{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DoAndIfThenElse #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

-- | This module provides Domain Name System data structures and
--   (de)serialization routines.
module Network.DNS
  ( HostName
  , aHostName
  , hostName
  , hostNameLabels
  , arpaHostName
  , HostAddr(..)
  , Host4Addr
  , Host6Addr
  , aHostAddr
  , aHostAddrOf
  , aHost4Addr
  , aHost6Addr
  , aHostAddrIP
  , DnsId
  , DnsType(..)
  , dnsTypeCode
  , DnsData(..)
  , DnsRecord(..)
  , DnsQType(..)
  , dnsQTypeCode
  , DnsQuestion(..)
  , DnsReq(..)
  , DnsError(..)
  , DnsResp(..)
  ) where

import Data.Typeable
import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
import Data.Foldable (forM_)
import Data.Hashable
import Data.Word
import Data.Bits
import Data.Char (chr, ord)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import Data.Binary (Binary)
import qualified Data.Binary as B
import qualified Data.Binary.Put as B
import qualified Data.Binary.Get as B
import Data.Serialize (Serialize)
import qualified Data.Serialize as S
import Text.Parser.Combinators as P
import Text.Parser.Char as P
import Text.Printer ((<>))
import qualified Text.Printer as T
import Data.Textual (Printable, toAscii, toUtf8, Textual)
import qualified Data.Textual as T
import qualified Text.Ascii as A
import Text.Printf
import qualified Text.Read as TR
import Network.IP.Addr
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), Applicative(..), (<|>))
import Control.Monad (void, unless, ap, foldM)

-- | Host name.
newtype HostName = HN { -- | Host name as a 'ByteString'.
                        hostName  ByteString
                   deriving (Typeable, Eq, Ord, Hashable)

-- | 'HostName' proxy value.
aHostName  Proxy HostName
aHostName = Proxy

instance Show HostName where
  showsPrec p (HN bs) = showParen (p > 10)
                      $ showString "fromJust "
                      . (showParen True $
                           showString "fromString "
                           . showsPrec 10 (BS8.unpack bs))

instance Read HostName where
  readPrec = TR.parens $ TR.prec 10 $ do
    TR.Ident "fromJust"  TR.lexP
    TR.step $ TR.parens $ TR.prec 10 $ do
      TR.Ident "fromString"  TR.lexP
      TR.String s  TR.lexP
      Just n  return $ T.fromString s
      return n

instance Printable HostName where
  print (HN bs) = T.ascii bs

{-# RULES "toAscii/HostName" toAscii = hostName #-}
{-# RULES "toUtf8/HostName"  toUtf8  = hostName #-}

instance Textual HostName where
  textual = go [] (0  Int) False [] (0  Int) <?> "host name"
    where alphaNumOrDashOrDot c = A.isAlphaNum c || c == '-' || c == '.'
          go !ls !ncs _ _ 0 =
            optional (P.satisfy A.isAlpha) >>= \case
              Just c   if ncs == 255
                        then P.unexpected "Host name is too long"
                        else go ls (ncs + 1) False [A.ascii c] 1
              Nothing  P.unexpected "A letter expected"
          go !ls !ncs !dash !lcs !nlcs =
            optional (P.satisfy alphaNumOrDashOrDot) >>= \case
              Just '.'  if dash
                         then P.unexpected "Label ends with a dash"
                         else if ncs == 255
                              then P.unexpected "Host name is too long"
                              else go (reverse (A.ascii '.' : lcs) : ls)
                                      (ncs + 1) False [] 0
              Just c    if nlcs == 63
                         then P.unexpected "Label is too long"
                         else if ncs == 255
                              then P.unexpected "Host name is too long"
                              else go ls (ncs + 1) (c == '-')
                                         (A.ascii c : lcs) (nlcs + 1)
              Nothing   return $ HN $ BS.pack $ concat
                                $ reverse $ reverse lcs : ls

instance Printable (InetAddr HostName) where
  print (InetAddr n p) = T.print n <> T.char7 ':' <> T.print p

instance Textual (InetAddr HostName) where
  textual = InetAddr <$> T.textual <*> (P.char ':' *> T.textual)

