{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude
           , OverloadedStrings
           , PackageImports
           , UnicodeSyntax

[@ISO639-1@]        zh

[@ISO639-2B@]       chi

[@ISO639-2T@]       zho

[@ISO639-3@]        cmn

[@Native name@]     官話

[@English name@]    Chinese

module Text.Numeral.Language.ZH
    ( struct
    , trad_cardinal
    , simpl_cardinal
    , finance_trad_cardinal
    , finance_simpl_cardinal
    , pinyin_cardinal
    ) where

-- Imports

import "base" Data.Bool     ( otherwise )
import "base" Data.Function ( id, const, fix, flip, ($) )
import "base" Data.Maybe    ( Maybe(Just) )
import "base" Data.Monoid   ( Monoid )
import "base" Data.Ord      ( (<) )
import "base" Data.String   ( IsString )
import "base" Prelude       ( Num, Integral, fromIntegral, (-), div, divMod )
import "base-unicode-symbols" Data.Eq.Unicode       ( () )
import "base-unicode-symbols" Data.Function.Unicode ( () )
import "base-unicode-symbols" Data.Monoid.Unicode   ( () )
import "base-unicode-symbols" Data.Ord.Unicode      ( () )
import qualified "containers" Data.Map as M ( Map, fromList, lookup )
import "containers-unicode-symbols" Data.Map.Unicode ( () )
import           "numerals-base" Text.Numeral
import           "numerals-base" Text.Numeral.Misc ( dec )
import qualified "numerals-base" Text.Numeral.Exp.Classes as C

-- ZH


flipIfR  Side  (α  α  α)  (α  α  α)
flipIfR L = id
flipIfR R = flip

add0  (Integral α, C.Lit β, C.Add β)  α  Rule α β
add0 val f n | n < val `div` 10 = C.lit 0 `C.add` f n
             | otherwise        = f n

mulX  (Integral α, C.Lit β, C.Add β, C.Mul β)
      α  Side  Side  Rule α β
mulX val aSide mSide =
    \f n  let (m, a) = n `divMod` val
               mval = if m  1
                      then C.lit 1  C.lit (fromIntegral val)
                      else f m  C.lit (fromIntegral val)
           in if a  0
              then mval
              else (flipIfR aSide C.add) (add0 val f a) mval
     () = flipIfR mSide C.mul

struct  (Integral α, C.Unknown β, C.Lit β, C.Neg β, C.Add β, C.Mul β)  α  β
struct = pos
       $ fix
       $ findRule (0, lit)
                  ( [(dec 1, step  (dec 1) (dec 1) R L)]
                   [(dec n, stepX (dec n) (dec 1) R L) | n  [2,3]]
                   [(dec n, stepX (dec n) (dec 4) R L) | n  [4,8..44]]
                  (dec 48 - 1)
      stepX = mkStep lit1 addX mulX

      addX val _ = \f n  C.add (f val) (add0 val f $ n - val)

cardinalRepr  (Monoid s, IsString s)  Repr s
cardinalRepr = defaultRepr
               { reprAdd = Just $ \_ _ _  ""
               , reprMul = Just $ \_ _ _  ""

-- Traditional Characters

trad_cardinal  (Integral α, Monoid s, IsString s)  α  Maybe s
trad_cardinal = trad_cardinalRepr  struct

trad_cardinalRepr  (Monoid s, IsString s)  Exp  Maybe s
trad_cardinalRepr =
    render cardinalRepr
    { reprValue = \n  M.lookup n trad_syms
    , reprNeg = Just $ \_ _  "負"

trad_syms  (Integral α, IsString s)  M.Map α (Ctx Exp  s)
trad_syms =
    [ (0, \c  case c of
                 CtxEmpty  "零"
                 _         "〇"
    , (1, const "一")
    , (2, \c  case c of
                 CtxMul _ (Lit n) _ | n  1000  "兩"
                 _  "二"
    , (3, const "三")
    , (4, const "四")
    , (5, const "五")
    , (6, const "六")
    , (7, const "七")
    , (8, const "八")
    , (9, const "九")
    , (10, const "十")
    , (100, const "百")
    , (1000, const "千")
    , (dec 4, const "萬")
    , (dec 8, const "億")
    , (dec 12, const "兆")
    , (dec 16, const "京")
    , (dec 20, const "垓")
    , (dec 24, const "秭")
    , (dec 28, const "穰")
    , (dec 32, const "溝")
    , (dec 36, const "澗")
    , (dec 40, const "正")
    , (dec 44, const "載")

