module LogSpec (tests) where import qualified Control.Concurrent import qualified Control.Exception.Safe as Exception import qualified Data.IORef as IORef import qualified Debug import qualified Expect import qualified GHC.Stack as Stack import Log import NriPrelude import qualified Platform.Internal as Internal import qualified Task import Test (Test, describe, test) import qualified Text import qualified Text.Show.Pretty import qualified Prelude -- | These tests would likely benefit from golden test support, so we don't -- need to store these expectation strings inside of the files here and can -- update them more easily if they change. tests :: Test tests = describe "Log" [ test "`info` produces expected debugging info" <| \_ -> do spans <- Expect.fromIO <| do (recordedTracingSpans, handler) <- newHandler _ <- info "logging a message!" [context "a number" (12 :: Int)] |> Task.attempt handler recordedTracingSpans spans |> Debug.toString |> Expect.equalToContentsOf "tests/golden-results/log-info", test "`debug` produces expected debugging info" <| \_ -> do spans <- Expect.fromIO <| do (recordedTracingSpans, handler) <- newHandler _ <- debug "pressed the button" [context "button" ("PRESS" :: Text)] |> Task.attempt handler recordedTracingSpans spans |> Debug.toString |> Expect.equalToContentsOf "tests/golden-results/debug", test "`warn` produces expected debugging info" <| \_ -> do spans <- Expect.fromIO <| do (recordedTracingSpans, handler) <- newHandler _ <- warn "user cut themselves on the modal" [context "modal" ("SURPRISE!" :: Text)] |> Task.attempt handler recordedTracingSpans spans |> Debug.toString |> Expect.equalToContentsOf "tests/golden-results/warn", test "`error` produces expected debugging info" <| \_ -> do spans <- Expect.fromIO <| do (recordedTracingSpans, handler) <- newHandler _ <- error "door is blocked" [context "house number" (5 :: Int)] |> Task.attempt handler recordedTracingSpans spans |> Debug.toString |> Expect.equalToContentsOf "tests/golden-results/error", test "nested spans pruduce expected debugging info" <| \_ -> do spans <- Expect.fromIO <| do (recordedTracingSpans, handler) <- newHandler _ <- info "log!" [] |> withContext "inner span" [context "word" ("sabbatical" :: Text)] |> withContext "outer span" [context "number" (825 :: Int)] |> Task.attempt handler recordedTracingSpans spans |> Debug.toString |> Expect.equalToContentsOf "tests/golden-results/log-nested-spans", test "unexpected exceptions produce expected debugging info" <| \_ -> do spans <- Expect.fromIO <| do (recordedTracingSpans, handler) <- newHandler _ <- Internal.Task (\_ -> Exception.throwIO TestException) |> withContext "inner span" [context "word" ("sabbatical" :: Text)] |> withContext "outer span" [context "number" (825 :: Int)] |> Task.attempt handler |> Exception.handle (\TestException -> Prelude.pure (Ok ())) recordedTracingSpans spans |> Debug.toString |> Expect.equalToContentsOf "tests/golden-results/log-unexpected-exceptions", test "async exceptions produce expected debugging info" <| \_ -> do spans <- Expect.fromIO <| do (recordedTracingSpans, handler) <- newHandler threadId <- Control.Concurrent.myThreadId _ <- Internal.Task ( \_ -> do Exception.throwTo threadId TestException Prelude.pure (Ok ()) ) |> withContext "inner span" [context "word" ("sabbatical" :: Text)] |> withContext "outer span" [context "number" (825 :: Int)] |> Task.attempt handler |> Exception.handleAsync (\(Exception.AsyncExceptionWrapper _) -> Prelude.pure (Ok ())) recordedTracingSpans spans |> Debug.toString |> Expect.equalToContentsOf "tests/golden-results/log-async-exceptions", test "secrets do not appear in debugging info" <| \_ -> do spans <- Expect.fromIO <| do (recordedTracingSpans, handler) <- newHandler _ <- info "logging a message!" [context "secret" (Log.mkSecret ("Mango's are delicious" :: Text))] |> Task.attempt handler recordedTracingSpans spans |> Debug.toString |> Text.contains "Mango" |> Expect.equal False, -- Haskell's default @show@ instance prints the shown Haskell value on a -- single line. This isn't great when using @show@ to debug larger Haskell -- values. That's why our @Debug.toString@ implementation uses the -- @pretty-show@ package for rendering a Haskell value as a string, which -- provides the alternative @ppShow@ function for printing Haskell values -- with newlines. @ppShow@ works for all Haskell types with a @Show@ -- instance. -- -- @ppShow@ works internally by using regular @show@, parsing the -- generated string into some type representing an arbitrary Haskell -- value, then printing that again in a nicer way. The library relies on -- Haskell's derived @Show@ instances looking a particular way. When we -- define a custom @Show@ instance for a type we're not bound to the -- conventions Haskell uses for it's automatically generated @Show@ -- instances, and @ppShow@ might not know how to parse the string we -- produce for a value. Should @ppShow@ fail to use its parser it falls -- back to using regular @show@ for presenting the value, so without -- newlines. -- -- Generally Haskell recommends you do not write your own @Show@ -- instances. We provide one for @Secret@ to help us accidentally put -- sensitive values in our logs. This test checks our custom @Secret@ -- show instance can be parsed by @ppShow@, ensuring that @Secret@ values -- and larger types containing @Secret@ values can be pretty printed by -- @Debug.toString@. test "`Debug.toString` can pretty-print values containing secrets" <| \_ -> Log.mkSecret () |> Text.Show.Pretty.reify |> Expect.notEqual Nothing ] data TestException = TestException deriving (Show) instance Exception.Exception TestException newHandler :: Stack.HasCallStack => Prelude.IO (Prelude.IO [Internal.TracingSpan], Internal.LogHandler) newHandler = do recordedTracingSpans <- IORef.newIORef [] handler <- Stack.withFrozenCallStack Internal.mkHandler "" (Internal.Clock (Prelude.pure 0)) (IORef.writeIORef recordedTracingSpans << Internal.children) "" Prelude.pure ( do Internal.finishTracingSpan handler Nothing IORef.readIORef recordedTracingSpans |> map (map (recurse (\span -> span {Internal.allocated = 0}))), handler ) recurse :: (Internal.TracingSpan -> Internal.TracingSpan) -> Internal.TracingSpan -> Internal.TracingSpan recurse f span = (f span) { Internal.children = map (recurse f) (Internal.children span) }