Module      : Binary.Neko.Instructions
Description : Emit and parse Binary.Neko instructions
Copyright   : (c) Petr Penzin, 2015
License     : BSD2
Maintainer  : penzin.dev@gmail.com
Stability   : experimental
Portability : cross-platform

Types and primitives to deal with Binary.Neko instructions

module Binary.Neko.Instructions where

import Data.Int
import Data.Bits
import Data.Word
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Either
import Data.Binary.Get
import Data.Binary.Put
import Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS
import Numeric (showHex)

import Binary.Neko.Hashtbl as H

-- | Various NekoVM instructions
data Instruction = 
        -- getters
      | AccTrue
      | AccFalse
      | AccThis
      | AccInt Int
      | AccStack Int
      | AccGlobal Int
      | AccEnv Int
      | AccField String
      | AccArray
      | AccIndex Int
      | AccBuiltin String
        -- setters
      | SetStack Int
      | SetGlobal Int
      | SetEnv Int
      | SetField String
      | SetArray
      | SetIndex Int
      | SetThis
        -- stack ops
      | Push
      | Pop Int
      | Call Int
      | ObjCall Int
      | Jump Int
      | JumpIf Int
      | JumpIfNot Int
      | Trap Int
      | EndTrap
      | Ret Int
      | MakeEnv Int
      | MakeArray Int
        -- value ops
      | Bool
      | IsNull
      | IsNotNull
      | Add
      | Sub
      | Mult
      | Div
      | Mod
      | Shl
      | Shr
      | UShr
      | Or
      | And
      | Xor
      | Eq
      | Neq
      | Gt
      | Gte
      | Lt
      | Lte
      | Not
        -- extra ops
      | TypeOf
      | Compare
      | Hash
      | New
      | JumpTable Int
      | Apply Int
      | AccStack0
      | AccStack1
      | AccIndex0
      | AccIndex1
      | PhysCompare
      | TailCall (Int, Int)
      | Loop
      deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | Read instructions
-- Consume bytestring, produce instructions and status message
readInstructions :: Word32 -- ^ code size
                 -> Hashtbl -- ^ context (names of fields)
                 -> ByteString -- ^ bytes to read from
                 -> (ByteString, String, Maybe [Instruction]) -- ^ unconsumed input, status message and list of instructions
readInstructions n ids bs = if (isRight res) then (rest, "Success", Just (is)) else (rest', err, Nothing)
    where res = runGetOrFail (getInstructions n ids) bs
          Right (rest, _, is) = res
          Left (rest', _, err) = res

-- | Read a single bytecode instruction
readInstruction :: Hashtbl -- ^ Names of fieds for the module
                -> ByteString -- ^ Input
                -> (Maybe Instruction, ByteString) -- ^ Result or nothing, unconsumed input
readInstruction ids bs = if (isRight res) then (Just (i), rest) else (Nothing, rest')
    where res = runGetOrFail (getInstruction ids) bs
          Right (rest, _, i) = res
          Left (rest', _, _) = res

-- | Grab instructions from a bytestring
-- Decode bytestring, consuming one byte per instruction with no paramenters
-- and two for instructions with parameters
getInstructions :: Word32 -- ^ code size - number of instructions+arguments left to parse
                -> Hashtbl -- ^ Builtins hashtable to provide context
                -> Get [Instruction] -- ^ decoder
getInstructions 0 _ = return []
getInstructions n ids = if (n < 0) then fail "Stepped over code size" else getInstruction ids
                    >>= \i -> getInstructions (n - (if (hasParam i) then 2 else 1)) ids
                    >>= \is -> return (i:is)

