{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-} {-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-} {-| [@ISO639-1@] la [@ISO639-2B@] lat [@ISO639-3@] lat [@Native name@] Latine [@English name@] Latin -} module Text.Numeral.Language.LA ( -- * Language entry entry -- * Conversions , cardinal -- * Structure , struct -- * Bounds , bounds ) where -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Imports -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import "base" Data.Bool ( otherwise ) import "base" Data.Function ( ($), const, fix ) import "base" Data.List ( concat ) import "base" Data.Maybe ( Maybe(Just) ) import "base" Prelude ( Integral, Num, (+) ) import "base-unicode-symbols" Data.Function.Unicode ( (∘) ) import "base-unicode-symbols" Data.List.Unicode ( (∈) ) import "base-unicode-symbols" Data.Ord.Unicode ( (≤) ) import "base-unicode-symbols" Data.Monoid.Unicode ( (⊕) ) import qualified "containers" Data.Map as M ( fromList, lookup ) import "this" Text.Numeral import qualified "this" Text.Numeral.Exp as E import "this" Text.Numeral.Grammar ( Inflection ) import "this" Text.Numeral.Entry import "text" Data.Text ( Text ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- LA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- entry ∷ Entry entry = emptyEntry { entIso639_1 = Just "la" , entIso639_2 = ["lat"] , entIso639_3 = Just "lat" , entNativeNames = ["Latine"] , entEnglishName = Just "Latin" , entCardinal = Just Conversion { toNumeral = cardinal , toStructure = struct } } cardinal ∷ (Inflection i, Integral α) ⇒ i → α → Maybe Text cardinal inf = cardinalRepr inf ∘ struct struct ∷ (Integral α, E.Unknown β, E.Lit β, E.Add β, E.Sub β, E.Mul β) ⇒ α → β struct = checkPos $ fix $ findRule ( 0, lit) ( [ (11, add 10 L) , (18, sub 20) ] ⊕ concat [ [ (n, mul 10 R L) , (n+8, sub $ n+10) ] | n ← [20,30..90] ] ⊕ [ ( 100, step 100 10 R L) , (1000, lit) ] ) 1000 bounds ∷ (Integral α) ⇒ (α, α) bounds = (0, 1000) cardinalRepr ∷ i → Exp i → Maybe Text cardinalRepr = render defaultRepr { reprValue = \_ n → M.lookup n syms , reprAdd = Just (⊞) , reprMul = Just (⊡) , reprSub = Just $ \_ _ _ → "dē" , reprNeg = Just $ \_ _ → "minus " } where ((_ `Mul` Lit _) ⊞ _) _ = " " (_ ⊞ _) _ = "" (_ ⊡ Lit n) _ | n ≤ 100 = "" (_ ⊡ _ ) _ = " " syms = M.fromList [ (0, const "nihil") , (1, \c → case c of CtxAdd _ (Lit 10) _ → "ūn" CtxSub _ _ _ → "ūn" _ → "ūnus" ) , (2, \c → case c of CtxMul _ (Lit 10) _ → "vī" CtxMul _ (Lit 100) _ → "du" _ → "duo" ) , (3, \c → case c of CtxAdd _ (Lit 10) _ → "trē" CtxMul _ (Lit 10) _ → "trī" CtxMul _ (Lit 100) _ → "tre" _ → "trēs" ) , (4, \c → case c of CtxMul _ (Lit 10) _ → "quadrā" CtxMul _ (Lit 100) _ → "quadrin" _ → "quattuor" ) , (5, \c → case c of CtxAdd _ (Lit 10) _ → "quīn" CtxMul _ (Lit 10) _ → "quīnquā" CtxMul _ (Lit 100) _ → "quīn" _ → "quīnque" ) , (6, \c → case c of CtxAdd _ (Lit 10) _ → "sē" CtxMul _ (Lit 10) _ → "sexā" CtxMul _ (Lit 100) _ → "ses" _ → "sex" ) , (7, \c → case c of CtxAdd _ (Lit 10) _ → "septen" CtxMul _ (Lit 10) _ → "septuā" CtxMul _ (Lit 100) _ → "septin" _ → "septem" ) , (8, \c → case c of CtxMul _ (Lit 100) _ → "octin" _ → "octō" ) , (9, \c → case c of CtxMul _ (Lit 10) _ → "nōnā" CtxMul _ (Lit 100) _ → "nōn" _ → "novem" ) , (10, \c → case c of CtxAdd {} → "decim" CtxMul _ (Lit 2) _ → "gintī" CtxMul {} → "gintā" _ → "decem" ) , (100, \c → case c of CtxMul _ (Lit n) _ | n ∈ [2,3,6] → "centī" | otherwise → "gentī" _ → "centum" ) , (1000, \c → case c of CtxMul {} → "milia" _ → "mīlle" ) ]