-- | Various utilities used in the network protocol stack modules
module Net.Utils where

import Net.Concurrent
import Net.Bits
import Data.List(unfoldr)
import Data.Array.IArray

--class Functor f => Sequence f where sequence :: Monad m => f (m a) -> m (f a)
class Functor f => Container f where contents :: f a -> a

replace x b = fmap (const b) x

emap f p= fmap (replace p) (f (contents p))
emap2 f = emap (emap f)

lift p = fmap (replace p) (contents p)
lift2 p = lift (fmap lift p)


doReq reqChan req =
   do ans <- newEmptyMVar
      writeChan reqChan (req (putMVar ans))
      takeMVar ans

{- -- If there is a timeout, m is still completed and the result is ignored...
timeout t m =
  do c <- newChan
     fork $ do delay t ; writeChan c Nothing
     fork $ writeChan c . Just =<< m
     readChan c

foldlArray             :: (IArray arr elem, Ix ix, Enum ix)
                       => arr ix elem -> (elem -> a -> a) -> a -> a
foldlArray arr add zero = loop min zero
  (min,max)             = bounds arr
  loop ix tot
    | ix <= max         = loop (succ ix) (add (arr ! ix) tot)
    | otherwise         = tot

-- | The number of elements in an array
arraySize a             = max - min + 1
  (min,max)             = bounds a

checksum               :: (IArray arr Word16, Ix ix, Enum ix) => arr ix Word16 -> Word16
checksum arr            = let total   = foldlArray arr add (0 :: Word32)
                              add x t = fromIntegral x + t
                          in complement ((total .!. 1) + (total .!. 0))

-- | TCP\/IP 16-bit checksums
checksum                 :: [Word16] -> Word16
checksum ws               = let total = sum (map fromIntegral ws) :: Word32
                            in complement (fromIntegral total + fromIntegral (total `shiftR` 16))

-- | Split a list into subcomponents of length 2.
-- The first argument is what to append in case the list is of odd length.
pairs                    :: a -> [a] -> [[a]]
pairs a                   = unfoldr mk
  mk (x:y:zs)             = Just ([x,y],zs)
  mk [x]                  = Just ([x,a],[])
  mk []                   = Nothing

bytes_to_words_big       :: [Word8] -> [Word16]
bytes_to_words_big        = map catBits . pairs 0

bytes_to_words_lil       :: [Word8] -> [Word16]
bytes_to_words_lil        = map (catBits . reverse) . pairs 0

words_to_bytes_big       :: [Word16] -> [Word8]
words_to_bytes_big ws     = concat [ [w .!. 1, w .!. 0] | w <- ws ]

words_to_bytes_lil       :: [Word16] -> [Word8]
words_to_bytes_lil ws     = concat [ [w .!. 0, w .!. 1] | w <- ws ]