numerals-0.4: Convert numbers to number words

Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred





class Inflection α Source

Base class for various kinds of inflections.

Grammatical categories


class Inflection α => NoCase α whereSource


noCase :: α -> αSource

hasNoCase :: α -> BoolSource


class Inflection α => Ablative α whereSource

The ablative case (abbreviated abl) indicates movement from something, or cause.


ablative :: α -> αSource

isAblative :: α -> BoolSource


class Inflection α => Abessive α whereSource

In linguistics, abessive (abbreviated abe or abess), caritive and privative (abbreviated priv) are names for a grammatical case expressing the lack or absence of the marked noun.


abessive :: α -> αSource

isAbessive :: α -> BoolSource


class Inflection α => Accusative α whereSource

The accusative case (abbreviated acc) indicates the direct object of a verb.


accusative :: α -> αSource

isAccusative :: α -> BoolSource

class Inflection α => Comitative α whereSource

The comitative case (abbreviated com), also known as the associative case (abbreviated ass), is a grammatical case that denotes companionship, and is used where English would typically use preposition with in the sense of in company with or together with (other uses of with, e.g. with the meaning of using, by means of (I cut bread with a knife) would correspond to the instrumental case or related cases).


comitative :: α -> αSource

isComitative :: α -> BoolSource

class Inflection α => Dative α whereSource

The dative case (abbreviated dat, or sometimes d when it is a core argument) indicates the indirect object of a verb.


dative :: α -> αSource

isDative :: α -> BoolSource


class Inflection α => Delative α whereSource

The delative case (abbreviated del; from Latin deferre to bear or bring away or down) in the Hungarian language can originally express the movement from the surface of something (e.g. off the table), but it is used in several other meanings (e.g. about people), some of them related to the original (e.g. from the post office).


delative :: α -> αSource

isDelative :: α -> BoolSource


class Inflection α => Distributive α whereSource

The distributive case (abbreviated distr) is used on nouns for the meanings of per or each.


distributive :: α -> αSource

isDistributive :: α -> BoolSource

class Inflection α => DistributiveTemporal α whereSource

The distributive-temporal case specifies when something is done.

class Inflection α => Essive α whereSource

The essive or similaris case (abbreviated ess) carries the meaning of a temporary location or state of being, often equivalent to the English as a (child).


essive :: α -> αSource

isEssive :: α -> BoolSource


class Inflection α => Genitive α whereSource

The genitive case (abbreviated gen; also called the possessive case or second case), which roughly corresponds to English's possessive case and preposition of, indicates the possessor of another noun.


genitive :: α -> αSource

isGenitive :: α -> BoolSource


class Inflection α => Instrumental α whereSource

The instrumental case (abbreviated ins or instr; also called the eighth case) indicates an object used in performing an action.


instrumental :: α -> αSource

isInstrumental :: α -> BoolSource

class Inflection α => Instructive α whereSource

In the Finnish language and Estonian language, the instructive case has the basic meaning of by means of. It is a comparatively rarely used case, though it is found in some commonly used expressions, such as omin silmin → with one's own eyes.


instructive :: α -> αSource

isInstructive :: α -> BoolSource

class Inflection α => Lative α whereSource

Lative (abbreviated lat) is a case which indicates motion to a location. It corresponds to the English prepositions to and into. The lative case belongs to the group of the general local cases together with the locative and separative case. The term derives from the Latin lat-, the participle stem of ferre, to bring.


lative :: α -> αSource

isLative :: α -> BoolSource


class Inflection α => Locative α whereSource

The locative case (abbreviated loc) indicates a location.


locative :: α -> αSource

isLocative :: α -> BoolSource


class Inflection α => Multiplicative α whereSource

The multiplicative case is a grammatical case used for marking a number of something (three times).

class Inflection α => Nominative α whereSource

The nominative case (abbreviated nom) indicates the subject of a finite verb.


