{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
-- | Contains the common types used through bitcoin RPC calls, that aren't
--   specific to a single submodule.
module Network.Bitcoin.Types ( Auth(..)
                             , BitcoinException(..)
                             , HexString
                             , TransactionID
                             , Satoshi(..)
                             , BTC
                             , Account
                             , Address
                             ) where

import Control.Exception
import Data.Fixed
import Data.Text ( Text )
import Data.Typeable
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL

-- | 'Auth' describes authentication credentials for
-- making API requests to the Bitcoin daemon.
data Auth = Auth
    { rpcUrl      :: Text -- ^ URL, with port, where bitcoind listens
    , rpcUser     :: Text -- ^ same as bitcoind's 'rpcuser' config
    , rpcPassword :: Text -- ^ same as bitcoind's 'rpcpassword' config
    deriving ( Show, Read, Ord, Eq )

-- | A 'BitcoinException' is thrown when 'callApi encounters an
--   error.  The API error code is represented as an @Int@, the message as
--   a @String@.
--   It may also be thrown when the value returned by the bitcoin API wasn't
--   what we expected.
--   WARNING: Any of the functions in this module's public API may throw this
--            exception. You should plan on handling it.
data BitcoinException = BitcoinApiError Int Text
                      -- ^ A 'BitcoinApiError' has an error code error
                      --   message, as returned by bitcoind's JSON-RPC
                      --   response.
                      | BitcoinResultTypeError BL.ByteString
                      -- ^ The raw JSON returned, if we can't figure out what
                      --   actually went wrong.
    deriving ( Show, Read, Ord, Eq, Typeable )

instance Exception BitcoinException

-- | A string returned by the bitcoind API, representing data as hex.
--   What that data represents depends on the API call, but should be
--   dcumented accordingly.
type HexString = Text

-- | A hexadecimal string representation of a 256-bit unsigned integer.
--   This integer is a unique transaction identifier.
type TransactionID = HexString

-- | A satoshi is the smallest subdivision of bitcoins. For the resolution,
--   use 'resolution' from 'Data.Fixed'.
data Satoshi = Satoshi

instance HasResolution Satoshi where
    resolution = const $ 10^(8::Integer)
    {-# INLINE resolution #-}

-- | The type of bitcoin money, represented with a fixed-point number.
type BTC = Fixed Satoshi

-- | An address for sending or receiving money.
type Address = HexString

-- | An account on the wallet is just a label to easily specify private keys.
--   The default account is an empty string.
type Account = Text