{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude , OverloadedStrings , PackageImports , UnicodeSyntax #-} {-| [@ISO639-1@] tr [@ISO639-2@] tur [@ISO639-3@] tur [@Native name@] Türkçe [@English name@] Turkish -} module Text.Numeral.Language.TR ( cardinal , struct ) where -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Imports -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import "base" Data.Bool ( otherwise ) import "base" Data.Function ( ($), const, fix ) import "base" Data.Maybe ( Maybe(Just) ) import "base" Data.Monoid ( Monoid ) import "base" Data.String ( IsString ) import "base" Prelude ( Integral, (-), divMod, Integer ) import "base-unicode-symbols" Data.Eq.Unicode ( (≡) ) import "base-unicode-symbols" Data.Function.Unicode ( (∘) ) import "base-unicode-symbols" Data.List.Unicode ( (∉) ) import "base-unicode-symbols" Prelude.Unicode ( (⋅) ) import qualified "containers" Data.Map as M ( fromList, lookup ) import "numerals-base" Text.Numeral import "numerals-base" Text.Numeral.Misc ( dec ) import qualified "numerals-base" Text.Numeral.Exp.Classes as C import qualified "numerals-base" Text.Numeral.BigNum as BN ( rule, scaleRepr, forms ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TR -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {- Sources: http://www.languagesandnumbers.com/how-to-count-in-turkish/en/tur/ http://www.sf.airnet.ne.jp/~ts/language/number/turkish.html http://www.turkishlanguage.co.uk/seasons.htm#article_15 http://www.turkeytravelplanner.com/details/LanguageGuide/100words_lessons/100Words_10.html http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Turkish/Numbers http://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C3%BCy%C3%BCk_say%C4%B1lar%C4%B1n_adlar%C4%B1 -} cardinal ∷ (Integral α, C.Scale α, Monoid s, IsString s) ⇒ α → Maybe s cardinal = cardinalRepr ∘ struct struct ∷ (Integral α, C.Scale α, C.Unknown β, C.Lit β, C.Add β, C.Mul β, C.Scale β) ⇒ α → β struct = checkPos $ fix $ rule `combine` shortScale1 R L BN.rule rule ∷ (Integral α, C.Unknown β, C.Lit β, C.Add β, C.Mul β) ⇒ Rule α β rule = findRule ( 0, lit ) [ ( 11, addToTens ) , ( 100, step 100 10 R L) , (1000, step 1000 1000 R L) ] (dec 6 - 1) addToTens ∷ (Integral α, C.Lit β, C.Add β) ⇒ Rule α β addToTens f n = let (m, r) = n `divMod` 10 tens = m ⋅ 10 in if r ≡ 0 then lit f tens else f tens `C.add` f r cardinalRepr ∷ (Monoid s, IsString s) ⇒ Exp → Maybe s cardinalRepr = render defaultRepr { reprValue = \n → M.lookup n syms , reprScale = scaleRepr , reprAdd = Just (⊞) , reprMul = Just $ \_ _ _ → " " } where (Lit 10 ⊞ _) (CtxMul {}) = "" (_ ⊞ _) _ = " " syms = M.fromList [ (0, const "sıfır") , (1, const "bir") , (2, const "iki") , (3, \c → case c of CtxEmpty → "üç" _ → "uç" ) , (4, const "dört") , (5, const "beş") , (6, const "altı") , (7, const "yedi") , (8, const "sekiz") , (9, const "dokuz") , (10, const "on") , (20, const "yirmi") , (30, const "otuz") , (40, const "kırk") , (50, const "elli") , (60, const "altmış") , (70, const "yetmiş") , (80, const "seksen") , (90, const "doksan") , (100, const "yüz") , (1000, const "bin") ] scaleRepr ∷ (IsString s, Monoid s) ⇒ Integer → Integer → Exp → Ctx Exp → Maybe s scaleRepr = BN.scaleRepr "ilyon" "ilyon" [ (1, BN.forms "m" "an" "an" "" "") , (2, BN.forms "b" "do" "do" "vi" "du") , (3, \c → case c of CtxAdd _ (Lit 10) _ → "tre" CtxAdd _ (Lit 100) _ → "tre" CtxAdd {} → "tres" CtxMul _ (Lit 100) _ → "tre" CtxMul {} → "tri" _ → "tr" ) , (4, BN.forms "katr" "kator" "kator" "katra" "katrin") , (5, BN.forms "kent" "ken" "kenka" "kenka" "ken") , (6, BN.forms "sekst" "seks" "ses" "seksa" "se") , (7, BN.forms "sept" "septen" "septem" "septe" "septin") , (8, BN.forms "okt" "okto" "okto" "okto" "oktin") , (10, \c → case c of CtxAdd _ (Lit 100) _ → "desi" CtxAdd _ (Lit 1) (CtxAdd {}) → "desi" CtxMul _ (Lit n) (CtxAdd L (Lit 100) _) | n ≡ 2 → "ginti" | otherwise → "ginta" CtxMul _ (Lit _) (CtxAdd _ _ CtxEmpty) → "gint" CtxMul _ (Lit _) CtxEmpty → "gint" CtxMul {} → "ginti" _ → "des" ) , (100, \c → case c of CtxMul _ (Lit n) _ | n ∉ [2,3,6] → "gent" _ → "sent" ) ]