nominative :: α -> αSource

isNominative :: α -> BoolSource

class Inflection α => Partitive α whereSource

The partitive case (abbreviated ptv or more ambiguously part) denotes partialness, without result, or without specific identity. It is also used in contexts where a subgroup is selected from a larger group, or with numbers.


partitive :: α -> αSource

isPartitive :: α -> BoolSource

class Inflection α => SuperEssive α whereSource

The Superessive case (abbreviated supe) is a grammatical declension indicating location on top of, or on the surface of something. Its name comes from Latin supersum, superesse: to be over and above.


superEssive :: α -> αSource

isSuperEssive :: α -> BoolSource

class Inflection α => Sublative α whereSource

The term sublative case (abbreviated subl) is used to refer to grammatical cases expressing different situations: In Hungarian, it expresses the destination of the movement, originally to the surface of something (e.g. sit down on the ground, climb the tree), but in other figurative meanings as well (e.g. to university, for two nights), while in Tsez and other Northeast Caucasian languages it denotes a movement towards the bottomsides or the area under an object. The sublative case is used in the Finnish, Tsez and Hungarian languages.


sublative :: α -> αSource

isSublative :: α -> BoolSource

class Inflection α => Translative α whereSource

The translative case (abbreviated transl) is a grammatical case that indicates a change in state of a noun, with the general sense of becoming X or change to X.


translative :: α -> αSource

isTranslative :: α -> BoolSource

class Inflection α => Vocative α whereSource

The vocative case indicates an addressee.


vocative :: α -> αSource

isVocative :: α -> BoolSource


Locative cases

class Locative α => LocativeInessive α whereSource

Inessive case (abbreviated ine; from Latin inesse to be in or at) is a locative grammatical case. This case carries the basic meaning of in.

class Locative α => LocativeElative α whereSource

Elative (abbreviated ela; from Latin efferre to bring or carry out) is a locative case with the basic meaning out of.

class Locative α => LocativeIllative α whereSource

Illative (abbreviated ill; from Latin illatus brought in) is, in the Finnish language, Estonian language and the Hungarian language, the third of the locative cases with the basic meaning of into (the inside of).

class Locative α => LocativeAdessive α whereSource

In Uralic languages, such as Finnish, Estonian and Hungarian, the adessive case (abbreviated ade; from Latin adesse to be present) is the fourth of the locative cases with the basic meaning of on.

class Locative α => LocativeAblative α whereSource

In linguistics, ablative case (abbreviated abl) is a name given to cases in various languages whose common characteristic is that they mark motion away from something, though the details in each language may differ. The name ablative derives from the Latin ablatus, the (irregular) perfect passive participle of auferre to carry away.

class Locative α => LocativeAllative α whereSource

Allative case (abbreviated all; from Latin allāt-, afferre to bring to) is a type of the locative cases used in several languages. The term allative is generally used for the lative case in the majority of languages which do not make finer distinctions.


class Inflection α => NoGender α whereSource


noGender :: α -> αSource

hasNoGender :: α -> BoolSource


class Inflection α => Neuter α whereSource


neuter :: α -> αSource

isNeuter :: α -> BoolSource


class Inflection α => Masculine α whereSource


masculine :: α -> αSource

isMasculine :: α -> BoolSource

class Inflection α => Feminine α whereSource


feminine :: α -> αSource

isFeminine :: α -> BoolSource


class Inflection α => Common α whereSource


common :: α -> αSource

isCommon :: α -> BoolSource



class Inflection α => NoNumber α whereSource


noNumber :: α -> αSource

hasNoNumber :: α -> BoolSource


class Inflection α => Singular α whereSource


singular :: α -> αSource

isSingular :: α -> BoolSource


class Inflection α => Dual α whereSource


dual :: α -> αSource

isDual :: α -> BoolSource


class Inflection α => Trial α whereSource


trial :: α -> αSource

isTrial :: α -> BoolSource


class Inflection α => Paucal α whereSource


paucal :: α -> αSource

isPaucal :: α -> BoolSource


class Inflection α => Plural α whereSource


plural :: α -> αSource

isPlural :: α -> BoolSource
