{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-} import Test.Framework (defaultMain, testGroup) import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 (testProperty) import Test.QuickCheck import Data.DoubleWord import Data.Textual import Network.IP.Addr import Control.Applicative instance Arbitrary IP4 where arbitrary = IP4 <$> arbitrary shrink = fmap IP4 . shrink . unIP4 instance Arbitrary IP6 where arbitrary = fmap IP6 $ fromHiAndLo <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary shrink = fmap IP6 . shrinkIntegral . unIP6 instance Arbitrary IP where arbitrary = oneof [IPv4 <$> arbitrary, IPv6 <$> arbitrary] shrink (IPv4 a) = IPv4 <$> shrink a shrink (IPv6 a) = IPv6 <$> shrink a instance Arbitrary Net4Addr where arbitrary = netAddr <$> arbitrary <*> suchThat arbitrary (<= 32) shrink n = uncurry netAddr <$> shrink (netHost n, netLength n) instance Arbitrary Net6Addr where arbitrary = netAddr <$> arbitrary <*> suchThat arbitrary (<= 128) shrink n = uncurry netAddr <$> shrink (netHost n, netLength n) instance Arbitrary (NetAddr IP) where arbitrary = do a ← arbitrary m ← mask a return $ netAddr a m where mask (IPv4 _) = suchThat arbitrary (<= 32) mask (IPv6 _) = suchThat arbitrary (<= 128) shrink n = uncurry netAddr <$> shrink (netHost n, netLength n) instance Arbitrary InetPort where arbitrary = InetPort <$> arbitrary shrink = fmap InetPort . shrink . unInetPort instance Arbitrary a ⇒ Arbitrary (InetAddr a) where arbitrary = InetAddr <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary shrink n = uncurry InetAddr <$> shrink (inetHost n, inetPort n) main = defaultMain [ testGroup "IP4" [ testProperty "show -> read" $ \a → read (show a) == (a ∷ IP4) , testProperty "print -> parse" $ \a → fromString (toString a) == Just (a ∷ IP4) , testProperty "parsing \"\"" $ fromString "" == Just (IP4 0x01020304) , testProperty "parsing \"\"" $ fromString "" == Just (IP4 0x0b16212c) , testProperty "parsing \"\" fails" $ fromStringAs anIP4 "" == Nothing , testProperty "parsing \"\" fails" $ fromStringAs anIP4 "" == Nothing , testProperty "parsing \" \" fails" $ fromStringAs anIP4 " " == Nothing , testProperty "parsing \"1.2. 3.4\" fails" $ fromStringAs anIP4 "1.2. 3.4 " == Nothing , testProperty "parsing \"1.2.3..4\" fails" $ fromStringAs anIP4 "1.2.3..4" == Nothing , testProperty "parsing \"1.2.3.\" fails" $ fromStringAs anIP4 "1.2.3." == Nothing , testProperty "parsing \"1.2.3\" fails" $ fromStringAs anIP4 "1.2.3" == Nothing , testProperty "parsing \"\" fails" $ fromStringAs anIP4 "" == Nothing , testProperty "parsing \"1a.2.3.4\" fails" $ fromStringAs anIP4 "1a.2.3.4" == Nothing ] , testGroup "IP6" [ testProperty "show -> read" $ \a → read (show a) == (a ∷ IP6) , testProperty "print -> parse" $ \a → fromString (toString a) == Just (a ∷ IP6) , testProperty "parsing \"::\"" $ fromString "::" == Just anyIP6 , testProperty "parsing \":::\" fails" $ fromStringAs anIP6 ":::" == Nothing , testProperty "parsing \" 1::2\" fails" $ fromStringAs anIP6 " 1::2" == Nothing , testProperty "parsing \"1::2 \" fails" $ fromStringAs anIP6 "1::2 " == Nothing , testProperty "parsing \"1: :2\" fails" $ fromStringAs anIP6 "1: :2" == Nothing , testProperty "parsing \"1::2:\" fails" $ fromStringAs anIP6 "1::2:" == Nothing , testProperty "parsing \":1::2\" fails" $ fromStringAs anIP6 ":1::2" == Nothing , testProperty "parsing \"1:abcde::2\" fails" $ fromStringAs anIP6 "1:abcde::2" == Nothing , testProperty "parsing \"1:abcg::2\" fails" $ fromStringAs anIP6 "1:abcg::2" == Nothing , testProperty "parsing \"1:2:3:4a:5:6:7:8\"" $ fromString "1:2:3:4a:5:6:7:8" == Just (IP6 0x000100020003004a0005000600070008) , testProperty "parsing \"1:2:3:4:5bc:6:7::\"" $ fromString "1:2:3:4:5bc:6:7::" == Just (IP6 0x000100020003000405bc000600070000) , testProperty "parsing \"::1:2:3ad9:4:5:6:7\"" $ fromString "::1:2:3ad9:4:5:6:7" == Just (IP6 0x000100023ad90004000500060007) , testProperty "parsing \"1:2:3:4:a5:6::\"" $ fromString "1:2:3:4:a5:6::" == Just (IP6 0x000100020003000400a5000600000000) , testProperty "parsing \"::1:2:3:4:5:6\"" $ fromString "::1:2:3:4:5:6" == Just (IP6 0x000100020003000400050006) , testProperty "parsing \"1::2:3:4:5:6\"" $ fromString "1::2:3:4:5:6" == Just (IP6 0x00010000000000020003000400050006) , testProperty "parsing \"1:2:3::4:5:6\"" $ fromString "1:2:3::4:5:6" == Just (IP6 