context | Test.Hspec |
describe | Test.Hspec |
expect | Test.Hspec |
Expectation | Test.Hspec |
hspec | Test.Hspec |
it | Test.Hspec |
shouldBe | Test.Hspec |
shouldReturn | Test.Hspec |
Spec | Test.Hspec |
SpecM | Test.Hspec |
nanospec-0.2.2: A lightweight implementation of a subset of Hspec's API
context | Test.Hspec |
describe | Test.Hspec |
expect | Test.Hspec |
Expectation | Test.Hspec |
hspec | Test.Hspec |
it | Test.Hspec |
shouldBe | Test.Hspec |
shouldReturn | Test.Hspec |
Spec | Test.Hspec |
SpecM | Test.Hspec |