newsynth- Exact and approximate synthesis of quantum circuits

Safe HaskellSafe




This module provides a symbolic representation of real number expressions, as well as a type class of things that can be converted to arbitrary precision real numbers.


Symbolic real number expressions

data SymReal Source #

A type to represent symbolic expressions for real numbers.

Caution: equality == at this type denotes symbolic equality of expressions, not equality of the defined real numbers.


Const Integer

An integer constant.

Decimal Rational String

A decimal constant. This has a rational value and a string representation.

Plus SymReal SymReal

x + y.

Minus SymReal SymReal

x y.

Times SymReal SymReal

x * y.

Div SymReal SymReal

x / y.

Negate SymReal


Abs SymReal


Signum SymReal


Recip SymReal






Exp SymReal


Sqrt SymReal


Log SymReal

log x.

Power SymReal SymReal


Sin SymReal

sin x.

Tan SymReal

cos x.

Cos SymReal

cos x.

ASin SymReal

asin x.

ATan SymReal

atan x.

ACos SymReal

acos x.

Sinh SymReal

sinh x.

Tanh SymReal

tanh x.

Cosh SymReal

cosh x.

ASinh SymReal

asinh x.

ATanh SymReal

atanh x.

ACosh SymReal

acosh x.

ArcTan2 SymReal SymReal

arctan2 x y.


Eq SymReal Source # 


(==) :: SymReal -> SymReal -> Bool #

(/=) :: SymReal -> SymReal -> Bool #

Floating SymReal Source # 
Fractional SymReal Source # 
Num SymReal Source # 
Show SymReal Source # 
ArcTan2 SymReal Source # 
ToReal SymReal Source # 


to_real :: (Floating r, ArcTan2 r) => SymReal -> r Source #

ShowLaTeX SymReal Source # 

Conversion to real number types

class ToReal a where Source #

A type class for things that can be converted to a real number at arbitrary precision.

Minimal complete definition



to_real :: (Floating r, ArcTan2 r) => a -> r Source #


ToReal Double Source # 


to_real :: (Floating r, ArcTan2 r) => Double -> r Source #

ToReal Float Source # 


to_real :: (Floating r, ArcTan2 r) => Float -> r Source #

ToReal Int Source # 


to_real :: (Floating r, ArcTan2 r) => Int -> r Source #

ToReal Integer Source # 


to_real :: (Floating r, ArcTan2 r) => Integer -> r Source #

ToReal Rational Source # 


to_real :: (Floating r, ArcTan2 r) => Rational -> r Source #

ToReal String Source # 


to_real :: (Floating r, ArcTan2 r) => String -> r Source #

ToReal SymReal Source # 


to_real :: (Floating r, ArcTan2 r) => SymReal -> r Source #

Precision e => ToReal (FixedPrec e) Source # 


to_real :: (Floating r, ArcTan2 r) => FixedPrec e -> r Source #

Dynamic conversion to FixedPrec

dynamic_fixedprec :: forall a r. ToReal r => Integer -> (forall e. Precision e => FixedPrec e -> a) -> r -> a Source #

It would be useful to have a function for converting a symbolic real number to a fixed-precision real number with a chosen precision, such that the precision e depends on a parameter d:

to_fixedprec :: (ToReal r) => Integer -> r -> FixedPrec e
to_fixedprec d x = ...

However, since e is a type, d is a term, and Haskell is not dependently typed, this cannot be done directly.

The function dynamic_fixedprec is the closest thing we have to a workaround. The call dynamic_fixedprec d f x calls f(x'), where x' is the value x converted to d digits of precision. In other words, we have

dynamic_fixedprec d f x = f (to_fixedprec d x),

with the restriction that the precision e cannot occur freely in the result type of f.

dynamic_fixedprec2 :: forall a r s. (ToReal r, ToReal s) => Integer -> (forall e. Precision e => FixedPrec e -> FixedPrec e -> a) -> r -> s -> a Source #

Like dynamic_fixedprec, but take two real number arguments. In terms of the fictitious function to_fixedprec, we have:

dynamic_fixedprec2 d f x y = f (to_fixedprec d x) (to_fixedprec d y).

