# Unreleased next version # ### Enhancements: - Relax version bounds to ecompass `base-4.15.x`. # ### Enhancements: - JUnit report includes failure location (#60) - Debug.todo returns callstack of where it was called, not inside of library (#65) # ### Breaking changes: - replace Log.userIs\* functions with more standard debug, info, warn, error (#48) ### Enhancements: - Improved diff representation in failing tests. (#40, #41, #43, #44) - Ported floating point comparison expectations from elm-test. (#41, #42) - FloatingPointTolerance (..), within, notWithin - Expect.equalToContentsOf now includes proper stack traces (is this a bugfix? Let's call it an enhancement.) (#40) # ### Breaking changes: - `Expect.Task` has been removed. Most of it's functionality has been moved into `Expect`. - `Test.task` has been removed. Regular `Test.test` now supports monadic-style test writing. - `Expect.concat` has been removed. `do`-notation can now be used to run multiple expectations. ### Enhancements: - Test failure diffs now look much nicer if they contain multi-line output. - Test failures now show a snippet of the source code around the location of the failure. - Tests now write to a log file that can be inspected using a new `log-explorer` tool. - Added `Platform.writeSpanToDevLog` to write to `log-explorer` from your own code. # ### Enhancements: - `Platform.summary` can be used to decorate tracing spans with a text summary for use in dev tooling. - `Platform.writeSpanToDevLog` can be used to write a span for consumption by the new `log-explorer` tool. # ### Breaking changes: - `Test.fromTestTree` has been removed. - `Fuzz.Fuzzer` is now an opague type and no a synonomy for `Hedgehog.Gen`. - `Expect.Task.TestFailure` renamed to `Expect.Task.failure`. - `Test.Runner.Tasy.main` renamed to `Test.run`. ### Enhancements: - Test reports now show source locations of failing tests. - `Fuzz` module has been extended and now covers almost the entire API of its Elm counterpart. - Dependency on `tasty` has been dropped. # - Breaking change: drop `Platform.TracingSpan` constructor. - Add `Platform.emptyTracingSpan` export. - Relax version bounds to encompas `tasty-1.4`. # - Relax version bounds to encompass `time-1.11`. # - Fix tests to allow inclusion in stackage. # - Relax version bounds to encompass `pretty-diff-` and `base-`. # - Relax version bounds to be compatible with `bytestring-0.11`. # - Initial release.