Name: network-transport-inmemory Version: 0.5.2 Cabal-Version: >=1.8 Build-Type: Simple License: BSD3 License-file: LICENSE Copyright: Well-Typed LLP, Tweag I/O Limited Author: Duncan Coutts, Nicolas Wu, Edsko de Vries, Alexander Vershilov Maintainer: Facundo Domínguez Stability: experimental Homepage: Bug-Reports: Synopsis: In-memory instantiation of Network.Transport Description: This is a transport implementation that could be used for local communication in the same address space (i.e. one process). . It could be used either for testing purposes or for local communication that require the network-transport semantics. . NB: network-tranpsport-inmemory does not support cross-transport communication. All endpoints that want to comminicate should be created using the same transport. Tested-With: GHC==7.4.1 GHC==7.4.2 GHC==7.8.3 GHC==7.10 Category: Network extra-source-files: ChangeLog Source-Repository head Type: git Location: Library Build-Depends: base >= 4.6 && < 5, network-transport >= && < 0.5, data-accessor >= 0.2 && < 0.3, bytestring >= 0.9 && < 0.11, containers >= 0.4 && < 0.6, stm >= 2.0 && < 3.0 Exposed-modules: Network.Transport.InMemory Network.Transport.InMemory.Internal Network.Transport.InMemory.Debug ghc-options: -Wall HS-Source-Dirs: src Test-Suite TestMulticastInMemory Type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 Build-Depends: base >= 4.6 && < 5, network-transport-inmemory, network-transport, network-transport-tests >= 0.1 && < 0.3 Main-Is: TestMulticastInMemory.hs ghc-options: -Wall -fno-warn-unused-do-bind HS-Source-Dirs: tests Buildable: False Test-Suite TestInMemory Type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 Build-Depends: base >= 4.6 && < 5, network-transport-inmemory, network-transport-tests >= 0.1 && < 0.3, network-transport Main-Is: TestInMemory.hs ghc-options: -Wall -fno-warn-unused-do-bind HS-Source-Dirs: tests