-- |
-- Module      : Network.Metric.Sink.Ganglia
-- Copyright   : (c) 2012-2013 Brendan Hay <brendan.g.hay@gmail.com>
-- License     : This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of
--               the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
--               A copy of the MPL can be found in the LICENSE file or
--               you can obtain it at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
-- Maintainer  : Brendan Hay <brendan.g.hay@gmail.com>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions)

module Network.Metric.Sink.Ganglia (
    -- * Exported Types
    , GangliaType(..)
    , GangliaMetric(..)
    , Ganglia(..)

    -- * Defaults
    , defaultMetric

    -- * Binary Encoding
    , putMetaData
    , putValue

    -- * Sink Functions
    , Sink(..)
    , open

    -- * Re-exports
    , Group
    , Bucket
    , Metric(..)
    ) where

import Data.Binary.Put
import Data.Bits                ((.&.))
import Data.Char                (toLower)
import Data.Data                (Data)
import Data.Default             (Default, def)
import Data.Int                 (Int32)
import Data.Maybe               (fromMaybe)
import Data.Typeable            (Typeable, typeOf)
import Data.Word                (Word32)
import Network.Socket           (SocketType(..))
import Network.Metric.Internal

import qualified Data.ByteString            as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8      as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BL

-- | Allows gmetad and the PHP webfrontend to efficiently separate
-- constant data metrics from volatile ones
data Slope = Zero | Positive | Negative | Both | Unspecified
      deriving (Data, Typeable, Show, Eq, Enum)

-- | Metric types supported by Ganglia
data GangliaType = String | Int8 | UInt8 | Int16 | UInt16 | Int32 | UInt32 | Float | Double
      deriving (Data, Typeable, Eq, Show)

-- | Concrete metric type used to emit metadata and value packets
data GangliaMetric = GangliaMetric
    { name  :: Bucket
    , type' :: GangliaType
    , units :: BS.ByteString
    , value :: BS.ByteString
    , host  :: BS.ByteString
    , spoof :: BS.ByteString
    , group :: Group
    , slope :: Slope
    , tmax  :: Word32
    , dmax  :: Word32
    } deriving (Show)

instance Default GangliaMetric where
    def = defaultMetric

-- | A handle to a Ganglia sink
data Ganglia = Ganglia (Maybe Host) Handle deriving (Show)

instance Sink Ganglia where
    push (Ganglia host hd) m = mapM_ (hPush hd) (concatMap enc $ measure m)
        enc (Counter g b v) = put host g b v Positive
        enc (Timer g b v)   = put host g b v Both
        enc (Gauge g b v)   = put host g b v Both

    close (Ganglia _ hd) = hClose hd

-- API

-- | Sensible defaults for a GangliaMetric
defaultMetric :: GangliaMetric
defaultMetric = GangliaMetric
    { name  = ""
    , type' = Int32
    , units = ""
    , value = ""
    , host  = ""
    , spoof = ""
    , group = ""
    , slope = Both
    , tmax  = 60
    , dmax  = 0

-- | Open a new Ganglia sink
open :: Maybe Host -> HostName -> PortNumber -> IO AnySink
open host = fOpen (Ganglia host) Datagram

-- | Encode a GangliaMetric's metadata into a Binary.Put monad
-- The format for this can be found in either:
-- * gm_protocol.x in the Ganglia 3.1 sources
-- * https://github.com/lookfirst/jmxtrans
putMetaData :: GangliaMetric -> Put
putMetaData m@GangliaMetric{..} = do
    putHeader 128 m -- 128 = metadata_msg
    putType type'
    putString name
    putString units
    putEnum slope
    putUInt tmax
    putUInt dmax
    putGroup group

-- | Encode a GangliaMetric's value into a Binary.Put monad
putValue :: GangliaMetric -> Put
putValue m@GangliaMetric{..} = do
    putHeader 133 m -- 133 = string_msg
    putString "%s"
    putString value

-- Private

-- | Oh, the horror
put :: Encodable a
    => Maybe Host
    -> Group
    -> Bucket
    -> a
    -> Slope
    -> [BL.ByteString]
put host group bucket value slope = map run [putMetaData, putValue]
     run f  = runPut $ f metric
     metric = defaultMetric
         { name  = bucket
         , group = group
         , host  = fromMaybe "" host
         , value = encode value
         , type' = determineType value
         , slope = slope

-- | TODO: more horror
determineType :: Typeable a => a -> GangliaType
determineType value = case show $ typeOf value of
    "Int16"   -> Int16
    "Int"     -> Int32
    "Integer" -> Int32
    "Int32"   -> Int32
    "Float"   -> Float
    "Double"  -> Double
    _         -> String

-- | Common headers for the metadata and value
putHeader :: Int32 -> GangliaMetric -> Put
putHeader code GangliaMetric{..} = do
    putInt code
    putString host
    putString name
    putString spoof

-- | Encode either a end of message delimiter or
-- an extra group field (Ganglia 3.1 only)
putGroup :: BS.ByteString -> Put
putGroup group | BS.null group = putInt 0
               | otherwise     = do
                     putInt 1
                     putString "GROUP"
                     putString group

putInt :: Int32 -> Put
putInt = putWord32be . fromIntegral

putUInt :: Word32 -> Put
putUInt = putWord32be

putEnum :: Enum a => a -> Put
putEnum = putInt . fromIntegral . fromEnum

putString :: BS.ByteString -> Put
putString bstr = do
    putInt $ fromIntegral len
    putByteString bstr
    case fromIntegral len .&. 3 of
        0 -> return ()
        m -> putByteString $ B.replicate (4 - m) 0
    len = BS.length bstr

putType :: GangliaType -> Put
putType = putString . BS.pack . map toLower . show