-- | List the 'HostName' labels:
-- @
--   'hostNameLabels' ('Data.Maybe.fromJust' ('Data.Textual.fromString' /"www.google.com"/)) = [/"www"/, /"google"/, /"com"/]
-- @
hostNameLabels  HostName  [ByteString]
hostNameLabels = BS.split (A.ascii '.') . hostName

-- | Host name for reverse DNS lookups.
-- @
--   'Text.Printer.toString' ('arpaHostName' ('IPv4' ('ip4FromOctets' /1/ /2/ /3/ /4/))) = /""/
--   'Text.Printer.toString' ('arpaHostName' ('IPv6' ('ip6FromWords' /1/ /2/ /3/ /4/ /5/ /6/ /7/ /8/))) = /""/
-- @
arpaHostName  IP  HostName
arpaHostName (IPv4 a) =
    HN $ BS8.pack $ printf "%i.%i.%i.%i.in-addr.arpa" o4 o3 o2 o1
  where (o1, o2, o3, o4) = ip4ToOctets a
arpaHostName (IPv6 a) =
    HN $ BS8.pack $ digits (reverse $ ip6ToWordList a) ++ "ip6.arpa"
  where digits (w : ws) = [d4, '.', d3, '.', d2, '.', d1, '.'] ++ digits ws
          where d1 = toDigit $ w `shiftR` 12
                d2 = toDigit $ w `shiftR` 8 .&. 0xF 
                d3 = toDigit $ w `shiftR` 4 .&. 0xF 
                d4 = toDigit $ w .&. 0xF 
                toDigit n | n < 10    = chr $ ord '0' + fromIntegral n
                          | otherwise = chr $ ord 'a' + fromIntegral n - 10
        digits [] = []

newtype StateT k v μ α =
  StateT { runStateT  Map k v  Maybe Word16  μ (Map k v, Maybe Word16, α) }

type CompT μ α   = StateT [ByteString] Word16 μ α
type DecompT μ α = StateT Word16 HostName μ α

compress  Monad μ  Word16  CompT μ α  μ α
compress i m = do
  (_, _, x)  runStateT m Map.empty $ Just i
  return x
{-# INLINE compress #-}

decompress  Monad μ  Word16  DecompT μ α  μ α
decompress i m = do
  (_, _, x)  runStateT m Map.empty $ Just i
  return x
{-# INLINE decompress #-}

instance Monad μ  Functor (StateT k v μ) where
  fmap f m = StateT $ \ptrs offset  do
               (ptrs', offset', x)  runStateT m ptrs offset
               return (ptrs', offset', f x)
  {-# INLINE fmap #-}

instance Monad μ  Applicative (StateT k v μ) where
  pure = return
  {-# INLINE pure #-}
  (<*>) = ap
  {-# INLINE (<*>) #-}

instance Monad μ  Monad (StateT k v μ) where
  return = lift . return
  {-# INLINE return #-}
  m >>= f = StateT $ \ptrs offset  do
              (ptrs', offset', x)  runStateT m ptrs offset
              runStateT (f x) ptrs' offset'
  {-# INLINE (>>=) #-}
  fail msg = lift $ fail msg
  {-# INLINE fail #-}

lift  Monad μ  μ α  StateT k v μ α
lift m = StateT $ \ptrs offset  do
           x  m
           return (ptrs, offset, x)
{-# INLINE lift #-}

getOffset  Monad μ  StateT k v μ (Maybe Word16)
getOffset = StateT $ \ptrs offset  return (ptrs, offset, offset)
{-# INLINE getOffset #-}

