** -> ^? * non-negative NonNegative could require ZeroTestable because Eq provides (==) and Additive provides zero and thus ZeroTestable can be implemented for all these instances. NonNegative class on top of Additive is the wrong way around since non-negative types like Peano do not provide full subtraction. There should be AdditiveMonoid and Additive on top of this, and NonNegative should be a distinct sub-class of AdditiveMonoid. Unfortunately we often have a type which provides also negative numbers (Integer, Int, Float, Double) without a counterpart type for non-negative numbers. That's the reason why the wrapper Number.NonNegative exists. But it is clearly the wrong way around. There should be a multi-parameter type class with functional dependency for the relation of a full additive/subtractive with its non-negative counterpart in order to write algorithms that work with say Card and Int, Peano and signed Peano. * Proper place of abs and signum After reflection, perhaps 'abs' and 'signum' should be names for canonically multiplying an element by a unit, and need not necessarily refer to ordered fields. There should also be another function 'signuminv'. They should satisfy abs x * signum x == x signum x * signuminv x == one abs (k*x) == abs k * abs x (For Real) abs x > 0 (For Integral) 1 `mod` x = 0 ==> signum x = x The current situation causes minor problems in the definition of the 'PID' class, which uses abs and signum to canonicalize elements. Currently 'signum' is used some places where 'signuminv' should be used; e.g., in the definition of 'x % y'. This factorization seems useful in somewhat surprising generality. However, there are useful spaces where it's not defined, e.g. computable reals. @abs x@ is computable, but @signum x@ is not continuous so not computable. Also note, that @abs@ can be defined within @Additive@ and @Ord@ (namely with the methods @negate@ and @max@) whereas @signum@ needs a @one@ or another unit which requires at least @Ring@ capabilities. * GHC bugs -fno-implicit-prelude is happy to use locally defined 'fromInteger', but not a locally defined 'fromRational'. * people probably interested in NumPrelude: Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 21:06:40 -0700 From: Paul McJones Andrew nochwas aus Wien oder so ... Mike Thomas http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/haskell-cafe/2002-February/002660.html jan.skibinski@sympatico.ca indexless linear algebra blaetterrascheln@web.de Christian Sievers Remi Turk , rturk@science.uva.nl Ronny Wichers Schreur floorSqrt William Lee Irwin III ContFrac, continued fractions Juergen Bokowski DMV-Nachrichten 2004/3 Gerhard Navratil Partial derivatives, Haskell-Cafe 2006-05-08 Paul Johnson interval arithmetic http://sourceforge.net/projects/ranged-sets David Amos algebra http://polyomino.f2s.com/ * RealFloat Defines the properties of a Floating type, thus should be named 'Floating'. Whereas the Haskell98 'Floating' should be better named 'Transcendental'. 'atan2' is candidate for 'Transcendental' rather than 'Floating'. The value 'eps' is missing. Since the functions 'floatRadix', 'floatDigits', 'floatRange' only need the type of the argument, but not its value - isn't it better to have a record containing the properties? This record can be requested by a method properties :: a -> FloatingProperties * divMod The order of the return values of 'divMod' is very sensible: a) The function (`divMod` n) has type a -> (b,a) and thus fits to the State data type. This could simplify a division algorithm. b) The order of type a is isomorphic to the order of (b,a) where (`divMod` n) is the isomorphism. However for base conversions the order of the result would be better swapped. See for instance Number.Positional. It shall be noted, that 'div', 'mod', 'divMod' have a parameter order, which is unfortunate for partial application. Maybe we should turn 'div', 'mod', 'divMod' into helper functions as needed for infix usage, and declare different class methods of different names and swapped parameters, say 'divide', 'modulo', 'divideModulo'. * safeDiv For resultant and discriminant computation, as well as for the Newton-Girard formula we need a division in a ring, where we know a priori, that the division can be performed. Is it sound to put fields like Rational, Double and so on, into the IntegralDomain class in order to allow one implementation for all types? Is it better to put all integral types into field class, thus with a partial (/) function? See also: PowerSeries * (**) In contrast to (^) and (^^) it should be restricted to positive bases, because it is ugly to do an integer test and it will fail for floating point numbers in some cases: Prelude> (-1)**2.000000000000001 NaN Prelude> (-1)**2.0000000000000001 1.0 Prelude> (-1)**1e18 1.0 Prelude> (-1)**1e19 NaN Prelude> (-1)^(10^19) 1 People are encouraged to check if they can always assert that the exponent is an integer. If this is the case they should use explicitly an integer type. If they can't assert that (I assume that will only rarely be the case), they must do this check by themselve. * Numeric type classes for DSLs It is very common to define instances of Numeric type classes for wrapping operations of a foreign programming language. Examples: CSound, SuperCollider, functionalMetaPost. E.g. the