{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-} {-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-} {-| [@ISO639-1@] - [@ISO639-2@] - [@ISO639-3@] lld [@Native name@] Ladin [@English name@] Ladin -} module Text.Numeral.Language.LLD ( -- * Language entry entry -- * Conversions , cardinal -- * Structure , struct -- * Bounds , bounds ) where -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Imports -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- import "base" Data.Bool ( otherwise ) import "base" Data.Function ( ($), const ) import "base" Data.Maybe ( Maybe(Just) ) import "base" Prelude ( Integral, (-), negate ) import "base-unicode-symbols" Data.Function.Unicode ( (∘) ) import "base-unicode-symbols" Data.Bool.Unicode ( (∧), (∨) ) import "base-unicode-symbols" Data.Eq.Unicode ( (≡), (≢) ) import "base-unicode-symbols" Data.Ord.Unicode ( (≤) ) import qualified "containers" Data.Map as M ( fromList, lookup ) import "this" Text.Numeral import qualified "this" Text.Numeral.BigNum as BN import qualified "this" Text.Numeral.Exp as E import qualified "this" Text.Numeral.Grammar as G import "this" Text.Numeral.Misc ( dec ) import "this" Text.Numeral.Entry import "this" Text.Numeral.Language.FUR ( struct ) import "this" Text.Numeral.Render.Utils ( addCtx, mulCtx ) import "text" Data.Text ( Text ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- LLD -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- entry ∷ Entry entry = emptyEntry { entIso639_3 = Just "lld" , entNativeNames = ["Ladin"] , entEnglishName = Just "Ladin" , entCardinal = Just Conversion { toNumeral = cardinal , toStructure = struct } } cardinal ∷ (G.Masculine i, G.Feminine i, Integral α, E.Scale α) ⇒ i → α → Maybe Text cardinal inf = cardinalRepr inf ∘ struct bounds ∷ (Integral α) ⇒ (α, α) bounds = let x = dec 12 - 1 in (negate x, x) cardinalRepr ∷ (G.Feminine i, G.Masculine i) ⇒ i → Exp i → Maybe Text cardinalRepr = render defaultRepr { reprValue = \inf n → M.lookup n (syms inf) , reprAdd = Just (⊞) , reprMul = Just (⊡) , reprScale = BN.pelletierRepr (BN.quantityName "ilion" "ilion") (BN.quantityName "iliard" "iliard") [] } where ( Lit 20 ⊞ Lit n) _ | n ≢ 1 ∧ n ≢ 8 = "e" ((Lit t `Mul` Lit 10) ⊞ Lit n) _ | n ≢ 1 ∧ (t ≡ 3 ∨ n ≢ 8) = "e" ( Lit 100 ⊞ _) _ = "e" ((_ `Mul` Lit 100) ⊞ _) _ = "e" ((_ `Mul` Scale{}) ⊞ _) _ = "e" (_ ⊞ _) _ = "" (_ ⊡ Scale {}) _ = " " (_ ⊡ _ ) _ = "" syms inf = M.fromList [ (0, const "zero") , (1, addCtx 10 "un" $ \c → case c of _ | G.isFeminine inf → "una" | otherwise → "un" ) , (2, addCtx 10 "do" $ \c → case c of _ | G.isFeminine inf → "does" | otherwise → "doi" ) , (3, addCtx 10 "tre" $ mulCtx 10 "tr" $ const "trei") , (4, addCtx 10 "cator" $ mulCtx 10 "car" $ const "cater") , (5, addCtx 10 "chin" $ mulCtx 10 "cinc" $ const "cinch") , (6, addCtx 10 "sei" $ mulCtx 10 "sess" $ const "sies") , (7, const "set") , (8, addCtx 10 "dot" $ const "ot") , (9, mulCtx 10 "non" $ const "nuef") , (10, \c → case c of CtxAdd _ (Lit n) _ | n ≤ 6 → "desc" | n ≡ 7 → "dejes" | n ≤ 9 → "deje" CtxMul _ (Lit 3) (CtxAdd {}) → "ent" CtxMul _ (Lit 3) _ → "enta" CtxMul _ (Lit _) (CtxAdd {}) → "ant" CtxMul _ (Lit _) _ → "anta" _ → "diesc" ) , (20, const "vint") , (100, mulCtx 6 "çent" $ const "cent") , (1000, const "mile") ]