{-# LANGUAGE CPP, DisambiguateRecordFields, RecordWildCards, NamedFieldPuns #-}

-- | This module implements parsing and unparsing functions for 
-- OpenFlow messages. It exports a driver that can be used to read messages
-- from a file handle and write messages to a handle.
module Nettle.OpenFlow.MessagesBinary (
  -- * Driver and Server
  , openFlowServer
    -- * Parsing and unparsing methods
  , getSCMessage
  , putCSMessage
  ) where

import Nettle.Ethernet.EthernetAddress
import Nettle.Ethernet.EthernetFrame
import Nettle.IPv4.IPAddress
import Nettle.IPv4.IPPacket
import qualified Nettle.OpenFlow.Messages as M
import Nettle.OpenFlow.Port
import Nettle.OpenFlow.Action
import Nettle.OpenFlow.Switch
import Nettle.OpenFlow.Match
import Nettle.OpenFlow.Packet
import Nettle.OpenFlow.FlowTable
import qualified Nettle.OpenFlow.FlowTable as FlowTable
import Nettle.OpenFlow.Statistics
import Nettle.OpenFlow.Error
import Nettle.Servers.TCPServer
import Nettle.Servers.MultiplexedTCPServer

import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Exception
import Data.Word
import Data.Bits
import Data.Binary
import Data.Binary.Put
import Data.Binary.Get
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isJust)
import Data.List as List
import Data.Char (chr)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Bimap (Bimap, (!))
import qualified Data.Bimap as Bimap

-- | @openFlowServer portNum@ starts a TCP server listening for new connections at @portNum@ and 
-- returns a process that can be used to receive OpenFlow events and send OpenFlow messages.
openFlowServer :: ServerPortNumber -- ^ TCP port at which the server will listen for connections.
                  -> IO (Process (TCPMessage (M.TransactionID, M.SCMessage)) (SockAddr, (M.TransactionID, M.CSMessage)) IOException) -- ^ A process providing a method to read @SCMessage@s from switches, a method write @CSMessage@s to switches, and terminates with an @IOException@.
openFlowServer pnum = muxedTCPServer pnum messageDriver

-- | A message driver for use with TCP servers.
messageDriver :: TCPMessageDriver (M.TransactionID, M.SCMessage) (M.TransactionID, M.CSMessage)
messageDriver = TCPMessageDriver g p
    where g hdl = do
            hdrBS <- B.hGet hdl headerSize
            let bytesRead = B.length hdrBS
            if (bytesRead == 0) 
             then return Nothing
             else do when (bytesRead /= fromIntegral headerSize) (tooFewBytesReadError headerSize bytesRead)
                     let hdr = runGet getHeader hdrBS 
                     sanityCheck hdr
                     let expectedLenOfBody = fromIntegral (msgLength hdr) - bytesRead
                     bodyBS <- B.hGet hdl (fromIntegral expectedLenOfBody)
                     let bytesRead' = B.length bodyBS
                     when (bytesRead' /= expectedLenOfBody) (tooFewBytesReadError expectedLenOfBody bytesRead')
                     return (Just (runGet (getSCMessageBody hdr) bodyBS))

          tooFewBytesReadError expected actual = 
                  let msg = "Expected to read " ++ show expected ++ " bytes, but only read " ++ show actual ++ "bytes."
                  in ioError $ userError $ msg

          p msg hdl = B.hPut hdl (runPut (putCSMessage msg))

sanityCheck :: OFPHeader -> IO ()
sanityCheck hdr = do 
  when (msgVersion hdr /= ofpVersion) 
           (ioError $ userError ("Bytes read from socket do not have the expected version (" ++ show ofpVersion ++ "). Header was: " ++ show hdr))
  when (not $ validMessageType $ msgType hdr) 
           (ioError $ userError ("Bytes read from socket do not have a valid message type. Header was: " ++ show hdr))

type MessageTypeCode = Word8

ofptHello :: MessageTypeCode    
ofptHello                 = 0

ofptError :: MessageTypeCode
ofptError                 = 1

ofptEchoRequest :: MessageTypeCode
ofptEchoRequest           = 2

ofptEchoReply :: MessageTypeCode
ofptEchoReply             = 3

ofptVendor :: MessageTypeCode
ofptVendor                = 4

ofptFeaturesRequest :: MessageTypeCode
ofptFeaturesRequest       = 5

ofptFeaturesReply :: MessageTypeCode
ofptFeaturesReply         = 6

ofptGetConfigRequest :: MessageTypeCode
ofptGetConfigRequest      = 7

ofptGetConfigReply :: MessageTypeCode
ofptGetConfigReply        = 8

ofptSetConfig :: MessageTypeCode
ofptSetConfig             = 9

ofptPacketIn :: MessageTypeCode
ofptPacketIn              = 10

ofptFlowExpired :: MessageTypeCode
ofptFlowExpired           = 11

ofptPortStatus :: MessageTypeCode
ofptPortStatus            = 12   

ofptPacketOut :: MessageTypeCode
ofptPacketOut             = 13

ofptFlowMod :: MessageTypeCode
ofptFlowMod               = 14

ofptPortMod :: MessageTypeCode
ofptPortMod               = 15

ofptStatsRequest :: MessageTypeCode
ofptStatsRequest          = 16

ofptStatsReply :: MessageTypeCode
ofptStatsReply            = 17

validMessageTypes      = [ofptHello, 


ofptHello :: MessageTypeCode    
ofptHello                 = 0

ofptError :: MessageTypeCode
ofptError                 = 1

ofptEchoRequest :: MessageTypeCode
ofptEchoRequest           = 2

ofptEchoReply :: MessageTypeCode
ofptEchoReply             = 3

ofptVendor :: MessageTypeCode
ofptVendor                = 4

ofptFeaturesRequest :: MessageTypeCode
ofptFeaturesRequest       = 5

ofptFeaturesReply :: MessageTypeCode
ofptFeaturesReply         = 6

ofptGetConfigRequest :: MessageTypeCode
ofptGetConfigRequest      = 7

ofptGetConfigReply :: MessageTypeCode
ofptGetConfigReply        = 8

ofptSetConfig :: MessageTypeCode
ofptSetConfig             = 9

ofptPacketIn :: MessageTypeCode
ofptPacketIn              = 10

ofptFlowRemoved :: MessageTypeCode
ofptFlowRemoved           = 11

ofptPortStatus :: MessageTypeCode
ofptPortStatus            = 12   

ofptPacketOut :: MessageTypeCode
ofptPacketOut             = 13

ofptFlowMod :: MessageTypeCode
ofptFlowMod               = 14

ofptPortMod :: MessageTypeCode
ofptPortMod               = 15

ofptStatsRequest :: MessageTypeCode
ofptStatsRequest          = 16

ofptStatsReply :: MessageTypeCode
ofptStatsReply            = 17

ofptBarrierRequest :: MessageTypeCode
ofptBarrierRequest        = 18

ofptBarrierReply :: MessageTypeCode
ofptBarrierReply          = 19

validMessageTypes      = [ofptHello, 


ofptHello :: MessageTypeCode    
ofptHello                 = 0

ofptError :: MessageTypeCode
ofptError                 = 1

ofptEchoRequest :: MessageTypeCode
ofptEchoRequest           = 2

ofptEchoReply :: MessageTypeCode
ofptEchoReply             = 3

ofptVendor :: MessageTypeCode
ofptVendor                = 4

ofptFeaturesRequest :: MessageTypeCode
ofptFeaturesRequest       = 5

ofptFeaturesReply :: MessageTypeCode
ofptFeaturesReply         = 6

ofptGetConfigRequest :: MessageTypeCode
ofptGetConfigRequest      = 7

ofptGetConfigReply :: MessageTypeCode
ofptGetConfigReply        = 8

ofptSetConfig :: MessageTypeCode
ofptSetConfig             = 9

ofptPacketIn :: MessageTypeCode
ofptPacketIn              = 10

ofptFlowRemoved :: MessageTypeCode
ofptFlowRemoved           = 11

ofptPortStatus :: MessageTypeCode
ofptPortStatus            = 12   

ofptPacketOut :: MessageTypeCode
ofptPacketOut             = 13

ofptFlowMod :: MessageTypeCode
ofptFlowMod               = 14

ofptPortMod :: MessageTypeCode
ofptPortMod               = 15

ofptStatsRequest :: MessageTypeCode
ofptStatsRequest          = 16

ofptStatsReply :: MessageTypeCode
ofptStatsReply            = 17

ofptBarrierRequest :: MessageTypeCode
ofptBarrierRequest        = 18

ofptBarrierReply :: MessageTypeCode
ofptBarrierReply          = 19

ofptQueueGetConfigRequest :: MessageTypeCode
ofptQueueGetConfigRequest = 20

ofptQueueGetConfigReply :: MessageTypeCode
ofptQueueGetConfigReply   = 21

validMessageTypes      = [ofptHello, 


validMessageType tcode = elem tcode validMessageTypes

-- | Parser for @SCMessage@s
getSCMessage :: Get (M.TransactionID, M.SCMessage) 
getSCMessage = do hdr <- getHeader
                  getSCMessageBody hdr

{- Header -}

type OpenFlowVersionID = Word8

ofpVersion :: OpenFlowVersionID
ofpVersion =  0x01
ofpVersion =  0x98
ofpVersion =  0x97