-- | Grab a single instruction from a bytestring
-- Some instruction acces filds by using hashes of the names, therefore
-- require a hash table with field names.
getInstruction :: Hashtbl -- ^ Builtins hashtable for getting names
               -> Get Instruction -- ^ Instruction parser
getInstruction ids
             = getWord8
           >>= \b -> return (b .&. 3)
           >>= \code ->  if (code == 0) then getOp (b `shiftR` 2) Nothing ids
                    else if (code == 1) then getOp (b `shiftR` 3) (Just $ fromIntegral $ b `shiftR` 2 .&. 1) ids
                    else if (code == 2) then
                             getWord8 >>= \w -> if (b == 2) then (getOp (fromIntegral w) Nothing ids)
                                                else (getOp (b `shiftR` 2) (Just (fromIntegral w)) ids)
                    else if (code == 3) then
                             getInt32le >>= \i -> getOp (b `shiftR` 2) (Just i) ids
                    else fail "Get instruction: unrecognized opcode group"

-- | Second level of instruction read logic
getOp :: Word8 -- ^ Operation number
      -> Maybe Int32 -- ^ Additional argument
      -> Hashtbl -- ^ Some instructions require access to builtins hashtable
      -> Get Instruction -- ^ Instruction parser
getOp opnum arg ids
               = if (opnum == 0) then return (AccNull)
            else if (opnum == 1) then return (AccTrue)
            else if (opnum == 2) then return (AccFalse)
            else if (opnum == 3) then return (AccThis)
            else if (opnum == 4) then return (AccInt $ fromIntegral $ fromJust arg)
            else if (opnum == 5) then return (AccStack $ (fromIntegral $ fromJust arg) + 2)
            else if (opnum == 6) then return (AccGlobal $ fromIntegral $ fromJust arg)
            else if (opnum == 7) then return (AccEnv $ fromIntegral $ fromJust arg)
            else if (opnum == 8) then
                        if (member (fromIntegral $ fromJust arg) ids)
                        then return (AccField (fromJust $ H.lookup (fromIntegral $ fromJust arg) ids))
                        else fail ("Field not found for AccField (" ++ (showHex (fromIntegral $ fromJust arg :: Word32) "") ++ ")")
            else if (opnum == 9) then return (AccArray)
            else if (opnum == 10) then return (AccIndex $ (fromIntegral $ fromJust arg) + 2)
            else if (opnum == 11) then
                        if (member (fromIntegral $ fromJust arg) ids)
                        then return (AccBuiltin (fromJust $ H.lookup (fromIntegral $ fromJust arg) ids))
                        else fail ("Field not found for AccBuiltin (" ++ (showHex (fromIntegral $ fromJust arg :: Word32) "") ++ ")")
            else if (opnum == 12) then return (SetStack $ fromIntegral $ fromJust arg)
            else if (opnum == 13) then return (SetGlobal $ fromIntegral $ fromJust arg)
            else if (opnum == 14) then return (SetEnv $ fromIntegral $ fromJust arg)
            else if (opnum == 15) then
                        if (member (fromIntegral $ fromJust arg) ids)
                        then return (SetField (fromJust $ H.lookup (fromIntegral $ fromJust arg) ids))
                        else fail ("Field not found for SetField (" ++ (showHex (fromIntegral $ fromJust arg :: Word32) "") ++ ")")
            else if (opnum == 16) then return (SetArray)
            else if (opnum == 17) then return (SetIndex $ fromIntegral $ fromJust arg)
            else if (opnum == 18) then return (SetThis)
            else if (opnum == 19) then return (Push)
            else if (opnum == 20) then return (Pop $ fromIntegral $ fromJust arg)
            else if (opnum == 21) then return (Call $ fromIntegral $ fromJust arg)
            else if (opnum == 22) then return (ObjCall $ fromIntegral $ fromJust arg)
            else if (opnum == 23) then return (Jump $ fromIntegral $ fromJust arg)
            else if (opnum == 24) then return (JumpIf $ fromIntegral $ fromJust arg)
            else if (opnum == 25) then return (JumpIfNot $ fromIntegral $ fromJust arg)
            else if (opnum == 26) then return (Trap $ fromIntegral $ fromJust arg)
            else if (opnum == 27) then return (EndTrap)
            else if (opnum == 28) then return (Ret $ fromIntegral $ fromJust arg)
            else if (opnum == 29) then return (MakeEnv $ fromIntegral $ fromJust arg)
            else if (opnum == 30) then return (MakeArray $ fromIntegral $ fromJust arg)
            else if (opnum == 31) then return (Bool)
            else if (opnum == 32) then return (IsNull)
            else if (opnum == 33) then return (IsNotNull)
            else if (opnum == 34) then return (Add)
            else if (opnum == 35) then return (Sub)
            else if (opnum == 36) then return (Mult)
            else if (opnum == 37) then return (Div)
            else if (opnum == 38) then return (Mod)
            else if (opnum == 39) then return (Shl)
            else if (opnum == 40) then return (Shr)
            else if (opnum == 41) then return (UShr)
            else if (opnum == 42) then return (Or)
            else if (opnum == 43) then return (And)
            else if (opnum == 44) then return (Xor)
            else if (opnum == 45) then return (Eq)
            else if (opnum == 46) then return (Neq)
            else if (opnum == 47) then return (Gt)
            else if (opnum == 48) then return (Gte)
            else if (opnum == 49) then return (Lt)
            else if (opnum == 50) then return (Lte)
            else if (opnum == 51) then return (Not)
            else if (opnum == 52) then return (TypeOf)
            else if (opnum == 53) then return (Compare)
            else if (opnum == 54) then return (Hash)
            else if (opnum == 55) then return (New)
            else if (opnum == 56) then return (JumpTable $ fromIntegral $ fromJust arg)
            else if (opnum == 57) then return (Apply $ fromIntegral $ fromJust arg)
            else if (opnum == 58) then return (AccStack0)
            else if (opnum == 59) then return (AccStack1)
            else if (opnum == 60) then return (AccIndex0)
            else if (opnum == 61) then return (AccIndex1)
            else if (opnum == 62) then return (PhysCompare)
            else if (opnum == 63) then return (TailCall ((fromIntegral $ fromJust arg) .&. 7, (fromIntegral $ fromJust arg) `shiftR` 3))
            else if (opnum == 64) then return (Loop)
            else fail "Get instruction: unrecognized opcode"

