module Net.TFTP_Client(tftpGet,tftpPut) where -- TFTP Client, protocol described in RFC 1350 -- See import Net.Concurrent import Net.UDP_Client as UDP(Packet(..),template,listenAny,unlisten) import qualified Net.PortNumber as Port import Net.TFTP import qualified Net.Interface as Net import Net.Packet(listArray) import Net.PacketParsing(doUnparse,doParse) import Net.Utils(arraySize) --import Monad.Util(whileM) tftpGet debug udp serverIP filename mode = do (tftp,close) <- initialize udp serverIP result <- getBlocks tftp [] 0 close return result where rrq = RRQ filename mode getBlocks tftp bs last = do p <- txRetry tftp (if last==0 then rrq else Ack last) case p of Nothing -> return $ Left "Timeout" Just (Data nr b) -> if nr==last+1 then if arraySize b<512 then do Net.txT tftp (Ack nr) return (Right (reverse (b:bs))) else getBlocks tftp (b:bs) nr else if nr==last then getBlocks tftp bs last -- ignore dupl else return (Left "unexpected data block") Just (Error c msg) -> return $ Left $ "Server said: "++show c++" "++msg Just msg -> return $ Left $ "Unexpected packet: "++show msg tftpPut debug udp serverIP filename mode contents = do (tftp,close) <- initialize udp serverIP result <- putBlocks tftp (blocks contents) (WRQ filename mode) 0 close return result where putBlocks tftp bs packet current = do --debug $ "tftpPut send "++show packet p <- txRetry tftp packet --debug $ "tftpPut receive "++show p case p of Nothing -> return $ Left "Timeout" Just (Ack nr) -> if nr==current then case bs of [] -> return (Right ()) b:bs -> putBlocks tftp bs (Data nr b) nr where nr=current+1 else if nr==current-1 then putBlocks tftp bs packet current -- hmm, ignore dupl else return (Left "unexpected ack") Just (Error c msg) -> return $ Left $ "Server said: "++show c++" "++msg Just msg -> return $ Left $ "Unexpected packet: "++show msg blocks :: String -> [Data] blocks s = case splitAt 512 s of ([],_) -> [] (s1,s2) -> listArray (1,length s1) (conv s1):blocks s2 where conv = map (fromIntegral.fromEnum) txRetry tftp packet = rx 2 where rx n = do Net.txT tftp packet maybe retry (return . Just) =<< Net.rxT tftp (Just t) where retry = if n>0 then rx (n-1) else return Nothing t = 2000000 -- microseconds {- txRetry tftp packet = rx 2 where rx n = do waiting <- newRef True fork $ whileM (readRef waiting) $ Net.tx tftp packet >> delay t p <- Net.rx tftp writeRef waiting False return (Just p) where t = 2000000 -- microseconds -} initialize udp serverIP = do (port,uclient) <- UDP.listenAny udp portM <- newMVar Nothing let rx t = do r <- Net.rxT uclient t case r of Nothing -> return Nothing Just (fromIP,udpP) -> let sPort = sourcePort udpP in case doParse (content udpP) of Nothing -> rx t -- reduce t!! Just p -> if fromIP==serverIP -- also check port number then do optsp <- takeMVar portM case optsp of Nothing -> do putMVar portM (Just sPort) return (Just p) Just port -> do putMVar portM optsp if port==sPort then return (Just p) else rx t -- wrong port! else rx t tx msg = -- The initial request is sent to serverPort. After that, -- messages are sent to the port chosen by the server. do sPort <- maybe serverPort id `fmap` readMVar portM Net.txT uclient (serverIP,udpP sPort) where udpP sPort = UDP.template port sPort bs bs = doUnparse msg return (Net.TimedInterface rx tx,unlisten udp port) serverPort = Port.tftp -- standard TFTP server port