-- | The implementations of all functions are 
--   supposed to be as non-strict as possible. This is non-trivial as for
--   example a naive implementation of (*) yields O _|_ for the application
--   I _|_ * O IHi while a least-strict version yields O (I _|_). Also the
--   naive / standard implementations of (\-), compare, (\<), (\<=), (\>), 
--   (\>=) are more strict than necessary.
module Data.Number.Nat 
    -- * Datatype
    -- * Helper Functions
    cmpNatLT, invOrd, minusNat, fromNat, toNat  
  ) where

import Prelude hiding ( Int )
import Data.Ratio ( (%) )

-- | A binary representation of natural numbers which starts with the least
--   significant bit.
data Nat
  -- | This constructor represents the most significant bit. There are no 
  --   leading zero bits. 
  = IHi 
  -- | A zero bit
  | O Nat 
  -- | A one bit
  | I Nat
  deriving (Show,Eq)

-- instance Show Nat where
--   show = show . fromEnum 

instance Read Nat where
  readsPrec n = map (\(x,str) -> (toEnum x,str)) . readsPrec n  

instance Ord Nat where
  compare IHi IHi   = EQ
  compare IHi (O _) = LT
  compare IHi (I _) = LT
  compare (O _) IHi = GT
  compare (I _) IHi = GT
  compare (O x) (O y) = compare x y
  compare (I x) (I y) = compare x y
  compare (O x) (I y) = cmpNatLT x y
  compare (I x) (O y) = invOrd (cmpNatLT y x)

  -- these instances are lazier than the standard implementation
  -- for example IHi <= _|_ = True
  -- while the standard implementation yields _|_
  x < y  = cmpNatLT y x == GT
  x > y  = cmpNatLT x y == GT
  x <= y = cmpNatLT x y == LT
  x >= y = cmpNatLT y x == LT

-- | This function is used to implement lazy instances of compare and (\<), 
--   (\<=), (\>), (\>=). It is used to transfer information to more significant
--   bits. Instead of yielding EQ it yields LT if the numbers are equal.
cmpNatLT :: Nat -> Nat -> Ordering
cmpNatLT IHi _     = LT
cmpNatLT (O _) IHi = GT
cmpNatLT (I _) IHi = GT
cmpNatLT (O x) (O y) = cmpNatLT x y
cmpNatLT (I x) (I y) = cmpNatLT x y
cmpNatLT (O x) (I y) = cmpNatLT x y
cmpNatLT (I x) (O y) = invOrd (cmpNatLT y x)

-- | Maps LT to GT and GT to LT. It is used instead of defining a function
--   cmpNatGT.
invOrd :: Ordering -> Ordering
invOrd EQ = EQ
invOrd LT = GT
invOrd GT = LT

instance Enum Nat where
  succ (O bs) = I bs
  succ (I bs) = O (succ bs)
  succ IHi    = O IHi

  pred IHi         = error "predecessor of 1"
  pred (O IHi)     = IHi
  pred (O x@(O _)) = I (pred x)
  pred (O (I x))   = I (O x) 
  pred (I x)       = O x
  fromEnum = fromNat

  toEnum = toNat

instance Num Nat where
  O x + O y = O (x + y)
  O x + I y = I (x + y)
  O x + IHi = I x
  I x + O y = I (x + y)
  I x + I y = O (succ x + y)
  I x + IHi = O (succ x)
  IHi + y   = succ y

  x - y =
    case minusNat x y of
         IHi -> error "result zero in (-)"
         n   -> pred n

  IHi * y = y
--   I x * y = O (y * x) + y
  I x * y = O (x * y) + y
  O x * y = O (x * y)

  negate = error "no non-positive numbers in Nat"

  abs = id

  signum = const IHi

  fromInteger = toNat

-- | minusNat x y yields x - y + 1. This is used to implement (-) for natural
--   numbers.
minusNat :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat
minusNat x   IHi = x
minusNat IHi (O _) = error "negative result in (-)"
minusNat IHi (I _) = error "negative result in (-)"
minusNat (O x) (O y) = pred (O $! minusNat x y)
minusNat (O x) (I y) = O $! pred (minusNat x y)
minusNat (I x) (O y) = O $! minusNat x y
minusNat (I x) (I y) = pred (O $! minusNat x y)  

-- instance Integral Nat where
--   toInteger = fromNat

instance Real Nat where
  toRational n = fromNat n % 1 

-- | This is used for the implementation of toInteger and fromEnum.
fromNat :: Num n => Nat -> n
fromNat IHi   = 1
fromNat (O n) = 2 * fromNat n
fromNat (I n) = 2 * fromNat n + 1

-- | This is used for the implementation of fromInteger and toEnum.
toNat :: (Integral n,Num n) => n -> Nat
toNat n
  | n<1       = error "toEnum of negative number"
  | n==1      = IHi
  | even n    = O (toNat (n `div` 2))
  | otherwise = I (toNat (n `div` 2))