module NixTree.App (run, helpText) where import qualified Brick as B import qualified Brick.BChan as B import qualified Brick.Widgets.Border as B import qualified Brick.Widgets.Center as B import qualified Brick.Widgets.List as B import Control.Concurrent import Data.InvertedIndex import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Sequence as S import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Graphics.Vty as V import Lens.Micro (Traversal', _Just) import qualified NixTree.Clipboard as Clipboard import NixTree.PathStats import qualified System.Clock as Clock import qualified System.HrfSize as HRF sortOrderChangeHighlightPeriod :: Clock.TimeSpec sortOrderChangeHighlightPeriod = Clock.TimeSpec 0 (500 * 1_000_000) data Event = EventTick Clock.TimeSpec data Widgets = WidgetPrevPane | WidgetCurrPane | WidgetNextPane | WidgetWhyDepends | WidgetSearch | WidgetWhyDependsViewport deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) data Notice = Notice Text Text data Modal s = ModalNotice Notice | ModalWhyDepends (B.GenericList Widgets Seq (NonEmpty (Path s))) | ModalSearch Text Text (B.GenericList Widgets Seq (Path s)) succCycle :: forall a. (Bounded a, Enum a) => a -> a succCycle a | fromEnum a == fromEnum (maxBound @a) = minBound | otherwise = succ a data AppEnv s = AppEnv { aeActualStoreEnv :: StoreEnv s (PathStats s), aeInvertedIndex :: InvertedIndex (Path s), aePrevPane :: List s, aeCurrPane :: List s, aeNextPane :: List s, aeParents :: [List s], aeOpenModal :: Maybe (Modal s), aeSortOrder :: SortOrder, aeSortOrderLastChanged :: Clock.TimeSpec, aeCurrTime :: Clock.TimeSpec } type Path s = StorePath s (StoreName s) (PathStats s) type List s = B.GenericList Widgets Seq (Path s) data SortOrder = SortOrderAlphabetical | SortOrderClosureSize | SortOrderAddedSize deriving (Show, Eq, Enum, Bounded) B.suffixLenses ''AppEnv _ModalWhyDepends :: Traversal' (Modal s) (B.GenericList Widgets Seq (NonEmpty (Path s))) _ModalWhyDepends f m = case m of ModalWhyDepends l -> ModalWhyDepends <$> f l _ -> pure m compareBySortOrder :: SortOrder -> Path s -> Path s -> Ordering compareBySortOrder SortOrderAlphabetical = compare `on` T.toLower . storeNameToShortText . spName compareBySortOrder SortOrderClosureSize = compare `on` Down . psTotalSize . spPayload compareBySortOrder SortOrderAddedSize = compare `on` Down . psAddedSize . spPayload attrTerminal, attrUnderlined :: B.AttrName attrTerminal = B.attrName "terminal" attrUnderlined = B.attrName "underlined" run :: StoreEnv s (PathStats s) -> IO () run env = do -- Create the inverted index, and start evaluating it in the background let ii = iiFromList . toList . fmap (\sp -> (storeNameToText (spName sp), sp)) $ seAll env _ <- forkIO $ evaluateNF_ ii -- Initial state let getTime = Clock.getTime Clock.Monotonic currTime <- getTime let defaultSortOrder = SortOrderClosureSize let appEnv = AppEnv { aeActualStoreEnv = env, aeInvertedIndex = ii, aePrevPane = B.list WidgetPrevPane S.empty 0, aeCurrPane = B.list WidgetCurrPane (S.fromList . sortBy (compareBySortOrder defaultSortOrder) . NE.toList $ seGetRoots env) 0, aeNextPane = B.list WidgetNextPane S.empty 0, aeParents = [], aeOpenModal = Nothing, aeSortOrder = defaultSortOrder, aeSortOrderLastChanged = Clock.TimeSpec 0 0, aeCurrTime = currTime } & repopulateNextPane -- Create a channel that's fed by current time chan <- B.newBChan 10 void . forkIO $ forever $ do threadDelay (100 * 1000) t <- getTime _ <- B.writeBChanNonBlocking chan (EventTick t) return () -- And run the application (_, vty) <- B.customMainWithDefaultVty (Just chan) app appEnv V.shutdown vty return () renderList :: Maybe SortOrder -> Bool -> List s -> B.Widget Widgets renderList highlightSort = B.renderList ( \_ StorePath { spName, spPayload = PathStats {psTotalSize, psAddedSize}, spRefs } -> let color = if null spRefs then B.withAttr attrTerminal else identity in color $ B.hBox [ B.txt (storeNameToShortText spName) & underlineWhen SortOrderAlphabetical & B.padRight (B.Pad 1) & B.padRight B.Max, if null spRefs then B.txt (prettySize psTotalSize) & underlineWhen SortOrderClosureSize & underlineWhen SortOrderAddedSize else B.hBox [ B.txt (prettySize psTotalSize) & underlineWhen SortOrderClosureSize, B.txt " (", B.txt (prettySize psAddedSize) & underlineWhen SortOrderAddedSize, B.txt ")" ] ] ) where underlineWhen so = if Just so == highlightSort then B.withDefAttr attrUnderlined else identity app :: B.App (AppEnv s) Event Widgets app = B.App { B.appDraw = \env@AppEnv {aeOpenModal} -> [ case aeOpenModal of Nothing -> B.emptyWidget Just (ModalWhyDepends l) -> renderWhyDependsModal l Just (ModalSearch l r xs) -> renderSearchModal l r xs Just (ModalNotice notice) -> renderNotice notice, renderMainScreen env ], B.appChooseCursor = \_ _ -> Nothing, B.appHandleEvent = \e -> do s <- get case (e, aeOpenModal s) of -- main screen (B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey k []), Nothing) | k `elem` [V.KChar 'q', V.KEsc] -> B.halt (B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar '?') []), Nothing) -> put s {aeOpenModal = Just (ModalNotice helpNotice)} (B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar 'w') []), Nothing) -> do B.hScrollToBeginning (B.viewportScroll WidgetWhyDependsViewport) modify showWhyDepends (B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar '/') []), Nothing) -> modify $ showAndUpdateSearch "" "" (B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar 'y') []), Nothing) -> do liftIO (yankToClipboard $ spName (selectedPath s)) >>= \case Right () -> return () Left n -> put s {aeOpenModal = Just (ModalNotice n)} (B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar 's') []), Nothing) -> put $ s { aeSortOrder = succCycle (aeSortOrder s), aeSortOrderLastChanged = aeCurrTime s } & sortPanes (B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey k []), Nothing) | k `elem` [V.KChar 'h', V.KLeft] -> modify moveLeft (B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey k []), Nothing) | k `elem` [V.KChar 'j', V.KDown, V.KChar '\t'] -> move B.listMoveDown (B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey k []), Nothing) | k `elem` [V.KChar 'k', V.KUp, V.KBackTab] -> move B.listMoveUp (B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey k []), Nothing) | k `elem` [V.KChar 'l', V.KRight] -> modify moveRight (B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KPageUp []), Nothing) -> moveF B.listMovePageUp (B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KPageDown []), Nothing) -> moveF B.listMovePageDown -- why-depends modal (B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey k []), Just (ModalWhyDepends _)) | k `elem` [V.KChar 'q', V.KEsc] -> put s {aeOpenModal = Nothing} (B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey k []), Just (ModalWhyDepends _)) | k `elem` [V.KChar 'h', V.KLeft] -> B.hScrollBy (B.viewportScroll WidgetWhyDependsViewport) (-1) (B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey k []), Just (ModalWhyDepends l)) | k `elem` [V.KChar 'j', V.KDown, V.KChar '\t'] -> put s {aeOpenModal = Just $ ModalWhyDepends (B.listMoveDown l)} (B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey k []), Just (ModalWhyDepends l)) | k `elem` [V.KChar 'k', V.KUp, V.KBackTab] -> put s {aeOpenModal = Just $ ModalWhyDepends (B.listMoveUp l)} (B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey k []), Just (ModalWhyDepends _)) | k `elem` [V.KChar 'l', V.KRight] -> B.hScrollBy (B.viewportScroll WidgetWhyDependsViewport) 1 (B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KPageUp []), Just (ModalWhyDepends _)) -> B.zoom (aeOpenModalL . _Just . _ModalWhyDepends) B.listMovePageUp (B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KPageDown []), Just (ModalWhyDepends _)) -> B.zoom (aeOpenModalL . _Just . _ModalWhyDepends) B.listMovePageDown (B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KEnter []), Just (ModalWhyDepends l)) -> let closed = s {aeOpenModal = Nothing} in case B.listSelectedElement l of Nothing -> put closed Just (_, path) -> put $ selectPath path closed -- search modal (B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KEsc []), Just (ModalSearch {})) -> put s {aeOpenModal = Nothing} (B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey k []), Just (ModalSearch l r xs)) | k `elem` [V.KDown, V.KChar '\t'] -> put s {aeOpenModal = Just $ ModalSearch l r (B.listMoveDown xs)} (B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey k []), Just (ModalSearch l r xs)) | k `elem` [V.KUp, V.KBackTab] -> put s {aeOpenModal = Just $ ModalSearch l r (B.listMoveUp xs)} (B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KLeft []), Just (ModalSearch l r xs)) -> put s { aeOpenModal = Just $ ModalSearch (T.dropEnd 1 l) (T.takeEnd 1 l <> r) (B.listMoveUp xs) } (B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KRight []), Just (ModalSearch l r xs)) -> put s { aeOpenModal = Just $ ModalSearch (l <> T.take 1 r) (T.drop 1 r) (B.listMoveUp xs) } (B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey (V.KChar c) []), Just (ModalSearch l r _)) | c `Set.member` allowedSearchChars -> modify (showAndUpdateSearch (l <> T.singleton c) r) (B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KBS []), Just (ModalSearch l r _)) -> modify (showAndUpdateSearch (T.dropEnd 1 l) r) (B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey V.KEnter []), Just (ModalSearch _ _ xs)) -> let closed = s {aeOpenModal = Nothing} in case B.listSelectedElement xs of Nothing -> put closed Just (_, path) -> put $ selectPath (shortestPathTo (aeActualStoreEnv s) (spName path)) closed -- notices (B.VtyEvent (V.EvKey k []), Just (ModalNotice _)) | k `elem` [V.KChar 'q', V.KEsc] -> put s {aeOpenModal = Nothing} -- handle our events (B.AppEvent (EventTick t), _) -> let new = s {aeCurrTime = t} in do put new unless (timePassedSinceSortOrderChange new <= sum (replicate 2 sortOrderChangeHighlightPeriod)) B.continueWithoutRedraw -- ignore otherwise _ -> return (), B.appStartEvent = return (), B.appAttrMap = \_ -> B.attrMap V.defAttr [ (B.listSelectedFocusedAttr, V.currentAttr `V.withStyle` V.reverseVideo), (attrTerminal, B.fg, (attrUnderlined, V.currentAttr `V.withStyle` V.underline) ] } where allowedSearchChars :: Set Char allowedSearchChars = Set.fromList ( mconcat [ ['a' .. 'z'], ['A' .. 'Z'], ['0' .. '9'], "+-.=?