{-# LANGUAGE RebindableSyntax #-}
module MathObj.PowerSeries.Example where

import qualified MathObj.PowerSeries.Core as PS

import qualified Algebra.Field          as Field
import qualified Algebra.Ring           as Ring
-- import qualified Algebra.Additive       as Additive
import qualified Algebra.ZeroTestable   as ZeroTestable
import qualified Algebra.Transcendental as Transcendental

import Algebra.Additive (zero, subtract, negate)

import Data.List (intersperse, )
import Data.List.HT (sieve, )

import NumericPrelude.Numeric (one, (*), (/),
                       fromInteger, {-fromRational,-} pi)
import NumericPrelude.Base -- (Bool, const, map, zipWith, id, (&&), (==))

{- * Default implementations. -}

recip :: (Ring.C a) => [a]
recip = recipExpl

exp, sin, cos,
  log, asin, atan, sqrt :: (Field.C a) => [a]
acos :: (Transcendental.C a) => [a]
tan :: (ZeroTestable.C a, Field.C a) => [a]
exp = expODE
sin = sinODE
cos = cosODE
tan = tanExplSieve
log = logODE
asin = asinODE
acos = acosODE
atan = atanODE

sinh, cosh, atanh :: (Field.C a) => [a]
sinh  = sinhODE
cosh  = coshODE
atanh = atanhODE

pow :: (Field.C a) => a -> [a]
pow = powExpl
sqrt = sqrtExpl

{- * Generate Taylor series explicitly. -}

recipExpl :: (Ring.C a) => [a]
recipExpl = cycle [1,-1]

expExpl, sinExpl, cosExpl :: (Field.C a) => [a]
expExpl = scanl (*) one PS.recipProgression
sinExpl = zero : PS.holes2alternate (tail expExpl)
cosExpl =        PS.holes2alternate       expExpl

tanExpl, tanExplSieve :: (ZeroTestable.C a, Field.C a) => [a]
tanExpl = PS.divide sinExpl cosExpl
-- ignore zero values
tanExplSieve =
      (\x -> [zero,x])
      (PS.divide (sieve 2 (tail sin)) (sieve 2 cos))

logExpl, atanExpl, sqrtExpl :: (Field.C a) => [a]
logExpl  = zero : PS.alternate       PS.recipProgression
atanExpl = zero : PS.holes2alternate PS.recipProgression

sinhExpl, coshExpl, atanhExpl :: (Field.C a) => [a]
sinhExpl  = zero : PS.holes2 (tail expExpl)
coshExpl  =        PS.holes2       expExpl
atanhExpl = zero : PS.holes2 PS.recipProgression

{- * Power series of (1+x)^expon using the binomial series. -}

powExpl :: (Field.C a) => a -> [a]
powExpl expon =
   scanl (*) 1 (zipWith (/)
      (iterate (subtract 1) expon) PS.progression)
sqrtExpl = powExpl (1/2)

{- |
Power series of error function (almost).
More precisely @ erf = 2 \/ sqrt pi * integrate (\x -> exp (-x^2)) @,
with @erf 0 = 0@.

erf :: (Field.C a) => [a]
erf = PS.integrate 0 $ intersperse 0 $ PS.alternate exp

integrate (\x -> exp (-x^2/2)) :

erf = PS.integrate 0 $ intersperse 0 $
    snd $ mapAccumL (\twoPow c -> (twoPow/(-2), twoPow*c)) 1 exp

{- * Generate Taylor series from differential equations. -}

exp' x == exp x
sin' x == cos x
cos' x == - sin x

tan' x == 1 + tan x ^ 2
       == cos x ^ (-2)

expODE, sinODE, cosODE, tanODE, tanODESieve :: (Field.C a) => [a]
expODE = PS.integrate 1 expODE
sinODE = PS.integrate 0 cosODE
cosODE = PS.integrate 1 (PS.negate sinODE)
tanODE = PS.integrate 0 (PS.add [1] (PS.mul tanODE tanODE))
tanODESieve =
   -- sieve is too strict here because it wants to detect end of lists
   let tan2 = map head (iterate (drop 2) (tail tanODESieve))
   in  PS.integrate 0 (intersperse zero (1 : PS.mul tan2 tan2))

log' (1+x) == 1/(1+x)
asin' x == acos' x == 1/sqrt(1-x^2)
atan' x == 1/(1+x^2)

logODE, recipCircle, asinODE, atanODE, sqrtODE :: (Field.C a) => [a]
logODE  = PS.integrate zero recip
recipCircle = intersperse zero (PS.alternate (powODE (-1/2)))
asinODE = PS.integrate 0 recipCircle
atanODE = PS.integrate zero (cycle [1,0,-1,0])
sqrtODE = powODE (1/2)

acosODE :: (Transcendental.C a) => [a]
acosODE = PS.integrate (pi/2) recipCircle

sinhODE, coshODE, atanhODE :: (Field.C a) => [a]
sinhODE = PS.integrate 0 coshODE
coshODE = PS.integrate 1 sinhODE
atanhODE = PS.integrate zero (cycle [1,0])

Power series for y with
   y x = (1+x) ** alpha
by solving the differential equation
   alpha * y x = (1+x) * y' x

powODE :: (Field.C a) => a -> [a]
powODE expon =
   let y  = PS.integrate 1 y'
       y' = PS.scale expon (scanl1 subtract y)
   in  y