-- |
-- Module:     Control.Wire.Types
-- Copyright:  (c) 2012 Ertugrul Soeylemez
-- License:    BSD3
-- Maintainer: Ertugrul Soeylemez <es@ertes.de>
-- Types used in Netwire.  Most notably this module implements the
-- instances for the various reactive classes.

module Control.Wire.Types
    ( -- * Convenient type aliases
      -- ** Events
      -- ** Wires

      -- * Type-related utilities
      -- ** Predefined proxies

import Control.Category
import Control.Exception (SomeException)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Wire.Wire
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Proxy
import Prelude hiding ((.), id)

-- | Event wires are wires that act like identity wires, but may inhibit
-- depending on whether a certain event has occurred.

type Event e m a = Wire e m a a

-- | 'WireP' equivalent of 'Event'.

type EventP a = WireP a a

-- | 'WireM' equivalent of 'Event'.

type EventM m a = WireM m a a

-- | Monoid for the last occurred exception.

type LastException = Last SomeException

-- | Monadic wires using 'LastException' as the inhibition monoid.

type WireM = Wire LastException

-- | Pure wires using 'LastException' as the inhibition monoid.

type WireP = WireM Identity

-- | Type-restricted identity wire.  This is useful to specify the type
-- of a signal.
-- * Depends: current instant.

as :: (Monad m) => Proxy a -> Wire e m a a
as _ = id

-- | Utility to specify the input type of a wire.  The argument is
-- ignored.  For types with defaulting you might prefer 'inLike'.
-- > inAs (Proxy :: Proxy Double) highPeak

inAs :: Proxy a -> w a b -> w a b
inAs = const id

-- | Utility to specify the input type of a wire.  The first argument is
-- ignored.  This is useful to make use of defaulting or when writing a
-- dummy value is actually shorter.
-- > inLike (0 :: Double) highPeak

inLike :: a -> w a b -> w a b
inLike = const id

-- | Type-restricted identity wire.  This is useful to specify the type
-- of a signal.  The argument is ignored.
-- * Depends: current instant.

like :: (Monad m) => a -> Wire e m a a
like = const id

-- | Utility to specify the output type of a wire.  The argument is
-- ignored.  For types with defaulting you might prefer 'outLike'.
-- > outAs (Proxy :: Proxy Double) noiseM

outAs :: Proxy b -> w a b -> w a b
outAs = const id

-- | Utility to specify the output type of a wire.  The first argument
-- is ignored.  This is useful to make use of defaulting or when writing
-- a dummy value is actually shorter.
-- > outLike (0 :: Double) noiseM

outLike :: b -> w a b -> w a b
outLike = const id

-- | 'Double' proxy for use with 'inAs' or 'outAs'.

pDouble :: Proxy Double
pDouble = Proxy

-- | 'Float' proxy for use with 'inAs' or 'outAs'.

pFloat :: Proxy Float
pFloat = Proxy

-- | 'Int' proxy for use with 'inAs' or 'outAs'.

pInt :: Proxy Int
pInt = Proxy

-- | 'Integer' proxy for use with 'inAs' or 'outAs'.

pInteger :: Proxy Integer
pInteger = Proxy

-- | 'String' proxy for use with 'inAs' or 'outAs'.

pString :: Proxy String
pString = Proxy