_" ] ) yankToClipboard :: StoreName s -> IO (Either Notice ()) yankToClipboard p = Clipboard.copy (toText $ storeNameToPath p) <&> \case Right () -> Right () Left errs -> Left $ Notice "Error" ( T.intercalate "\n" $ "Cannot copy to clipboard: " : map (" " <>) errs ++ ["Please report this as a bug."] ) timePassedSinceSortOrderChange :: AppEnv s -> Clock.TimeSpec timePassedSinceSortOrderChange env = Clock.diffTimeSpec (aeCurrTime env) (aeSortOrderLastChanged env) renderMainScreen :: AppEnv s -> B.Widget Widgets renderMainScreen env@AppEnv {aePrevPane, aeCurrPane, aeNextPane} = (B.joinBorders . B.border) ( B.hBox [ renderList Nothing True aePrevPane, B.vBorder, renderList shouldHighlightSortOrder True aeCurrPane, B.vBorder, renderList Nothing False aeNextPane ] ) B.<=> renderInfoPane env where shouldHighlightSortOrder = if timePassedSinceSortOrderChange env < sortOrderChangeHighlightPeriod then Just (aeSortOrder env) else Nothing renderInfoPane :: AppEnv s -> B.Widget Widgets renderInfoPane env = let selected = selectedPath env immediateParents = psImmediateParents $ spPayload selected in B.vBox [ let (f, s) = storeNameToSplitShortText (spName selected) in B.txt f B.<+> underlineWhen SortOrderAlphabetical (B.txt s), [ B.txt $ "NAR Size: " <> prettySize (spSize selected), underlineWhen SortOrderClosureSize . B.txt $ "Closure Size: " <> prettySize (psTotalSize $ spPayload selected), underlineWhen SortOrderAddedSize . B.txt $ "Added Size: " <> prettySize (psAddedSize $ spPayload selected) ] & intersperse (B.txt " | ") & B.hBox, B.txt $ if null immediateParents then "Immediate Parents: -" else "Immediate Parents (" <> T.pack (show $ length immediateParents) <> "): " <> T.intercalate ", " (map storeNameToShortText immediateParents) ] where underlineWhen so = if so == aeSortOrder env then B.withAttr attrUnderlined else identity renderModal :: Text -> B.Widget a -> B.Widget a renderModal title widget = widget & B.borderWithLabel (B.txt title) & B.hLimitPercent 90 & B.vLimitPercent 60 & B.centerLayer helpText :: Text helpText = T.intercalate "\n" [ "hjkl/Arrow Keys : Navigate", "w : Open why-depends modal", "/ : Open search modal", "s : Change sort order", "y : Yank selected path to clipboard", "? : Show help", "q/Esc : Quit / close modal" ] helpNotice :: Notice helpNotice = Notice "Help" helpText renderNotice :: Notice -> B.Widget a renderNotice (Notice title txt) = renderModal title (B.txt txt) renderWhyDependsModal :: B.GenericList Widgets Seq (NonEmpty (Path s)) -> B.Widget Widgets renderWhyDependsModal l = B.renderList renderDepends True l & B.hLimitPercent 100 -- This limit seems pointless, but otherwise render list takes infinite -- amount of horizontal space and 'viewport' below complains. & B.viewport WidgetWhyDependsViewport B.Horizontal & renderModal "why-depends" where renderDepends _ = B.txt . pathsToText pathsToText xs = xs & NE.toList & fmap (storeNameToShortText . spName) & T.intercalate " → " showWhyDepends :: AppEnv s -> AppEnv s showWhyDepends env@AppEnv {aeActualStoreEnv} = env { aeOpenModal = Just . ModalWhyDepends $ let selected = selectedPath env route = selectedPaths env xs = S.fromList $ whyDepends aeActualStoreEnv (spName selected) in B.list WidgetWhyDepends xs 1 & B.listMoveTo (fromMaybe 0 $ ((==) `on` fmap spName) route `S.findIndexL` xs) } renderSearchModal :: Text -> Text -> B.GenericList Widgets Seq (Path s) -> B.Widget Widgets renderSearchModal left right l = renderModal "Search" window where window = B.txt left B.<+> B.txt "|" B.<+> B.txt right B.<=> B.hBorder B.