{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}

module Nettle.Discovery.Topology_Internal where

import Nettle.OpenFlow.Switch (SwitchID)
import Nettle.OpenFlow.Port hiding (Port)
import qualified Data.Set as S

-- |Port definition that references a specific port on a specific switch
type Port = (SwitchID, PortID)

-- |A set of two Ports (as defined above) that represents a connection from
-- the PortID of a switch with a certain DataPathID to the PortID of another
-- switch with a different DataPathID
type Link = S.Set Port

-- |Definition of Topology, that is, a set of two-member sets of ports
-- It's constructors are not made available in other modules; Topologies
-- can only be manipulated by the functions defined in this module. This is
-- done so that certain properties can be assumed of any Topology, namely that
-- all Links contain two members
type Topology = S.Set Link
--try newtype Link, type Topology, then you can use set operations on Topologies

-- |Deconstructor for Topology constructor
unTopology :: Topology -> S.Set Link
unTopology topo = topo

-- |Merge two topologies
merge :: Topology -> Topology -> Topology
merge t1 t2 = S.union t1 t2

-- |Provides a Topology with no links
empty :: Topology
empty = S.empty

-- | Construct a link
link :: (Port, Port) -> Link
link (p1,p2) = S.fromList [p1,p2]

-- |Add a link into an existing topology. Use with empty to make a new Topology.
addLink :: Port -> Port -> Topology -> Topology
addLink p1 p2 = S.insert $ S.insert p1 $ S.insert p2 S.empty

-- |Removes all links that include a certain switch's DataPathID
-- from the Topology.
removeSwitch :: SwitchID -> Topology -> Topology
removeSwitch dpid = S.filter $ not . containsDataPathID dpid

-- |Given two topologies, merge them into one
combine :: Topology -> Topology -> Topology
combine t1 t2 = S.union t1 t2

removePort :: Port -> Topology -> Topology
removePort pt = S.filter $ not . containsPort pt

removeLink :: Link -> Topology -> Topology
removeLink lk = removePort $ S.findMin lk

-- |Find the subset of Links in a Topology that all
-- include a certain switch's DataPathID
subset :: SwitchID -> Topology -> Topology
subset dpid = S.filter $ containsDataPathID dpid

-- Predicate that returns true if the DataPathID provided matches
-- the DataPathID in either of the two Ports in the Link.
containsDataPathID :: SwitchID -> Link -> Bool
containsDataPathID dpid lk = not $ S.null $ S.filter (\ (x, _) -> dpid == x) lk

containsPort :: Port -> Link -> Bool
containsPort pt lk = S.member pt lk