incOffset  Monad μ  Word16  StateT k v μ ()
incOffset n = StateT $ \ptrs offset  do
  let offset' = case offset of
        Just i | i'  i + n, i' >= i && i' <= 0x3FFF  Just i'
        _  Nothing
  return (ptrs, offset', ())
{-# INLINE incOffset #-}

getEntries  Monad μ  StateT k v μ (Map k v)
getEntries = StateT $ \ptrs offset  return (ptrs, offset, ptrs)
{-# INLINE getEntries #-}

getEntry  (Ord k, Monad μ)  k  StateT k v μ (Maybe v)
getEntry key = StateT $ \ptrs offset  do
  return (ptrs, offset, Map.lookup key ptrs)
{-# INLINE getEntry #-}

putEntry  (Ord k, Monad μ)  k  v  StateT k v μ ()
putEntry key value = StateT $ \ptrs offset  do
  return (Map.insert key value ptrs, offset, ())
{-# INLINE putEntry #-}

evalComp  Monad μ
          ( α . μ α  (α, ByteString))  CompT μ ()
          CompT μ ByteString
evalComp run m = StateT $ \ptrs offset  do
  let ((ptrs', offset', _), bs) = run $ runStateT m ptrs offset
  return (ptrs', offset', bs)
{-# INLINE evalComp #-}

threadDecomp  ( β . μ β  μ β)  DecompT μ α  DecompT μ α 
threadDecomp f m = StateT $ \ptrs offset 
  f $ runStateT m ptrs offset
{-# INLINE threadDecomp #-}

class (Functor (GetM s), Monad (GetM s), Functor (PutM s), Monad (PutM s))
       Serializer s where
  type GetM s    
  type PutM s    
  putWord8  s  Word8  PutM s ()
  putWord16be  s  Word16  PutM s ()
  putWord32be  s  Word32  PutM s ()
  putIP4  s  IP4  PutM s ()
  putIP6  s  IP6  PutM s ()
  putByteString  s  ByteString  PutM s ()
  runPutM  s  PutM s α  (α, ByteString)
  getWord8  s  GetM s Word8
  getWord16be  s  GetM s Word16
  getWord32be  s  GetM s Word32
  getIP4  s  GetM s IP4
  getIP6  s  GetM s IP6
  getByteString  s  Int  GetM s ByteString
  isolate  s  Int  GetM s α  GetM s α

data BinarySerializer = BinarySerializer

instance Serializer BinarySerializer where
  type GetM BinarySerializer = B.Get
  type PutM BinarySerializer = B.PutM
  putWord8 _ = B.putWord8
  putWord16be _ = B.putWord16be
  putWord32be _ = B.putWord32be
  putIP4 _ = B.put
  putIP6 _ = B.put
  putByteString _ = B.putByteString
  runPutM _ p = (r, BSL.toStrict bs) where (r, bs) = B.runPutM p
  getWord8 _ = B.getWord8
  getWord16be _ = B.getWord16be
  getWord32be _ = B.getWord32be
  getIP4 _ = B.get
  getIP6 _ = B.get
  getByteString _ = B.getBytes
  isolate _ = undefined

data CerealSerializer = CerealSerializer

instance Serializer CerealSerializer where
  type GetM CerealSerializer = S.Get
  type PutM CerealSerializer = S.PutM
  putWord8 _ = S.putWord8
  putWord16be _ = S.putWord16be
  putWord32be _ = S.putWord32be
  putIP4 _ = S.put
  putIP6 _ = S.put
  putByteString _ = S.putByteString
  runPutM _ = S.runPutM
  getWord8 _ = S.getWord8
  getWord16be _ = S.getWord16be
  getWord32be _ = S.getWord32be
  getIP4 _ = S.get
  getIP6 _ = S.get
  getByteString _ = S.getBytes
  isolate _ = S.isolate

