{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- | Backend-free MessagePack RPC Client. module Network.MessagePack.RPC.Client ( -- * Config Config(..) , NotificationHandler , RequestHandler , Logger , Formatter , defaultConfig -- * Backend , Backend(..) -- * Client , Client , withClient , shutdown -- * Call and reply , Result , call , reply ) where import Control.Concurrent (forkFinally, forkIO, killThread) import qualified Control.Concurrent.MVar as MVar import qualified Control.Exception.Safe as E import Control.Monad (forever, void, when) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM import qualified Data.IORef as IORef import qualified Data.MessagePack as MsgPack import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import System.IO (hPrint, stderr) import System.Timeout (timeout) import Data.MessagePack.RPC -- | A client data type for MessagePack RPC. data Client = Client { clientSessionState :: !SessionState , clientBackend :: !Backend , clientLog :: Logger , clientFormat :: Formatter , clientHandlerTid :: IORef (Maybe ThreadId) } data SessionState = SessionState { lastMessageId :: IORef MessageId , dispatchTable :: IORef (HashMap MessageId (MVar Result)) } -- | Result type of a RPC call. -- Described as "error" and "result" of "Response Message" -- in [the spec of MessagePack RPC](https://github.com/msgpack-rpc/msgpack-rpc/blob/master/spec.md#response-message). type Result = Either MsgPack.Object MsgPack.Object -- | Notification handler. The 3rd argument is response objects. type NotificationHandler = Client -> MethodName -> [MsgPack.Object] -> IO () -- | Notification handler. The 2nd argument is message id to be used -- for replying. The 3rd argument is response objects. type RequestHandler = Client -> MessageId -> MethodName -> [MsgPack.Object] -> IO () -- | Logger type. Should print out the message passed as a first argument somewhere. type Logger = String -> IO () -- | Convert 'Message' into a @String@ to print out by 'Logger' type Formatter = Message -> String -- | Configuration for MessagePack RPC. data Config = Config { notificationHandler :: NotificationHandler , requestHandler :: RequestHandler , logger :: Logger , exceptionHandlers :: [E.Handler IO ()] -- ^ Handles an exception thrown from the receiver thread, -- which is the only thread to receive 'Message's via 'Backend'. -- Until exiting from the block of 'withClient', the receiver thread -- indefinitely waits for frames via 'backendRecv'. , formatter :: Formatter , waitRequestHandler :: Bool } -- | The default configuration. -- 'formatter' is 'show'. -- Others do nothing. defaultConfig :: Config defaultConfig = Config { notificationHandler = \_ _ _ -> return () , requestHandler = \_ _ _ _ -> return () , logger = \_ -> return () , exceptionHandlers = [E.Handler $ \(E.SomeException e) -> hPrint stderr e] , formatter = show , waitRequestHandler = False } -- | Backend IO functions. -- Any receiving / sending actions are performed by calling these functions. data Backend = Backend { backendSend :: B.ByteString -> IO () -- ^ Sending , backendRecv :: IO B.ByteString -- ^ Receiving , backendClose :: IO () -- ^ Closing } -- TODO: Returns any exception -- | Calling RPC. call :: Client -> MethodName -> [MsgPack.Object] -> IO Result call client funName args = do rrsp <- E.bracket register unregister sendAndRecv case rrsp of Nothing -> return $ Left MsgPack.ObjectNil Just rsp -> return rsp where sendAndRecv (requestId, rspVar) = do let request = RequestMessage requestId funName args backendSend (clientBackend client) $ BL.toStrict $ MsgPack.pack request clientLog client $ "sent: " <> clientFormat client request timeout 3000000 $ MVar.takeMVar rspVar register = do requestId <- getNewMessageId ss rspVar <- MVar.newEmptyMVar IORef.atomicModifyIORef' (dispatchTable ss) $ \tbl -> (HM.insert requestId rspVar tbl, ()) return (requestId, rspVar) unregister (requestId, _) = IORef.atomicModifyIORef' (dispatchTable ss) $ \tbl -> (HM.delete requestId tbl, ()) ss = clientSessionState client -- | Replying RPC. This should be used in 'RequestHandler'. reply :: Client -> MessageId -> Result -> IO () reply client mid result = do let response = ResponseMessage mid result let p = BL.toStrict $ MsgPack.pack response backendSend (clientBackend client) p clientLog client $ "sent: " <> clientFormat client response getNewMessageId :: SessionState -> IO MessageId getNewMessageId ss = IORef.atomicModifyIORef (lastMessageId ss) $ \cur -> (cur + 1, cur) receiverThread :: Client -> Config -> IO () receiverThread client config = (`E.catches` exceptionHandlers config) $ forever $ do response <- MsgPack.unpack . BL.fromStrict =<< backendRecv (clientBackend client) clientLog client $ "received: " <> clientFormat client response case response of ResponseMessage mid result -> do tbl <- IORef.readIORef $ dispatchTable ss case HM.lookup mid tbl of Just rspVar -> MVar.putMVar rspVar result Nothing -> clientLog client $ "ERROR: No MVar assinged with request ID " ++ show mid ++ "." NotificationMessage methodName params -> void . forkIO $ notificationHandler config client methodName params RequestMessage mid methodName params -> void . forkIO $ requestHandler config client mid methodName params where ss = clientSessionState client initSessionState :: IO SessionState initSessionState = SessionState <$> IORef.newIORef 0 <*> IORef.newIORef HM.empty -- | Executing the action in the 3rd argument with a 'Client'. withClient :: Config -> Backend -> (Client -> IO a) -> IO a withClient config backend action = do ss <- initSessionState wait <- MVar.newEmptyMVar tidref <- IORef.newIORef Nothing let client = Client ss backend (logger config) (formatter config) tidref tid <- forkFinally (receiverThread client config) $ \_ -> MVar.putMVar wait () IORef.writeIORef tidref $ Just tid takeAction client wait `E.finally` (backendClose backend >> killThread tid) where takeAction client wait = do returned <- action client when (waitRequestHandler config) $ MVar.takeMVar wait return returned -- | This function cleans up the internal states including -- the termination of internal threads. shutdown :: Client -> IO () shutdown client = do mtid <- IORef.readIORef $ clientHandlerTid client case mtid of Nothing -> return () Just tid -> killThread tid