-- | OpenFlow message header
data OFPHeader = 
  OFPHeader { msgVersion       :: OpenFlowVersionID
            , msgType          :: MessageTypeCode 
            , msgLength        :: Word16 
            , msgTransactionID :: M.TransactionID 
            } deriving (Show,Eq)

headerSize :: Int
headerSize = 8 

-- | Unparser for OpenFlow message header
putHeader :: OFPHeader -> Put
putHeader (OFPHeader {..}) = do putWord8 msgVersion
                                putWord8 msgType 
                                putWord16be msgLength
                                putWord32be msgTransactionID
-- | Parser for the OpenFlow message header                          
getHeader :: Get OFPHeader
getHeader = do v <- getWord8
               t <- getWord8
               l <- getWord16be
               x <- getWord32be
               return $ OFPHeader v t l x

-- Get SCMessage body
getSCMessageBody :: OFPHeader -> Get (M.TransactionID, M.SCMessage)
getSCMessageBody (OFPHeader {..}) = 
    if msgType == ofptHello 
    then return (msgTransactionID, M.SCHello)
    else if msgType == ofptEchoRequest
         then do bytes <- getWord8s (len - headerSize)
                 return (msgTransactionID, M.SCEchoRequest bytes)
         else if msgType == ofptEchoReply
              then do bytes <- getWord8s (len - headerSize)
                      return (msgTransactionID, M.SCEchoReply bytes)
              else if msgType == ofptFeaturesReply
                   then do switchFeaturesRecord <- getSwitchFeaturesRecord len
                           return (msgTransactionID, M.Features switchFeaturesRecord)
                   else if msgType == ofptPacketIn 
                        then do packetInRecord <- getPacketInRecord len
                                return (msgTransactionID, M.PacketIn packetInRecord)
                        else if msgType == ofptPortStatus
                             then do body <- getPortStatus 
                                     return (msgTransactionID, M.PortStatus body)
                             else if msgType == ofptError 
                                  then do body <- getSwitchError len
                                          return (msgTransactionID, M.Error body)
                                  else if msgType == ofptFlowExpired
                                       then do body <- getFlowRemovedRecord 
                                               return (msgTransactionID, M.FlowRemoved body)
                                  else if msgType == ofptFlowRemoved
                                       then do body <- getFlowRemovedRecord 
                                               return (msgTransactionID, M.FlowRemoved body)
                                       else if msgType == ofptBarrierReply
                                            then return (msgTransactionID, M.BarrierReply)
                                            else if msgType == ofptStatsReply
                                                 then do body <- getStatsReply len
                                                         return (msgTransactionID, M.StatsReply body)
                                                 else error "undefined"
    where len = fromIntegral msgLength


getSwitchFeaturesRecord len = do 
  dpid    <- getWord64be
  nbufs   <- getWord32be
  ntables <- getWord8
  skip 3
  caps    <- getWord32be
  acts    <- getWord32be
  ports <- sequence (replicate num_ports getPhyPort)
  return (SwitchFeatures dpid (fromIntegral nbufs) (fromIntegral ntables) (bitMap2SwitchCapabilitySet caps) (bitMap2SwitchActionSet acts) ports)
    where ports_offset      = 32
          num_ports         = (len - ports_offset) `div` size_ofp_phy_port
          size_ofp_phy_port = 48

getPhyPort :: Get Port
getPhyPort = do 
  port_no  <- get
  hw_addr  <- getEthernetAddress
  name_arr <- getWord8s ofpMaxPortNameLen
  let port_name = [ chr (fromIntegral b) | b <- takeWhile (/=0) name_arr ]
  cfg  <- getWord32be
  st   <- getWord32be
  let (linkDown, stpState) = code2PortState st
  curr <- getWord32be
  adv  <- getWord32be 
  supp <- getWord32be
  peer <- getWord32be
  return $ Port { portID                 = port_no, 
                  portName               = port_name, 
                  portAddress            = hw_addr, 
                  portConfig             = bitMap2PortConfigAttributeSet cfg, 
                  portLinkDown           = linkDown, 
                  portSTPState           = stpState, 
                  portCurrentFeatures    = decodePortFeatureSet curr, 
                  portAdvertisedFeatures = decodePortFeatureSet adv,
                  portSupportedFeatures  = decodePortFeatureSet supp,
                  portPeerFeatures       = decodePortFeatureSet peer
  where ofpMaxPortNameLen = 16

decodePortFeatureSet :: Word32 -> Maybe [PortFeature]
decodePortFeatureSet word 
    | word == 0 = Nothing
    | otherwise = Just $ concat [ if word `testBit` position then [feat] else [] | (feat, position) <- featurePositions ]
    where featurePositions = [ (Rate10MbHD,       0),
                               (Rate10MbFD,       1), 
                               (Rate100MbHD,      2), 
                               (Rate100MbFD,      3),
                               (Rate1GbHD,        4),
                               (Rate1GbFD,        5),
                               (Rate10GbFD,       6),
                               (Copper,           7),
                               (Fiber,            8),
                               (AutoNegotiation,  9),
                               (Pause,           10),
                               (AsymmetricPause, 11) ]

ofppsLinkDown, ofppsStpListen, ofppsStpLearn, ofppsStpForward :: Word32
ofppsLinkDown   = 1 `shiftL` 0  -- 1 << 0
ofppsStpListen  = 0 `shiftL` 8  -- 0 << 8
ofppsStpLearn   = 1 `shiftL` 8  -- 1 << 8
ofppsStpForward = 2 `shiftL` 8  -- 2 << 8
ofppsStpBlock   = 3 `shiftL` 8  -- 3 << 8 
ofppsStpMask    = 3 `shiftL` 8  -- 3 << 8

code2PortState :: Word32 -> (Bool, SpanningTreePortState)
code2PortState w = (w .&. ofppsLinkDown /= 0, stpState)
    where stpState 
              | flag == ofppsStpListen  = STPListening
              | flag == ofppsStpLearn   = STPLearning
              | flag == ofppsStpForward = STPForwarding
              | flag == ofppsStpBlock   = STPBlocking
              | otherwise               = error "Unrecognized port status code."
          flag = w .&. ofppsStpMask

bitMap2PortConfigAttributeSet :: Word32 -> [PortConfigAttribute]
bitMap2PortConfigAttributeSet bmap = filter inBMap $ enumFrom $ toEnum 0
    where inBMap attr = let mask = portAttribute2BitMask attr 
                        in mask .&. bmap == mask

portAttribute2BitMask :: PortConfigAttribute -> Word32
portAttribute2BitMask PortDown      = shiftL 1 0
portAttribute2BitMask STPDisabled   = shiftL 1 1
portAttribute2BitMask OnlySTPackets = shiftL 1 2
portAttribute2BitMask NoSTPackets   = shiftL 1 3
portAttribute2BitMask NoFlooding    = shiftL 1 4
portAttribute2BitMask DropForwarded = shiftL 1 5
portAttribute2BitMask NoPacketInMsg = shiftL 1 6

portAttributeSet2BitMask :: [PortConfigAttribute] -> Word32
portAttributeSet2BitMask = foldl f 0
    where f mask b = mask .|. portAttribute2BitMask b

bitMap2SwitchCapabilitySet :: Word32 -> [SwitchCapability]
bitMap2SwitchCapabilitySet bmap = filter inBMap $ enumFrom $ toEnum 0
    where inBMap attr = let mask = switchCapability2BitMask attr 
                        in mask .&. bmap == mask

switchCapability2BitMask :: SwitchCapability -> Word32
switchCapability2BitMask HasFlowStats  = shiftL 1 0
switchCapability2BitMask HasTableStats = shiftL 1 1
switchCapability2BitMask HasPortStats  = shiftL 1 2
switchCapability2BitMask SpanningTree  = shiftL 1 3
switchCapability2BitMask MayTransmitOverMultiplePhysicalInterfaces = shiftL 1 4
switchCapability2BitMask CanReassembleIPFragments = shiftL 1 5
switchCapability2BitMask HasQueueStatistics = shiftL 1 6
switchCapability2BitMask CanMatchIPAddressesInARPPackets = shiftL 1 7

bitMap2SwitchActionSet :: Word32 -> [ActionType]
bitMap2SwitchActionSet bmap = filter inBMap $ enumFrom $ toEnum 0
    where inBMap attr = let mask = actionType2BitMask attr 
                        in mask .&. bmap == mask

code2ActionType :: Word16 -> ActionType
code2ActionType code = 
    case Bimap.lookupR code $ actionType2CodeBijection of 
      Just x -> x
      Nothing -> error ("In code2ActionType: encountered unknown action type code: " ++ show code)

actionType2Code :: ActionType -> Word16
actionType2Code a = 
    case Bimap.lookup a actionType2CodeBijection of
      Just x -> x
      Nothing -> error ("In actionType2Code: encountered unknown action type: " ++ show a)

