{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-monomorphism-restriction -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-} -- | This module serialises and deserialises HTTP headers. It contains Haskell -- representations of request and replies and can transform them to, and from, -- the HTTP wire format. module Network.MiniHTTP.Marshal ( Request(..) , Reply(..) , Range(..) , Headers(..) , emptyHeaders , statusToMessage , Method(..) , MediaType , putRequest , putReply , parseRequest , parseReply ) where import Prelude hiding (putChar) import Control.Monad (when) import GHC.Exts() import Data.Time (UTCTime(..)) import Data.Time.Format (formatTime) import Data.Time.Calendar (fromGregorian) import Data.Time.LocalTime (TimeOfDay(..), timeOfDayToTime) import Data.Int (Int64) import Data.Maybe (isJust, maybe) import Data.List (foldl') import System.Locale (TimeLocale(..)) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Control.Applicative ((<|>), liftA, liftA2, (*>)) import qualified Data.ByteString as B import Data.ByteString.Char8 () import Data.ByteString.Internal (c2w, w2c) import qualified Data.Binary.Put as P import qualified Data.Binary.Strict.Get as G import qualified Data.Binary.Strict.Class as C import qualified Data.Binary.Strict.ByteSet as BSet import Debug.Trace (trace) debug x = trace (show x) x -- | A HTTP request data Request = Request { reqMethod :: Method , reqUrl :: B.ByteString , reqMajor :: Int , reqMinor :: Int , reqHeaders :: Headers } deriving (Show) -- | A HTTP reply data Reply = Reply { replyMajor :: Int , replyMinor :: Int , replyStatus :: Int , replyMessage :: String , replyHeaders :: Headers } deriving (Show) -- | A HTTP range data Range = RangeFrom Int64 -- ^ everything from the given byte onwards | RangeOf Int64 Int64 -- ^ the bytes in the given range, inclusive | RangeSuffix Int64 -- ^ the final n bytes deriving (Show) -- | HTTP headers, see RFC 2616 section 14 data Headers = Headers { httpAccept :: Maybe [(MediaType, Int)] , httpAcceptCharset :: Maybe [(String, Int)] , httpAcceptEncoding :: Maybe [(String, Int)] , httpAcceptLanguage :: Maybe [(String, Int)] , httpAcceptRanges :: Bool , httpAge :: Maybe Int64 , httpAllow :: Maybe [Method] , httpAuthorization :: Maybe B.ByteString , httpConnectionClose :: Bool , httpConnection :: [String] , httpContentEncodings :: [String] , httpContentLanguage :: Maybe [String] , httpContentLength :: Maybe Int64 , httpContentLocation :: Maybe B.ByteString , httpContentRange :: Maybe (Maybe (Int64, Int64), Maybe Int64) , httpContentType :: Maybe MediaType , httpDate :: Maybe UTCTime , httpETag :: Maybe (Bool, B.ByteString) , httpExpires :: Maybe UTCTime , httpHost :: Maybe B.ByteString , httpIfMatch :: Maybe (Either () [B.ByteString]) , httpIfModifiedSince :: Maybe UTCTime , httpIfNoneMatch :: Maybe (Either () [(Bool, B.ByteString)]) , httpIfRange :: Maybe (Either B.ByteString UTCTime) , httpIfUnmodifiedSince :: Maybe UTCTime , httpKeepAlive :: Maybe Int , httpLastModified :: Maybe UTCTime , httpLocation :: Maybe B.ByteString , httpPragma :: Maybe [(String, Maybe String)] , httpProxyAuthenticate :: Maybe B.ByteString , httpProxyAuthorization :: Maybe B.ByteString , httpRange :: Maybe [Range] , httpReferer :: Maybe B.ByteString , httpRetryAfter :: Maybe Int64 , httpServer :: Maybe B.ByteString , httpTrailer :: Maybe [String] , httpTransferEncoding :: [String] , httpUserAgent :: Maybe B.ByteString , httpWWWAuthenticate :: Maybe B.ByteString , httpOtherHeaders :: Map.Map B.ByteString B.ByteString } deriving (Show) emptyHeaders :: Headers emptyHeaders = Headers Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing False Nothing Nothing Nothing False [] [] Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing [] Nothing Nothing Map.empty -- | The list of valid methods, see RFC 2616 section 5.1 data Method = OPTIONS | GET | HEAD | POST | PUT | DELETE | TRACE | CONNECT deriving (Ord, Enum, Show, Eq) type MediaType = ((String, String), [(String, String)]) -- | A mapping from status code to message. Taken from Johan Tibell's Hydra -- package reasonPhrases :: Map.Map Int String reasonPhrases = Map.fromList [(100, "Continue") ,(101, "Switching Protocols") ,(200, "OK") ,(201, "Created") ,(202, "Accepted") ,(203, "Non-Authoritative Information") ,(204, "No Content") ,(205, "Reset Content") ,(206, "Partial Content") ,(300, "Multiple Choices") ,(301, "Moved Permanently") ,(302, "Found") ,(303, "See Other") ,(304, "Not Modified") ,(305, "Use Proxy") ,(307, "Temporary Redirect") ,(400, "Bad Request") ,(401, "Unauthorized") ,(402, "Payment Required") ,(403, "Forbidden") ,(404, "Not Found") ,(405, "Method Not Allowed") ,(406, "Not Acceptable") ,(407, "Proxy Authentication Required") ,(408, "Request Time-out") ,(409, "Conflict") ,(410, "Gone") ,(411, "Length Required") ,(412, "Precondition Failed") ,(413, "Request Entity Too Large") ,(414, "Request-URI Too Large") ,(415, "Unsupported Media Type") ,(416, "Requested range not satisfiable") ,(417, "Expectation Failed") ,(500, "Internal Server Error") ,(501, "Not Implemented") ,(502, "Bad Gateway") ,(503, "Service Unavailable") ,(504, "Gateway Time-out") ,(505, "HTTP Version not supported") ] -- | Convert a status code to a message (e.g. 200 -> "OK") statusToMessage :: Int -> String statusToMessage status = Map.findWithDefault "Unknown" status reasonPhrases -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- These are the byte sets that we'll use for parsing. char = C.word8 . c2w urlSet = BSet.full `BSet.difference` (BSet.singleton 0x20) upAlphas = BSet.range (c2w 'A') (c2w 'Z') loAlphas = BSet.range (c2w 'a') (c2w 'z') alphas = upAlphas `BSet.union` loAlphas digits = BSet.range (c2w '0') (c2w '9') chars = BSet.range 0 127 ctls = BSet.range 0 31 `BSet.union` BSet.singleton 127 hs = BSet.fromList [32, 9] texts = (chars `BSet.difference` ctls) `BSet.union` hs hexes = BSet.range (c2w 'a') (c2w 'f') `BSet.union` BSet.range (c2w 'A') (c2w 'F') `BSet.union` digits separators = BSet.fromList $ map c2w "()<>@,;:\\\"/[]?={} \t" ctexts = texts `BSet.difference` (BSet.fromList $ map c2w "()\\") qdtexts = texts `BSet.difference` (BSet.fromList $ map c2w "\"\\") -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Parsing functions toString = map w2c . B.unpack lws = do C.optional crlf C.spanOf1 $ BSet.member hs token = C.spanOf1 $ BSet.member (texts `BSet.difference` (ctls `BSet.union` separators)) qvalue = qOne <|> qFractional qOne = do char '1' (((char '.') >> C.many (char '0') >> return ()) <|> return ()) return 1000 qFractional = do char '0' r <- (((char '.') >> C.spanOf (BSet.member digits)) <|> return "") if B.null r then return 0 else return $ read $ toString r ++ replicate (3 - B.length r) '0' comment = do char '(' comment <- C.many ((C.spanOf $ BSet.member ctexts) <|> quotedPair <|> comment) >>= return . B.concat char ')' return comment quotedPair = (char '\\') >> (C.getWord8 >>= return . B.singleton) quotedString = do char '"' text <- C.many ((C.spanOf1 $ BSet.member qdtexts) <|> quotedPair) >>= return . B.concat char '"' return text -- | RFC 2616 2.1, #rule list p = do let f = C.optional lws *> char ',' *> C.optional lws *> p v <- p rest <- C.many f return $ v : rest crlf = C.word8 13 >> C.word8 10 >> return () headerQualityTaggedList parseElement = do let acceptParams = do char ';' C.optional lws C.string "q=" q <- qvalue C.many $ acceptExtension return q acceptExtension = do char ';' token C.optional (char '=' >> (token <|> quotedString)) listElement = do mr <- parseElement params <- C.optional acceptParams case params of Nothing -> return (mr, 1000) Just x -> return (mr, x) list listElement stringToken = liftA toString token mediaType = liftA2 (,) ty params where ty = liftA2 (,) stringToken (char '/' *> stringToken) params = C.many (char ';' *> (liftA2 (,) notq (char '=' *> (stringToken <|> (liftA toString quotedString))))) notq = do s <- stringToken if s == "q" then fail "" else return s -- | Parse an RFC1123 date date :: (C.BinaryParser m) => m UTCTime date = do C.optional (token *> char ',' *> C.optional lws) day <- int64 lws monthstr <- token lws year <- int64 lws hour <- int64 char ':' min <- int64 char ':' sec <- int64 lws zone <- token month <- case monthstr of "Jan" -> return 1 "Feb" -> return 2 "Mar" -> return 3 "Apr" -> return 4 "May" -> return 5 "Jun" -> return 6 "Jul" -> return 7 "Aug" -> return 8 "Sep" -> return 9 "Oct" -> return 10 "Nov" -> return 11 "Dec" -> return 12 _ -> fail "" (hoffset, moffset) <- case zone of "UT" -> return (0, 0) "UTC" -> return (0, 0) "GMT" -> return (0, 0) "EST" -> return (-5, 0) "EDT" -> return (-4, 0) "CST" -> return (-6, 0) "CDT" -> return (-5, 0) "MST" -> return (-7, 0) "MDT" -> return (-6, 0) "PST" -> return (-8, 0) "PDT" -> return (-7, 0) x -> return (sign * hours, sign * mins) where (signchar:rest) = toString x n = read rest (hours, mins) = (n `div` 100, n `mod` 100) sign = case signchar of '+' -> (-1) _ -> 1 let yday = fromGregorian (fromIntegral year) month (fromIntegral day) time = timeOfDayToTime $ TimeOfDay (fromIntegral $ hour + hoffset) (fromIntegral $ min + moffset) (fromIntegral sec) utc = UTCTime yday time return utc -- | Parse a zero, or positive, int64 int64 :: (C.BinaryParser c) => c Int64 int64 = C.spanOf1 (BSet.member digits) >>= return . readOrZero . toString readOrZero "" = 0 readOrZero x = read x -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Parsing functions for each header type headerAccept req = do accepts <- headerQualityTaggedList mediaType return $ req { httpAccept = Just accepts } headerAcceptCharset req = do charsets <- headerQualityTaggedList (token >>= return . toString) return $ req { httpAcceptCharset = Just charsets } headerAcceptEncoding req = do encodings <- headerQualityTaggedList (token >>= return . toString) return $ req { httpAcceptEncoding = Just encodings } headerAcceptLanguage req = do langs <- headerQualityTaggedList (token >>= return . toString) return $ req { httpAcceptLanguage = Just langs } headerAcceptRanges req = do v <- C.optional $ C.string "bytes" case v of Nothing -> return req Just _ -> return $ req { httpAcceptRanges = True } headerAge req = do v <- int64 return $ req { httpAge = Just v } headerAllow req = do methods <- list (C.spanOf (BSet.member upAlphas) >>= parseMethod) return $ req { httpAllow = Just methods } headerAuth req = do remaining <- C.remaining d <- C.getByteString remaining return $ req { httpAuthorization = Just d } headerConnection req = do tokens <- list (token >>= return . toString) return $ req { httpConnection = tokens, httpConnectionClose = "close" `elem` tokens } headerContentEncoding req = do tokens <- list (token >>= return . toString) return $ req { httpContentEncodings = tokens } headerContentLanguage req = do tokens <- list (token >>= return . toString) return $ req { httpContentLanguage = Just tokens } headerContentLength req = do v <- int64 return $ req { httpContentLength = Just v } headerContentLocation req = do remaining <- C.remaining d <- C.getByteString remaining return $ req { httpContentLocation = Just d } headerContentRange req = do C.string "bytes " a <- (char '*' *> return Nothing) <|> (liftA Just (liftA2 (,) int64 (char '-' *> int64))) char '/' b <- (char '*' *> return Nothing) <|> (liftA Just int64) return $ req { httpContentRange = Just (a, b) } headerContentType req = do ct <- mediaType return $ req { httpContentType = Just ct } etag = do weakness <- C.optional $ C.string "W/" etag <- quotedString return (isJust weakness, etag) headerETag req = do etag >>= \tag -> return $ req { httpETag = Just tag } headerDate req = date >>= \date -> return $ req { httpDate = Just date } headerExpires req = date >>= \date -> return $ req { httpExpires = Just date } headerHost req = C.remaining >>= \rem -> C.getByteString rem >>= \x -> return $ req { httpHost = Just x } headerIfMatch req = (char '*' *> return (Left ())) <|> (liftA Right $ list quotedString) >>= \a -> return $ req { httpIfMatch = Just a } headerIfModifiedSince req = date >>= \date -> return $ req { httpIfModifiedSince = Just date } headerIfNoneMatch req = (char '*' *> return (Left ())) <|> (liftA Right $ list etag) >>= \a -> return $ req { httpIfNoneMatch = Just a } headerIfRange req = (liftA Left quotedString) <|> (liftA Right date) >>= \a -> return $ req { httpIfRange = Just a } headerIfUnmodifiedSince req = date >>= \date -> return $ req { httpIfUnmodifiedSince = Just date } headerKeepAlive req = int64 >>= \v -> return $ req { httpKeepAlive = Just $ fromIntegral v } headerLastModified req = date >>= \date -> return $ req { httpLastModified = Just date } headerLocation req = C.remaining >>= \rem -> C.getByteString rem >>= \x -> return $ req { httpLocation = Just x } headerPragma req = list (liftA2 (,) stringToken (C.optional $ char '=' *> (liftA toString (token <|> quotedString)))) >>= \a -> return $ req { httpPragma = Just a } headerProxyAuthenticate req = C.remaining >>= \rem -> C.getByteString rem >>= \x -> return $ req { httpProxyAuthenticate = Just x } headerProxyAuthorization req = C.remaining >>= \rem -> C.getByteString rem >>= \x -> return $ req { httpProxyAuthorization = Just x } -- | Check that a list of ranges are syntatically valid checkRanges :: [Range] -> Maybe [Range] checkRanges ranges = r where r = if any invalid ranges then Nothing else Just ranges invalid (RangeOf a b) = a > b invalid _ = False headerRange req = (C.string "bytes=" *> list f) >>= \a -> return $ req { httpRange = checkRanges $ debug a } where f = a <|> b <|> c where a = char '-' *> liftA RangeSuffix int64 b = int64 >>= (\start -> char '-' *> liftA (RangeOf start) int64) c = int64 >>= (\start -> char '-' *> return (RangeFrom start)) headerReferer req = C.remaining >>= \rem -> C.getByteString rem >>= \x -> return $ req { httpReferer = Just x } headerRetryAfter