serializeHostName  Serializer s  s  HostName  CompT (PutM s) ()
serializeHostName s = go . hostNameLabels
    go [] = do
      lift $ putWord8 s 0
      incOffset 1
    go labels@(label : labels') = do
      entry  getEntry labels
      case entry of
        Nothing  do
          let ll = BS.length label
          offset  getOffset
          lift $ putWord8 s $ fromIntegral ll
          lift $ putByteString s label
          incOffset $ 1 + fromIntegral ll
          forM_ offset $ putEntry labels
          go labels'
        Just ptr  do
          lift $ putWord16be s $ 0xC000 .|. ptr
          incOffset 2

guard'  Monad μ  String  Bool  μ ()
guard' msg test = unless test $ fail msg
{-# INLINE guard' #-}

deserializeHostName  Serializer s  s  DecompT (GetM s) HostName
deserializeHostName s = go []
    folder suffix (label, offset) = do
        forM_ offset $ \i  putEntry i (HN suffix')
        return suffix'
      where suffix' = BS.append label $ BS.cons (A.ascii '.') suffix
    go labels = do
      offset  getOffset
      w  lift $ getWord8 s
      incOffset 1
      if w .&. 0xC0 == 0xC0
      then do
        w'  lift $ getWord8 s
        incOffset 1
        let ptr = fromIntegral (w .&. 0x3F) `shiftL` 8 .|. fromIntegral w'
        entry  getEntry ptr
        case entry of
          Nothing  do
            entries  getEntries
            fail $ "Invalid pointer " ++ show ptr ++ ": pointer map is " ++
                   show (Map.elems entries)
          Just (HN suffix1)  HN <$> foldM folder suffix1 labels
        if w == 0
        then do
          guard' "Hostname with zero labels" $ not $ null labels
          let (lastLabel, lastOffset) : labels' = labels
          forM_ lastOffset $ \i  putEntry i (HN lastLabel)
          HN <$> foldM folder lastLabel labels'
        else do
          guard' "Label is too long" $ w <= 63
          label  lift $ getByteString s $ fromIntegral w
          incOffset $ fromIntegral w
          go ((BS.map A.toLower8 label, offset) : labels)

-- | Host address. Either a host name or an IP address.
data HostAddr a = HostName {-# UNPACK #-} !HostName
                | HostAddr !a
                deriving (Typeable, Show, Read, Eq, Ord)

type Host4Addr = HostAddr IP4
type Host6Addr = HostAddr IP6

-- | 'HostAddr' proxy value.
aHostAddr  Proxy HostAddr
aHostAddr = Proxy

-- | 'HostAddr' /a/ proxy value.
aHostAddrOf  Proxy a  Proxy (HostAddr a)
aHostAddrOf _ = Proxy

-- | 'Host4Addr' proxy value.
aHost4Addr  Proxy Host4Addr
aHost4Addr = Proxy

-- | 'Host6Addr' proxy value.
aHost6Addr  Proxy Host6Addr
aHost6Addr = Proxy

-- | 'HostAddr' 'IP' proxy value.
aHostAddrIP  Proxy (HostAddr IP)
aHostAddrIP = Proxy

instance Printable a  Printable (HostAddr a) where
  print (HostName name) = T.print name
  print (HostAddr addr) = T.print addr

instance Textual a  Textual (HostAddr a) where
  textual  =  P.try (HostName <$> T.textual)
          <|> (HostAddr <$> T.textual)

instance Printable (InetAddr a)  Printable (InetAddr (HostAddr a)) where
  print (InetAddr (HostName n) p) = T.print $ InetAddr n p
  print (InetAddr (HostAddr a) p) = T.print $ InetAddr a p

instance Textual (InetAddr a)  Textual (InetAddr (HostAddr a)) where
  textual  =  P.try (InetAddr <$> (HostName <$> T.textual)
                              <*> (P.char ':' *> T.textual))
          <|> T.textual

