\begin{code} -- | -- Maintainer : silva.samuel@alumni.uminho.pt -- Stability : experimental -- Portability: HaXML -- module Text.XML.MusicXML.Util where import Text.XML.HaXml.Types import Control.Monad (MonadPlus(..)) import Data.Char (isSpace) import Prelude (String, Maybe(..), Either(..), Bool(..), Monad(..), Show(..), Int, Functor(..), Eq(..), (.), (++), (&&), error, id, map, concat, either, maybe, and, const, lookup, unwords) \end{code} \begin{code} -- * Result -- | data Result a = Ok a | Error String deriving (Eq, Show) -- | instance Monad Result where (Ok a) >>= b = b a (Error msg) >>= _ = Error msg return x = Ok x fail msg = Error msg -- | instance Functor Result where fmap f (Ok a) = Ok (f a) fmap _ (Error msg) = Error msg -- | instance MonadPlus Result where mzero = Error "unknow error" (Ok a) `mplus` _ = (Ok a) (Error _) `mplus` b = b -- | isOK :: Result a -> Bool isOK (Ok _) = True isOK _ = False -- | isError :: Result a -> Bool isError (Error _) = True isError _ = False -- | fromOK :: Result a -> a fromOK (Ok a) = a fromOK (Error msg) = error msg -- | fromError :: Result a -> String fromError (Ok _) = [] fromError (Error msg) = msg -- * State -- | newtype State s a = State {state :: s -> (s,a)} instance Monad (State s) where return x = State (\s -> (s,x)) p >>= f = State (\s1 -> let (s2, r) = state p s1 in state (f r) s2) instance Functor (State s) where fmap f st = State (\s -> (\(x,y) -> (x, f y)) (state st s) ) -- | liftState :: (s -> a) -> State s a liftState f = State (\s -> (s,f s)) -- * StateT -- | newtype StateT m s a = StateT {stateT :: s -> m (s, a)} -- | instance (Monad m) => Monad (StateT m s) where return x = StateT (\s -> return (s,x)) p >>= f = StateT (\s -> do { ; (s',l) <- stateT p s ; stateT (f l) s'}) fail msg = StateT (\_ -> fail msg) -- | instance MonadPlus m => MonadPlus (StateT m s) where mzero = StateT (\_ -> mzero) a `mplus` b = StateT (\s -> (stateT a s) `mplus` (stateT b s)) -- | instance Monad m => Functor (StateT m s) where fmap f stm = StateT (\s -> stateT stm s >>= (\(s1, a) -> return (s1, f a))) -- | liftStateT :: Monad m => State s (m a) -> StateT m s a liftStateT p = StateT (\s -> do { ; let (s', l) = (state p s) ; lx <- l ; return (s',lx)}) -- | returnStateT :: Monad m => m a -> StateT m s a returnStateT x = StateT (\s -> x>>=(\y -> return (s,y))) \end{code} \begin{code} -- * Basic -- | type CDATA = Prelude.String -- | read_CDATA :: Prelude.String -> Result CDATA read_CDATA = return -- | show_CDATA :: CDATA -> Prelude.String show_CDATA = id -- | type ID = Prelude.String -- | read_ID :: Prelude.String -> Result ID read_ID = return -- | show_ID :: ID -> Prelude.String show_ID = id \end{code} \begin{code} -- * Attributes -- | read_IMPLIED' :: String -> (String -> Result a) -> [Attribute] -> Maybe a read_IMPLIED' key func s = maybe Nothing (result . func . unwords . map (either id (const "")) . (\(AttValue l) -> l)) (lookup key s) where -- | result :: Result a -> Maybe a result (Ok x) = Just x result (Error _) = Nothing -- | read_IMPLIED :: Monad