module Nirum.Constructs.DocsSpec where import Test.Hspec.Meta import Nirum.Constructs (Construct (..)) import Nirum.Constructs.Docs (Docs (Docs), title, toBlock, toCodeWithPrefix) import Nirum.Docs ( Block (Document, Heading, Paragraph) , HeadingLevel (H1, H2) , Inline (Code, Emphasis, Text) ) spec :: Spec spec = describe "Docs" $ do specify "toBlock" $ toBlock (Docs "This is a *docs* `Block`.") `shouldBe` Document [ Paragraph [ Text "This is a " , Emphasis [Text "docs"] , Text " " , Code "Block" , Text "." ] ] context "title" $ do it "returns Nothing if it doesn't have any heading blocks" $ title (Docs "This doesn't have any title.") `shouldBe` Nothing it "returns Nothing if its first block is not a heading" $ title (Docs "Its first block is...\n\n# Not a Heading\n") `shouldBe` Nothing it "returns Just Heading if its first block is a heading" $ do title (Docs "# H1\n\nis its first block!") `shouldBe` Just (Heading H1 [Text "H1"]) title (Docs "## Not have to be H1\n\nAny lebel can be a title.") `shouldBe` Just (Heading H2 [Text "Not have to be H1"]) specify "title block can other Inlines than Text" $ title (Docs "# ``\n\nThe title can consist of.") `shouldBe` Just (Heading H1 [Code ""]) context "toCode" $ do it "has leading sharps every line" $ do toCode (Docs "test") `shouldBe` "# test" toCode (Docs "test\ntest2") `shouldBe` "# test\n# test2" specify "... except of the last EOL" $ do toCode (Docs "test\n") `shouldBe` "# test" toCode (Docs "test\ntest2\n") `shouldBe` "# test\n# test2" context "toCodeWithPrefix" $ do it "simply returns an empty string if input is Nothing" $ do toCodeWithPrefix "\n" Nothing `shouldBe` "" toCodeWithPrefix "(prefix)" Nothing `shouldBe` "" it "prepends the given prefix if input is Just Docs" $ do toCodeWithPrefix "\n" (Just "docs") `shouldBe` "\n# docs" toCodeWithPrefix "(prefix)" (Just "doc\ndoc") `shouldBe` "(prefix)# doc\n# doc" context "fromString" $ do it "is equivalent to Docs data constructor" $ do ("test\n" :: Docs) `shouldBe` Docs "test\n" ("test\ntest2\n" :: Docs) `shouldBe` Docs "test\ntest2\n" specify "... except it automatically appends EOL if omitted" $ do ("test" :: Docs) `shouldBe` Docs "test\n" ("test\ntest2" :: Docs) `shouldBe` Docs "test\ntest2\n"