{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-do-bind #-} module Main where import Control.Concurrent (ThreadId, forkIO, myThreadId) import Control.Concurrent.MVar (newEmptyMVar, putMVar, takeMVar) import qualified Control.Exception as E import qualified Data.ByteString as S import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C import Network.Socket hiding (recv, recvFrom, send, sendTo) import Network.Socket.ByteString import Test.Framework (Test, defaultMain, testGroup) import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase) import Test.HUnit (Assertion, (@=?)) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ serverPort :: PortNumber serverPort = fromIntegral (3000 :: Int) serverAddr :: String serverAddr = "" testMsg :: S.ByteString testMsg = C.pack "This is a test message." ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Tests ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Sending and receiving testSend :: Assertion testSend = tcpTest client server where server sock = recv sock 1024 >>= (@=?) testMsg client sock = send sock testMsg testSendAll :: Assertion testSendAll = tcpTest client server where server sock = recv sock 1024 >>= (@=?) testMsg client sock = sendAll sock testMsg testSendTo :: Assertion testSendTo = udpTest client server where server sock = recv sock 1024 >>= (@=?) testMsg client sock = do addr <- inet_addr serverAddr sendTo sock testMsg (SockAddrInet serverPort addr) testSendAllTo :: Assertion testSendAllTo = udpTest client server where server sock = recv sock 1024 >>= (@=?) testMsg client sock = do addr <- inet_addr serverAddr sendAllTo sock testMsg (SockAddrInet serverPort addr) testSendMany :: Assertion testSendMany = tcpTest client server where server sock = recv sock 1024 >>= (@=?) (S.append seg1 seg2) client sock = sendMany sock [seg1, seg2] seg1 = C.pack "This is a " seg2 = C.pack "test message." testSendManyTo :: Assertion testSendManyTo = udpTest client server where server sock = recv sock 1024 >>= (@=?) (S.append seg1 seg2) client sock = do addr <- inet_addr serverAddr sendManyTo sock [seg1, seg2] (SockAddrInet serverPort addr) seg1 = C.pack "This is a " seg2 = C.pack "test message." testRecv :: Assertion testRecv = tcpTest client server where server sock = recv sock 1024 >>= (@=?) testMsg client sock = send sock testMsg testOverFlowRecv :: Assertion testOverFlowRecv = tcpTest client server where server sock = do seg1 <- recv sock (S.length testMsg - 3) seg2 <- recv sock 1024 let msg = S.append seg1 seg2 testMsg @=? msg client sock = send sock testMsg testRecvFrom :: Assertion testRecvFrom = tcpTest client server where server sock = do (msg, _) <- recvFrom sock 1024 testMsg @=? msg client sock = do addr <- inet_addr serverAddr sendTo sock testMsg (SockAddrInet serverPort addr) testOverFlowRecvFrom :: Assertion testOverFlowRecvFrom = tcpTest client server where server sock = do (seg1, _) <- recvFrom sock (S.length testMsg - 3) (seg2, _) <- recvFrom sock 1024 let msg = S.append seg1 seg2 testMsg @=? msg client sock = send sock testMsg ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Other ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- List of all tests basicTests :: Test basicTests = testGroup "Basic socket operations" [ -- Sending and receiving testCase "testSend" testSend , testCase "testSendAll" testSendAll , testCase "testSendTo" testSendTo , testCase "testSendAllTo" testSendAllTo , testCase "testSendMany" testSendMany , testCase "testSendManyTo" testSendManyTo , testCase "testRecv" testRecv , testCase "testOverFlowRecv" testOverFlowRecv , testCase "testRecvFrom" testRecvFrom , testCase "testOverFlowRecvFrom" testOverFlowRecvFrom ] tests :: [Test] tests = [basicTests] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Test helpers -- | Establish a connection between client and server and then run -- 'clientAct' and 'serverAct', in different threads. Both actions -- get passed a connected 'Socket', used for communicating between -- client and server. 'tcpTest' makes sure that the 'Socket' is -- closed after the actions have run. tcpTest :: (Socket -> IO a) -> (Socket -> IO b) -> IO () tcpTest clientAct serverAct = test clientSetup clientAct serverSetup server where clientSetup = do sock <- socket AF_INET Stream defaultProtocol addr <- inet_addr serverAddr connect sock $ SockAddrInet serverPort addr return sock serverSetup = do sock <- socket AF_INET Stream defaultProtocol setSocketOption sock ReuseAddr 1 addr <- inet_addr serverAddr bindSocket sock (SockAddrInet serverPort addr) listen sock 1 return sock server sock = do (clientSock, _) <- accept sock serverAct clientSock sClose clientSock -- | Create an unconnected 'Socket' for sending UDP and receiving -- datagrams and then run 'clientAct' and 'serverAct'. udpTest :: (Socket -> IO a) -> (Socket -> IO b) -> IO () udpTest clientAct serverAct = test clientSetup clientAct serverSetup serverAct where clientSetup = socket AF_INET Datagram defaultProtocol serverSetup = do sock <- socket AF_INET Datagram defaultProtocol setSocketOption sock ReuseAddr 1 addr <- inet_addr serverAddr bindSocket sock (SockAddrInet serverPort addr) return sock -- | Run a client/server pair and synchronize them so that the server -- is started before the client and the specified server action is -- finished before the client closes the 'Socket'. test :: IO Socket -> (Socket -> IO b) -> IO Socket -> (Socket -> IO c) -> IO () test clientSetup clientAct serverSetup serverAct = do tid <- myThreadId barrier <- newEmptyMVar forkIO $ server barrier client tid barrier where server barrier = do E.bracket serverSetup sClose $ \sock -> do serverReady serverAct sock putMVar barrier () where -- | Signal to the client that it can proceed. serverReady = putMVar barrier () client tid barrier = do takeMVar barrier -- Transfer exceptions to the main thread. bracketWithReraise tid clientSetup sClose $ \res -> do clientAct res takeMVar barrier -- | Like 'bracket' but catches and reraises the exception in another -- thread, specified by the first argument. bracketWithReraise :: ThreadId -> IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> (a -> IO ()) -> IO () bracketWithReraise tid before after thing = E.bracket before after thing `E.catch` \ (e :: E.SomeException) -> E.throwTo tid e ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Test harness main :: IO () main = withSocketsDo $ defaultMain tests