Haskell expression '1+2' is literally mapped to the CSound expression '1+2' instead of '3'. This has causes several problems: - the so defined numeric type instances do not preserve any mathematical laws, e.g. Haskell's 'a+b' is mapped to CSound's "a+b", and 'b+a' is mapped to "b+a", so this (+) instance is obviously not commutative. - It is not possible to fully define Eq and Ord (only max and min) instances for such wrapper types. People started custom type classes which provide methods like (==*) :: CSndExp -> CSndExp -> CSndBool ifGT :: CSndExp -> CSndExp -> CSndExp -> CSndExp -> CSndExp - You can only define expressions with a constant amount of operations. The computational effort must not depend on interim results. Algorithms like the Euclidean algorithm cannot be run on wrapper types. Thus we should consider custom type classes as well for Additive and Ring. Unfortunately, this seems to be necessary also for approximate arithmetic (floating and fixed point numbers). Even more, the type classes for numerical wrapper types and those for approximate arithmetic cannot be merged. Algorithms like the Euclidean algorithm _can_ be implemented for Float and Double. Eq and Ord can also be implemented, although usage of Eq is discouraged, and Ord is of restricted use. (For similar values, the rounding errors might be greater than the difference of the values.) * Implicit configuration Since there are no local type class instances available we could provide special type classes which return their results in a Reader monad. Say (+#) :: MonadReader m => a -> a -> m a * PowerSeries The transcendental power series functions can only be applied if the coefficient type supports transcendent operations. E.g. the logarithm of the series [1,2..]::[Rational] could be computed without problems since (log 1 == 0). But it fails, because Rational is no Transcendental type. Actually, for all rational numbers different from 1, the logarithm is not rational, thus defining log x = if x==1 then 0 else error "logarithm undefined for that argument" seems to be unnecessary in general, but makes sense for further usage in power series. * Sample arguments 'zero' and 'one' are undefined for some types. This indicates that the problem of implicit contextes is still not solved. For some types, phantom types are perfectly ok for describing the context, e.g. for positional numbers and fixed point numbers. But they are inconvenient for residue classes and matrices. One way out would be to provide a sample parameter, that is, turn the functions into zero :: a -> a one :: a -> a and construct zeros and ones that are compliant to the sample parameter. However, this way we propose the "sample element" approach as the general way to go. But the problem applies really only to some types. * Affine spaces: http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.haskell.libraries/3407 (Ashley Yakeley: RFC: Time Library 0.1) http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/libraries/2005-May/003865.html (Ashley Yakeley: Difference Argument Order) http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/torsors.html (Is "torsor" closer to what we want to describe?) * Vector type constructors: Currently we model vector spaces with a multi-parameter type class. It has the advantage, that it can be used very flexible for existing types. E.g. any nesting of tuples types is automatically a vector type if the tuple type is a VectorSpace instance. But it has several disadvantages: - Type inference works badly. If in a chain of vector operations, there is some undetermined type, the type checker will confront you type error messages containing type variables that you never wrote down somewhere. - It is not possible to make a complex number a scalar type with respect to some vector type, because Complex is a composed type. - You have to declare Module instances for all atomic types, which essentially copy the Ring instances. You may find it useful to implement certain functions both for Modules and for Scalars. E.g. the polynomial evaluation is sensible and useful for vector valued coefficients (e.g. Matrix series), but more often polynomials with scalar coefficients are needed. hornerScalar :: Ring a => [a] -> a -> a hornerVector :: VectorSpace a v => [v] -> a -> v You might try to unify both versions by making (VectorSpace a a) a requirement of (Ring a). However as said above, Complex can't be made an instance of VectorSpace (more precisely VectorSpace (Complex a) (Complex a) is not possible.) I also hesitate to let the single parameter type class Ring depend on the multi-parameter type class VectorSpace. There is a way out: A Vector type constructor class. class Vector v where scale :: Additive.C a => a -> v a -> v a In contrast to multi-parameter VectorSpace, we cannot force that 'v a' is also a member of Additive. We cannot restrict the vector element types by a class constraint, but the routines acting on Vector containers can have these restrictions. That is, the List type constructor is generally a Vector constructor, although the particular String type is not a vector. Since the multi-parameter approach sometimes requires two versions of a function, the type constructor approach is not worse. hornerScalar :: Ring a => [a] -> a -> a hornerVector :: (Ring a, Vector v) => [v