction = iso (\(toRational -> a) -> (fromIntegral $ numerator a, fromIntegral $ denominator a)) (\(a,b) -> fromIntegral a / fromIntegral b)