actionType2CodeBijection :: Bimap ActionType Word16 
actionType2CodeBijection = 
  Bimap.fromList [(OutputToPortType,          0)      
                  , (SetVlanVIDType,          1)
                  , (SetVlanPriorityType,     2)
                  , (StripVlanHeaderType,     3)  
                  , (SetEthSrcAddrType,       4)  
                  , (SetEthDstAddrType,       5)  
                  , (SetIPSrcAddrType,        6)  
                  , (SetIPDstAddrType,        7)  
                  , (SetTransportSrcPortType, 8)  
                  , (SetTransportDstPortType, 9)   
                  , (VendorActionType,        0xffff)
actionType2CodeBijection :: Bimap ActionType Word16 
actionType2CodeBijection = 
  Bimap.fromList [(OutputToPortType,          0)      
                  , (SetVlanVIDType,          1)
                  , (SetVlanPriorityType,     2)
                  , (StripVlanHeaderType,     3)  
                  , (SetEthSrcAddrType,       4)  
                  , (SetEthDstAddrType,       5)  
                  , (SetIPSrcAddrType,        6)  
                  , (SetIPDstAddrType,        7)  
                  , (SetIPTypeOfServiceType,  8)  
                  , (SetTransportSrcPortType, 9)  
                  , (SetTransportDstPortType, 10)   
                  , (VendorActionType,        0xffff)
actionType2CodeBijection :: Bimap ActionType Word16 
actionType2CodeBijection = 
  Bimap.fromList [(OutputToPortType,          0)      
                  , (SetVlanVIDType,          1)
                  , (SetVlanPriorityType,     2)
                  , (StripVlanHeaderType,     3)  
                  , (SetEthSrcAddrType,       4)  
                  , (SetEthDstAddrType,       5)  
                  , (SetIPSrcAddrType,        6)  
                  , (SetIPDstAddrType,        7)  
                  , (SetIPTypeOfServiceType,  8)  
                  , (SetTransportSrcPortType, 9)  
                  , (SetTransportDstPortType, 10)   
                  , (EnqueueType,             11)
                  , (VendorActionType,        0xffff)

actionType2BitMask :: ActionType -> Word32
actionType2BitMask = shiftL 1 . fromIntegral . actionType2Code 

-- Packet In Parser

getPacketInRecord :: Int -> Get PacketInfo
getPacketInRecord len = do 
  bufID      <- getWord32be
  totalLen   <- getWord16be
  in_port    <- getWord16be
  reasonCode <- getWord8
  skip 1
  bytes <- getLazyByteString (fromIntegral data_len)
  let reason = code2Reason reasonCode
  let mbufID = if (bufID == maxBound) then Nothing else Just bufID
  return $ PacketInfo mbufID (fromIntegral totalLen) in_port reason bytes
    where data_offset = 8 + 4 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1
          data_len    = len - data_offset

code2Reason code 
  | code == 0  = NotMatched
  | code == 1  = ExplicitSend
  | otherwise  = error ("Received unknown packet-in reason code: " ++ show code ++ ".")

-- Port Status parser
getPortStatus :: Get PortStatus
getPortStatus = do 
  reasonCode <- getWord8
  skip 7
  portDesc <- getPhyPort
  return $ (code2PortStatusUpdateReason reasonCode, portDesc)

code2PortStatusUpdateReason code =
    if code == 0
    then  PortAdded
    else if code == 1
         then PortDeleted
         else if code == 2
              then PortModified
              else error ("Unkown port status update reason code: " ++ show code)

-- Switch Error parser
getSwitchError :: Int -> Get SwitchError
getSwitchError len = do 
  typ   <- getWord16be
  code  <- getWord16be
  bytes <- getWord8s (len - headerSize - 4)
  return (code2ErrorType typ code bytes)

code2ErrorType :: Word16 -> Word16 -> [Word8] -> SwitchError
code2ErrorType typ code bytes
    | typ == 0 = HelloFailed   (helloErrorCodesMap  ! code) [ chr (fromIntegral b) | b <- takeWhile (/=0) bytes ]
    | typ == 1 = BadRequest    (requestErrorCodeMap ! code) bytes
    | typ == 2 = BadAction     code bytes
    | typ == 3 = FlowModFailed code bytes
code2ErrorType typ code bytes
    | typ == 0  = HelloFailed   (helloErrorCodesMap  ! code) [ chr (fromIntegral b) | b <- takeWhile (/=0) bytes ]
    | typ == 1  = BadRequest    (requestErrorCodeMap ! code) bytes
    | typ == 2  = BadAction     (actionErrorCodeMap  ! code) bytes
    | typ == 3  = FlowModFailed (flowModErrorCodeMap ! code) bytes
code2ErrorType typ code bytes
    | typ == 0 = HelloFailed   (helloErrorCodesMap  ! code) [ chr (fromIntegral b) | b <- takeWhile (/=0) bytes ]
    | typ == 1 = BadRequest    (requestErrorCodeMap ! code) bytes
    | typ == 2 = BadAction     (actionErrorCodeMap  ! code) bytes
    | typ == 3 = FlowModFailed (flowModErrorCodeMap ! code) bytes
    | typ == 4 = error "Port mod failed error not yet handled"
    | typ == 5 = error "Queue op failed error not yet handled"                 

helloErrorCodesMap = Bimap.fromList [ (0, IncompatibleVersions)
                                      , (1       , HelloPermissionsError) 
requestErrorCodeMap = Bimap.fromList [ (0,    VersionNotSupported),                  
                                       (1   ,    MessageTypeNotSupported), 
                                       (2   ,    StatsRequestTypeNotSupported), 
                                       (3 ,    VendorNotSupported), 
                                       (4,    VendorSubtypeNotSupported)
#if OPENFLOW_VERSION==152 || OPENFLOW_VERSION==1                                       
                                       , (5      ,    RequestPermissionsError)
#if OPENFLOW_VERSION==1                                       
                                       , (6    ,    BadRequestLength)
                                       , (7,   BufferEmpty)
                                       , (8, UnknownBuffer) 

actionErrorCodeMap = Bimap.fromList [ (0, UnknownActionType), 
                                      (1, BadActionLength), 
                                      (2, UnknownVendorID), 
                                      (3, UnknownActionTypeForVendor), 
                                      (4, BadOutPort), 
                                      (5, BadActionArgument)
#if OPENFLOW_VERSION==152 || OPENFLOW_VERSION==1                                                                 
                                      , (6, ActionPermissionsError)
#if OPENFLOW_VERSION==1                                      
                                      , (7, TooManyActions)
                                      , (8, InvalidQueue) 

flowModErrorCodeMap = Bimap.fromList [ (0,   TablesFull) 
                                       , (1,           OverlappingFlow)
                                       , (2,             FlowModPermissionsError)
                                       , (3, EmergencyModHasTimeouts)
#if OPENFLOW_VERSION==1                                       
                                       , (4,       BadCommand)
                                       , (5,       UnsupportedActionList) 

-- FlowRemoved parser
getFlowRemovedRecord :: Get FlowRemoved
getFlowRemovedRecord = do 
  m         <- getMatch
  p         <- get
  rcode     <- get
  skip 1 
  dur       <- getWord32be
  skip 4
  pktCount  <- getWord64be
  byteCount <- getWord64be
  return $ FlowRemoved m p (code2FlowRemovalReason rcode) (fromIntegral dur) (fromIntegral pktCount) (fromIntegral byteCount)
getFlowRemovedRecord :: Get FlowRemoved
getFlowRemovedRecord = do 
  m         <- getMatch
  p         <- getWord16be
  rcode     <- getWord8
  skip 1 
  dur       <- getWord32be
  idle_timeout <- getWord16be
  skip 6 
  pktCount  <- getWord64be
  byteCount <- getWord64be
  return $ FlowRemoved m p (code2FlowRemovalReason rcode) (fromIntegral dur) (fromIntegral idle_timeout) (fromIntegral pktCount) (fromIntegral byteCount)
getFlowRemovedRecord :: Get FlowRemoved
getFlowRemovedRecord = do 
  m         <- getMatch
  cookie <- getWord64be
  p         <- getWord16be
  rcode     <- getWord8
  skip 1 
  dur       <- getWord32be
  dur_nsec <-  getWord32be
  idle_timeout <- getWord16be
  skip 2 
  pktCount  <- getWord64be
  byteCount <- getWord64be
  return $ FlowRemoved m cookie p (code2FlowRemovalReason rcode) (fromIntegral dur) (fromIntegral dur_nsec) (fromIntegral idle_timeout) (fromIntegral pktCount) (fromIntegral byteCount)

flowRemovalReason2CodeBijection :: Bimap FlowRemovalReason Word8
flowRemovalReason2CodeBijection =
    Bimap.fromList [(IdleTimerExpired, 0), 
                    (HardTimerExpired, 1) ]
flowRemovalReason2CodeBijection :: Bimap FlowRemovalReason Word8
flowRemovalReason2CodeBijection =
    Bimap.fromList [(IdleTimerExpired,    0), 
                    (HardTimerExpired,    1), 
                    (DeletedByController, 2)        ]
code2FlowRemovalReason rcode = (Bimap.!>) flowRemovalReason2CodeBijection rcode