m => String -> (String -> Result a) -> StateT m [Attribute] (Maybe a) read_IMPLIED key func = StateT (\s-> return (s, read_IMPLIED' key func s)) -- | show_IMPLIED :: String -> (a -> String) -> Maybe a -> [Attribute] show_IMPLIED key function = maybe [] (show_REQUIRED key function) -- | read_REQUIRED :: Monad m => String -> (String -> Result a) -> StateT m [Attribute] a read_REQUIRED key func = read_IMPLIED key func >>= maybe (fail ("I expect "++key++" as required attribute")) return -- | show_REQUIRED :: String -> (a -> String) -> a -> [Attribute] show_REQUIRED key function = (:[]) . (\x -> (key, x)) . AttValue . (:[]) . Left . function -- | read_DEFAULT :: Monad m => String -> (String -> Result a) -> a -> StateT m [Attribute] a read_DEFAULT key func def = read_IMPLIED key func >>= maybe (return def) return -- | show_DEFAULT :: String -> (a -> String) -> a -> [Attribute] show_DEFAULT = show_REQUIRED -- | show_FIXED :: String -> (a -> String) -> a -> [Attribute] show_FIXED = show_REQUIRED -- | read_FIXED :: Monad m => String -> (String -> Result a) -> a -> StateT m [Attribute] a read_FIXED key func def = read_IMPLIED key func >>= maybe (return def) return \end{code} \begin{code} -- | read_ELEMENT' :: String -> [Content i] -> ([Content i], Result (Element i)) read_ELEMENT' tag ((CElem (e@(Elem key _ _)) _):t) | key == tag = (t, Ok e) read_ELEMENT' tag ((CString _ s _):t) | Prelude.and (map isSpace s) = read_ELEMENT' tag t read_ELEMENT' tag (((CMisc _ _):t)) = read_ELEMENT' tag t read_ELEMENT' tag l = (l, Error ("I expect " ++ tag ++ " element" ++ moreinfo)) where moreinfo :: String moreinfo = ": [" ++ concat (map conts l) ++ "]" -- | conts :: Content i -> String conts (CElem (Elem k _ _) _) = "<" ++ k ++ "/>" conts (CString _ s _) = s conts (CRef _ _) = "(ref)" conts (CMisc _ _) = "(misc)" -- | read_ELEMENT :: String -> StateT Result [Content i] (Element i) read_ELEMENT tag = liftStateT (State (\s -> read_ELEMENT' tag s)) -- | show_ELEMENT :: String -> [Attribute] -> [Content ()] -> [Content ()] show_ELEMENT tag attr contents = [CElem (Elem tag attr contents) ()] -- | attributes :: Element i -> [Attribute] attributes (Elem _ x _) = x -- | childs :: Element i -> [Content i] childs (Elem _ _ x) = x -- | type PCDATA = Prelude.String -- | read_PCDATA' :: [Content i] -> ([Content i], Result PCDATA) read_PCDATA' [] = ([], return []) read_PCDATA' ((CString _ y _):t) = let (a,b) = read_PCDATA' t in (a, b >>= return.(y++)) read_PCDATA' ((CRef y _):t) = let (a,b) = read_PCDATA' t in (a, b >>= return.(read_REF y++)) read_PCDATA' (l@((CElem _ _):_)) = (l, return []) read_PCDATA' (_:t) = read_PCDATA' t -- | read_REF :: Reference -> PCDATA read_REF (RefEntity x) = '&' : x ++ ";" read_REF (RefChar x) = '#' : show x -- | read_PCDATA :: StateT Result [Content i] PCDATA read_PCDATA = liftStateT (State (\s -> read_PCDATA' s)) -- | show_PCDATA :: PCDATA -> [Content ()] show_PCDATA pcdata = [CString False pcdata ()] \end{code} \begin{code} -- * Elements -- | read_MAYBE :: StateT Result [Content i] a -> StateT