-- | Message identifier.
type DnsId = Word16

-- | Resource Record type.
data DnsType α where
  -- IPv4 address record (/A/)
  AddrDnsType   DnsType IP4 
  -- IPv6 address record (/AAAA/)
  Addr6DnsType  DnsType IP6
  -- Name server record (/NS/)
  NsDnsType     DnsType HostName
  -- Canonical name record (/CNAME/)
  CNameDnsType  DnsType HostName
  -- Pointer record (/PTR/)
  PtrDnsType    DnsType HostName
  -- Mail exchange record (/MX/)
  MxDnsType     DnsType (Word16, HostName)

deriving instance Typeable1 DnsType
deriving instance Eq (DnsType α)

instance Show (DnsType α) where
  showsPrec _ AddrDnsType  = showString "AddrDnsType"
  showsPrec _ Addr6DnsType = showString "Addr6DnsType"
  showsPrec _ NsDnsType    = showString "NsDnsType"
  showsPrec _ CNameDnsType = showString "CNameDnsType"
  showsPrec _ PtrDnsType   = showString "PtrDnsType"
  showsPrec _ MxDnsType    = showString "MxDnsType"

-- | Numeric representation of a Resource Record type.
dnsTypeCode  DnsType α  Word16
dnsTypeCode AddrDnsType  = 1
dnsTypeCode Addr6DnsType = 28
dnsTypeCode NsDnsType    = 2
dnsTypeCode CNameDnsType = 5
dnsTypeCode PtrDnsType   = 12
dnsTypeCode MxDnsType    = 15

-- | Resource Record data.
data DnsData =  α . DnsData { dnsType  !(DnsType α) -- ^ The type
                             , dnsData  α            -- ^ The data
               deriving Typeable

instance Show DnsData where
  showsPrec p (DnsData {..}) = showParen (p > 10)
      $ showString "DnsData {dnsType = "
      . showsPrec (p + 1) dnsType
      . showString ", dnsData = "
      . case dnsType of
          AddrDnsType   showsPrec p' dnsData
          Addr6DnsType  showsPrec p' dnsData
          NsDnsType     showsPrec p' dnsData
          CNameDnsType  showsPrec p' dnsData
          PtrDnsType    showsPrec p' dnsData
          MxDnsType     showsPrec p' dnsData
      . showString "}"
    where p' = 10  Int

-- | Resource Record.
data DnsRecord = DnsRecord { -- | Record owner
                             dnsRecOwner  {-# UNPACK #-} !HostName
                           , -- | Maximum caching time in secords
                             dnsRecTtl    {-# UNPACK #-} !Word32
                           , -- | Record data
                             dnsRecData   !DnsData
                 deriving (Typeable, Show)

serializeDnsRecord  Serializer s  s  DnsRecord  CompT (PutM s) ()
serializeDnsRecord s (DnsRecord {..}) | DnsData tp dt  dnsRecData = do
  serializeHostName s dnsRecOwner
  lift $ putWord16be s $ dnsTypeCode tp
  lift $ putWord16be s 1
  lift $ putWord32be s dnsRecTtl
  incOffset 10
  d  evalComp (runPutM s) $ case tp of
    AddrDnsType   lift (putIP4 s dt) >> incOffset 4
    Addr6DnsType  lift (putIP6 s dt) >> incOffset 16
    NsDnsType     serializeHostName s dt
    CNameDnsType  serializeHostName s dt
    PtrDnsType    serializeHostName s dt
    MxDnsType     do
      lift $ putWord16be s $ fst dt
      incOffset 2
      serializeHostName s $ snd dt
  lift $ putWord16be s $ fromIntegral $ BS.length d
  lift $ putByteString s d

deserializeDnsRecord  Serializer s  s  DecompT (GetM s) DnsRecord
deserializeDnsRecord s = do
  owner  deserializeHostName s
  code   lift $ getWord16be s
  void $ lift $ getWord16be s
  ttl    lift $ getWord32be s
  len    lift $ fromIntegral <$> getWord16be s
  incOffset 10
  dd     threadDecomp (isolate s len) $ case code of
    1   fmap (DnsData AddrDnsType) $ incOffset 4 >> lift (getIP4 s)
    2   DnsData NsDnsType    <$> deserializeHostName s
    5   DnsData CNameDnsType <$> deserializeHostName s
    12  DnsData PtrDnsType   <$> deserializeHostName s
    28  fmap (DnsData Addr6DnsType) $ incOffset 16 >> lift (getIP6 s)
    _   fail "Unsupported type"
  return $ DnsRecord owner ttl dd