-- Stats Reply parser

getStatsReply :: Int -> Get StatsReply
getStatsReply headerLen = do 
  statsType <- getWord16be
  flags     <- getWord16be
  let bodyLen = headerLen - (headerSize + 4)
  let moreFlag = flags == 0x0001
  if statsType == ofpstFlow
   then do flowStats    <- getFlowStatsReplies bodyLen 
           return (FlowStatsReply moreFlag flowStats)
   else if statsType == ofpstPort
         then do portStats <- getPortStatsReplies bodyLen
                 return (PortStatsReply moreFlag portStats)
         else if statsType == ofpstAggregate 
              then do aggStats <- getAggregateStatsReplies bodyLen
                      return (AggregateFlowStatsReply aggStats)
              else if statsType == ofpstTable 
                   then do tableStats <- getTableStatsReplies bodyLen
                           return (TableStatsReply moreFlag tableStats)
                   else if statsType == ofpstDesc 
                        then do desc <- getDescriptionReply
                                return (DescriptionReply desc)
#if OPENFLOW_VERSION==1                          
                          if statsType == ofpstQueue 
                          then do queueStats <- getQueueStatsReplies bodyLen 
                                  return (QueueStatsReply moreFlag queueStats)
                            error ("unhandled stats reply message with type: " ++ show statsType)

getQueueStatsReplies :: Int -> Get [QueueStats]
getQueueStatsReplies bodyLen = do 
  sequence (replicate cnt getQueueStatsReply)
  where cnt = let (d,m) = bodyLen `divMod` queueStatsLength
              in if m == 0 
                 then d
                 else error ("Body of queue stats reply must be a multiple of " ++ show queueStatsLength)
        queueStatsLength = 32
        getQueueStatsReply = do 
          portNo     <- getWord16be
          skip 2
          qid        <- getWord32be
          tx_bytes   <- getWord64be
          tx_packets <- getWord64be
          tx_errs    <- getWord64be
          return (QueueStats { queueStatsPortID             = portNo, 
                               queueStatsQueueID            = qid,
                               queueStatsTransmittedBytes   = fromIntegral tx_bytes,
                               queueStatsTransmittedPackets = fromIntegral tx_packets,
                               queueStatsTransmittedErrors  = fromIntegral tx_errs })

getDescriptionReply :: Get Description
getDescriptionReply = do 
  mfr    <- getCharsRightPadded descLen
  hw     <- getCharsRightPadded descLen
  sw     <- getCharsRightPadded descLen
  serial <- getCharsRightPadded descLen
  dp     <- getCharsRightPadded serialNumLen
  return ( Description { manufacturerDesc = mfr
                       , hardwareDesc     = hw
                       , softwareDesc     = sw
                       , serialNumber     = serial
                       , datapathDesc     = dp
  } )
  where descLen      = 256
        serialNumLen =  32
getCharsRightPadded :: Int -> Get String        
getCharsRightPadded n = do 
  bytes <- getWord8s n
  return [ chr (fromIntegral b) | b <- takeWhile (/=0) bytes]
getTableStatsReplies :: Int -> Get [TableStats]
getTableStatsReplies bodyLen = sequence (replicate cnt getTableStatsReply)
  where cnt = let (d,m) = bodyLen `divMod` tableStatsLength
              in if m == 0 
                 then d
                 else error ("Body of Table stats reply must be a multiple of " ++ show tableStatsLength)
        tableStatsLength = 64

getTableStatsReply :: Get TableStats
getTableStatsReply = do 
  tableID      <- getWord8
  skip 3
  name_bytes   <- getWord8s maxTableNameLen
  let name = [ chr (fromIntegral b) | b <- name_bytes ]
  wcards       <- getWord32be
  maxEntries   <- getWord32be
  activeCount  <- getWord32be
  lookupCount  <- getWord64be
  matchedCount <- getWord64be
  return ( TableStats { tableStatsTableID   = tableID, 
                        tableStatsTableName = name, 
                        tableStatsMaxEntries = fromIntegral maxEntries, 
                        tableStatsActiveCount = fromIntegral activeCount, 
                        tableStatsLookupCount  = fromIntegral lookupCount, 
                        tableStatsMatchedCount = fromIntegral matchedCount } )
  where maxTableNameLen = 32

getFlowStatsReplies :: Int -> Get [FlowStats]
getFlowStatsReplies bodyLen 
    | bodyLen == 0 = return []
    | otherwise    = do (fs,fsLen) <- getFlowStatsReply 
                        rest       <- getFlowStatsReplies (bodyLen - fsLen) 
                        return (fs : rest)

getFlowStatsReply :: Get (FlowStats, Int)
getFlowStatsReply = do len            <- getWord16be
                       tid            <- getWord8
                       skip 1
                       match          <- getMatch
                       dur_sec        <- getWord32be
                       dur_nanosec    <- getWord32be
                       priority       <- getWord16be
                       idle_to        <- getWord16be
                       hard_to        <- getWord16be
                       skip 6
                       skip 2
                       skip 6
                       cookie         <- getWord64be
                       packet_count   <- getWord64be
                       byte_count     <- getWord64be
                       let numActions = (fromIntegral len - flowStatsReplySize) `div` actionSize
                       actions        <- sequence (replicate numActions getAction)
                       let stats = FlowStats { flowStatsTableID             = tid, 
                                               flowStatsMatch               = match, 
                                               flowStatsDurationSeconds     = fromIntegral dur_sec,
                                               flowStatsDurationNanoseconds = fromIntegral dur_nanosec, 
                                               flowStatsPriority            = priority, 
                                               flowStatsIdleTimeout         = fromIntegral idle_to,
                                               flowStatsHardTimeout         = fromIntegral hard_to,
                                               flowStatsCookie              = cookie, 
                                               flowStatsPacketCount         = fromIntegral packet_count, 
                                               flowStatsByteCount           = fromIntegral byte_count, 
                                               flowStatsActions             = actions      }
                       return (stats, fromIntegral len)
    where actionSize         = 8
          flowStatsReplySize = 72
          flowStatsReplySize = 88

getAction :: Get Action
getAction = do 
  action_type <- getWord16be
  action_len  <- getWord16be
  getActionForType (code2ActionType action_type) action_len

getActionForType :: ActionType -> Word16 -> Get Action
getActionForType OutputToPortType _ = 
  do port    <- getWord16be 
     max_len <- getWord16be
     return (SendOutPort (action port max_len))
    where action port max_len
              | port <= 0xff00          = PhysicalPort port
              | port == ofppInPort      = InPort
              | port == ofppFlood       = Flood
              | port == ofppAll         = AllPhysicalPorts
              | port == ofppController  = ToController max_len
              | port == ofppTable       = WithTable
getActionForType SetVlanVIDType _ = 
  do vlanid <- getWord16be
     skip 2
     return (SetVlanVID vlanid)
getActionForType SetVlanPriorityType _ = 
  do pcp <- getWord8
     skip 3
     return (SetVlanPriority pcp)
getActionForType StripVlanHeaderType _ = 
  do skip 4
     return StripVlanHeader
getActionForType SetEthSrcAddrType _ = 
  do addr <- getEthernetAddress
     skip 6
     return (SetEthSrcAddr addr)
getActionForType SetEthDstAddrType _ = 
  do addr <- getEthernetAddress
     skip 6
     return (SetEthDstAddr addr)
getActionForType SetIPSrcAddrType _ = 
  do addr <- getIPAddress
     return (SetIPSrcAddr addr)
getActionForType SetIPDstAddrType _ = 
  do addr <- getIPAddress
     return (SetIPDstAddr addr)
getActionForType SetIPTypeOfServiceType _ = 
  do tos <- getWord8
     skip 3
     return (SetIPToS tos)
getActionForType SetTransportSrcPortType _ = 
  do port <- getWord16be
     return (SetTransportSrcPort port)
getActionForType SetTransportDstPortType _ = 
  do port <- getWord16be
     return (SetTransportDstPort port)
getActionForType EnqueueType _ = 
  do port <- getWord16be
     skip 6
     qid <- getWord32be
     return (Enqueue port qid)
getActionForType VendorActionType action_len = 
  do vendorid <- getWord32be
     bytes <- getWord8s (fromIntegral action_len - 2 - 2 - 4)
     return (VendorAction vendorid bytes)

getAggregateStatsReplies :: Int -> Get AggregateFlowStats
getAggregateStatsReplies bodyLen = do 
  pkt_cnt <- getWord64be
  byte_cnt <- getWord64be
  flow_cnt <- getWord32be
  skip 4
  return (AggregateFlowStats (fromIntegral pkt_cnt) (fromIntegral byte_cnt) (fromIntegral flow_cnt))

getPortStatsReplies :: Int -> Get [(PortID,PortStats)]
getPortStatsReplies bodyLen = sequence (replicate numPorts getPortStatsReply)
    where numPorts      = bodyLen `div` portStatsSize
          portStatsSize = 104

getPortStatsReply :: Get (PortID, PortStats)
getPortStatsReply = do port_no    <- getWord16be
                       skip 6
                       rx_packets <- getWord64be
                       tx_packets <- getWord64be
                       rx_bytes   <- getWord64be
                       tx_bytes   <- getWord64be
                       rx_dropped <- getWord64be
                       tx_dropped <- getWord64be
                       rx_errors  <- getWord64be
                       tx_errors  <- getWord64be
                       rx_frame_err <- getWord64be
                       rx_over_err <- getWord64be
                       rx_crc_err <- getWord64be
                       collisions <- getWord64be
                       return $ (port_no, 
                                 PortStats { 
                                    portStatsReceivedPackets      = checkValid rx_packets, 
                                    portStatsSentPackets          = checkValid tx_packets, 
                                    portStatsReceivedBytes        = checkValid rx_bytes, 
                                    portStatsSentBytes            = checkValid tx_bytes, 
                                    portStatsReceiverDropped      = checkValid rx_dropped, 
                                    portStatsSenderDropped        = checkValid tx_dropped,
                                    portStatsReceiveErrors        = checkValid rx_errors,
                                    portStatsTransmitError        = checkValid tx_errors, 
                                    portStatsReceivedFrameErrors  = checkValid rx_frame_err, 
                                    portStatsReceiverOverrunError = checkValid rx_over_err,
                                    portStatsReceiverCRCError     = checkValid rx_crc_err,
                                    portStatsCollisions           = checkValid collisions }
    where checkValid :: Word64 -> Maybe Double
          checkValid x = if x == -1 
                         then Nothing 
                         else Just (fromIntegral x)