-- | Get integer opcode
opcode :: Instruction -- ^ Instruction to process
       -> (Word8, Maybe Word32) -- ^ Opcode and additional argument
opcode (AccNull)      = (0,  Nothing)
opcode (AccTrue)      = (1,  Nothing)
opcode (AccFalse)     = (2,  Nothing)
opcode (AccThis)      = (3,  Nothing)
opcode (AccInt n)     = (4,  Just $ fromIntegral n)
opcode (AccStack n)   = (5,  Just $ (fromIntegral n) - 2) -- TODO Do we need to check for n<2 ?
opcode (AccGlobal n)  = (6,  Just $ fromIntegral n)
opcode (AccEnv n)     = (7,  Just $ fromIntegral n)
opcode (AccField s)   = (8,  Just $ hash s)
opcode (AccArray)     = (9,  Nothing)
opcode (AccIndex n)   = (10, Just $ (fromIntegral n) - 2) -- TODO Do we need to check for n<2 ?
opcode (AccBuiltin s) = (11, Just $ hash s)
opcode (SetStack n)   = (12, Just $ fromIntegral n)
opcode (SetGlobal n)  = (13, Just $ fromIntegral n)
opcode (SetEnv n)     = (14, Just $ fromIntegral n)
opcode (SetField s)   = (15, Just $ hash s)
opcode (SetArray)     = (16, Nothing)
opcode (SetIndex n)   = (17, Just $ fromIntegral n)
opcode (SetThis)      = (18, Nothing)
opcode (Push)         = (19, Nothing)
opcode (Pop n)        = (20, Just $ fromIntegral n)
opcode (Call n)       = (21, Just $ fromIntegral n)
opcode (ObjCall n)    = (22, Just $ fromIntegral n)
opcode (Jump n)       = (23, Just $ fromIntegral n)
opcode (JumpIf n)     = (24, Just $ fromIntegral n)
opcode (JumpIfNot n)  = (25, Just $ fromIntegral n)
opcode (Trap n)       = (26, Just $ fromIntegral n)
opcode (EndTrap)      = (27, Nothing)
opcode (Ret n)        = (28, Just $ fromIntegral n)
opcode (MakeEnv n)    = (29, Just $ fromIntegral n)
opcode (MakeArray n)  = (30, Just $ fromIntegral n)
opcode (Bool)         = (31, Nothing)
opcode (IsNull)       = (32, Nothing)
opcode (IsNotNull)    = (33, Nothing)
opcode (Add)          = (34, Nothing)
opcode (Sub)          = (35, Nothing)
opcode (Mult)         = (36, Nothing)
opcode (Div)          = (37, Nothing)
opcode (Mod)          = (38, Nothing)
opcode (Shl)          = (39, Nothing)
opcode (Shr)          = (40, Nothing)
opcode (UShr)         = (41, Nothing)
opcode (Or)           = (42, Nothing)
opcode (And)          = (43, Nothing)
opcode (Xor)          = (44, Nothing)
opcode (Eq)           = (45, Nothing)
opcode (Neq)          = (46, Nothing)
opcode (Gt)           = (47, Nothing)
opcode (Gte)          = (48, Nothing)
opcode (Lt)           = (49, Nothing)
opcode (Lte)          = (50, Nothing)
opcode (Not)          = (51, Nothing)
opcode (TypeOf)       = (52, Nothing)
opcode (Compare)      = (53, Nothing)
opcode (Hash)         = (54, Nothing)
opcode (New)          = (55, Nothing)
opcode (JumpTable n)  = (56, Just $ fromIntegral n)
opcode (Apply n)      = (57, Just $ fromIntegral n)
opcode (AccStack0)    = (58, Nothing)
opcode (AccStack1)    = (59, Nothing)
opcode (AccIndex0)    = (60, Nothing)
opcode (AccIndex1)    = (61, Nothing)
opcode (PhysCompare)  = (62, Nothing)
opcode (TailCall(a,s))= (63, Just $ (fromIntegral a) .|. ((fromIntegral s) `shiftL` 3))
opcode (Loop)         = (0, Just 64)

