{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Control.Exception (bracket) import Database.MySQL.Base (ConnectInfo (..), defaultConnectInfo, Option (..), connect, close, query, useResult, fetchRow) import Test.Hspec -- This is how to connect to our test database -- Options with bytestring values are given to partially test #17 and #23 testConn :: ConnectInfo testConn = defaultConnectInfo { connectHost = "", connectUser = "test", connectDatabase = "test", connectOptions = [ InitCommand "SET SESSION sql_mode = 'STRICT_ALL_TABLES';" , ReadDefaultGroup "client" ] } -- Only the most cursory test is done at the moment, simply showing that -- things hang together sufficiently well that we can talk to the database -- server. -- main :: IO () main = bracket (connect testConn) close $ \conn -> hspec $ do describe "Database" $ do it "seems to be connected" $ do query conn "select 1 + 1" result <- useResult conn row <- fetchRow result row `shouldBe` [Just "2"]