0x00010002000300000000000400050006) , testProperty "parsing \"1:2:3::4:5::6\" fails" $ fromStringAs anIP6 "1:2:3::4:5::6" == Nothing , testProperty "parsing \"::1:2:3::4:5:6\" fails" $ fromStringAs anIP6 "::1:2:3::4:5:6" == Nothing , testProperty "parsing \"1:2::3:4:5g\" fails" $ fromStringAs anIP6 "1:2::3:4:5g" == Nothing , testProperty "parsing \"1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8g\" fails" $ fromStringAs anIP6 "1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8g" == Nothing ] , testGroup "IP" [ testProperty "show -> read" $ \a → read (show a) == (a ∷ IP) , testProperty "print -> parse" $ \a → fromString (toString a) == Just (a ∷ IP) ] , testGroup "Net4Addr" [ testProperty "show -> read" $ \n → read (show n) == (n ∷ Net4Addr) , testProperty "print -> parse" $ \n → fromString (toString n) == Just (n ∷ Net4Addr) , testProperty "parsing \"\"" $ case fromStringAs aNet4Addr "" of Just n | netHost n == IP4 0x0b16212c , netHostIx n == IP4 0x0002212c , netPrefix n == IP4 0x0b140000 , netMask n == IP4 0xfffc0000 , netLength n == 14 → True _ → False , testProperty "parsing \"1.2.3/16\" fails" $ fromStringAs aNet4Addr "1.2.3/16" == Nothing , testProperty "parsing \"1.2 .3.4/16\" fails" $ fromStringAs aNet4Addr "1.2 .3.4/16" == Nothing , testProperty "parsing \" 16\" fails" $ fromStringAs aNet4Addr " 16" == Nothing , testProperty "parsing \" / 16\" fails" $ fromStringAs aNet4Addr " / 16" == Nothing , testProperty "parsing \" \" fails" $ fromStringAs aNet4Addr " " == Nothing , testProperty "parsing \"\" fails" $ fromStringAs aNet4Addr "" == Nothing , testProperty "parsing \"\" fails" $ fromStringAs aNet4Addr "" == Nothing ] , testGroup "Net6Addr" [ testProperty "show -> read" $ \n → read (show n) == (n ∷ Net6Addr) , testProperty "print -> parse" $ \n → fromString (toString n) == Just (n ∷ Net6Addr) , testProperty "parsing \"1234:5678:9abc:def::/22\"" $ case fromStringAs aNet6Addr "1234:5678:9abc:def::/22" of Just n | netHost n == IP6 0x123456789abc0def0000000000000000 , netHostIx n == IP6 0x000002789abc0def0000000000000000 , netPrefix n == IP6 0x12345400000000000000000000000000 , netMask n == IP6 0xfffffc00000000000000000000000000 , netLength n == 22 → True _ → False , testProperty "parsing \"1:2:3/16\" fails" $ fromStringAs aNet6Addr "1:2:3/16" == Nothing , testProperty "parsing \"1:2 :3:4::/16\" fails" $ fromStringAs aNet6Addr "1:2 :3:4::/16" == Nothing , testProperty "parsing \"::1:2:3:4/ 16\" fails" $ fromStringAs aNet6Addr "::1:2:3:4/ 16" == Nothing , testProperty "parsing \"::1:2:3:4 / 16\" fails" $ fromStringAs aNet6Addr "::1:2:3:4 / 16" == Nothing , testProperty "parsing \"::1:2:3:4/16 \" fails" $ fromStringAs aNet6Addr "::1:2:3:4/16 " == Nothing , testProperty "parsing \"::/129\" fails" $ fromStringAs aNet6Addr "::/129" == Nothing , testProperty "parsing \"::/01\" fails" $ fromStringAs aNet6Addr "::/01" == Nothing ] , testGroup "NetAddr" [ testProperty "show -> read" $ \n → read (show n) == (n ∷ NetAddr IP) , testProperty "print -> parse" $ \n → fromString (toString n) == Just (n ∷ NetAddr IP) ] , testGroup "InetPort" [ testProperty "show -> read" $ \p → read (show p) == (p ∷ InetPort) , testProperty "print -> parse" $ \p → fromString (toString p) == Just (p ∷ InetPort) , testProperty "parsing \"01\" fails" $ fromStringAs anInetPort "01" == Nothing , testProperty "parsing \"123456\" fails" $ fromStringAs anInetPort "123456" == Nothing , testProperty "parsing \"65536\" fails" $ fromStringAs anInetPort "65536" == Nothing ] , testGroup "Inet4Addr" [ testProperty "show -> read" $ \a → read (show a) == (a ∷ Inet4Addr) , testProperty "print -> parse" $ \a → fromString (toString a) == Just (a ∷ Inet4Addr) , testProperty "parsing \"\"" $ case fromString "" of Just (InetAddr (IP4 0x0b16212c) 55) → True _ → False ] , testGroup "Inet6Addr" [ testProperty "show -> read" $ \a → read (show a) == (a ∷ Inet6Addr) , testProperty "print -> parse" $ \a → fromString (toString a) == Just (a ∷ Inet6Addr) , testProperty "parsing \"[1234:5678:9abc:def::]:55\"" $ case fromString "[1234:5678:9abc:def::]:55" of Just (InetAddr (IP6 0x123456789abc0def0000000000000000) 55) → True _ → False ] , testGroup "InetAddr" [ testProperty "show -> read" $ \a → read (show a) == (a ∷ InetAddr IP) , testProperty "print -> parse" $ \a → fromString (toString a) == Just (a ∷ InetAddr IP) ] ]