-- Simplified Characters

simpl_cardinal  (Integral α, Monoid s, IsString s)  α  Maybe s
simpl_cardinal = simpl_cardinalRepr  struct

simpl_cardinalRepr  (Monoid s, IsString s)  Exp  Maybe s
simpl_cardinalRepr =
    render cardinalRepr
            { reprValue = \n  M.lookup n (simpl_syms  trad_syms)
            , reprNeg = Just $ \_ _  "负"

simpl_syms  (Integral α, IsString s)  M.Map α (Ctx Exp  s)
simpl_syms =
    [ (2, \c  case c of
                 CtxMul _ (Lit n) _ | n  1000  "两"
                 _  "二"
    , (dec 4, const "万")
    , (dec 8, const "亿")

-- Financial Characters (Traditional)

finance_trad_cardinal  (Integral α, Monoid s, IsString s)  α  Maybe s
finance_trad_cardinal = finance_trad_cardinalRepr  struct

finance_trad_cardinalRepr  (Monoid s, IsString s)  Exp  Maybe s
finance_trad_cardinalRepr =
    render cardinalRepr
    { reprValue = \n  M.lookup n (finance_trad_syms  trad_syms)
    , reprNeg = Just $ \_ _  "負"

finance_trad_syms  (Integral α, IsString s)  M.Map α (Ctx Exp  s)
finance_trad_syms =
    [ (0, const "零")
    , (1, const "壹")
    , (2, const "貳")
    , (3, const "参")
    , (4, const "肆")
    , (5, const "伍")
    , (6, const "陸")
    , (7, const "柒")
    , (8, const "捌")
    , (9, const "玖")
    , (10, const "拾")
    , (100, const "伯")
    , (1000, const "仟")
    , (dec 4, const "萬")
    , (dec 8, const "億")

-- Financial Characters (Simplified)

finance_simpl_cardinal  (Integral α, Monoid s, IsString s)  α  Maybe s
finance_simpl_cardinal = finance_simpl_cardinalRepr  struct

finance_simpl_cardinalRepr  (Monoid s, IsString s)  Exp  Maybe s
finance_simpl_cardinalRepr =
    render cardinalRepr
    { reprValue = \n  M.lookup n ( finance_simpl_syms
    , reprNeg = Just $ \_ _  "负"
    finance_simpl_syms  (Integral α, IsString s)  M.Map α (Ctx Exp  s)
    finance_simpl_syms =
        [ (2, const "贰")
        , (6, const "陆")
        , (dec 4, const "万")
        , (dec 8, const "亿")

-- Pinyin

pinyin_cardinal  (Integral α, Monoid s, IsString s)  α  Maybe s
pinyin_cardinal = pinyin_cardinalRepr  struct

pinyin_cardinalRepr  (Monoid s, IsString s)  Exp  Maybe s
pinyin_cardinalRepr =
    render cardinalRepr
            { reprValue = \n  M.lookup n pinyin_syms
            , reprNeg = Just $ \_ _  "fù"
            , reprAdd = Just ()
    (Lit 10  _) _ = ""
    (_       _) _ = " "

    pinyin_syms  (Integral α, IsString s)  M.Map α (Ctx Exp  s)
    pinyin_syms =
        [ (0, const "líng")
        , (1, const "yī")
        , (2, \c  case c of
                     CtxMul _ (Lit n) _ | n  1000  "liǎng"
                     _  "èr"
        , (3, const "sān")
        , (4, const "sì")
        , (5, const "wǔ")
        , (6, const "liù")
        , (7, const "qī")
        , (8, const "bā")
        , (9, const "jiǔ")
        , (10, const "shí")
        , (100, const "bǎi")
        , (1000, const "qiān")
        , (dec 4, const "wàn")
        , (dec 8, const "yì")
        , (dec 12, const "zhào")
        , (dec 16, const "jīng")
        , (dec 20, const "gāi")
        , (dec 24, const "zǐ")
        , (dec 28, const "ráng")
        , (dec 32, const "gōu")
        , (dec 36, const "jiàn")
        , (dec 40, const "zhēng")
        , (dec 44, const "zài")