-- Unparsers for CSMessages

-- | Unparser for @CSMessage@s
putCSMessage :: (M.TransactionID, M.CSMessage) -> Put
putCSMessage (xid, msg) = 
    case msg of 
          M.CSHello -> putH ofptHello headerSize
          M.CSEchoRequest bytes -> do putH ofptEchoRequest (headerSize + length bytes) 
                                      putWord8s bytes
          M.CSEchoReply  bytes   -> do putH ofptEchoReply (headerSize + length bytes)  
                                       putWord8s bytes
          M.FeaturesRequest -> putH ofptFeaturesRequest headerSize
          M.PacketOut packetOut -> do putH ofptPacketOut (sendPacketSizeInBytes packetOut)
                                      putSendPacket packetOut
          M.FlowMod mod -> do let mod'@(FlowModRecordInternal {..}) = flowModToFlowModInternal mod 
                              putH ofptFlowMod (flowModSizeInBytes' actions')
                              putFlowMod mod'
          M.PortMod portModRecord -> do putH ofptPortMod portModLength
                                        putPortMod portModRecord
          M.BarrierRequest         -> do putH ofptBarrierRequest headerSize
          M.StatsRequest request -> do putH ofptStatsRequest (statsRequestSize request)
                                       putStatsRequest request
    where vid      = ofpVersion
          putH tcode len = putHeader (OFPHeader vid tcode (fromIntegral len) xid) 

-- Unparser for packet out message

sendPacketSizeInBytes :: PacketOut -> Int
sendPacketSizeInBytes (PacketOut bufferIDData _ actions) = 
    headerSize + 4 + 2 + 2 + sum (map actionSizeInBytes actions) + fromIntegral (either (const 0) B.length bufferIDData)

putSendPacket :: PacketOut -> Put 
putSendPacket (PacketOut {..}) = do
  putWord32be $ either id (const (-1)) bufferIDData
  maybe (putWord16be ofppNone) putWord16be inPort
  putWord16be (fromIntegral actionArraySize)
  sequence_ [putAction a | a <- actions]
  either (const $ return ()) putLazyByteString bufferIDData
    where actionArraySize = sum $ map actionSizeInBytes actions

-- Unparser for flow mod message
flowModSizeInBytes' :: [Action] -> Int
flowModSizeInBytes' actions = 
    headerSize + matchSize + 20 + sum (map actionSizeInBytes actions)
flowModSizeInBytes' :: [Action] -> Int
flowModSizeInBytes' actions = 
    headerSize + matchSize + 20 + sum (map actionSizeInBytes actions)
flowModSizeInBytes' :: [Action] -> Int
flowModSizeInBytes' actions = 
    headerSize + matchSize + 24 + sum (map actionSizeInBytes actions)
data FlowModRecordInternal = FlowModRecordInternal {
      command'       :: FlowModType
      , match'       :: Match
      , actions'     :: [Action]
      , priority'    :: Priority
      , idleTimeOut' :: Maybe TimeOut
      , hardTimeOut' :: Maybe TimeOut
      , flags'       :: [FlowModFlag]
      , bufferID'    :: Maybe BufferID
      , outPort'     :: Maybe PseudoPort
      , cookie'      :: Cookie
    } deriving (Eq,Show)

-- | Specification: @ofp_flow_mod_command@.
data FlowModType
    = FlowAddType
    | FlowModifyType
    | FlowModifyStrictType
    | FlowDeleteType
    | FlowDeleteStrictType
    deriving (Show,Eq,Ord)

-- | A set of flow mod attributes can be added to a flow modification command.
data FlowModFlag = SendFlowRemoved | CheckOverlap | Emergency deriving (Show,Eq,Ord,Enum)

flowModToFlowModInternal :: FlowMod -> FlowModRecordInternal
flowModToFlowModInternal (DeleteFlows {..}) =
    FlowModRecordInternal {match'       = match,
                           cookie'      = 0,
                           command'     = FlowDeleteType,
                           idleTimeOut' = Nothing,
                           hardTimeOut' = Nothing,
                           priority'    = 0,
                           bufferID'    = Nothing,
                           outPort'     = outPort,
                           flags'       = [],
                           actions'     = []
flowModToFlowModInternal (DeleteExactFlow {..}) =   
  FlowModRecordInternal {match'       = match,
                         cookie'      = 0,
                         command'     = FlowDeleteStrictType,
                         idleTimeOut' = Nothing,
                         hardTimeOut' = Nothing,
                         priority'    = priority, 
                         bufferID'    = Nothing,
                         outPort'     = outPort,
                         flags'       = [], 
                         actions'     = []
flowModToFlowModInternal (AddFlow {..}) = 
  FlowModRecordInternal { match'       = match, 
#if OPENFLOW_VERSION==1                          
                          cookie'      = cookie,
                          command'     = FlowAddType,
                          idleTimeOut' = Just idleTimeOut,
                          hardTimeOut' = Just hardTimeOut,
                          priority'    = priority, 
                          bufferID'    = applyToPacket,
                          outPort'     = Nothing,
                          flags'       = concat [ if not overlapAllowed then [CheckOverlap] else [],   
                                                  if notifyWhenRemoved then [SendFlowRemoved] else []] ,
                          actions'     = actions
flowModToFlowModInternal (AddEmergencyFlow {..}) = 
  FlowModRecordInternal { match'       = match, 
#if OPENFLOW_VERSION==1                          
                          cookie'      = cookie,
                          command'     = FlowAddType,
                          idleTimeOut' = Nothing,
                          hardTimeOut' = Nothing,
                          priority'    = priority, 
                          bufferID'    = Nothing,
                          outPort'     = Nothing,
                          flags'       = Emergency : if not overlapAllowed then [CheckOverlap] else [],
                          actions'     = actions
flowModToFlowModInternal (ModifyFlows {..}) =
  FlowModRecordInternal {match'       = match,
                         cookie'      = ifMissingCookie,
                         command'     = FlowModifyType,
                         idleTimeOut' = Just ifMissingIdleTimeOut,
                         hardTimeOut' = Just ifMissingHardTimeOut, 
                         priority'    = ifMissingPriority, 
                         bufferID'    = Nothing,
                         outPort'     = Nothing,
                         flags'       = concat [ if not ifMissingOverlapAllowed then [CheckOverlap] else [],   
                                                 if ifMissingNotifyWhenRemoved then [SendFlowRemoved] else []] , 
                         actions'     = newActions
flowModToFlowModInternal (ModifyExactFlow {..}) =
  FlowModRecordInternal {match'       = match,
#if OPENFLOW_VERSION==1                         
                         cookie'      = ifMissingCookie,
                         command'     = FlowModifyStrictType,
                         idleTimeOut' = Just ifMissingIdleTimeOut,
                         hardTimeOut' = Just ifMissingHardTimeOut, 
                         priority'    = priority, 
                         bufferID'    = Nothing,
                         outPort'     = Nothing,
                         flags'       = concat [ if not ifMissingOverlapAllowed then [CheckOverlap] else [],   
                                                 if ifMissingNotifyWhenRemoved then [SendFlowRemoved] else []] , 
                         actions'     = newActions

putFlowMod :: FlowModRecordInternal -> Put
putFlowMod (FlowModRecordInternal {..}) = do 
  putMatch match'
  putWord16be $ flowModTypeBimap ! command'
  putWord16be $ maybeTimeOutToCode idleTimeOut'
  putWord16be $ maybeTimeOutToCode hardTimeOut'
  putWord16be priority'
  putWord32be $ maybe (-1) id bufferID'
  putWord16be $ maybe ofppNone fakePort2Code outPort'
  putWord16be 0
  putWord32be 0
  sequence_ [putAction a | a <- actions']
putFlowMod :: FlowModRecordInternal -> Put
putFlowMod (FlowModRecordInternal {..}) = do 
  putMatch match'
  putWord16be $ flowModTypeBimap ! command'
  putWord16be $ maybeTimeOutToCode idleTimeOut'
  putWord16be $ maybeTimeOutToCode hardTimeOut'
  putWord16be priority'
  putWord32be $ maybe (-1) id bufferID'
  putWord16be $ maybe ofppNone fakePort2Code outPort'
  putWord16be $ flagSet2BitMap flags'
  putWord32be 0
  sequence_ [putAction a | a <- actions']
putFlowMod :: FlowModRecordInternal -> Put
putFlowMod (FlowModRecordInternal {..}) = do 
  putMatch match'
  putWord64be cookie'
  putWord16be $ flowModTypeBimap ! command' 
  putWord16be $ maybeTimeOutToCode idleTimeOut'
  putWord16be $ maybeTimeOutToCode hardTimeOut' 
  putWord16be priority'
  putWord32be $ maybe (-1) id bufferID'
  putWord16be $ maybe ofppNone fakePort2Code outPort'
  putWord16be $ flagSet2BitMap flags'
  sequence_ [putAction a | a <- actions']

