GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Frenetic.Pattern
  ( Matchable (..)
  , Wildcard (..)
  , Prefix (..)
  , wMatch
  ) where

import Data.List hiding (intersect)
import Data.Bits
import Data.Word
import Data.Maybe
import Numeric (showHex)

A class for types that compose similar to wildcards.

All instances must satisfy the following:

* @match@ defines a partial order; @top@ is the top element of this order
  and @intersect@ is a meet.

* Meets are exact: if @match x y@ and @match x z@, then
  @match x (fromJust (intersect y z))@, if such a meet exists.

Minimal complete definition: top and intersect.
class (Eq a) => Matchable a where
    top :: a
    intersect :: a -> a -> Maybe a
    match :: a -> a -> Bool
    overlap :: a -> a -> Bool
    disjoint :: a -> a -> Bool
    match x y = intersect x y == Just x
    overlap x y = isJust $ intersect x y
    disjoint x y = isNothing $ intersect x y

data Wildcard a
  = Exact a
  | Wildcard
  deriving (Ord, Eq)

data Prefix a = Prefix a Int
  deriving (Ord, Eq)

instance Show a => Show (Wildcard a) where
  show Wildcard  = "*"
  show (Exact a) = show a

instance Functor Wildcard where
  fmap f (Exact a) = Exact (f a)
  fmap _ Wildcard  = Wildcard

instance (Bits a, Show a) => Show (Prefix a) where
  show (Prefix val significantBits) =
    if bitSize val == significantBits
      then show val
      else "Prefix " ++ show val ++ " " ++ show significantBits

instance Bits a => Matchable (Prefix a) where
  top = Prefix 0 0
  intersect (Prefix v1 sig1) (Prefix v2 sig2) =
    let sig = min sig1 sig2 -- shorter prefix
        width = bitSize v1 -- value ignored
        mask = complement (bit (width - sig) - 1) in -- mask out lower bits
      if v1 .&. mask == v2 .&. mask
          if sig1 > sig2
            then Just (Prefix v1 sig1)
            else Just (Prefix v2 sig2)
        else Nothing

instance Eq a => Matchable (Wildcard a) where
  top = Wildcard
  intersect (Exact a) (Exact b) = if a == b then Just (Exact a) else Nothing
  intersect (Exact a) Wildcard = Just (Exact a)
  intersect Wildcard (Exact b) = Just (Exact b)
  intersect Wildcard Wildcard  = Just Wildcard

wMatch :: Eq a => a -> Wildcard a -> Bool
wMatch b w = Exact b `match` w