-- | DNS query type.
data DnsQType =  α . StdDnsType (DnsType α) -- ^ Record type
              | AllDnsType -- ^ All record types
              deriving Typeable

instance Show DnsQType where
  showsPrec p (StdDnsType t) = showParen (p > 10)
                             $ showString "StdDnsType "
                             . showsPrec (p + 1) t
  showsPrec _ AllDnsType = showString "AllDnsType"

-- | Numeric representation of a DNS query type.
dnsQTypeCode  DnsQType  Word16
dnsQTypeCode (StdDnsType t) = dnsTypeCode t
dnsQTypeCode AllDnsType     = 255

instance Eq DnsQType where
  t1 == t2 = dnsQTypeCode t1 == dnsQTypeCode t2

instance Ord DnsQType where
  t1 `compare` t2 = dnsQTypeCode t1 `compare` dnsQTypeCode t2

putDnsQType  Serializer s  s  DnsQType  PutM s ()
putDnsQType s = putWord16be s . dnsQTypeCode

getDnsQType  Serializer s  s  GetM s DnsQType
getDnsQType s = getWord16be s >>= \case
  1    return $ StdDnsType AddrDnsType
  2    return $ StdDnsType NsDnsType
  5    return $ StdDnsType CNameDnsType
  12   return $ StdDnsType PtrDnsType
  28   return $ StdDnsType Addr6DnsType
  255  return AllDnsType
  _    fail "Unsupported query type"

instance Binary DnsQType where
  put = putDnsQType BinarySerializer
  get = getDnsQType BinarySerializer

instance Serialize DnsQType where
  put = putDnsQType CerealSerializer
  get = getDnsQType CerealSerializer

-- | DNS question.
data DnsQuestion = DnsQuestion { -- | Ask about the specified host name
                                 dnsQName  {-# UNPACK #-} !HostName
                               , -- | Query type
                                 dnsQType  !DnsQType
                   deriving (Typeable, Show, Eq, Ord)

serializeDnsQuestion  Serializer s  s  DnsQuestion  CompT (PutM s) ()
serializeDnsQuestion s (DnsQuestion {..}) = do
  serializeHostName s dnsQName
  lift $ do
    putDnsQType s dnsQType
    putWord16be s 1
  incOffset 4

deserializeDnsQuestion  Serializer s  s  DecompT (GetM s) DnsQuestion
deserializeDnsQuestion s = do
  q  DnsQuestion <$> deserializeHostName s <*> lift (getDnsQType s)
  c  lift $ getWord16be s
  guard' "Unsupported class in a question" $ c == 1
  incOffset 4
  return q

-- | Request message.
data DnsReq -- | Standard query
            = DnsReq { -- | Message identifier
                       dnsReqId        {-# UNPACK #-} !DnsId
                     , -- | Truncation flag
                       dnsReqTruncd    !Bool
                     , -- | Recursion flag
                       dnsReqRec       !Bool
                     , -- | Question
                       dnsReqQuestion  {-# UNPACK #-} !DnsQuestion
            -- | Inverse query
            | DnsInvReq { dnsReqId   {-# UNPACK #-} !DnsId
                        , -- | IP address
                          dnsReqInv  !IP
            deriving (Typeable, Show)

anyHostName  HostName
anyHostName = HN "any"

