module Data.Functor.Rep.Lens where

import Control.Lens hiding (index)
import Data.Functor.Rep

-- $dataFunctorRepLens
-- Provides access to the definition in "Data.Functor.Rep" in terms of "Control.Lens".

-- |
-- Index a representable functor.
-- This is an infix alias for 'index'.
(!) :: Representable f => f a -> Rep f -> a
(!) = index

infixl 6 !

-- |
-- The isomorpism between a representable functor and its representation.
-- @
-- 'tabulated' = 'iso' 'tabulate' 'index'
-- @
tabulated :: (Representable f, Representable g) => Iso (Rep f -> a) (Rep g -> b) (f a) (g b)
tabulated = iso tabulate index