{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Network.Transport.Tests.Auxiliary
  ( -- Running tests
  , runTests
    -- Writing tests
  , forkTry
  , trySome
  , randomThreadDelay
  ) where

#if ! MIN_VERSION_base(4,6,0)
import Prelude hiding (catch)

import Control.Concurrent (myThreadId, forkIO, ThreadId, throwTo, threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.Chan (Chan)
import Control.Monad (liftM2, unless)
import Control.Exception (SomeException, try, catch)
import System.Timeout (timeout)
import System.IO (stdout, hFlush)
import System.Console.ANSI ( SGR(SetColor, Reset)
                           , Color(Red, Green)
                           , ConsoleLayer(Foreground)
                           , ColorIntensity(Vivid)
                           , setSGR
import System.Random (randomIO)
import Network.Transport
import Network.Transport.Tests.Traced (Traceable(..), traceShow)

-- | Like fork, but throw exceptions in the child thread to the parent
forkTry :: IO () -> IO ThreadId 
forkTry p = do
  tid <- myThreadId
  forkIO $ catch p (\e -> throwTo tid (e :: SomeException))

-- | Like try, but specialized to SomeException
trySome :: IO a -> IO (Either SomeException a)
trySome = try

-- | Run the given test, catching timeouts and exceptions
runTest :: String -> IO () -> IO Bool 
runTest description test = do
  putStr $ "Running " ++ show description ++ ": "
  hFlush stdout
  done <- try . timeout 60000000 $ test -- 60 seconds
  case done of
    Left err        -> failed $ "(exception: " ++ show (err :: SomeException) ++ ")" 
    Right Nothing   -> failed $ "(timeout)"
    Right (Just ()) -> ok 
    failed :: String -> IO Bool 
    failed err = do
      setSGR [SetColor Foreground Vivid Red]
      putStr "failed "
      setSGR [Reset]
      putStrLn err
      return False

    ok :: IO Bool 
    ok = do
      setSGR [SetColor Foreground Vivid Green]
      putStrLn "ok"
      setSGR [Reset]
      return True

-- | Run a bunch of tests and throw an exception if any fails 
runTests :: [(String, IO ())] -> IO ()
runTests tests = do
  success <- foldr (liftM2 (&&) . uncurry runTest) (return True) $ tests
  unless success $ fail "Some tests failed"

-- | Random thread delay between 0 and the specified max 
randomThreadDelay :: Int -> IO ()
randomThreadDelay maxDelay = do
  delay <- randomIO :: IO Int
  threadDelay (delay `mod` maxDelay) 

-- traceShow instances                                                            -- 

instance Traceable EndPoint where
  trace = const Nothing

instance Traceable Transport where
  trace = const Nothing 

instance Traceable Connection where
  trace = const Nothing 

instance Traceable Event where
  trace = traceShow 

instance Show err => Traceable (TransportError err) where
  trace = traceShow 

instance Traceable EndPointAddress where
  trace = traceShow . endPointAddressToByteString

instance Traceable SomeException where
  trace = traceShow

instance Traceable ThreadId where
  trace = const Nothing

instance Traceable (Chan a) where
  trace = const Nothing

instance Traceable Float where
  trace = traceShow