Compose: Compose Raw: Raw Command Password: Password Folders: Folders Login: Login Logout: Logout Date: Date Num: Num Subject: Subject Body: Body Authors: Authors Attach: Attachments Tags: Tags RawWarning: Warning - notmuch is prepended to the command and then the command is passed to the shell! RunCmd: Run Command ExitCode: Exit Code StdOut: Standard Output StdErr: Standard Error Send: Send ExtraHeader: Extra Email Headers Sent: Message Sent InPager folder@Text: #{folder} in Pager ViewInPager: View search results in pager CheckNew: Check New MessageRetagging: Message Retagging SepTagsBySpace: Specify tags separated by spaces Close: Close Retag: Retag TagsToAdd: Tags to add TagsToRemove: Tags to remove BodyFormat: Interpret body as Preview: Preview Html AddrBookType: Address Book Type NoAddressBook: No address book Abook: Abook on server Google: Google Contacts GoogleAuth: Authorize Google Contacts AddrHelpTitle: Entering Email Addresses AddrHelp: Email addresses should either be entered directly or can be entered as "Name " without the quotes. To save the email address and start entering a new one, you can press comma. Double clicking on an existing entry will allow you to edit it.