Copyright (C) 2015 Leon Medvinsky

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Module      : Neet.Species
Description : NEAT Species
Copyright   : (c) Leon Medvinsky, 2015

License     : GPL-3
Maintainer  : lmedvinsky@hotmail.com
Stability   : experimental
Portability : ghc

{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Neet.Species (
                    , SpecScore(..)
                      -- * Construction
                    , newSpec
                      -- * Update/Fitness
                    , runFitTest
                    , updateSpec
                    ) where

import Neet.Genome
import Data.MultiMap (MultiMap)
import qualified Data.MultiMap as MM
import Data.List (foldl')

-- | A NEAT Species.
data Species =
  Species { specSize :: Int
          , specOrgs :: [Genome]    -- ^ All the organisms in this species
          , specScore :: SpecScore
          , lastImprovement :: Int  -- ^ Number of gens ago the best score improved

-- | Scoring data
data SpecScore = SpecScore { bestScore :: Double, bestGen :: Genome }

instance Show Species where
  show (Species siz _ (SpecScore scr _) lastImprov) =
    "Species {specSize = " ++ show siz ++
    ", specOrgs = <...>, bestScore = " ++ show scr ++
    ", bestGen = <...>" ++
    ", lastImprovement = " ++ show lastImprov ++ "}"

-- | Creates a new 'Species' with starter stats from a 'Genome' and the rest
newSpec :: Genome -> [Genome] -> Species
newSpec gen gens = Species (length gens + 1) (gen:gens) (SpecScore 0 gen) 0

-- | Output the result of testing fitness. Last value is the total adjusted fitness
runFitTest :: (Genome -> Double) -> Species -> (MultiMap Double Genome, SpecScore, Double)
runFitTest f Species{..} = (mmap, ss, totF / dubSize)
  where dubSize = fromIntegral specSize :: Double
        (mmap, totF) = foldl' accumOne (MM.empty, 0) $ map calcOne specOrgs
        calcOne g = let fitness = f g in (fitness, g)
        accumOne (accM, accA) (fit, g) = (MM.insert fit g accM, accA + fit)
        ss = case MM.findMaxWithValues mmap of
              Nothing -> error "(runFitTest) folding fitness resulted in empty map!"
              Just (scr, (x:_)) -> SpecScore scr x

-- | Takes a new SpecScore and updates the metadata of a species
updateSpec :: SpecScore -> Species -> Species
updateSpec ss spec = spec { specScore = newScr
                          , lastImprovement = li
  where oldScr = specScore spec
        (newScr, li)
          | bestScore ss > bestScore oldScr = (ss, 0)
          | otherwise                       = (oldScr, lastImprovement spec + 1)