putDnsReq  Serializer s  s  DnsReq  PutM s ()
putDnsReq s (DnsReq {..}) = do
  putWord16be s dnsReqId
  putWord8 s  $  if dnsReqRec then 1 else 0
             .|. if dnsReqTruncd then 2 else 0
  putWord8 s 0
  putWord16be s 1
  putWord16be s 0
  putWord16be s 0
  putWord16be s 0
  compress 12 $ serializeDnsQuestion s dnsReqQuestion
putDnsReq s (DnsInvReq {..}) = do
  putWord16be s dnsReqId
  putWord8 s 8
  putWord8 s 0
  putWord16be s 0
  putWord16be s 1
  putWord16be s 0
  putWord16be s 0
  compress 12 $ serializeDnsRecord s $
    DnsRecord { dnsRecOwner = anyHostName
              , dnsRecTtl   = 0
              , dnsRecData  = case dnsReqInv of
                  IPv4 a  DnsData AddrDnsType a
                  IPv6 a  DnsData Addr6DnsType a }

getDnsReq  Serializer s  s  GetM s DnsReq
getDnsReq s = do
  i  getWord16be s
  w  getWord8 s
  void $ getWord8 s
  guard' "Not a request" $ w .&. 128 == 0
  let rec    = w .&. 1 /= 0
      truncd = w .&. 2 /= 0
      opcode = w `shiftR` 3 .&. 0xF
  case opcode of
    0  do
      getWord16be s >>= guard' "No questions in query" . (== 1)
      getWord16be s >>= guard' "Answers in query" . (== 0)
      getWord16be s >>= guard' "Authorities in query" . (== 0)
      getWord16be s >>= guard' "Extras in query" . (== 0)
      decompress 12 $ do
        q  deserializeDnsQuestion s
        return $ DnsReq { dnsReqId       = i
                        , dnsReqTruncd   = truncd
                        , dnsReqRec      = rec
                        , dnsReqQuestion = q }
    1  do
      getWord16be s >>= guard' "Questions in inverse query" . (== 0)
      getWord16be s >>= guard' "No answers in inverse query" . (== 1)
      getWord16be s >>= guard' "Authorities in inverse query" . (== 0)
      getWord16be s >>= guard' "Extras in inverse query" . (== 0)
      DnsRecord {dnsRecData}  decompress 12 $ deserializeDnsRecord s
      case dnsRecData of
        DnsData AddrDnsType a 
          return $ DnsInvReq { dnsReqId  = i, dnsReqInv = IPv4 a }
        DnsData Addr6DnsType a 
          return $ DnsInvReq { dnsReqId  = i, dnsReqInv = IPv6 a }
        _  fail "Invalid answer RR in inverse query"
    _  fail "Invalid opcode in request"

instance Binary DnsReq where
  put = putDnsReq BinarySerializer
  get = getDnsReq BinarySerializer

instance Serialize DnsReq where
  put = putDnsReq CerealSerializer
  get = getDnsReq CerealSerializer

-- | Errors returned in responses.
data DnsError = FormatDnsError
              | FailureDnsError
              | NoNameDnsError
              | NotImplDnsError
              | RefusedDnsError
              | NameExistsDnsError
              | RsExistsDnsError
              | NoRsDnsError
              | NotAuthDnsError
              | NotInZoneDnsError
              deriving (Typeable, Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Enum)

-- | Numerical representation of an error.
dnsErrorCode  DnsError  Word8
dnsErrorCode FormatDnsError     = 1
dnsErrorCode FailureDnsError    = 2
dnsErrorCode NoNameDnsError     = 3
dnsErrorCode NotImplDnsError    = 4
dnsErrorCode RefusedDnsError    = 5
dnsErrorCode NameExistsDnsError = 6
dnsErrorCode RsExistsDnsError   = 7
dnsErrorCode NoRsDnsError       = 8
dnsErrorCode NotAuthDnsError    = 9
dnsErrorCode NotInZoneDnsError  = 10