Result [Content i] (Maybe a) read_MAYBE st = StateT (\s -> ((stateT st s) >>= (\(z1,z2) -> return (z1, return z2))) `mplus` return (s,Nothing) ) -- | show_MAYBE :: (a -> [Content ()]) -> Maybe a -> [Content ()] show_MAYBE f = maybe [] f -- | read_LIST :: Eq i => StateT Result [Content i] a -> StateT Result [Content i] [a] read_LIST st = StateT (\s -> let x = stateT st s in case x of Ok (x1,x2) -> if s == x1 then return (s,[x2]) else let y = stateT (read_LIST st) x1 in case y of Ok (y1,y2) -> return (y1, x2:y2) Error _ -> return (x1, [x2]) Error _ -> return (s, []) ) -- | show_LIST :: (a -> [Content ()]) -> [a] -> [Content ()] show_LIST f = concat . map f -- | read_LIST1 :: Eq i => StateT Result [Content i] a -> StateT Result [Content i] [a] read_LIST1 st = StateT (\s -> let x = stateT st s in case x of Ok (x1,x2) -> if s == x1 then return (s,[x2]) else let y = stateT (read_LIST1 st) x1 in case y of Ok (y1,y2) -> return (y1, x2:y2) Error _ -> return (x1, [x2]) Error _ -> fail "empty list" ) -- | show_LIST1 :: (a -> [Content ()]) -> [a] -> [Content ()] show_LIST1 = show_LIST \end{code} \begin{code} -- * Read -- | read_1 :: Monad m => StateT m s a -> s -> StateT m s' a read_1 st1 s = returnStateT (stateT st1 s >>= (\(_,x) -> return x) ) -- | read_2 :: Monad m => StateT m s a -> StateT m s b -> s -> StateT m s' (a,b) read_2 st1 st2 s = returnStateT (do (s1,a) <- stateT st1 s (_,b) <- stateT st2 s1 return (a,b)) -- | read_3 :: Monad m => StateT m s a -> StateT m s b -> StateT m s c -> s -> StateT m s' (a,b,c) read_3 st1 st2 st3 s = returnStateT (do (s1,a) <- stateT st1 s (s2,b) <- stateT st2 s1 (_,c) <- stateT st3 s2 return (a,b,c)) -- | read_4 :: Monad m => StateT m s a -> StateT m s b -> StateT m s c -> StateT m s d -> s -> StateT m s' (a,b,c,d) read_4 st1 st2 st3 st4 s = returnStateT (do (s1,a) <- stateT st1 s (s2,b) <- stateT st2 s1 (s3,c) <- stateT st3 s2 (_,d) <- stateT st4 s3 return (a,b,c,d)) -- | read_5 :: Monad m => StateT m s a -> StateT m s b -> StateT m s c -> StateT m s d -> StateT m s e -> s -> StateT m s' (a,b,c,d,e) read_5 st1 st2 st3 st4 st5 s = returnStateT (do (s1,a) <- stateT st1 s (s2,b) <- stateT st2 s1 (s3,c) <- stateT st3 s2 (s4,d) <- stateT st4 s3 (_,e) <- stateT st5 s4 return (a,b,c,d,e)) -- | read_6 :: Monad m => StateT m s a -> StateT m s b -> StateT m s c -> StateT m s d -> StateT m s e -> StateT m s f -> s -> StateT m s' (a,b,c,d,e,f) read_6 st1 st2 st3 st4 st5 st6 s = returnStateT (do (s1,a) <- stateT st1 s (s2,b) <- stateT st2 s1 (s3,c) <- stateT st3 s2 (s4,d) <- stateT st4 s3 (s5,e) <- stateT st5 s4 (_,f) <- stateT st6 s5 return (a,b,c,d,e,f)) -- | read_7 :: Monad m => StateT m s a -> StateT m s b -> StateT m s c -> StateT m s d -> StateT m s e -> StateT m s f -> StateT m s g -> s -> StateT m s' (a,b,c,d,e,f,g) read_7 st1 st2 st3 st4 st5 st6 st7 s = returnStateT (do (s1,a) <- stateT st1 s (s2,b) <- stateT st2 s1 (s3,c) <- stateT st3 s2 (s4,d) <- stateT st4 s3 (s5,e) <- stateT st5 s4 (s6,f) <- stateT st6 s5 (_,g) <- stateT st7 s6 return (a,b,c,d,e,f,g)) -- | read_8 :: Monad m => StateT m s a -> StateT m s b -> StateT m s c -> StateT m s d -> StateT m s e -> StateT m s f -> StateT m s g -> StateT m s h -> s -> StateT m s' (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) read_8 st1 st2 st3 st4 st5 st6 st7 st8 s = returnStateT (do (s1,a) <- stateT st1 s (s2,b) <- stateT st2 s1 (s3,c) <- stateT st3 s2 (s4,d) <- stateT st4 s3 (s5,e) <- stateT st5 s4 (s6,f) <- stateT st6 s5 (s7,g) <- stateT st7 s6 (_,h) <- stateT st8 s7 return (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h)) -- | read_9 :: Monad m => StateT m s a -> StateT m s b -> StateT m s c -> StateT m s d -> StateT m s e -> StateT m s f -> StateT m s g -> StateT m s h -> StateT m s i -> s -> StateT m s' (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i) read_9 st1 st2 st3 st4 st5 st6 st7 st8 st9 s = returnStateT (do (s1,a) <- stateT st1 s (s2,b) <- stateT st2 s1 (s3,c) <- stateT st3 s2 (s4,d) <- stateT st4 s3 (s5,e) <- stateT st5 s4 (s6,f) <- stateT st6 s5 (s7,g) <- stateT st7 s6 (s8,h) <- stateT st8 s7 (_,i) <- stateT st9 s8 return (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i)) -- | read_10 :: Monad m => StateT m s a -> StateT m s b -> StateT m s c -> StateT m s d -> StateT m s e -> StateT m s f -> StateT m s g -> StateT m s h -> StateT m s i -> StateT m s j -> s -> StateT m s' (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j) read_10 st1 st2 st3 st4 st5 st6 st7 st8 st9 st10 s = returnStateT (do (s1,a) <- stateT st1 s (s2,b) <- stateT st2 s1 (s3,c) <- stateT st3 s2 (s4,d) <- stateT st4 s3 (s5,e) <- stateT st5 s4 (s6,f) <- stateT st6 s5 (s7,g) <- stateT st7 s6 (s8,h) <- stateT st8 s7 (s9,i) <- stateT st9 s8 (_,j) <- stateT st10 s9 return (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j)) -- | read_11 :: Monad m => StateT m s a -> StateT m s b -> StateT m s c -> StateT m s d -> StateT m s e -> StateT m s f -> StateT m s g -> StateT m s h -> StateT m s i -> StateT m s j -> StateT m s k -> s -> StateT m s' (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k) read_11 st1 st2 st3 st4 st5 st6 st7 st8 st9 st10 st11 s = returnStateT (do (s1,a) <- stateT st1 s (s2,b) <- stateT st2 s1 (s3,c) <- stateT st3 s2 (s4,d) <- stateT st4 s3 (s5,e) <- stateT st5 s4 (s6,f) <- stateT st6 s5 (s7,g) <- stateT st7 s6 (s8,h) <- stateT st8 s7 (s9,i) <- stateT st9 s8 (s10,j) <- stateT st10 s9 (_,k) <- stateT st11 s10 return (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k)) -- | read_12 :: Monad m => StateT m s a -> StateT m s b -> StateT m s c -> StateT m s d -> StateT m s e -> StateT m s f -> StateT m s g -> StateT m s h -> StateT m s i -> StateT m s j -> StateT m s k -> StateT m s l -> s -> StateT m s' (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l) read_12 st1 st2 st3 st4 st5 st6 st7 st8 st9 st10 st11 st12 s = returnStateT (do (s1,a) <- stateT st1 s (s2,b) <- stateT st2 s1 (s3,c) <- stateT st3 s2 (s4,d) <- stateT st4 s3 (s5,e) <- stateT st5 s4 (s6,f) <- stateT st6 s5 (s7,g) <- stateT st7 s6 (s8,h) <- stateT st8 s7 (s9,i) <- stateT st9 s8 (s10,j) <- stateT st10 s9 (s11,k) <- stateT st11 s10 (_,l) <- stateT st12 s11 return (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l)) -- | read_13 :: Monad m => StateT m s a -> StateT m s b -> StateT m s c -> StateT m s d -> StateT m s e -> StateT m s f -> StateT m s g -> StateT m s h -> StateT m s i -> StateT m s j -> StateT m s k -> StateT m s l -> StateT m s n -> s -> StateT m s' (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,n) read_13 st1 st2 st3 st4 st5 st6 st7 st8 st9 st10 st11 st12 st13 s = returnStateT (do (s1,a) <- stateT st1 s (s2,b) <- stateT st2 s1 (s3,c) <- stateT st3 s2 (s4,d) <- stateT st4 s3 (s5,e) <- stateT st5 s4 (s6,f) <- stateT st6 s5 (s7,g) <- stateT st7 s6 (s8,h) <- stateT st8 s7 (s9,i) <- stateT st9 s8 (s10,j) <- stateT st10 s9 (s11,k) <- stateT st11 s10 (s12,l) <- stateT st12 s11 (_,m) <- stateT st13 s12 return (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m)) -- | read_17 :: Monad m => StateT m s a -> StateT m s b -> StateT m s c -> StateT m s d -> StateT m s e -> StateT m s f -> StateT m s g -> StateT m s h -> StateT m s i -> StateT m s j -> StateT m s k -> StateT m s l -> StateT m s n -> StateT m s o -> StateT m s p -> StateT m s q -> StateT m s r -> s -> StateT m s' (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,n,o,p,q,r) read_17 st1 st2 st3 st4 st5 st6 st7 st8 st9 st10 st11 st12 st13 st14 st15 st16 st17 s = returnStateT (do (s1,a) <- stateT st1 s (s2,b) <- stateT st2 s1 (s3,c) <- stateT st3 s2 (s4,d) <- stateT st4 s3 (s5,e) <- stateT st5 s4 (s6,f) <- stateT st6 s5 (s7,g) <- stateT st7 s6 (s8,h) <- stateT st8 s7 (s9,i) <- stateT st9 s8 (s10,j) <- stateT st10 s9 (s11,k) <- stateT st11 s10 (s12,l) <- stateT st12 s11 (s13,n) <- stateT st13 s12 (s14,o) <- stateT st14 s13 (s15,p) <- stateT st15 s14 (s16,q) <- stateT st16 s15 (_,r) <- stateT st17 s16 return (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,n,o,p,q,r)) \end{code} \begin{code} instance (Show a, Show b, Show c, Show d, Show e, Show f, Show g, Show h, Show i, Show j, Show k, Show l, Show m, Show n, Show o, Show p, Show q) => Show (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q) where show (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q) = "(" ++ show a ++ "," ++ show b ++ "," ++ show c ++ "," ++ show d ++ "," ++ show e ++ "," ++ show f ++ "," ++ show g ++ "," ++ show h ++ "," ++ show i ++ "," ++ show j ++ "," ++ show k ++ "," ++ show l ++ "," ++ show m ++ "," ++ show n ++ "," ++ show o ++ "," ++ show p ++ "," ++ show q ++ ")" instance (Eq a, Eq b, Eq c, Eq d, Eq e, Eq f, Eq g, Eq h, Eq i, Eq j, Eq k, Eq l, Eq m, Eq n, Eq o, Eq p, Eq q) => Eq (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q) where (a1,b1,c1,d1,e1,f1,g1,h1,i1,j1,k1,l1,m1,n1,o1,p1,q1) == (a2,b2,c2,d2,e2,f2,g2,h2,i2,j2,k2,l2,m2,n2,o2,p2,q2) = (a1 == a2) && (b1 == b2) && (c1 == c2) && (d1 == d2) && (e1 == e2) && (f1 == f2) && (g1 == g2) && (h1 == h2) && (i1 == i2) && (j1 == j2) && (k1 == k2) && (l1 == l2) && (m1 == m2) && (n1 == n2) && (o1 == o2) && (p1 == p2) && (q1 == q2) \end{code}