<=> renderList Nothing True l showAndUpdateSearch :: Text -> Text -> AppEnv s -> AppEnv s showAndUpdateSearch left right env@AppEnv {aeInvertedIndex} = env {aeOpenModal = Just $ ModalSearch left right results} where results = let xs = iiSearch (left <> right) aeInvertedIndex & Map.elems & S.fromList in B.list WidgetSearch xs 1 move :: (List s -> List s) -> B.EventM n (AppEnv s) () move = moveF . modify moveF :: B.EventM n (List s) () -> B.EventM n (AppEnv s) () moveF f = do B.zoom aeCurrPaneL f modify repopulateNextPane moveLeft :: AppEnv s -> AppEnv s moveLeft env@AppEnv {aeParents = []} = env moveLeft env@AppEnv {aePrevPane, aeCurrPane, aeParents = parent : grandparents} = env { aeParents = grandparents, aePrevPane = parent, aeCurrPane = aePrevPane {B.listName = WidgetCurrPane}, aeNextPane = aeCurrPane {B.listName = WidgetNextPane} } moveRight :: AppEnv s -> AppEnv s moveRight env@AppEnv {aePrevPane, aeCurrPane, aeNextPane, aeParents} | null (B.listElements aeNextPane) = env | otherwise = env { aePrevPane = aeCurrPane {B.listName = WidgetPrevPane}, aeCurrPane = aeNextPane {B.listName = WidgetCurrPane}, aeParents = aePrevPane : aeParents } & repopulateNextPane repopulateNextPane :: AppEnv s -> AppEnv s repopulateNextPane env@AppEnv {aeActualStoreEnv, aeNextPane, aeSortOrder} = let ref = selectedPath env in env { aeNextPane = B.listReplace ( S.sortBy (compareBySortOrder aeSortOrder) . S.fromList . map (seLookup aeActualStoreEnv) $ spRefs ref ) (Just 0) aeNextPane } sortPane :: SortOrder -> List s -> List s sortPane so l = let selected = B.listSelectedElement l elems = B.listElements l & S.sortBy (compareBySortOrder so) name = B.getName l in mkList so name elems (snd <$> selected) sortPanes :: AppEnv s -> AppEnv s sortPanes env@AppEnv {aeParents, aePrevPane, aeCurrPane, aeNextPane, aeSortOrder} = env { aeCurrPane = sortPane aeSortOrder aeCurrPane, aeNextPane = sortPane aeSortOrder aeNextPane, aeParents = sortPane aeSortOrder <$> aeParents, aePrevPane = sortPane aeSortOrder aePrevPane } selectedPath :: AppEnv s -> Path s selectedPath = NE.head . selectedPaths selectedPaths :: AppEnv s -> NonEmpty (Path s) selectedPaths AppEnv {aePrevPane, aeCurrPane, aeParents} = let parents = mapMaybe (fmap snd . B.listSelectedElement) (aePrevPane : aeParents) in case B.listSelectedElement aeCurrPane of Nothing -> error "invariant violation: no selected element" Just (_, p) -> p :| parents selectPath :: NonEmpty (Path s) -> AppEnv s -> AppEnv s selectPath path env | (spName <$> path) == (spName <$> selectedPaths env) = env selectPath path env@AppEnv {aeActualStoreEnv} = let root :| children = NE.reverse path lists = NE.scanl ( \(_, prev) curr -> ( map (seLookup aeActualStoreEnv) $ spRefs prev, curr ) ) (NE.toList (seGetRoots aeActualStoreEnv), root) children & NE.reverse & fmap (\(possible, selected) -> mkList (aeSortOrder env) WidgetPrevPane (S.fromList possible) (Just selected)) & (<> (emptyPane :| [])) in case lists of (curr :| prevs) -> let (prev, parents) = case prevs of [] -> (emptyPane, []) p : ps -> (p, ps) in env { aeParents = parents, aePrevPane = prev, aeCurrPane = curr {B.listName = WidgetCurrPane} } & repopulateNextPane where emptyPane = B.list WidgetPrevPane S.empty 0 mkList :: SortOrder -> n -> Seq (Path s) -> Maybe (Path s) -> B.GenericList n Seq (Path s) mkList sortOrder name possible selected = let contents = S.sortBy (compareBySortOrder sortOrder) possible in B.list name contents 1 & B.listMoveTo (fromMaybe 0 $ selected >>= \s -> ((==) `on` spName) s `S.findIndexL` contents) -- Utils prettySize :: Int -> T.Text prettySize size = case HRF.convertSize $ fromIntegral size of HRF.Bytes d -> T.pack (show d) HRF.KiB d -> T.pack (show d) <> " KiB" HRF.MiB d -> T.pack (show d) <> " MiB" HRF.GiB d -> T.pack (show d) <> " GiB" HRF.TiB d -> T.pack (show d) <> " TiB"