-- | Response message.
data DnsResp -- | Normal response.
             = DnsResp { -- | Request identifer
                         dnsRespId        {-# UNPACK #-} !DnsId
                       , -- | Truncation flag
                         dnsRespTruncd    !Bool
                       , -- | Authoritative answer flag
                         dnsRespAuthd     !Bool
                       , -- | Recursive query support flag
                         dnsRespRec       !Bool
                       , -- | Request question
                         dnsRespQuestion  {-# UNPACK #-} !DnsQuestion
                       , -- | Answer records
                         dnsRespAnswers   [DnsRecord]
                       , -- | Authority records
                         dnsRespAuths     [DnsRecord]
                       , -- | Additional records
                         dnsRespExtras    [DnsRecord]
             -- | Error response.
             | DnsErrResp { dnsRespId     {-# UNPACK #-} !DnsId
                          , -- | Error
                            dnsRespError  !DnsError
             deriving (Typeable, Show)

putDnsResp  Serializer s  s  DnsResp  PutM s ()
putDnsResp s (DnsResp {..}) = do
  putWord16be s dnsRespId
  putWord8 s  $  128
             .|. if dnsRespTruncd then 2 else 0
             .|. if dnsRespAuthd then 4 else 0
  putWord8 s $ if dnsRespRec then 128 else 0
  putWord16be s 1
  putWord16be s $ fromIntegral $ length dnsRespAnswers
  putWord16be s $ fromIntegral $ length dnsRespAuths
  putWord16be s $ fromIntegral $ length dnsRespExtras
  compress 12 $ do
    serializeDnsQuestion s dnsRespQuestion
    forM_ dnsRespAnswers (serializeDnsRecord s)
    forM_ dnsRespAuths   (serializeDnsRecord s)
    forM_ dnsRespExtras  (serializeDnsRecord s)
putDnsResp s (DnsErrResp {..}) = do
  putWord16be s dnsRespId
  putWord8 s 8
  putWord8 s $ dnsErrorCode dnsRespError
  putWord16be s 0
  putWord16be s 0
  putWord16be s 0
  putWord16be s 0

getDnsResp  Serializer s  s  GetM s DnsResp
getDnsResp s = do
  i  getWord16be s
  w  getWord8 s
  guard' "Not a response" $ w .&. 128 /= 0
  w'  getWord8 s
  let truncd = w .&. 2 /= 0
      authd  = w .&. 4 /= 0
      rec    = w' .&. 128 /= 0
      ec     = w' .&. 0xF
  case ec of
    0  do
      getWord16be s >>= guard' "No question in a response" . (== 1)
      anc  getWord16be s
      nsc  getWord16be s
      arc  getWord16be s
      decompress 12 $ do
        q    deserializeDnsQuestion s
        ans  mapM (const $ deserializeDnsRecord s) [1 .. anc] 
        nss  mapM (const $ deserializeDnsRecord s) [1 .. nsc] 
        ars  mapM (const $ deserializeDnsRecord s) [1 .. arc] 
        return $ DnsResp { dnsRespId       = i
                         , dnsRespTruncd   = truncd
                         , dnsRespAuthd    = authd
                         , dnsRespRec      = rec
                         , dnsRespQuestion = q
                         , dnsRespAnswers  = ans
                         , dnsRespAuths    = nss
                         , dnsRespExtras   = ars }
    _  do
      void $ getWord16be s
      void $ getWord16be s
      void $ getWord16be s
      void $ getWord16be s
      DnsErrResp i <$> case ec of
        1   return FormatDnsError
        2   return FailureDnsError
        3   return NoNameDnsError
        4   return NotImplDnsError
        5   return RefusedDnsError
        6   return NameExistsDnsError
        7   return RsExistsDnsError
        8   return NoRsDnsError
        9   return NotAuthDnsError
        10  return NotInZoneDnsError
        _   fail "Unknown error code in a response"

instance Binary DnsResp where
  put = putDnsResp BinarySerializer
  get = getDnsResp BinarySerializer

instance Serialize DnsResp where
  put = putDnsResp CerealSerializer
  get = getDnsResp CerealSerializer