module Frenetic.Slices.Slice
  ( -- * Data Structures
    Slice (..)
  -- * Utilities
  , internalSlice
  , simpleSlice
  , localize
  , switchesOfPredicate
  , poUsesVlans
  , actUsesVlans
  ) where

import Frenetic.Common
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.MultiSet as MS
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Word
import Frenetic.NetCore.Short
import Frenetic.NetCore.Types
import Frenetic.Pattern
import Frenetic.Topo

-- |A slice represents a subgraph of the network for the purposes of isolating
-- programs from each other.
-- The interface to a slice has two components: a topology comprising switches,
-- ports, and links; and a collection of predicates, one for each outward-facing
-- edge port.
-- We represent the topology as a collection of locations in the network, and
-- the predicates as a mapping from locations to predicates.
-- Intuitively, packets may travel freely between internal locations, but must
-- satisfy the associated predicate to enter the slice at an ingress location,
-- or leave the slice at an egress location.  If an external port is not listed
-- in the ingress or egress set, then no packets may enter or leave
-- (respectively) on that port.
data Slice = Slice {
  -- |Ports internal to the slice.
  internal :: Set.Set Loc
  -- |External ports, and restrictions on inbound packets.
, ingress :: Map.Map Loc Predicate
  -- |External ports, and restrictions on outbound packets.
, egress  :: Map.Map Loc Predicate } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

linkToLoc (n, _, p) = Loc (fromIntegral n) p

-- |Produce a slice that exactly covers the given topology, with no ingress or
-- egress ports.
internalSlice :: Topo -> Slice
internalSlice topo = Slice locations Map.empty Map.empty where
  locations = Set.fromList . map linkToLoc . labEdges $ topo

-- |Produce a slice with all the switches in topo, and predicate applied to all
-- in- and out-bound connections to hosts
simpleSlice :: Topo -> Predicate -> Slice
simpleSlice topo pred = Slice int (Map.fromList $ zip ext (repeat pred))
                                  (Map.fromList $ zip ext (repeat pred))
  links = labEdges topo
  -- Only get links coming from switches, and segregate based on pointing to a
  -- host or not.
  (intLinks, extLinks) = partition (\(_, n2, _) -> not $ isHost topo n2) .
                         filter (\(_, _, p) -> p /= 0) $
  int = Set.fromList $ map linkToLoc intLinks
  ext = map linkToLoc extLinks

-- |Transform policy running on slice into a FLOOD- and unbound port-free (i.e.,
-- every port has an unambiguous switch associated with it) version with the
-- same semantics, assuming it runs on the subgraph described by the slice.  In
-- the returned policy, all forwarding actions within the slice, or to one of
-- its egress ports.
localize :: Slice -> Policy -> Policy
localize slice policy = case policy of
  PoBottom -> PoBottom
  PoUnion p1 p2 -> localize slice p1 <+> localize slice p2
  PoBasic pred act ->
    let ss = Set.toList (switchesOfPredicate switches pred) in
    mconcat [localizeMods (pred' <&&> PrTo s) act
                              (Map.findWithDefault Set.empty s ports)
                | s <- ss]
      switches = (\ (Loc s _) -> s) locations
      ports =
        Set.foldr (\ (Loc s p) -> Map.insertWith Set.union s (Set.singleton p))
                  Map.empty locations
      locations = Set.union (internal slice)
                            (Set.fromList . Map.keys $ egress slice)
      pred' = pred <&&> onSlice slice

onSlice :: Slice -> Predicate
onSlice (Slice int ing egr) = prOr .
                              map (\(Loc s p) -> inport s p) .
                              Set.toList .
                              Set.unions $
                              [int, Map.keysSet ing, Map.keysSet egr]

-- |Transform potentially non-local forwarding actions into explicitly local
-- ones on the switch.
localizeMods :: Predicate -> Action -> Set.Set Port -> Policy
localizeMods pred (Action m obs) ports = mconcat (forwardPol : floodPols)
  (forwards, floods) = MS.mapEither split m
  -- partial match is safe because we split it
  forwards' = MS.filter (\(Physical p, _) -> Set.member p ports) forwards
  -- Put the observations with the forwards so we don't duplicate them
  forwardPol = pred ==> Action forwards' obs
  floodPols = [mkFlood p mods | p <- Set.toList ports, mods <- MS.toList floods]
  mkFlood port mods = pred <&&> inPort port ==> Action mods' MS.empty where
    mods' = MS.fromList [(Physical p, mods) | p <- otherPorts]
    otherPorts = Set.toList $ Set.delete port ports

split (Physical p, rewrite) = Left (Physical p, rewrite)
split (AllPorts, rewrite) = Right rewrite

-- |Starting with a set of switches, get the switches the predicate might match.
switchesOfPredicate :: Set.Set Switch -> Predicate -> Set.Set Switch
switchesOfPredicate switches pred = case pred of
  PrPattern _       -> switches
  PrTo s            -> Set.intersection switches (Set.singleton s)
  PrUnion p1 p2     -> Set.union (switchesOfPredicate switches p1)
                           (switchesOfPredicate switches p2)
  PrIntersect p1 p2 -> Set.intersection (switchesOfPredicate switches p1)
                                        (switchesOfPredicate switches p2)
  PrNegate _        -> switches

-- |Determine if a policy ever matches on or sets VLAN tags.
poUsesVlans :: Policy -> Bool
poUsesVlans PoBottom = False
poUsesVlans (PoUnion p1 p2) = poUsesVlans p1 || poUsesVlans p2
poUsesVlans (PoBasic pred action) = prUsesVlans pred || actUsesVlans action

-- |Determine if a predicate matches on VLAN tags
prUsesVlans :: Predicate -> Bool
prUsesVlans (PrPattern (Pattern {ptrnDlVlan = vl})) = vl /= Wildcard
prUsesVlans (PrTo _) = False
prUsesVlans (PrUnion p1 p2) = prUsesVlans p1 || prUsesVlans p2
prUsesVlans (PrIntersect p1 p2) = prUsesVlans p1 || prUsesVlans p2
prUsesVlans (PrNegate p) = prUsesVlans p

actUsesVlans :: Action -> Bool
actUsesVlans (Action ms _) =
  any (\(_, m) -> isJust $ modifyDlVlan m) $ MS.toList ms