A parser for real number expressions

Grammar specification

Each function in this section corresponds to a production rule for a context-free grammar. The type of each function is ReadP a, where a is the type of the semantic value produced by the grammar for that expression.

The parser uses simple precedences.

  • Unary "+" and "−" have precedence 6.
  • Binary "+" and "−" have precedence 6 and are left associative.
  • Binary "*" and "/" have precedence 7 and are left associative.
  • Binary "**" and "^" have precedence 8 and are right associative.
  • All unary operators other than "+" and "−" have precedence 10.

We use exp6 to denote an expression whose top-level operator has precedence 6 or higher, exp7 to denote an expression whose top-level operator has precedence 7 or higher, and so on.

We also allow whitespace between lexicographic entities. For simplicity, whitespace is not shown in the production rules, although it appears in the code.

integer :: ReadP SymReal Source #

integer ::= digit digit*.

float :: ReadP SymReal Source #

float ::= digit* "." digit*.

There must be at least one digit, either before or after the decimal point.

const_pi :: ReadP SymReal Source #

const_pi ::= "pi".

const_e :: ReadP SymReal Source #

const_e ::= "e".

negative :: ReadP (SymReal -> SymReal) Source #

negative ::= "−".

positive :: ReadP (SymReal -> SymReal) Source #

positive ::= "+".

plus_term :: ReadP (SymReal -> SymReal) Source #

plus_term ::= "+" exp7.

minus_term :: ReadP (SymReal -> SymReal) Source #

minus_term ::= "−" exp7.

times_term :: ReadP (SymReal -> SymReal) Source #

times_term ::= "*" exp8.

div_term :: ReadP (SymReal -> SymReal) Source #

div_term ::= "/" exp8.

power_term :: ReadP (SymReal -> SymReal) Source #

power_term ::= exp10 "**" | exp10 "^".

unary_fun :: ReadP SymReal Source #

unary_fun ::= unary_op exp10.

unary_op :: ReadP (SymReal -> SymReal) Source #

unary_op ::= "abs" | "signum" | ...

binary_fun :: ReadP SymReal Source #

binary_fun ::= binary_op exp10 exp10.

binary_op :: ReadP (SymReal -> SymReal -> SymReal) Source #

binary_op ::= "abs" | "signum" | ...

exp6 :: ReadP SymReal Source #

exp6 ::= (negative | positive)? exp7 ( plus_term | minus_term )*.

An expression whose top-level operator has precedence 6 or above. The operators of precedence 6 are "+" and "−".

exp7 :: ReadP SymReal Source #

exp7 ::= exp8 ( times_term | div_term )*.

An expression whose top-level operator has precedence 7 or above. The operators of precedence 6 are "*" and "/".

exp8 :: ReadP SymReal Source #

exp8 ::= ( power_term )* exp10

An expression whose top-level operator has precedence 8 or above. The operators of precedence 6 are "**" and "^".

exp10 :: ReadP SymReal Source #

exp10 ::= parenthesized | const_pi | const_e | integer | float | unary_fun | binary_fun.

An expression whose top-level operator has precedence 10 or above. Such expressions are constants, applications of unary operators (except unary "−" and "+"), and parenthesized expressions.

parenthesized :: ReadP SymReal Source #

parenthesized ::= "(" exp6 ")".

expression :: ReadP SymReal Source #

expression ::= exp6 end-of-line.

This is a top-level expression.

Top-level parser

parse_SymReal :: String -> Maybe SymReal Source #

Parse a symbolic real number expression. Typical strings that can be parsed are "1.0", "pi/128", "(1+sin(pi/3))^2", etc. If the expression cannot be parsed, return Nothing.