req = int64 >>= \i -> return $ req { httpRetryAfter = Just i } headerServer req = C.remaining >>= \rem -> C.getByteString rem >>= \x -> return $ req { httpServer = Just x } headerTransferEncoding req = list stringToken >>= \xs -> return $ req { httpTransferEncoding = xs } headerTrailer req = list stringToken >>= \xs -> return $ req { httpTrailer = Just xs } headerUserAgent req = C.remaining >>= \rem -> C.getByteString rem >>= \x -> return $ req { httpUserAgent = Just x } headerWWWAuthenticate req = C.remaining >>= \rem -> C.getByteString rem >>= \x -> return $ req { httpWWWAuthenticate = Just x } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Top level parsing functions messageHeader = do name <- token char ':' C.optional lws value <- C.spanOf $ BSet.member texts crlf return (name, value) requestLine = do method <- C.spanOf $ BSet.member upAlphas C.word8 0x20 url <- C.spanOf $ BSet.member urlSet C.word8 0x20 C.string "HTTP/" major <- C.spanOf $ BSet.member digits char '.' minor <- C.spanOf $ BSet.member digits crlf return (method, url, (readOrZero $ toString major) :: Int , (readOrZero $ toString minor) :: Int) replyLine = do C.string "HTTP/" major <- C.spanOf $ BSet.member digits char '.' minor <- C.spanOf $ BSet.member digits char ' ' status <- C.spanOf $ BSet.member digits char ' ' message <- C.spanOf $ BSet.member texts crlf return (readOrZero $ toString major, readOrZero $ toString minor, readOrZero $ toString status, toString message) headerParsers = Map.fromList [ ("Accept", headerAccept) , ("Accept-Charset", headerAcceptCharset) , ("Accept-Encoding", headerAcceptEncoding) , ("Accept-Language", headerAcceptLanguage) , ("Accept-Ranges", headerAcceptRanges) , ("Age", headerAge) , ("Allow", headerAllow) , ("Authorization", headerAuth) , ("Connection", headerConnection ) , ("Content-Encoding", headerContentEncoding) , ("Content-Language", headerContentLanguage) , ("Content-Length", headerContentLength) , ("Content-Location", headerContentLocation) , ("Content-Range", headerContentRange) , ("Content-Type", headerContentType) , ("ETag", headerETag) , ("Date", headerDate) , ("Expires", headerExpires) , ("Host", headerHost) , ("If-Match", headerIfMatch) , ("If-Modified-Since", headerIfModifiedSince) , ("If-None-Match", headerIfNoneMatch) , ("If-Range", headerIfRange) , ("If-Unmodified-Since", headerIfUnmodifiedSince) , ("Keep-Alive", headerKeepAlive) , ("Last-Modified", headerLastModified) , ("Location", headerLocation) , ("Pragma", headerPragma) , ("Proxy-Authenticate", headerProxyAuthenticate) , ("Proxy-Authorization", headerProxyAuthorization) , ("Range", headerRange) , ("Referer", headerReferer) , ("Retry-After", headerRetryAfter) , ("Server", headerServer) , ("Transfer-Encoding", headerTransferEncoding) , ("Trailer", headerTrailer) , ("User-Agent", headerUserAgent) , ("WWW-Authenticate", headerWWWAuthenticate) ] parseMethod :: (Monad m) => B.ByteString -> m Method parseMethod strmethod = case strmethod of "OPTIONS" -> return OPTIONS "GET" -> return GET "HEAD" -> return HEAD "POST" -> return POST "PUT" -> return PUT "DELETE" -> return DELETE "TRACE" -> return TRACE "CONNECT" -> return CONNECT _ -> fail "Bad method" parseRequest :: (C.BinaryParser m) => m Request parseRequest = do (strmethod, url, major, minor) <- requestLine method <- parseMethod strmethod headers <- parseHeaders return $ Request method url major minor headers parseReply :: (C.BinaryParser m) => m Reply parseReply = do (major, minor, status, message) <- replyLine headers <- parseHeaders return $ Reply major minor status message headers parseHeaders = do headers <- C.many $ messageHeader crlf let req = emptyHeaders req' = foldl' tryHeader req headers tryHeader req (header, value) = case Map.lookup header headerParsers of Nothing -> req { httpOtherHeaders = Map.insert header value $ httpOtherHeaders req } Just p -> case G.runGet (p req) value of (Left _, _) -> req { httpOtherHeaders = Map.insert header value $ httpOtherHeaders req } (Right req', _) -> req' return req' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Serialisation functions putString = P.putByteString . B.pack . map c2w putChar = P.putWord8 . c2w putShow = putString . show putQualityList :: (a -> P.Put) -> [(a, Int)] -> P.Put putQualityList _ [] = return () putQualityList f ((v, q):xs) = do f v when (q /= 1000) $ do P.putByteString ";q=0." putQuality q putChar ',' putQualityList f xs putQuality x | x `mod` 10 == 0 = putQuality $ div x 10 | otherwise = putString $ show x putHeaderM :: Maybe a -> B.ByteString -> (a -> P.Put) -> P.Put putHeaderM Nothing _ _ = return () putHeaderM (Just x) h f = P.putByteString h >> P.putByteString ": " >> f x >> P.putByteString "\r\n" putHeaderML :: Maybe [a] -> B.ByteString -> (a -> P.Put) -> P.Put putHeaderML a b c = putHeaderM a b (mapM_ c) putHeaderL :: [a] -> B.ByteString -> (a -> P.Put) -> P.Put putHeaderL [] _ _ = return () putHeaderL xs h f = P.putByteString h >> P.putByteString ": " >> mapM_ f xs >> P.putByteString "\r\n" putContentRange (Just (a, b), Just c) = putShow a >> putChar '-' >> putShow b >> putChar '/' >> putShow c putContentRange (Just (a, b), Nothing) = putShow a >> putChar '-' >> putShow b >> P.putByteString "/*" putContentRange (Nothing, Just c) = P.putByteString "*/" >> putShow c putContentRange (Nothing, Nothing) = P.putByteString "*/*" putList :: Char -> (a -> P.Put) -> [a] -> P.Put putList _ _ [] = return () putList sep f (x:xs) = f x >> mapM_ (\x -> putChar sep >> f x) xs putMediaType ((ty, subty), opts) = do putString ty putChar '/' putString subty let f (a, b) = putChar ';' >> putString a >> putChar '=' >> putString b mapM_ f opts putQuoted :: B.ByteString -> P.Put putQuoted s = putChar '"' >> f s >> putChar '"' where f s | B.null s = return () | otherwise = P.putByteString left >> f right where (left, right) = B.span (/= (c2w) '"') s timeLocale = TimeLocale {wDays = [("Sunday","Sun"),("Monday","Mon"),("Tuesday","Tue"),("Wednesday","Wed"),("Thursday","Thu"),("Friday","Fri"),("Saturday","Sat")], months = [("January","Jan"),("February","Feb"),("March","Mar"),("April","Apr"),("May","May"),("June","Jun"),("July","Jul"),("August","Aug"),("September","Sep"),("October","Oct"),("November","Nov"),("December","Dec")], intervals = [("year","years"),("month","months"),("day","days"),("hour","hours"),("min","mins"),("sec","secs"),("usec","usecs")], amPm = ("AM","PM"), dateTimeFmt = "%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Z %Y", dateFmt = "%m/%d/%y", timeFmt = "%H:%M:%S", time12Fmt = "%I:%M:%S %p"} putDate = putString . formatTime timeLocale "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT" putETag (weakness, tag) = (if weakness then P.putByteString "W/" else return ()) >> putQuoted tag putETagList = either (const $ putChar '*') $ putList ',' putQuoted putWETagList = either (const $ putChar '*') $ putList ',' putETag putPragma (key, mvalue) = putString key >> maybe (return ()) putString mvalue putRange (RangeOf a b) = putShow a >> putChar '-' >> putShow b putRange (RangeSuffix a) = putChar '-' >> putShow a putRange (RangeFrom a) = putShow a >> putChar '-' putHeaders :: Headers -> P.Put putHeaders headers = do putHeaderM (httpAccept headers) "Accept" $ putQualityList putMediaType putHeaderM (httpAcceptCharset headers) "Accept-Charset" $ putQualityList putString putHeaderM (httpAcceptEncoding headers) "Accept-Encoding" $ putQualityList putString putHeaderM (httpAcceptLanguage headers) "Accept-Language" $ putQualityList putString when (httpAcceptRanges headers) $ P.putByteString "Accept-Ranges: bytes\r\n" putHeaderM (httpAge headers) "Age" putShow putHeaderML (httpAllow headers) "Allow" putShow putHeaderM (httpAuthorization headers) "Authorization" P.putByteString putHeaderL (httpConnection headers ++ if httpConnectionClose headers then ["close"] else []) "Connection" putString putHeaderL (httpContentEncodings headers) "Content-Encoding" putString putHeaderML (httpContentLanguage headers) "Content-Language" putString putHeaderM (httpContentLength headers) "Content-Length" putShow putHeaderM (httpContentLocation headers) "Content-Location" P.putByteString putHeaderM (httpContentRange headers) "Content-Range" putContentRange putHeaderM (httpContentType headers) "Content-Type" putMediaType putHeaderM (httpDate headers) "Date" putDate putHeaderM (httpETag headers) "ETag" putETag putHeaderM (httpExpires headers) "Expires" putDate putHeaderM (httpHost headers) "Host" P.putByteString putHeaderM (httpIfMatch headers) "If-Match" putETagList putHeaderM (httpIfModifiedSince headers) "If-Modified-Since" putDate putHeaderM (httpIfNoneMatch headers) "If-None-Match" putWETagList putHeaderM (httpIfRange headers) "If-Range" $ either putQuoted putDate putHeaderM (httpIfUnmodifiedSince headers) "If-Unmodified-Since" putDate putHeaderM (httpKeepAlive headers) "Keep-Alive" putShow putHeaderM (httpLastModified headers) "Last-Modified" putDate putHeaderM (httpLocation headers) "Location" P.putByteString putHeaderML (httpPragma headers) "Pragma" putPragma putHeaderM (httpProxyAuthenticate headers) "Proxy-Authenticate" P.putByteString putHeaderM (httpProxyAuthorization headers) "Proxy-Authorization" P.putByteString putHeaderML (httpRange headers) "Range" putRange putHeaderM (httpReferer headers) "Referer" P.putByteString putHeaderM (httpRetryAfter headers) "Retry-After" putShow putHeaderM (httpServer headers) "Server" P.putByteString putHeaderL (httpTransferEncoding headers) "Transfer-Encoding" putString putHeaderML (httpTrailer headers) "Trailer" putString putHeaderM (httpUserAgent headers) "User-Agent" P.putByteString putHeaderM (httpWWWAuthenticate headers) "WWW-Authenticate" P.putByteString mapM_ (\(k, v) -> P.putByteString k >> putString ": " >> P.putByteString v) $ Map.toList $ httpOtherHeaders headers putRequest :: Request -> P.Put putRequest (Request method url major minor headers) = do putShow method >> putChar ' ' >> P.putByteString url >> putChar ' ' P.putByteString "HTTP/" putShow major >> putChar '.' >> putShow minor >> P.putByteString "\r\n" putHeaders headers P.putByteString "\r\n" putReply :: Reply -> P.Put putReply (Reply major minor status message headers) = do P.putByteString "HTTP/" >> putShow major >> putChar '.' >> putShow minor putChar ' ' >> putShow status >> putChar ' ' putString message >> P.putByteString "\r\n" putHeaders headers P.putByteString "\r\n"