-- | Write instruction out using Put monad
putInstruction :: Instruction -> Put
putInstruction i
    = let (op, arg) = opcode i
          n = fromJust arg
      in if (isNothing arg) then (putWord8 $ op `shiftL` 2)
    else if (op < 32 && (n == 0 || n == 1)) then (putWord8 $ (op `shiftL` 3) .|. ((fromIntegral n) `shiftL` 2) .|. 1)
    else if (n >= 0 && n <= 0xFF) then (putWord8 ((op `shiftL` 2) .|. 2) >> putWord8 (fromIntegral n))
    else (putWord8 ((op `shiftL` 2) .|. 3) >> putWord32le n)

-- | Write a few instructions out using Put monad
putInstructions :: [Instruction] -> Put
putInstructions [] = return ()
putInstructions (i:is) = putInstruction i >> putInstructions is

-- | Determine whether instruction has a parameter
hasParam :: Instruction -> Bool
hasParam (AccInt _)     = True
hasParam (AccStack _)   = True
hasParam (AccGlobal _)  = True
hasParam (AccEnv _)     = True
hasParam (AccField _)   = True
hasParam (AccIndex _)   = True
hasParam (AccBuiltin _) = True
hasParam (SetStack _)   = True
hasParam (SetGlobal _)  = True
hasParam (SetEnv _)     = True
hasParam (SetField _)   = True
hasParam (SetIndex _)   = True
hasParam (Pop _)        = True
hasParam (Call _)       = True
hasParam (ObjCall _)    = True
hasParam (Jump _)       = True
hasParam (JumpIf _)     = True
hasParam (JumpIfNot _)  = True
hasParam (Trap _)       = True
hasParam (Ret _)        = True
hasParam (MakeEnv _)    = True
hasParam (MakeArray _)  = True
hasParam (JumpTable _)  = True
hasParam (Apply _)      = True
hasParam (TailCall _)   = True
hasParam _              = False