maybeTimeOutToCode :: Maybe TimeOut -> Word16
maybeTimeOutToCode Nothing = 0
maybeTimeOutToCode (Just to) = case to of
                                 Permanent -> 0
                                 ExpireAfter t -> t

flagSet2BitMap :: [FlowModFlag] -> Word16
flagSet2BitMap flagSet = foldl (.|.) 0 bitMasks
    where bitMasks = map (\f -> fromJust $ lookup f flowModFlagToBitMaskBijection) flagSet

flowModFlagToBitMaskBijection :: [(FlowModFlag,Word16)]
flowModFlagToBitMaskBijection = [(SendFlowRemoved, shiftL 1 0), 
                                 (CheckOverlap,    shiftL 1 1), 
                                 (Emergency,       shiftL 1 2) ]

ofpfcAdd, ofpfcModify, ofpfcModifyStrict, ofpfcDelete, ofpfcDeleteStrict :: Word16
ofpfcAdd          = 0
ofpfcModify       = 1
ofpfcModifyStrict = 2
ofpfcDelete       = 3
ofpfcDeleteStrict = 4
flowModTypeBimap :: Bimap FlowModType Word16
flowModTypeBimap =
    Bimap.fromList [
              (FlowAddType, ofpfcAdd),
              (FlowModifyType, ofpfcModify),
              (FlowModifyStrictType, ofpfcModifyStrict),
              (FlowDeleteType, ofpfcDelete),
              (FlowDeleteStrictType, ofpfcDeleteStrict)

putAction :: Action -> Put
putAction act = do 
  putWord16be $ actionType2Code $ typeOfAction act
  putWord16be (fromIntegral $ actionSizeInBytes act) 
  case act of 
    (SendOutPort port) -> 
        do putPseudoPort port
    (SetVlanVID vlanid) -> 
        do putWord16be vlanid
           putWord16be 0
    (SetVlanPriority priority) -> 
        do putWord8 priority
           putWord8 0 
           putWord8 0
           putWord8 0
    (StripVlanHeader) -> 
        do putWord32be 0
    (SetEthSrcAddr addr) -> 
        do putEthernetAddress addr
           sequence_ (replicate 6 (putWord8 0))
    (SetEthDstAddr addr) -> 
        do putEthernetAddress addr
           sequence_ (replicate 6 (putWord8 0))
    (SetIPSrcAddr addr) -> 
        do putWord32be (ipAddressToWord32 addr)
    (SetIPDstAddr addr) -> 
        do putWord32be (ipAddressToWord32 addr)
    (SetIPToS tos) -> 
        do putWord8 tos
           sequence_ (replicate 3 (putWord8 0))
    (SetTransportSrcPort port) -> 
        do putWord16be port
           putWord16be 0
    (SetTransportDstPort port) -> 
        do putWord16be port
           putWord16be 0
    (Enqueue port qid) ->
        do putWord16be port
           sequence_ (replicate 6 (putWord8 0))
           putWord32be qid
    (VendorAction vendorID bytes) -> 
        do putWord32be vendorID
           put bytes

putPseudoPort :: PseudoPort -> Put
putPseudoPort (ToController maxLen) = 
    do putWord16be ofppController
       putWord16be maxLen
putPseudoPort port = 
    do putWord16be (fakePort2Code port)
       putWord16be 0

actionSizeInBytes :: Action -> Int
actionSizeInBytes (SendOutPort _)     = 8
actionSizeInBytes (SetVlanVID _)      = 8
actionSizeInBytes (SetVlanPriority _) = 8
actionSizeInBytes StripVlanHeader     = 8
actionSizeInBytes (SetEthSrcAddr _)   = 16
actionSizeInBytes (SetEthDstAddr _)   = 16
actionSizeInBytes (SetIPSrcAddr _)    = 8
actionSizeInBytes (SetIPDstAddr _)    = 8
actionSizeInBytes (SetIPToS _)        = 8    
actionSizeInBytes (SetTransportSrcPort _)    = 8
actionSizeInBytes (SetTransportDstPort _)    = 8
actionSizeInBytes (Enqueue _ _) = 16    
actionSizeInBytes (VendorAction _ bytes) = let l = 2 + 2 + 4 + length bytes
                                           in if l `mod` 8 /= 0 
                                              then error "Vendor action must have enough data to make the action length a multiple of 8 bytes"
                                              else l

typeOfAction :: Action -> ActionType
typeOfAction a =
    case a of
      SendOutPort _         -> OutputToPortType
      SetVlanVID _          -> SetVlanVIDType
      SetVlanPriority _     -> SetVlanPriorityType
      StripVlanHeader       -> StripVlanHeaderType
      SetEthSrcAddr _       -> SetEthSrcAddrType
      SetEthDstAddr _       -> SetEthDstAddrType
      SetIPSrcAddr _        -> SetIPSrcAddrType
      SetIPDstAddr _        -> SetIPDstAddrType
      SetIPToS _            -> SetIPTypeOfServiceType
      SetTransportSrcPort _ -> SetTransportSrcPortType
      SetTransportDstPort _ -> SetTransportDstPortType
      Enqueue _ _           -> EnqueueType
      VendorAction _ _      -> VendorActionType 

-- Port mod unparser

portModLength :: Word16
portModLength = 32

putPortMod :: PortMod -> Put
putPortMod (PortMod {..} ) = 
    do putWord16be portNumber
       putEthernetAddress hwAddr
    where putConfigBitMap    = putWord32be (portAttributeSet2BitMask onAttrs)
          putMaskBitMap      = putWord32be (portAttributeSet2BitMask offAttrs)
          putAdvertiseBitMap = putWord32be 0
          putPad             = putWord32be 0
          attrsChanging      = List.union onAttrs offAttrs
          onAttrs = Map.keys $ Map.filter (==True) attributesToSet
          offAttrs = Map.keys $ Map.filter (==False) attributesToSet

-- Stats requests unparser
statsRequestSize :: StatsRequest -> Int
statsRequestSize (FlowStatsRequest _ _ _) = headerSize + 2 + 2 + matchSize + 1 + 1 + 2
statsRequestSize (PortStatsRequest)       = headerSize + 2 + 2 
statsRequestSize (PortStatsRequest _)     = headerSize + 2 + 2 + 2 + 6

putStatsRequest :: StatsRequest -> Put 
putStatsRequest (FlowStatsRequest match tableQuery mPort) = 
    do putWord16be ofpstFlow
       putWord16be 0
       putMatch match
       putWord8 (tableQueryToCode tableQuery)
       putWord8 0 --pad
       putWord16be $ maybe ofppNone fakePort2Code mPort
putStatsRequest (AggregateFlowStatsRequest match tableQuery mPort) = 
    do putWord16be ofpstAggregate
       putWord16be 0
       putMatch match
       putWord8 (tableQueryToCode tableQuery)
       putWord8 0 --pad
       putWord16be $ maybe ofppNone fakePort2Code mPort
putStatsRequest TableStatsRequest = 
    do putWord16be ofpstTable
       putWord16be 0
putStatsRequest DescriptionRequest = 
    do putWord16be ofpstDesc
       putWord16be 0
putStatsRequest PortStatsRequest = 
    do putWord16be ofpstPort
       putWord16be 0
putStatsRequest (QueueStatsRequest portQuery queueQuery) = 
    do putWord16be ofpstQueue
       putWord16be 0
       putWord16be (queryToPortNumber portQuery)
       putWord16be 0 --padding
       putWord32be (queryToQueueID queueQuery)
putStatsRequest (PortStatsRequest query) = 
    do putWord16be ofpstPort
       putWord16be 0
       putWord16be (queryToPortNumber query)
       sequence_ (replicate 6 (putWord8 0))
queryToPortNumber :: PortQuery -> Word16
queryToPortNumber AllPorts       = ofppNone
queryToPortNumber (SinglePort p) = p

queryToQueueID :: QueueQuery -> QueueID
queryToQueueID AllQueues       = 0xffffffff
queryToQueueID (SingleQueue q) = q

ofppInPort, ofppTable, ofppNormal, ofppFlood, ofppAll, ofppController, ofppLocal, ofppNone :: Word16
ofppInPort     = 0xfff8
ofppTable      = 0xfff9
ofppNormal     = 0xfffa
ofppFlood      = 0xfffb
ofppAll        = 0xfffc
ofppController = 0xfffd
ofppLocal      = 0xfffe
ofppNone       = 0xffff

fakePort2Code :: PseudoPort -> Word16
fakePort2Code (PhysicalPort portID) = portID
fakePort2Code InPort                = ofppInPort
fakePort2Code Flood                 = ofppFlood
fakePort2Code AllPhysicalPorts      = ofppAll
fakePort2Code (ToController _)      = ofppController
fakePort2Code NormalSwitching       = ofppNormal
fakePort2Code WithTable             = ofppTable

tableQueryToCode :: TableQuery -> Word8
tableQueryToCode AllTables      = 0xff
tableQueryToCode EmergencyTable = 0xfe
tableQueryToCode (Table t)      = t

ofpstDesc, ofpstFlow, ofpstAggregate, ofpstTable, ofpstPort, ofpstVendor :: Word16
ofpstDesc      = 0
ofpstFlow      = 1
ofpstAggregate = 2
ofpstTable     = 3
ofpstPort      = 4
ofpstVendor    = 0xffff
ofpstDesc, ofpstFlow, ofpstAggregate, ofpstTable, ofpstPort, ofpstQueue, ofpstVendor :: Word16
ofpstDesc      = 0
ofpstFlow      = 1
ofpstAggregate = 2
ofpstTable     = 3
ofpstPort      = 4
ofpstQueue     = 5
ofpstVendor    = 0xffff

