{-| Module : Utilities Description : Helper functions Copyright : (c) Murdoch J. Gabbay, 2020 License : GPL-3 Maintainer : murdoch.gabbay@gmail.com Stability : experimental Portability : POSIX Helper functions -} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances , InstanceSigs , MultiParamTypeClasses , FlexibleContexts , TupleSections , PartialTypeSignatures #-} module Language.Nominal.Utilities where import Data.Foldable (Foldable (..)) -- for toList import Data.Generics import Data.List import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..)) import GHC.Stack (HasCallStack) import Control.Monad (guard) rewrite :: (Typeable a, Data b) => (a -> Maybe a) -> b -> b rewrite f b = case cast b of Just a | Just (Just a') <- cast $ f a -> a' _ -> gmapT (rewrite f) b -- | Apply f repeatedly until we reach a fixedpoint repeatedly :: Eq a => (a -> a) -> a -> a repeatedly f x = let fx = f x in if fx == x then x else repeatedly f fx -- | Apply a list of functions in succession. chain :: [a -> a] -> a -> a chain = foldr (.) id -- https://hackage.haskell.org/package/speculate-0.4.1/docs/src/Test.Speculate.Utils.List.html#chain -- | Standard function, returns @Just a@ provided @True@, and @Nothing@ otherwise toMaybe :: Bool -> a -> Maybe a toMaybe b a = guard b >> return a -- | List subset. Surely this must be in a library somewhere. isSubsetOf :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool isSubsetOf l1 l2 = all (`elem` l2) l1 -- | Interleave a list of lists to a list interleave :: [[a]] -> [a] interleave = concat . transpose -- | Returns 'Just' the tail of a list if it can, and 'Nothing' otherwise. safeTail :: [a] -> Maybe [a] safeTail (_ : xs) = Just xs safeTail _ = Nothing -- | Returns 'Just' the head of a list if it can, and 'Nothing' otherwise. safeHead :: [a] -> Maybe a safeHead (h : _) = Just h safeHead _ = Nothing -- https://hackage.haskell.org/package/intro- -- | Compose functions with one argument with function with two arguments. -- -- @f .: g = \\x y -> f (g x y)@. (.:) :: (c -> d) -> (a -> b -> c) -> a -> b -> d (.:) = (.) . (.) infixr 8 .: {-# INLINE (.:) #-} -- | Finds the unique element in a collection satisfying a predicate. -- Results in an error if there is no such element or if there are more than one. -- -- >>> iota (== 1) [1, 2, 3] -- 1 -- -- >>> iota (> 1) [1, 2, 3] -- *** Exception: iota: expected exactly one element to satisfy the predicate, but found at least two -- ... -- -- >>> iota (> 3) [1, 2, 3] -- *** Exception: iota: expected exactly one element to satisfy the predicate, but found none -- ... -- iota :: (HasCallStack, Foldable f) => (a -> Bool) -> f a -> a iota p xs = case filter p $ toList xs of [x] -> x [] -> error "iota: expected exactly one element to satisfy the predicate, but found none" (_ : _) -> error "iota: expected exactly one element to satisfy the predicate, but found at least two" -- | point moves the (first) element satisfying the predicate to the head of the list. -- Error raised if no such element found. -- -- >>> point even [1,2,3] -- 2 :| [1,3] -- -- >>> point even [1,3,5] -- *** Exception: point: no such element -- ... -- point :: Foldable f => (a -> Bool) -> f a -> NonEmpty a point p = go . toList where go (x : xs) | p x = x :| xs | otherwise = let (y :| ys) = go xs in y :| x : ys go [] = error "point: no such element"