a] -> a -> v a Actually we could again setup a multi-parameter type class VectorSpace v a where 'v' is not a type but a type constructor much like in the MArray class. Advantages: - scale :: (Complex Double) -> [Complex Double] -> [Complex Double] is possible - type inference works well Disadvantanges: - The same type cannot be both scalar and vector. In order to achieve this, one part has to be turned into a singleton vector. Is this really a disadvantage or just a kind of more type safety? - The methods from Additive ((+), zero) must be added to the Vector class. A vectorial function cannot assert by its signature that the particular vector type is Additive. - The vector methods must live with the constraints on the scalar type as given in the Vector class declaration. Say, e.g. a Vector implementation based on Data.Map may want to remove zero elements. This requires a test against zero, that is a Eq or ZeroTestable instance. You cannot add these constraints. Interestingly, this is the approach, I started on, in the end of 2004-03. * Complex numbers The module looks horrible because auxiliary type classes are introduced in order to allow optimized version for floating point numbers. Should we better split the module into an algebraic Complex type and a floating point Complex type? * ToDo: - check licences - ZeroTestable.isZero -> Zero.query - Units.isUnit -> Unit.query - TeX output class (configuration of operator precedences) * ToDo: Classes - HilbertSpace (scalar product) - AffineSpace (affine combination a*>x + (1-a)*>y) as superclass of module, contains ConvexSpace * ToDo: Types - Partial Fractions: - introduce Indexable type class for allowing partial fractions of polynomials - example decomposition (e.g. implemented in test suite) (n-2)*(n+2)/((n-4)*n*(n+4)) - Hypercomplex numbers: Octonions - matrices, vectors - conversion of complex and quaternions to real matrices - peano numbers, cardinals - continued fractions and approximations of fractions - Vector type constructor class, with Singleton, Pair, Triple, Quadruple, (->), [] as instances Henning's notes: (mod a 0) should be undefined, because the remainder should satisfy (y >=0 ==> 0 <= mod x y && mod x y < y) splitFraction replaces properFraction It does now round towards minus infinity, I can't remember that I needed the behavior of Prelude.properFraction, namely rounding towards zero, in the past, at all. I would even vote for removing 'quot' and 'rem' because people tend to use them in many cases where 'div' and 'mod' are the better choice. A remainder class type like the one modulo (2*pi) would solve ambiguities in inverse trigonometric functions, problem: complex trigonometric and exponential function. Alternatively 'log' could return a list of possible solutions. Powers are still problematic. There should be several types of powers, each of which should be unique or choose some natural result. Powers of two complex number are rarely needed and often lead to unexpected results, e.g. discontinuous functions. (E.g. the Cauchy wavelet.) Interesting types of powers and suggested power notation: anything ^ cardinal fractional ^- integer algebraic ^/ rational (list of powers) positive real (transcendent) ^? anything (via exponential series) In my opinion it's important to put not too much meanings in one symbol, e.g. (*) can already be redefined in quite exotic ways, but the equal type of the operands should be the minimum. So I find it good to have a different operator (*>) for the multiplication of scalar and vector, and very similar an add operation for durations and absolute times (say Minutes 12 +> Time 12 04 53) or temperature differences and absolute temperatures (Kelvin 10 +> DegreeCelcius 43) or tone intervals and absolute pitches (say 3 +> Pitch C 1) Haskell should distinguish between numeric machine constants (say 2#) and polymorphic constants (say 2 = fromMachineInt 2#), this would avoid cycles Module is named Algebra.Module since there might be many people who want to define some type named Module. the properties in Algebra.Laws could be rewritten as simplification rules for GHC, though they should be disabled by default, because the rules doesn't always apply due to overflows and rounding. How can one handle errors in a computation? On the one hand there are errors that can be avoided by respecting restrictions for function arguments. E.g. vectors dimension mismatch, unit mismatch, index out of array, division by zero. These should be prevented by proper types and if that is not possible then by 'undefined' values. There is no need to recover from them or handle them otherwise because they can be avoided by proper call of the functions, and in several cases are fulfilled automatically. However there might be some support for detecting programming errors e.g. by reporting "the values 1m and 2s can't be added: expression 1m+2s, sub-expression of ..." instad of just "unit mismatch". On the other hand there are errors that cannot be avoided easily, e.g. overflow. Overflow can be considered as using the wrong type, e.g. Int instead of Integer. But in more complicated cases you should return a Maybe. Examples for implicit configuration residue classes: modulus matrix computation: matrix size positional numbers: base fixed point numbers: position of the dot, i.e. denominator