-- Parser and Unparser for Match

matchSize :: Int
matchSize = 36
matchSize :: Int
matchSize = 40
matchSize :: Int
matchSize = 40

getMatch :: Get Match
getMatch = do 
  wcards <- getWord32be 
  inport <- getWord16be
  srcEthAddr <- getEthernetAddress
  dstEthAddr <- getEthernetAddress
  dl_vlan <- getWord16be
  dl_type <- getWord16be
  nw_proto <- getWord8
  nw_src <- getWord32be
  nw_dst <- getWord32be
  tp_src <- getWord16be
  tp_dst <- getWord16be
  return $ ofpMatch2Match $ OFPMatch wcards inport srcEthAddr dstEthAddr dl_vlan dl_type nw_proto nw_src nw_dst tp_src tp_dst

putMatch :: Match -> Put
putMatch m = do 
  putWord32be $ ofpm_wildcards m'
  putWord16be $ ofpm_in_port m'
  putEthernetAddress $ ofpm_dl_src m'
  putEthernetAddress $ ofpm_dl_dst m'
  putWord16be $ ofpm_dl_vlan m'
  putWord16be $ ofpm_dl_type m'
  putWord8 $ ofpm_nw_proto m'
  putWord8 0  -- padding
  putWord32be $ ofpm_nw_src m'
  putWord32be $ ofpm_nw_dst m'
  putWord16be $ ofpm_tp_src m'
  putWord16be $ ofpm_tp_dst m'
    where m' = match2OFPMatch m
getMatch :: Get Match
getMatch = do 
  wcards <- getWord32be 
  inport <- getWord16be
  srcEthAddr <- getEthernetAddress
  dstEthAddr <- getEthernetAddress
  dl_vlan <- getWord16be
  dl_vlan_pcp <- get
  skip 1
  dl_type <- getWord16be
  nw_proto <- getWord8
  skip 3
  nw_src <- getWord32be
  nw_dst <- getWord32be
  tp_src <- getWord16be
  tp_dst <- getWord16be
  return $ ofpMatch2Match $ OFPMatch wcards inport srcEthAddr dstEthAddr dl_vlan dl_vlan_pcp dl_type nw_proto nw_src nw_dst tp_src tp_dst

putMatch :: Match -> Put
putMatch m = do 
  putWord32be $ ofpm_wildcards m'
  putWord16be $ ofpm_in_port m'
  putEthernetAddress $ ofpm_dl_src m'
  putEthernetAddress $ ofpm_dl_dst m'
  putWord16be $ ofpm_dl_vlan m'
  putWord8 $ ofpm_dl_vlan_pcp m'
  putWord8 0  -- padding
  putWord16be $ ofpm_dl_type m'
  putWord8 $ ofpm_nw_proto m'
  putWord8 0  -- padding
  putWord8 0  -- padding
  putWord8 0  -- padding
  putWord32be $ ofpm_nw_src m'
  putWord32be $ ofpm_nw_dst m'
  putWord16be $ ofpm_tp_src m'
  putWord16be $ ofpm_tp_dst m'
    where m' = match2OFPMatch m

getMatch :: Get Match
getMatch = do 
  wcards      <- getWord32be 
  inport      <- getWord16be
  srcEthAddr  <- getEthernetAddress
  dstEthAddr  <- getEthernetAddress
  dl_vlan     <- getWord16be
  dl_vlan_pcp <- getWord8
  skip 1
  dl_type     <- getWord16be
  nw_tos      <- getWord8
  nw_proto    <- getWord8
  skip 2
  nw_src <- getWord32be
  nw_dst <- getWord32be
  tp_src <- getWord16be
  tp_dst <- getWord16be
  return $ ofpMatch2Match $ OFPMatch wcards inport srcEthAddr dstEthAddr dl_vlan dl_vlan_pcp dl_type nw_tos nw_proto nw_src nw_dst tp_src tp_dst

putMatch :: Match -> Put
putMatch m = do 
  putWord32be $ ofpm_wildcards m'
  putWord16be $ ofpm_in_port m'
  putEthernetAddress $ ofpm_dl_src m'
  putEthernetAddress $ ofpm_dl_dst m'
  putWord16be $ ofpm_dl_vlan m'
  putWord8 $ ofpm_dl_vlan_pcp m'
  putWord8 0  -- padding
  putWord16be $ ofpm_dl_type m'
  putWord8 $ ofpm_nw_tos m'
  putWord8 $ ofpm_nw_proto m'
  putWord8 0  -- padding
  putWord8 0  -- padding
  putWord32be $ ofpm_nw_src m'
  putWord32be $ ofpm_nw_dst m'
  putWord16be $ ofpm_tp_src m'
  putWord16be $ ofpm_tp_dst m'
    where m' = match2OFPMatch m

data OFPMatch = OFPMatch { ofpm_wildcards           :: Word32, 
                           ofpm_in_port             :: Word16, 
                           ofpm_dl_src, ofpm_dl_dst :: EthernetAddress, 
                           ofpm_dl_vlan             :: Word16,
                           ofpm_dl_vlan_pcp         :: Word8,
                           ofpm_dl_type             :: Word16,
                           ofpm_nw_tos                   :: Word8,
                           ofpm_nw_proto            :: Word8,
                           ofpm_nw_src, ofpm_nw_dst :: Word32,
                           ofpm_tp_src, ofpm_tp_dst :: Word16 } deriving (Show,Eq)

ofpMatch2Match :: OFPMatch -> Match
ofpMatch2Match ofpm = Match 
                      (getField 0 ofpm_in_port)
                      (getField 2 ofpm_dl_src)
                      (getField 3 ofpm_dl_dst)
                      (getField 1 ofpm_dl_vlan)
                      (getField 20 ofpm_dl_vlan_pcp)
                      (getField 4 ofpm_dl_type)
                      (getField 21 ofpm_nw_tos)
                      (getField 5 ofpm_nw_proto)
                      (IPAddress (ofpm_nw_src ofpm) // src_prefix_len)
                      (IPAddress (ofpm_nw_dst ofpm) // dst_prefix_len)
                      (getField 6 ofpm_tp_src)
                      (getField 7 ofpm_tp_dst)
    where getField wcindex getter = if testBit (ofpm_wildcards ofpm) wcindex
                                    then Nothing
                                    else Just (getter ofpm)
          nw_src_shift       = 8
          nw_dst_shift       = 14
          nw_src_mask        = shiftL ((shiftL 1 6) - 1) nw_src_shift
          nw_dst_mask        = shiftL ((shiftL 1 6) - 1) nw_dst_shift
          nw_src_num_ignored = fromIntegral (shiftR (ofpm_wildcards ofpm .&. nw_src_mask) nw_src_shift)
          nw_dst_num_ignored = fromIntegral (shiftR (ofpm_wildcards ofpm .&. nw_dst_mask) nw_dst_shift)
          src_prefix_len     = 32 - min 32 nw_src_num_ignored
          dst_prefix_len     = 32 - min 32 nw_dst_num_ignored

