{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}

module System.Nemesis.DSL where

import Control.Monad.State hiding (State, join)
import Data.List (nub, sort)
import Prelude ()
import Air.Env
import System.Exit
import System.Process
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath.Glob
import System.Nemesis
import System.Nemesis.Util
import Text.Printf

desc :: String -> Unit
desc s = do
  n <- get
  put n {current_desc = Just s}

task :: String -> IO () -> Unit
task s action = 
  if s.has ':'
      let h = s.takeWhile (/= ':')
          t = s.dropWhile (/= ':') .tail
      task' (h.strip) (t.words)
      task' s []
    task' name deps = insert_task def {name, deps, action = ShowIO action}
    strip = dropWhile (== ' ') > reverse > dropWhile (== ' ') > reverse

namespace :: String -> Unit -> Unit
namespace name unit = do
  push name
    push s = do
      n <- get
      let current_namespace' = s : n.current_namespace
      put n {current_namespace = current_namespace'}
    pop = do
      n <- get
      let current_namespace' = n.current_namespace.tail
      put n {current_namespace = current_namespace'}
sh :: String -> IO ()
sh s = do
  status <- system s
  case status of 
    ExitSuccess -> return ()
    ExitFailure code -> do
      puts - printf "%s failed with status code: %s" s (show code)
      exitWith status

clean :: [String] -> Unit
clean xs = do
  desc "Remove any temporary products."
  task "clean" - do
    paths <- globDir (xs.map compile) "." ^ fst ^ concat ^ nub ^ sort ^ reverse
    mapM_ rm_any paths
      rm_any s = do
        file_exist <- doesFileExist s
        when file_exist - rm s
        dir_exist <- doesDirectoryExist s
        when dir_exist - rm_rf s