{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude
           , UnicodeSyntax
           , PackageImports
           , RecordWildCards

module Text.Numeral.Render
    ( -- * Rendering numerals
      -- * Representation of numerals
    , Repr(..), defaultRepr
      -- * Context of expressions
    , Ctx(..)

-- Imports

import "base"                 Data.Function       ( ($) )
import "base"                 Data.Functor        ( (<$>) )
import "base"                 Data.Maybe          ( Maybe(Nothing, Just) )
import "base"                 Data.Monoid         ( Monoid )
import "base-unicode-symbols" Data.Monoid.Unicode ( () )
import "base-unicode-symbols" Prelude.Unicode     (  )
import "base"                 Text.Show           ( Show )
import "this"                 Text.Numeral.Exp    ( Exp(..), Side(L, R) )

-- Rendering numerals

-- | Renders an expression to a string-like value according to a
-- certain representation.
render  (Monoid s)  Repr s  Exp  Maybe s
render (Repr {..}) e = go CtxEmpty e
      go _   Unknown = reprUnknown
      go ctx (Lit n) = ($ ctx) <$> reprValue n
      go ctx (Scale b o r) = reprScale b o r ctx
      go ctx (Neg x) = do x'  go (CtxNeg ctx) x
                          rn  reprNeg
                          rnc  reprNegCombine
                          Just $ rnc (rn x ctx) x'
      go ctx (Add x y) = do x'  go (CtxAdd L y ctx) x
                            y'  go (CtxAdd R x ctx) y
                            ra  reprAdd
                            rac  reprAddCombine
                            Just $ rac (ra x y ctx) x' y'
      go ctx (Mul x y) = do x'  go (CtxMul L y ctx) x
                            y'  go (CtxMul R x ctx) y
                            rm  reprMul
                            rmc  reprMulCombine
                            Just $ rmc (rm x y ctx) x' y'
      go ctx (Sub x y) = do x'  go (CtxSub L y ctx) x
                            y'  go (CtxSub R x ctx) y
                            rs  reprSub
                            rsc  reprSubCombine
                            Just $ rsc (rs x y ctx) x' y'

-- Representation of numerals

-- | A representation for numerals.
-- A 'Repr' contains all the information on how to render an
-- 'Exp'ression to a string-like value.
data Repr s =
    { -- | Representation for unknown values.
      reprUnknown  Maybe s
      -- | Renders a literal value. Not necessarily defined for every
      -- value.
    , reprValue    Maybe (Ctx Exp  s)
      -- | Renders a step in a scale of large values. The arguments
      -- are in order: base, offset and rank of the step and the
      -- context of the rank. The value represented by the step is 10
      -- ^ (rank * base + offset).
    , reprScale      Exp  Ctx Exp  Maybe s
      -- | Renders a negation. This concerns the negation itself, not
      -- the thing being negated.
    , reprNeg  Maybe (Exp        Ctx Exp  s)
      -- | Renders an addition. This concerns the addition itself, not
      -- the things being added. For example: In \"one hundred and
      -- eighty\" this function would be responsible for rendering the
      -- \"and\".
    , reprAdd  Maybe (Exp  Exp  Ctx Exp  s)
      -- | Renders a multiplication. This concerns the multiplication
      -- itself, not the things being multiplied.
    , reprMul  Maybe (Exp  Exp  Ctx Exp  s)
      -- | Renders a subtraction. This concerns the subtraction
      -- itself, not the things being subtracted.
    , reprSub  Maybe (Exp  Exp  Ctx Exp  s)
      -- | Combines a negation and the thing being negated. For
      -- example: this would combine \"minus\" and \"three\" into
      -- \"minus three\".
    , reprNegCombine  Maybe (s  s      s)
      -- | Combines an addition and the things being added.
    , reprAddCombine  Maybe (s  s  s  s)
      -- | Combines a multiplication and the things being multiplied.
    , reprMulCombine  Maybe (s  s  s  s)
      -- | Combines a subtraction and the things being subtracted.
    , reprSubCombine  Maybe (s  s  s  s)

-- | The default representation.
-- Only the combining functions are defined. The rest are either
-- 'Nothing' or always produce 'Nothing'.
defaultRepr  (Monoid s)  Repr s
defaultRepr =
    Repr { reprUnknown = Nothing
         , reprValue = \_        Nothing
         , reprScale = \_ _ _ _  Nothing
         , reprNeg   = Nothing
         , reprAdd   = Nothing
         , reprMul   = Nothing
         , reprSub   = Nothing
         , reprNegCombine = Just $ \n x    n  x
         , reprAddCombine = Just $ \a x y  x  a  y
         , reprMulCombine = Just $ \m x y  x  m  y
         , reprSubCombine = Just $ \s x y  x  s  y

-- Context of expressions

-- | A context in which an 'Exp'ression appears.
data Ctx α   -- | The empty context. Used for top level expressions.
           = CtxEmpty
             -- | Negation context.
           | CtxNeg (Ctx α)
             -- | Addition context.
           | CtxAdd Side α (Ctx α)
             -- | Multiplication context.
           | CtxMul Side α (Ctx α)
             -- | Subtraction context.
           | CtxSub Side α (Ctx α)
             -- | Scale context.
           | CtxScale (Ctx α)
             deriving Show