match2OFPMatch :: Match -> OFPMatch
match2OFPMatch (Match {..}) = foldl (\a f -> f a) m0 fieldSetters 
    where m0 = OFPMatch 0 0 nullEthAddr nullEthAddr 0 0 0 nwsrcaddr nwdstaddr 0 0 
          fieldSetters = [setInPort, setDLSrc, setDLDst, setDLVLan,
                          setDLType, setNWProto, setTPSrc, setTPDst,
                          updateNWSrcWildcard, updateNWDstWildcard]
          setInPort  = adjust 0 updateInPort 0 inPort
          setDLSrc   = adjust 2 updateDLSrc  nullEthAddr srcEthAddress
          setDLDst   = adjust 3 updateDLDst  nullEthAddr dstEthAddress
          setDLVLan  = adjust 1 updateDLVLan 0           vLANID
          setDLType  = adjust 4 updateDLType 0 ethFrameType 
          setNWProto = adjust 5 updateNWProto 0 ipProtocol
          setTPSrc   = adjust 6 updateTPSrc 0 srcTransportPort
          setTPDst   = adjust 7 updateTPDst 0 dstTransportPort
          nwsrcaddr  = fromIntegral $ ipAddressToWord32 $ addressPart srcIPAddress
          nwdstaddr  = fromIntegral $ ipAddressToWord32 $ addressPart dstIPAddress
          modifyWildcardBits f m' = m' { ofpm_wildcards = f (ofpm_wildcards m') }
          updateNWSrcWildcard = 
              let numIgnoredBits = 32 - (prefixLength srcIPAddress)
                  f wc = wc .|. shiftL (fromIntegral numIgnoredBits) 8
              in modifyWildcardBits f
          updateNWDstWildcard = 
              let numIgnoredBits = 32 - (prefixLength dstIPAddress)
                  f wc = wc .|. shiftL (fromIntegral numIgnoredBits) 14
              in modifyWildcardBits f
          nullEthAddr = EthernetAddress 0 0 0 0 0 0
          setWildcardBit   i m' = m' { ofpm_wildcards = setBit   (ofpm_wildcards m') i }
          clearWildcardBit i m' = m' { ofpm_wildcards = clearBit (ofpm_wildcards m') i }
          updateInPort v m' = m' { ofpm_in_port = v } 
          updateDLSrc v m'  = m' { ofpm_dl_src  = v } 
          updateDLDst v m'  = m' { ofpm_dl_dst  = v } 
          updateDLVLan v m' = m' { ofpm_dl_vlan = v }
          updateDLType v m' = m' { ofpm_dl_type = v }
          updateNWProto v m'= m' { ofpm_nw_proto = v }
          updateNWSrc v m'  = m' { ofpm_nw_src   = v }
          updateNWDst v m'  = m' { ofpm_nw_dst   = v }
          updateTPSrc v m'  = m' { ofpm_tp_src   = v }
          updateTPDst v m'  = m' { ofpm_tp_dst   = v }
          adjust wildcardIndex updater nullValue mv m'  = 
              case mv of
                Nothing -> setWildcardBit   wildcardIndex $ updater nullValue m'
                Just v  -> clearWildcardBit wildcardIndex $ updater v         m'
match2OFPMatch :: Match -> OFPMatch
match2OFPMatch (Match {..}) = foldl (\a f -> f a) m0 fieldSetters 
    where m0 = OFPMatch 0 0 nullEthAddr nullEthAddr 0 0 0 0 nwsrcaddr nwdstaddr 0 0 
          fieldSetters = [setInPort, setDLSrc, setDLDst, setDLVLan, setDLVLanPriority, 
                          setDLType, setNWProto, setTPSrc, setTPDst,
                          updateNWSrcWildcard, updateNWDstWildcard]
          setInPort = adjust 0 updateInPort 0 inPort
          setDLSrc  = adjust 2 updateDLSrc  nullEthAddr srcEthAddress
          setDLDst  = adjust 3 updateDLDst  nullEthAddr dstEthAddress
          setDLVLan = adjust 1 updateDLVLan 0           vLANID
          setDLVLanPriority = adjust 20 updateDLVLanPcp 0 vLANPriority
          setDLType = adjust 4 updateDLType 0 ethFrameType 
          setNWProto = adjust 5 updateNWProto 0 ipProtocol
          setTPSrc = adjust 6 updateTPSrc 0 srcTransportPort
          setTPDst = adjust 7 updateTPDst 0 dstTransportPort
          nwsrcaddr = fromIntegral $ ipAddressToWord32 $ addressPart srcIPAddress
          nwdstaddr = fromIntegral $ ipAddressToWord32 $ addressPart dstIPAddress
          modifyWildcardBits f m' = m' { ofpm_wildcards = f (ofpm_wildcards m') }
          updateNWSrcWildcard = 
              let numIgnoredBits = 32 - (prefixLength srcIPAddress)
                  f wc = wc .|. shiftL (fromIntegral numIgnoredBits) 8
              in modifyWildcardBits f
          updateNWDstWildcard = 
              let numIgnoredBits = 32 - (prefixLength dstIPAddress)
                  f wc = wc .|. shiftL (fromIntegral numIgnoredBits) 14
              in modifyWildcardBits f
          nullEthAddr = EthernetAddress 0 0 0 0 0 0
          setWildcardBit   i m' = m' { ofpm_wildcards = setBit   (ofpm_wildcards m') i }
          clearWildcardBit i m' = m' { ofpm_wildcards = clearBit (ofpm_wildcards m') i }
          updateInPort v m' = m' { ofpm_in_port = v } 
          updateDLSrc v m'  = m' { ofpm_dl_src  = v } 
          updateDLDst v m'  = m' { ofpm_dl_dst  = v } 
          updateDLVLan v m' = m' { ofpm_dl_vlan = v }
          updateDLVLanPcp v m' = m' { ofpm_dl_vlan_pcp = v }
          updateDLType v m' = m' { ofpm_dl_type = v }
          updateNWProto v m'= m' { ofpm_nw_proto = v }
          updateNWSrc v m'  = m' { ofpm_nw_src   = v }
          updateNWDst v m'  = m' { ofpm_nw_dst   = v }
          updateTPSrc v m'  = m' { ofpm_tp_src   = v }
          updateTPDst v m'  = m' { ofpm_tp_dst   = v }
          adjust wildcardIndex updater nullValue mv m'  = 
              case mv of
                Nothing -> setWildcardBit   wildcardIndex $ updater nullValue m'
                Just v  -> clearWildcardBit wildcardIndex $ updater v         m'
match2OFPMatch :: Match -> OFPMatch
match2OFPMatch (Match {..}) = foldl (\a f -> f a) m0 fieldSetters 
    where m0 = OFPMatch { ofpm_wildcards = 0, 
                          ofpm_in_port = 0,
                          ofpm_dl_src = nullEthAddr,
                          ofpm_dl_dst = nullEthAddr,
                          ofpm_dl_vlan = 0,
                          ofpm_dl_vlan_pcp = 0,
                          ofpm_dl_type = 0,
                          ofpm_nw_tos = 0,
                          ofpm_nw_proto = 0,
                          ofpm_nw_src = nwsrcaddr,
                          ofpm_nw_dst = nwdstaddr,
                          ofpm_tp_src = 0,
                          ofpm_tp_dst = 0 }
          fieldSetters = [setInPort, setDLSrc, setDLDst, setDLVLan, setDLVLanPriority, 
                          setDLType, setNWToS, setNWProto, setTPSrc, setTPDst,
                          updateNWSrcWildcard, updateNWDstWildcard]
          setInPort = adjust 0 updateInPort 0 inPort
          setDLSrc  = adjust 2 updateDLSrc  nullEthAddr srcEthAddress
          setDLDst  = adjust 3 updateDLDst  nullEthAddr dstEthAddress
          setDLVLan = adjust 1 updateDLVLan 0           vLANID
          setDLVLanPriority = adjust 20 updateDLVLanPcp 0 vLANPriority
          setDLType = adjust 4 updateDLType 0 ethFrameType 
          setNWToS   = adjust 21 updateNWToS 0 ipTypeOfService 
          setNWProto = adjust 5 updateNWProto 0 ipProtocol
          setTPSrc = adjust 6 updateTPSrc 0 srcTransportPort
          setTPDst = adjust 7 updateTPDst 0 dstTransportPort
          nwsrcaddr = fromIntegral $ ipAddressToWord32 $ addressPart srcIPAddress
          nwdstaddr = fromIntegral $ ipAddressToWord32 $ addressPart dstIPAddress
          modifyWildcardBits f m' = m' { ofpm_wildcards = f (ofpm_wildcards m') }
          updateNWSrcWildcard = 
              let numIgnoredBits = 32 - (prefixLength srcIPAddress )
                  f wc = wc .|. shiftL (fromIntegral numIgnoredBits) 8
              in modifyWildcardBits f
          updateNWDstWildcard = 
              let numIgnoredBits = 32 - (prefixLength dstIPAddress )
                  f wc = wc .|. shiftL (fromIntegral numIgnoredBits) 14
              in modifyWildcardBits f
          nullEthAddr = EthernetAddress 0 0 0 0 0 0
          setWildcardBit   i m' = m' { ofpm_wildcards = setBit   (ofpm_wildcards m') i }
          clearWildcardBit i m' = m' { ofpm_wildcards = clearBit (ofpm_wildcards m') i }
          updateInPort v m' = m' { ofpm_in_port = v } 
          updateDLSrc v m'  = m' { ofpm_dl_src  = v } 
          updateDLDst v m'  = m' { ofpm_dl_dst  = v } 
          updateDLVLan v m' = m' { ofpm_dl_vlan = v }
          updateDLVLanPcp v m' = m' { ofpm_dl_vlan_pcp = v }
          updateDLType v m' = m' { ofpm_dl_type = v }
          updateNWToS  v m' = m' { ofpm_nw_tos  = v }
          updateNWProto v m'= m' { ofpm_nw_proto = v }
          updateNWSrc v m'  = m' { ofpm_nw_src   = v }
          updateNWDst v m'  = m' { ofpm_nw_dst   = v }
          updateTPSrc v m'  = m' { ofpm_tp_src   = v }
          updateTPDst v m'  = m' { ofpm_tp_dst   = v }
          adjust wildcardIndex updater nullValue mv m'  = 
              case mv of
                Nothing -> setWildcardBit   wildcardIndex $ updater nullValue m'
                Just v  -> clearWildcardBit wildcardIndex $ updater v         m'

-- Utilities
getWord8s :: Int -> Get [Word8]
getWord8s n = sequence $ replicate n getWord8

putWord8s :: [Word8] -> Put
putWord8s bytes = sequence_ [putWord8 b | b <- bytes]